static int SHELL_RegisterCPanelFolders(IEnumIDList* list, HKEY hkey_root, LPCSTR szRepPath) { char name[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey; int cnt = 0; if (RegOpenKeyA(hkey_root, szRepPath, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int idx = 0; for(;; ++idx) { if (RegEnumKeyA(hkey, idx, name, MAX_PATH) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if (*name == '{') { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = _ILCreateGuidFromStrA(name); if (pidl && AddToEnumList(list, pidl)) ++cnt; } } RegCloseKey(hkey); } return cnt; }
static BOOL MIDIMAP_LoadSettingsScheme(MIDIMAPDATA* mom, const char* scheme) { HKEY hSchemesKey, hKey, hPortKey; unsigned i, idx, dev; char buffer[256], port[256]; DWORD type, size, mask; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) mom->ChannelMap[i] = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaProperties\\PrivateProperties\\Midi\\Schemes", &hSchemesKey)) { return FALSE; } if (RegOpenKeyA(hSchemesKey, scheme, &hKey)) { RegCloseKey(hSchemesKey); return FALSE; } for (idx = 0; !RegEnumKeyA(hKey, idx, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); idx++) { if (RegOpenKeyA(hKey, buffer, &hPortKey)) continue; size = sizeof(port); if (RegQueryValueExA(hPortKey, NULL, 0, &type, port, &size)) continue; if (!MIDIMAP_FindPort(port, &dev)) continue; size = sizeof(mask); if (RegQueryValueExA(hPortKey, "Channels", 0, &type, (void*)&mask, &size)) continue; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { if (mom->ChannelMap[i]) ERR("Quirks in registry, channel %u is mapped twice\n", i); mom->ChannelMap[i] = &midiOutPorts[dev]; } } } RegCloseKey(hSchemesKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
std::vector<J2534Library> J2534_API::getAvailableJ2534Libs() { std::vector<J2534Library> PTlibraries; HKEY hKey1, hKey2; DWORD index = 0; char KeyName[256] = ""; long ret = 0; ret = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ("Software"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey1); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__ std::cout << "J2534interface::getAvailableJ2534Libs(): RegOpenKeyEx(...) for 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software' failed with error " << ret << "\n"; #endif return PTlibraries; } // Search for keys "PassThruSupport", "PassThruSupport.04.04": while ((RegEnumKeyA(hKey1, index, KeyName, 256)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { if (!strncmp(KeyName, "PassThruSupport", 15)) { ret = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey1, KeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey2); // "PassThruSupportXXX" if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) // "PassThruSupportXXX" { // Search for library data in all sub-keys (recursive) PTlibraries = searchLibValuesRecursive(hKey2, PTlibraries); ret = RegCloseKey(hKey2); #ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__ if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) std::cout << "J2534interface::getAvailableJ2534Libs(): RegCloseKey(hKey2) failed with error " << ret << "\n"; #endif } #ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__ else std::cout << "J2534interface::getAvailableJ2534Libs(): RegOpenKexEx(...) for key " << KeyName << " failed with error " << ret << "\n"; #endif } index++; } ret = RegCloseKey(hKey1); #ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__ if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) std::cout << "J2534interface::getAvailableJ2534Libs(): RegCloseKey(hKey1) failed with error " << ret << "\n"; printLibraryInfo(PTlibraries); #endif return PTlibraries; }
/* delete key and all its subkeys */ static DWORD delete_key(HKEY hkey) { char name[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ret; while (!(ret = RegEnumKeyA(hkey, 0, name, sizeof(name)))) { HKEY tmp; if (!(ret = RegOpenKeyExA(hkey, name, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &tmp))) { ret = delete_key(tmp); RegCloseKey(tmp); } if (ret) break; } if (ret != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) return ret; RegDeleteKeyA(hkey, ""); return 0; }
void GetInstalledSoft (char *ResultBuff,DWORD BuffLen) { HKEY hKey,hItemKey; char ItemKey[BUFF_MAX_LEN],Data[BUFF_MAX_LEN], SoftName[BUFF_MAX_LEN],SoftVersion[BUFF_MAX_LEN]; DWORD cbItemKey=sizeof(cbItemKey),cbData=sizeof(Data), cbSoftName=sizeof(SoftName),cbSoftVersion=sizeof(SoftVersion), i = 0, type; memset(ResultBuff, 0, BuffLen); memset(Data, 0, cbData); if (RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall", &hKey)) { return; } while (RegEnumKeyA(hKey, i++, Data, cbData) == 0) { cbSoftName=BUFF_MAX_LEN; cbSoftVersion=BUFF_MAX_LEN; memset(SoftName, 0, cbSoftName); memset(SoftVersion, 0, cbSoftVersion); memset(ItemKey, 0, cbItemKey); sprintf(ItemKey,"%s\\%s","Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall",Data); if (RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ItemKey, &hItemKey)) { return; } RegQueryValueExA(hItemKey, "DisplayName", 0, &type, SoftName, &cbSoftName); RegQueryValueExA(hItemKey, "DisplayVersion", 0, &type, SoftVersion, &cbSoftVersion); RegCloseKey(hItemKey); if (SoftName[0]!=0) { sprintf(ResultBuff,"%s[IS] [Name: %s] [Vesion: %s]\n", ResultBuff, SoftName, SoftVersion); } } RegCloseKey(hKey); return; }
