void CWinSystemWin32DX::OnResize(int width, int height) { if (!m_IsAlteringWindow) ReleaseBackBuffer(); m_deviceResources->SetLogicalSize(width, height); if (!m_IsAlteringWindow) CreateBackBuffer(); }
CZXingBarcodeReaderAppView::~CZXingBarcodeReaderAppView () { if (iCameraWrapper) { iCameraWrapper->ReleaseAndPowerOff(); } delete iCameraWrapper; delete iData; ReleaseBackBuffer(); }
void CZXingBarcodeReaderAppView::SizeChanged() { // Create camera wrapper class here because // whole camera wrapper and all handles have to reset // while orientatio of the application changes. if (iCameraWrapper) { // Power off camera if it is on iCameraWrapper->StopViewFinder(); iCameraWrapper->ReleaseAndPowerOff(); delete iCameraWrapper; iCameraWrapper = NULL; } TInt camErr(KErrNotSupported); if(CCameraEngine::CamerasAvailable() > 0) { TRAP(camErr, iCameraWrapper = CCameraEngine::NewL(0,0,this)); } // iViewFinderSize is picture size for viewfinder. // iCaptureSize is picture size for capturing picture. // We want fill whole screen if (Rect().Size().iWidth > Rect().Size().iHeight) { iViewFinderSize = TSize(Rect().Size().iWidth,Rect().Size().iWidth); iCaptureSize = TSize(1280,960); // Captured picture size } else { iViewFinderSize = TSize(Rect().Size().iHeight,Rect().Size().iHeight); iCaptureSize = TSize(1280,960); // Captured picture size } // Focus rectangle iFocusRect = Rect(); iFocusRect.Shrink(Rect().Size().iWidth/4, Rect().Size().iHeight/4); // Create back buffer where recieved camera pictures are copied ReleaseBackBuffer(); CreateBackBufferL(); // Power on camera, start viewfinder when MceoCameraReady() received if(camErr == KErrNone) { iCameraWrapper->ReserveAndPowerOn(); SetTitle(_L("Camera power on")); } else { SetTitle(_L("no camera found")); } }