コード例 #1
ファイル: lgcldpnd.c プロジェクト: bitcababy/ObjectiveCLIPS
globle CLIPS_BOOLEAN AddLogicalDependencies(
  void *theEnv,
  struct patternEntity *theEntity,
  int existingEntity)
   struct partialMatch *theBinds;
   struct dependency *newDependency;

   /* If the rule has no logical patterns, then no */
   /* dependencies have to be established.         */

   if (EngineData(theEnv)->TheLogicalJoin == NULL)
      if (existingEntity) RemoveEntityDependencies(theEnv,theEntity);
   else if (existingEntity && (theEntity->dependents == NULL))
     { return(TRUE); }

   /* Find the partial match in the logical join associated with */
   /* activation partial match. If the partial match cannot be   */
   /* found, then the partial match must have been deleted by a  */
   /* previous RHS action and the dependency link should not be  */
   /* added.                                                     */

   theBinds = FindLogicalBind(EngineData(theEnv)->TheLogicalJoin,EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds);
   if (theBinds == NULL) return(FALSE);

   /* Add a dependency link between the partial match and the data */
   /* entity. The dependency links are stored in the partial match */
   /* behind the data entities stored in the partial match and the */
   /* activation link, if any.                                     */

   newDependency = get_struct(theEnv,dependency);
   newDependency->dPtr = (void *) theEntity;
   newDependency->next = (struct dependency *)
                         theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue;
   theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue = (void *) newDependency;

   /* Add a dependency link between the entity and the partialMatch. */

   newDependency = get_struct(theEnv,dependency);
   newDependency->dPtr = (void *) theBinds;
   newDependency->next = (struct dependency *) theEntity->dependents;
   theEntity->dependents = (void *) newDependency;

   /* Return TRUE to indicate that the data entity should be asserted. */

コード例 #2
ファイル: lgcldpnd.c プロジェクト: DrItanium/maya
bool AddLogicalDependencies(
  Environment *theEnv,
  struct patternEntity *theEntity,
  bool existingEntity)
   struct partialMatch *theBinds;
   struct dependency *newDependency;

   /* If the rule has no logical patterns, then no */
   /* dependencies have to be established.         */

   if (EngineData(theEnv)->TheLogicalJoin == NULL)
      if (existingEntity) RemoveEntityDependencies(theEnv,theEntity);
      return true;
   else if (existingEntity && (theEntity->dependents == NULL))
     { return true; }

   /* Retrieve the partial match in the logical join associated */
   /* with activation partial match (retrieved when the run     */
   /* command was initiated). If the partial match's parent     */
   /* links have been removed, then the partial match must have */
   /* been deleted by a previous RHS action and the dependency  */
   /* link should not be added.                                 */

   theBinds = EngineData(theEnv)->TheLogicalBind;
   if (theBinds == NULL) return false;
   if ((theBinds->leftParent == NULL) && (theBinds->rightParent == NULL))
     { return false; }

   /* Add a dependency link between the partial match and the data */
   /* entity. The dependency links are stored in the partial match */
   /* behind the data entities stored in the partial match and the */
   /* activation link, if any.                                     */

   newDependency = get_struct(theEnv,dependency);
   newDependency->dPtr = theEntity;
   newDependency->next = (struct dependency *) theBinds->dependents;
   theBinds->dependents = newDependency;

   /* Add a dependency link between the entity and the partialMatch. */

   newDependency = get_struct(theEnv,dependency);
   newDependency->dPtr = theBinds;
   newDependency->next = (struct dependency *) theEntity->dependents;
   theEntity->dependents = newDependency;

   /* Return true to indicate that the data entity should be asserted. */

   return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: factmngr.c プロジェクト: OS2World/DEV-LISP-Clips
globle BOOLEAN Retract(
  void *vTheFact)
   struct fact *theFact = (struct fact *) vTheFact;

   /* A fact can not be retracted while another */
   /* fact is being asserted or retracted.      */

   if (JoinOperationInProgress)
      PrintRouter(WERROR,"Facts may not be retracted during pattern-matching\n");

   /* A NULL fact pointer indicates that */
   /* all facts should be retracted.     */

   if (theFact == NULL)

   /* Check to see if the fact has already been retracted. */

   if (theFact->garbage) return(FALSE);

   /* Print retraction output if */
   /* facts are being watched.   */

   if (theFact->whichDeftemplate->watch)
      PrintRouter(WTRACE,"<== ");

   /* Set the change flag to indicate  */
   /* the fact-list has been modified. */

   ChangeToFactList = TRUE;

   /* Remove any links between the fact and partial */
   /* matches in the join network. These links are  */
   /* used to keep track of logical dependencies.   */

   RemoveEntityDependencies((struct patternEntity *) theFact);

   /* Remove the fact from the fact hash table. */


   /* Remove the fact from the fact list. */

   if (theFact == LastFact)
     { LastFact = theFact->previousFact; }

   if (theFact->previousFact == NULL)
      FactList = FactList->nextFact;
      if (FactList != NULL)
        { FactList->previousFact = NULL; }
      theFact->previousFact->nextFact = theFact->nextFact;
      if (theFact->nextFact != NULL)
        { theFact->nextFact->previousFact = theFact->previousFact; }

   /* Update busy counts and ephemeral */
   /* garbage information.             */

   EphemeralItemSize += sizeof(struct fact) + (sizeof(struct field) * theFact->theProposition.multifieldLength);

   /* Add the fact to the fact garbage list. */

   theFact->nextFact = GarbageFacts;
   GarbageFacts = theFact;
   theFact->garbage = TRUE;

   /* Reset the evaluation error flag since expressions */
   /* will be evaluated as part of the retract.         */


   /* Loop through the list of all the patterns */
   /* that matched the fact and process the     */
   /* retract operation for each one.           */

   JoinOperationInProgress = TRUE;
   NetworkRetract((struct patternMatch *) theFact->list);
   JoinOperationInProgress = FALSE;

   /* Free partial matches that were released */
   /* by the retraction of the fact.          */

   if (ExecutingRule == NULL)
     { FlushGarbagePartialMatches(); }

   /* Retract other facts that were logically */
   /* dependent on the fact just retracted.   */


   /* Force periodic cleanup if the retract was */
   /* executed from an embedded application.    */

   if ((CurrentEvaluationDepth == 0) && (! EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
       (CurrentExpression == NULL))
     { PeriodicCleanup(TRUE,FALSE); }

   /* Return TRUE to indicate the fact */
   /* was successfully retracted.      */