static BOOL QueryRegValue(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPBYTE lpValue, LPDWORD pCbValue) { char *pSubKey, *pTok, szKey[256]={0}; DWORD dwIndex; LONG ret; if ( !lpSubKey || !*lpSubKey ) return FALSE; if ( *lpSubKey != '*' ) { for (pSubKey = (char*)lpSubKey; *pSubKey != '*'; pSubKey = pTok + 1) if (!(pTok = strchr(pSubKey, '\\'))) break; if ( pSubKey > lpSubKey ) { if ( pSubKey - lpSubKey == 1 ) return FALSE; strncpy (szKey, lpSubKey, pSubKey - lpSubKey - 1); if (RegOpenKeyA (hKey, szKey, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ret = QueryRegValue(hKey, pSubKey, lpValue, pCbValue); RegCloseKey(hKey); return ret; } return FALSE; } if ( *lpSubKey != '*' ) return RegQueryValueExA (hKey, lpSubKey, NULL, NULL, lpValue, pCbValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (lpSubKey[1] != '\\') return RegQueryValueExA (hKey, lpSubKey, NULL, NULL, lpValue, pCbValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS; for (dwIndex = 0; (ret = RegEnumKeyA (hKey, dwIndex, szKey, sizeof(szKey))) == ERROR_SUCCESS; dwIndex++) { char szSubKey[256]; sprintf (szSubKey, "%s%s", szKey, lpSubKey+1); if (QueryRegValue (hKey, szSubKey, lpValue, pCbValue)) break; } return ret == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
std::vector<J2534Library> J2534_API::searchLibValuesRecursive(HKEY hKey, std::vector<J2534Library> PTlibs) { HKEY hKey2; DWORD index = 0; char KeyName[256] = ""; J2534Library PTlib; PTlib.api = J2534_API_v0404; char ValueName[256] = ""; unsigned long szValueName = 256;// variable that specifies the size (in characters, including the terminating null char) of the buffer pointed to by the "ValueName" parameter. unsigned char Data[256] = ""; // buffer that receives the data for the value entry. This parameter can be NULL if the data is not required unsigned long szData = 256; // variable that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the lpData parameter. long ret = 0; unsigned long ValueDataType = REG_NONE; // Check values : while ((RegEnumValueA(hKey, index, ValueName, &szValueName, NULL, &ValueDataType, Data, &szData)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { if (ValueDataType == REG_SZ) { if (!strncmp(ValueName,"FunctionLibrary",15)) { PTlib.path = (char*)(Data); } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"Name",4)) { = (char*)(Data); } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"ProtocolsSupported",18)) // 02.02-API { std::string protocol_str = (char*)(Data); if (protocol_str.find("J1850VPW") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_J1850VPW; if (protocol_str.find("J1850PWM") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_J1850PWM; if (protocol_str.find("ISO9141") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO9141; if (protocol_str.find("ISO14230") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO14230; if (protocol_str.find("ISO15765") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO15765; if (protocol_str.find("CAN") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_CAN; if (protocol_str.find("SCI_A_ENGINE") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_A_ENGINE; if (protocol_str.find("SCI_A_TRANS") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_A_TRANS; if (protocol_str.find("SCI_B_ENGINE") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_B_ENGINE; if (protocol_str.find("SCI_B_TRANS") != std::string::npos) PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_B_TRANS; PTlib.api = J2534_API_v0202; } } else if (ValueDataType == REG_DWORD) // 04.04-API { DWORD key_value = *((DWORD*)(void*)(Data)); if (key_value) { if (!strncmp(ValueName,"J1850VPW",7)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_J1850VPW;; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"J1850PWM", 7)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_J1850PWM; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"ISO9141", 7)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO9141; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"ISO14230", 8)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO14230; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"ISO15765", 8)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO15765; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"CAN", 3)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_CAN; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"SCI_A_ENGINE", 12)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_A_ENGINE; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"SCI_A_TRANS", 11)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_A_TRANS; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"SCI_B_ENGINE", 12)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_B_ENGINE; } else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"SCI_B_TRANS", 11)) { PTlib.protocols |= PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_B_TRANS; } } } szValueName = 256; // because RegEnumValue has changed value ! szData = 256; // because RegEnumValue has changed value ! index++; } if (PTlib.path.size() > 0) PTlibs.push_back( PTlib ); // Check sub-keys: index = 0; while (RegEnumKeyA(hKey, index, KeyName, 256) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { ret = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, KeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey2); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PTlibs = searchLibValuesRecursive(hKey2, PTlibs); ret = RegCloseKey(hKey2); #ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__ if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) std::cout << "J2534interface::searchLibValuesRecursive(): RegCloseKey(...) failed with error " << ret << "\n"; #endif } #ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__ else { std::cout << "J2534interface::getAvailableJ2534Libs(): RegOpenKexEx(...) for key " << KeyName << " failed with error " << ret << "\n"; } #endif index++; } return PTlibs; }
/*********************************************************************** * VxDCall_VMM */ static DWORD VxDCall_VMM( DWORD service, CONTEXT86 *context ) { switch ( LOWORD(service) ) { case 0x0011: /* RegOpenKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); LPHKEY retkey = (LPHKEY)stack32_pop( context ); return RegOpenKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey, retkey ); } case 0x0012: /* RegCreateKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); LPHKEY retkey = (LPHKEY)stack32_pop( context ); return RegCreateKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey, retkey ); } case 0x0013: /* RegCloseKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY)stack32_pop( context ); return RegCloseKey( hkey ); } case 0x0014: /* RegDeleteKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); return RegDeleteKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey ); } case 0x0015: /* RegSetValue */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); DWORD dwType = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszData = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); DWORD cbData = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context ); return RegSetValueA( hkey, lpszSubKey, dwType, lpszData, cbData ); } case 0x0016: /* RegDeleteValue */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszValue = (LPSTR)stack32_pop( context ); return RegDeleteValueA( hkey, lpszValue ); } case 0x0017: /* RegQueryValue */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszSubKey = (LPSTR) stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszData = (LPSTR) stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcbData = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); return RegQueryValueA( hkey, lpszSubKey, lpszData, lpcbData ); } case 0x0018: /* RegEnumKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); DWORD iSubkey = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszName = (LPSTR)stack32_pop( context ); DWORD lpcchName = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context ); return RegEnumKeyA( hkey, iSubkey, lpszName, lpcchName ); } case 0x0019: /* RegEnumValue */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); DWORD iValue = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszValue = (LPSTR) stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcchValue = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpReserved = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpdwType = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPBYTE lpbData = (LPBYTE) stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcbData = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); return RegEnumValueA( hkey, iValue, lpszValue, lpcchValue, lpReserved, lpdwType, lpbData, lpcbData ); } case 0x001A: /* RegQueryValueEx */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszValue = (LPSTR) stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpReserved = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpdwType = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPBYTE lpbData = (LPBYTE) stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcbData = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); return RegQueryValueExA( hkey, lpszValue, lpReserved, lpdwType, lpbData, lpcbData ); } case 0x001B: /* RegSetValueEx */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPSTR lpszValue = (LPSTR) stack32_pop( context ); DWORD dwReserved = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context ); DWORD dwType = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context ); LPBYTE lpbData = (LPBYTE)stack32_pop( context ); DWORD cbData = (DWORD) stack32_pop( context ); return RegSetValueExA( hkey, lpszValue, dwReserved, dwType, lpbData, cbData ); } case 0x001C: /* RegFlushKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY)stack32_pop( context ); return RtlNtStatusToDosError (NtFlushKey (hkey)); } case 0x001D: /* RegQueryInfoKey */ { /* NOTE: This VxDCall takes only a subset of the parameters that the corresponding Win32 API call does. The implementation in Win95 ADVAPI32 sets all output parameters not mentioned here to zero. */ HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcSubKeys = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcchMaxSubKey = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcValues = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcchMaxValueName = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); LPDWORD lpcchMaxValueData = (LPDWORD)stack32_pop( context ); return RegQueryInfoKeyA( hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, lpcSubKeys, lpcchMaxSubKey, NULL, lpcValues, lpcchMaxValueName, lpcchMaxValueData, NULL, NULL ); } case 0x0021: /* RegLoadKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszFile = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); return RegLoadKeyA( hkey, lpszSubKey, lpszFile ); } case 0x0022: /* RegUnLoadKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); FIXME ("(%p, %s): stub (should call NtUnloadKey)\n", (void *)hkey, lpszSubKey); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } case 0x0023: /* RegSaveKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszFile = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)stack32_pop( context ); return RegSaveKeyA( hkey, lpszFile, sa ); } #if 0 /* Functions are not yet implemented in misc/registry.c */ case 0x0024: /* RegRemapPreDefKey */ case 0x0026: /* RegQueryMultipleValues */ #endif case 0x0027: /* RegReplaceKey */ { HKEY hkey = (HKEY) stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszSubKey = (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszNewFile= (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); LPCSTR lpszOldFile= (LPCSTR)stack32_pop( context ); FIXME ("(%p, %s, %s, %s): stub (should call NtReplaceKey)\n", (void *)hkey, lpszSubKey, lpszNewFile, lpszOldFile); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } case 0x0000: /* PageReserve */ { LPVOID address; LPVOID ret; DWORD psize = getpagesize(); ULONG page = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG npages = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG flags = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); TRACE("PageReserve: page: %08lx, npages: %08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub!\n", page, npages, flags ); if ( page == PR_SYSTEM ) { ERR("Can't reserve ring 1 memory\n"); return -1; } /* FIXME: This has to be handled separately for the separate address-spaces we now have */ if ( page == PR_PRIVATE || page == PR_SHARED ) page = 0; /* FIXME: Handle flags in some way */ address = (LPVOID )(page * psize); ret = VirtualAlloc ( address, ( npages * psize ), MEM_RESERVE, 0 ); TRACE("PageReserve: returning: %08lx\n", (DWORD )ret ); if ( ret == NULL ) return -1; else return (DWORD )ret; } case 0x0001: /* PageCommit */ { LPVOID address; LPVOID ret; DWORD virt_perm; DWORD psize = getpagesize(); ULONG page = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG npages = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG hpd = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG pagerdata = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG flags = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); TRACE("PageCommit: page: %08lx, npages: %08lx, hpd: %08lx pagerdata: " "%08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub\n", page, npages, hpd, pagerdata, flags ); if ( flags & PC_USER ) if ( flags & PC_WRITEABLE ) virt_perm = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE; else virt_perm = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ; else virt_perm = PAGE_NOACCESS; address = (LPVOID )(page * psize); ret = VirtualAlloc ( address, ( npages * psize ), MEM_COMMIT, virt_perm ); TRACE("PageCommit: Returning: %08lx\n", (DWORD )ret ); return (DWORD )ret; } case 0x0002: /* PageDecommit */ { LPVOID address; BOOL ret; DWORD psize = getpagesize(); ULONG page = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG npages = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); ULONG flags = (ULONG) stack32_pop( context ); TRACE("PageDecommit: page: %08lx, npages: %08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub\n", page, npages, flags ); address = (LPVOID )( page * psize ); ret = VirtualFree ( address, ( npages * psize ), MEM_DECOMMIT ); TRACE("PageDecommit: Returning: %s\n", ret ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); return ret; } case 0x000d: /* PageModifyPermissions */ { DWORD pg_old_perm; DWORD pg_new_perm; DWORD virt_old_perm; DWORD virt_new_perm; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; LPVOID address; DWORD psize = getpagesize(); ULONG page = stack32_pop ( context ); ULONG npages = stack32_pop ( context ); ULONG permand = stack32_pop ( context ); ULONG permor = stack32_pop ( context ); TRACE("PageModifyPermissions %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx partial stub\n", page, npages, permand, permor ); address = (LPVOID )( page * psize ); VirtualQuery ( address, &mbi, sizeof ( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION )); virt_old_perm = mbi.Protect; switch ( virt_old_perm & mbi.Protect ) { case PAGE_READONLY: case PAGE_EXECUTE: case PAGE_EXECUTE_READ: pg_old_perm = PC_USER; break; case PAGE_READWRITE: case PAGE_WRITECOPY: case PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE: case PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY: pg_old_perm = PC_USER | PC_WRITEABLE; break; case PAGE_NOACCESS: default: pg_old_perm = 0; break; } pg_new_perm = pg_old_perm; pg_new_perm &= permand & ~PC_STATIC; pg_new_perm |= permor & ~PC_STATIC; virt_new_perm = ( virt_old_perm ) & ~0xff; if ( pg_new_perm & PC_USER ) { if ( pg_new_perm & PC_WRITEABLE ) virt_new_perm |= PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE; else virt_new_perm |= PAGE_EXECUTE_READ; } if ( ! VirtualProtect ( address, ( npages * psize ), virt_new_perm, &virt_old_perm ) ) { ERR("Can't change page permissions for %08lx\n", (DWORD )address ); return 0xffffffff; } TRACE("Returning: %08lx\n", pg_old_perm ); return pg_old_perm; } case 0x000a: /* PageFree */ { BOOL ret; LPVOID hmem = (LPVOID) stack32_pop( context ); DWORD flags = (DWORD ) stack32_pop( context ); TRACE("PageFree: hmem: %08lx, flags: %08lx partial stub\n", (DWORD )hmem, flags ); ret = VirtualFree ( hmem, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); context->Eax = ret; TRACE("Returning: %d\n", ret ); return 0; } case 0x001e: /* GetDemandPageInfo */ { DWORD dinfo = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context ); DWORD flags = (DWORD)stack32_pop( context ); /* GetDemandPageInfo is supposed to fill out the struct at * "dinfo" with various low-level memory management information. * Apps are certainly not supposed to call this, although it's * demoed and documented by Pietrek on pages 441-443 of "Windows * 95 System Programming Secrets" if any program needs a real * implementation of this. */ FIXME("GetDemandPageInfo(%08lx %08lx): stub!\n", dinfo, flags); return 0; } default: if (LOWORD(service) < N_VMM_SERVICE) FIXME( "Unimplemented service %s (%08lx)\n", VMM_Service_Name[LOWORD(service)], service); else FIXME( "Unknown service %08lx\n", service); break; } return 0xffffffff; /* FIXME */ }
static int renderspuAtiQuirk_GetICDDriverList(char *pBuf, DWORD cbBuf, DWORD *pcbResult) { static LPCSTR aValueNames[] = {"OpenGLVendorName", "OpenGLDriverName"}; char *pBufPos = pBuf; DWORD cbBufRemain = cbBuf, cbTotal = 0; HKEY hKey, hSubkey; DWORD dwIndex = 0; int i; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char NameBuf[CRREG_MAXKEYNAME]; LONG lRc; if (pcbResult) *pcbResult = 0; lRc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}", 0, /* reserved*/ KEY_READ, &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRc) { crDebug("RegOpenKeyEx 1 failed, %d", lRc); return VERR_OPEN_FAILED; } for ( ; ; ++dwIndex) { lRc = RegEnumKeyA(hKey, dwIndex, NameBuf, CRREG_MAXKEYNAME); if (lRc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; if (lRc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) continue; if (lRc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { crWarning("RegEnumKeyA failed, %d", lRc); continue; } lRc = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, NameBuf, 0, /* reserved*/ KEY_READ, &hSubkey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRc) { crDebug("RegOpenKeyEx 2 failed, %d", lRc); RegCloseKey(hKey); return VERR_OPEN_FAILED; } for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aValueNames); ++i) { DWORD cbCur = cbBufRemain; DWORD type; lRc = RegQueryValueExA(hSubkey, aValueNames[i], NULL, /* reserved*/ &type, (PBYTE)pBufPos, &cbCur); /* exclude second null termination */ --cbCur; if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == lRc) { if (REG_MULTI_SZ != type) { crWarning("unexpected data type! %d", type); continue; } rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; pBufPos = NULL; cbBufRemain = 0; CRASSERT(cbCur > 0 && cbCur < UINT32_MAX/2); cbTotal += cbCur; continue; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRc) { crDebug("RegQueryValueExA failed, %d", lRc); continue; } if (REG_MULTI_SZ != type) { crWarning("unexpected data type! %d", type); continue; } /* succeeded */ CRASSERT(cbCur > 0 && cbCur < UINT32_MAX/2); pBufPos += cbCur; cbBufRemain -= cbCur; cbTotal += cbCur; CRASSERT(cbBufRemain < UINT32_MAX/2); } RegCloseKey(hSubkey); } RegCloseKey(hKey); if (cbTotal) { /* include second null termination */ CRASSERT(!pBufPos || pBufPos[0] == '\0'); ++cbTotal; } if (pcbResult) *pcbResult = cbTotal; return rc; }
/****************************************************************************** * RegEnumKey [SHELL.7] */ DWORD WINAPI RegEnumKey16( HKEY hkey, DWORD index, LPSTR name, DWORD name_len ) { fix_win16_hkey( &hkey ); return RegEnumKeyA( hkey, index, name, name_len ); }
/*********************************************************************** * lineGetTranslateCaps (TAPI32.@) * * get address translate capabilities. Returns a LINETRANSLATECAPS * structure: * * +-----------------------+ * |TotalSize | * |NeededSize | * |UsedSize | * +-----------------------+ * |NumLocations | * |LocationsListSize | * |LocationsListOffset | -+ * |CurrentLocationID | | * +-----------------------+ | * |NumCards | | * |CardListSize | | * |CardListOffset | -|--+ * |CurrentPreferredCardID | | | * +-----------------------+ | | * | | <+ | * |LINELOCATIONENTRY #1 | | * | | | * +-----------------------+ | * ~ ~ | * +-----------------------+ | * | | | * |LINELOCATIONENTRY | | * | #NumLocations| | * +-----------------------+ | * | | <---+ * |LINECARDENTRY #1 | * | | * +-----------------------+ * ~ ~ * +-----------------------+ * | | * |LINECARDENTRY #NumCards| * | | * +-----------------------+ * | room for strings named| * | in the structures | * | above. | * +-----------------------+ */ DWORD WINAPI lineGetTranslateCapsA(HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINETRANSLATECAPS lpTranslateCaps) { HKEY hkLocations, hkCards, hkCardLocations, hsubkey; int numlocations, numcards; DWORD maxlockeylen, maxcardkeylen; char *loc_key_name = NULL; char *card_key_name = NULL; LPBYTE strptr; int length; int i; DWORD lendword; DWORD currentid; LPLINELOCATIONENTRY pLocEntry; LPLINECARDENTRY pCardEntry; TRACE("(%p, %08x, %p (tot. size %d)\n", hLineApp, dwAPIVersion, lpTranslateCaps, lpTranslateCaps->dwTotalSize ); if( lpTranslateCaps->dwTotalSize < sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS)) return LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL; if( RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szLocationsKey, &hkLocations) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("unexpected registry error 1.\n"); return LINEERR_INIFILECORRUPT; } lendword = sizeof( DWORD); if( RegQueryValueExA( hkLocations, "CurrentID", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) ¤tid, &lendword) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) currentid = -1; /* change this later */ if(RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkLocations, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &maxlockeylen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkLocations); ERR("unexpected registry error 2.\n"); return LINEERR_INIFILECORRUPT; } maxlockeylen++; if( maxlockeylen < 10) maxlockeylen = 10; /* need this also if there is no key */ loc_key_name = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, maxlockeylen); /* first time through: calculate needed space */ length=0; i=0; numlocations=0; while( RegEnumKeyA(hkLocations, i, loc_key_name, maxlockeylen) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD size_val; i++; if( strncasecmp(loc_key_name, "location", 8) || (RegOpenKeyA(hkLocations, loc_key_name, &hsubkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) continue; numlocations++; length += sizeof(LINELOCATIONENTRY); RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Name",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "AreaCode",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "OutsideAccess",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LongDistanceAccess",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "DisableCallWaiting",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; /* fixme: what about TollPrefixList???? */ RegCloseKey(hsubkey); } if(numlocations == 0) { /* add one location */ if( RegCreateKeyA( hkLocations, "Location1", &hsubkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwval; char buf[10]; numlocations = 1; length += sizeof(LINELOCATIONENTRY) + 20 ; RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "AreaCode", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"010", 4); GetLocaleInfoA( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICOUNTRY, buf, 8); dwval = atoi(buf); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "Country", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwval, sizeof(DWORD)); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "DisableCallWaiting", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 1); dwval = 1; RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "Flags", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwval, sizeof(DWORD)); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "LongDistanceAccess", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 1); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "Name", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"New Location", 13); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "OutsideAccess", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 1); RegCloseKey(hsubkey); dwval = 1; RegSetValueExA( hkLocations, "CurrentID", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwval, sizeof(DWORD)); dwval = 2; RegSetValueExA( hkLocations, "NextID", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwval, sizeof(DWORD)); } } /* do the card list */ numcards=0; if( RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCardsKey, &hkCards) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if(RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkCards, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &maxcardkeylen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { maxcardkeylen++; if( maxcardkeylen < 6) maxcardkeylen = 6; card_key_name = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, maxcardkeylen); i=0; while( RegEnumKeyA(hkCards, i, card_key_name, maxcardkeylen) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD size_val; i++; if( strncasecmp(card_key_name, "card", 4) || ERROR_SUCCESS != (RegOpenKeyA(hkCards, card_key_name, &hsubkey) )) continue; numcards++; length += sizeof(LINECARDENTRY); RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Name",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LocalRule",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LDRule",NULL,NULL,NULL,&size_val); length += size_val; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "InternationalRule",NULL,NULL,NULL, &size_val); length += size_val; RegCloseKey(hsubkey); } } /* add one card (direct call) */ if (numcards == 0 && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyA( hkCards, "Card1", &hsubkey)) { DWORD dwval; numcards = 1; length += sizeof(LINECARDENTRY) + 22 ; RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "Name", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"None (Direct Call)", 19); dwval = 1; RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "Flags", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwval, sizeof(DWORD)); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "InternationalRule", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 1); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "LDRule", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 1); RegSetValueExA( hsubkey, "LocalRule", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 1); RegCloseKey(hsubkey); dwval = 2; RegSetValueExA( hkCards, "NextID", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwval, sizeof(DWORD)); } } else hkCards = 0; /* should really fail */ /* check if sufficient room is available */ lpTranslateCaps->dwNeededSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS) + length; if ( lpTranslateCaps->dwNeededSize > lpTranslateCaps->dwTotalSize ) { RegCloseKey( hkLocations); if( hkCards) RegCloseKey( hkCards); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, loc_key_name); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, card_key_name); lpTranslateCaps->dwUsedSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS); TRACE("Insufficient space: total %d needed %d used %d\n", lpTranslateCaps->dwTotalSize, lpTranslateCaps->dwNeededSize, lpTranslateCaps->dwUsedSize); return 0; } /* fill in the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure */ lpTranslateCaps->dwUsedSize = lpTranslateCaps->dwNeededSize; lpTranslateCaps->dwNumLocations = numlocations; lpTranslateCaps->dwLocationListSize = sizeof(LINELOCATIONENTRY) * lpTranslateCaps->dwNumLocations; lpTranslateCaps->dwLocationListOffset = sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS); lpTranslateCaps->dwCurrentLocationID = currentid; lpTranslateCaps->dwNumCards = numcards; lpTranslateCaps->dwCardListSize = sizeof(LINECARDENTRY) * lpTranslateCaps->dwNumCards; lpTranslateCaps->dwCardListOffset = lpTranslateCaps->dwLocationListOffset + lpTranslateCaps->dwLocationListSize; lpTranslateCaps->dwCurrentPreferredCardID = 0; /* this is where the strings will be stored */ strptr = ((LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps) + lpTranslateCaps->dwCardListOffset + lpTranslateCaps->dwCardListSize; pLocEntry = (LPLINELOCATIONENTRY) (lpTranslateCaps + 1); /* key with Preferred CardID's */ if( RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szLocationsKey, &hkCardLocations) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) hkCardLocations = 0; /* second time through all locations */ i=0; while(RegEnumKeyA(hkLocations, i, loc_key_name, maxlockeylen) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD size_val; i++; if( strncasecmp(loc_key_name, "location", 8) || (RegOpenKeyA(hkLocations, loc_key_name, &hsubkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) continue; size_val=sizeof(DWORD); if( RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "ID",NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &(pLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID), &size_val) != ERROR_SUCCESS) pLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID = atoi( loc_key_name + 8); size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Name",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pLocEntry->dwLocationNameSize = size_val; pLocEntry->dwLocationNameOffset = strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "AreaCode",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pLocEntry->dwCityCodeSize = size_val; pLocEntry->dwCityCodeOffset = strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "OutsideAccess",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pLocEntry->dwLocalAccessCodeSize = size_val; pLocEntry->dwLocalAccessCodeOffset = strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LongDistanceAccess",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pLocEntry->dwLongDistanceAccessCodeSize= size_val; pLocEntry->dwLongDistanceAccessCodeOffset= strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "DisableCallWaiting",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pLocEntry->dwCancelCallWaitingSize= size_val; pLocEntry->dwCancelCallWaitingOffset= strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; pLocEntry->dwTollPrefixListSize = 0; /* FIXME */ pLocEntry->dwTollPrefixListOffset = 0; /* FIXME */ size_val=sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Country",NULL,NULL, (LPBYTE) &(pLocEntry->dwCountryCode), &size_val); pLocEntry->dwCountryID = pLocEntry->dwCountryCode; /* FIXME */ RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Flags",NULL,NULL, (LPBYTE) &(pLocEntry->dwOptions), &size_val); RegCloseKey(hsubkey); /* get preferred cardid */ pLocEntry->dwPreferredCardID = 0; if ( hkCardLocations) { size_val=sizeof(DWORD); if(RegOpenKeyA(hkCardLocations, loc_key_name, &hsubkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "CallingCard",NULL,NULL, (LPBYTE) &(pLocEntry->dwPreferredCardID), &size_val); RegCloseKey(hsubkey); } } /* make sure there is a currentID */ if(currentid == -1){ currentid = pLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID; lpTranslateCaps->dwCurrentLocationID = currentid; } if(pLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID == currentid ) lpTranslateCaps->dwCurrentPreferredCardID = pLocEntry->dwPreferredCardID; TRACE("added: ID %d %s CountryCode %d CityCode %s CardID %d " "LocalAccess: %s LongDistanceAccess: %s CountryID %d " "Options %d CancelCallWait %s\n", pLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID, debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pLocEntry->dwLocationNameOffset), pLocEntry->dwCountryCode, debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pLocEntry->dwCityCodeOffset), pLocEntry->dwPreferredCardID, debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pLocEntry->dwLocalAccessCodeOffset), debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pLocEntry->dwLongDistanceAccessCodeOffset), pLocEntry->dwCountryID, pLocEntry->dwOptions, debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pLocEntry->dwCancelCallWaitingOffset)); pLocEntry++; } pCardEntry= (LPLINECARDENTRY) pLocEntry; /* do the card list */ if( hkCards) { i=0; while( RegEnumKeyA(hkCards, i, card_key_name, maxcardkeylen) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD size_val; i++; if( strncasecmp(card_key_name, "card", 4) || (RegOpenKeyA(hkCards, card_key_name, &hsubkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) continue; size_val=sizeof(DWORD); if( RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "ID",NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &(pCardEntry->dwPermanentCardID), &size_val) != ERROR_SUCCESS) pCardEntry->dwPermanentCardID= atoi( card_key_name + 4); size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Name",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pCardEntry->dwCardNameSize = size_val; pCardEntry->dwCardNameOffset = strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; pCardEntry->dwCardNumberDigits = 1; /* FIXME */ size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LocalRule",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pCardEntry->dwSameAreaRuleSize= size_val; pCardEntry->dwSameAreaRuleOffset= strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LDRule",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pCardEntry->dwLongDistanceRuleSize = size_val; pCardEntry->dwLongDistanceRuleOffset = strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=2048; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "InternationalRule",NULL,NULL, strptr, &size_val); pCardEntry->dwInternationalRuleSize = size_val; pCardEntry->dwInternationalRuleOffset = strptr - (LPBYTE) lpTranslateCaps; strptr += size_val; size_val=sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Flags",NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &(pCardEntry->dwOptions), &size_val); TRACE( "added card: ID %d name %s SameArea %s LongDistance %s International %s Options 0x%x\n", pCardEntry->dwPermanentCardID, debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pCardEntry->dwCardNameOffset), debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pCardEntry->dwSameAreaRuleOffset), debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pCardEntry->dwLongDistanceRuleOffset), debugstr_a( (char*)lpTranslateCaps + pCardEntry->dwInternationalRuleOffset), pCardEntry->dwOptions); pCardEntry++; } } if(hkLocations) RegCloseKey(hkLocations); if(hkCards) RegCloseKey(hkCards); if(hkCardLocations) RegCloseKey(hkCardLocations); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, loc_key_name); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, card_key_name); TRACE(" returning success tot %d needed %d used %d\n", lpTranslateCaps->dwTotalSize, lpTranslateCaps->dwNeededSize, lpTranslateCaps->dwUsedSize ); return 0; /* success */ }
/*********************************************************************** * lineGetCountry (TAPI32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI lineGetCountryA(DWORD dwCountryID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINECOUNTRYLIST lpLineCountryList) { DWORD dwAvailSize, dwOffset, i, num_countries, max_subkey_len; LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY lpLCE; HKEY hkey; char *subkey_name; if(!lpLineCountryList) { TRACE("(%08x, %08x, %p): stub. Returning LINEERR_INVALPOINTER\n", dwCountryID, dwAPIVersion, lpLineCountryList); return LINEERR_INVALPOINTER; } TRACE("(%08x, %08x, %p(%d)): stub.\n", dwCountryID, dwAPIVersion, lpLineCountryList, lpLineCountryList->dwTotalSize); if(RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szCountrylistKey, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return LINEERR_INIFILECORRUPT; dwAvailSize = lpLineCountryList->dwTotalSize; dwOffset = sizeof (LINECOUNTRYLIST); if(dwAvailSize<dwOffset) return LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL; memset(lpLineCountryList, 0, dwAvailSize); lpLineCountryList->dwTotalSize = dwAvailSize; lpLineCountryList->dwUsedSize = dwOffset; lpLineCountryList->dwNumCountries = 0; lpLineCountryList->dwCountryListSize = 0; lpLineCountryList->dwCountryListOffset = dwOffset; lpLCE = (LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY)(&lpLineCountryList[1]); if(RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &num_countries, &max_subkey_len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL; } if(dwCountryID) dwOffset = sizeof (LINECOUNTRYENTRY); else dwOffset += num_countries * sizeof (LINECOUNTRYENTRY); max_subkey_len++; subkey_name = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, max_subkey_len); for(i = 0; i < num_countries; i++) { DWORD len, size, size_int, size_long, size_name, size_same; HKEY hsubkey; if(RegEnumKeyA(hkey, i, subkey_name, max_subkey_len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; if(dwCountryID && (atoi(subkey_name) != dwCountryID)) continue; if(RegOpenKeyA(hkey, subkey_name, &hsubkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "InternationalRule", NULL, NULL, NULL, &size_int); len = size_int; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LongDistanceRule", NULL, NULL, NULL, &size_long); len += size_long; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Name", NULL, NULL, NULL, &size_name); len += size_name; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "SameAreaRule", NULL, NULL, NULL, &size_same); len += size_same; if(dwAvailSize < (dwOffset+len)) { dwOffset += len; RegCloseKey(hsubkey); if(dwCountryID) break; continue; } lpLineCountryList->dwNumCountries++; lpLineCountryList->dwCountryListSize += sizeof (LINECOUNTRYENTRY); lpLineCountryList->dwUsedSize += len + sizeof (LINECOUNTRYENTRY); if(dwCountryID) i = 0; lpLCE[i].dwCountryID = atoi(subkey_name); size = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "CountryCode", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&lpLCE[i].dwCountryCode, &size); lpLCE[i].dwNextCountryID = 0; if(i > 0) lpLCE[i-1].dwNextCountryID = lpLCE[i].dwCountryID; /* add country name */ lpLCE[i].dwCountryNameSize = size_name; lpLCE[i].dwCountryNameOffset = dwOffset; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "Name", NULL, NULL, ((LPBYTE)lpLineCountryList)+dwOffset, &size_name); dwOffset += size_name; /* add Same Area Rule */ lpLCE[i].dwSameAreaRuleSize = size_same; lpLCE[i].dwSameAreaRuleOffset = dwOffset; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "SameAreaRule", NULL, NULL, ((LPBYTE)lpLineCountryList)+dwOffset, &size_same); dwOffset += size_same; /* add Long Distance Rule */ lpLCE[i].dwLongDistanceRuleSize = size_long; lpLCE[i].dwLongDistanceRuleOffset = dwOffset; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "LongDistanceRule", NULL, NULL, ((LPBYTE)lpLineCountryList)+dwOffset, &size_long); dwOffset += size_long; /* add Long Distance Rule */ lpLCE[i].dwInternationalRuleSize = size_int; lpLCE[i].dwInternationalRuleOffset = dwOffset; RegQueryValueExA(hsubkey, "InternationalRule", NULL, NULL, ((LPBYTE)lpLineCountryList)+dwOffset, &size_int); dwOffset += size_int; RegCloseKey(hsubkey); TRACE("Added country %s at %p\n", (LPSTR)lpLineCountryList + lpLCE[i].dwCountryNameOffset, &lpLCE[i]); if(dwCountryID) break; } lpLineCountryList->dwNeededSize = dwOffset; TRACE("%d available %d required\n", dwAvailSize, dwOffset); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, subkey_name); RegCloseKey(hkey); return 0; }