コード例 #1
ファイル: cDungeon.cpp プロジェクト: belroshir/crazys-wm-mod
sGirl* cDungeon::RemoveGirl(sGirl* girl)	// this returns the girl, it must be placed somewhere or deleted
	sDungeonGirl* current = m_Girls;
	while (current)
		if (current->m_Girl == girl) break;
		current = current->m_Next;
	if (current) return RemoveGirl(current);
	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: cCentre.cpp プロジェクト: DagothRa/crazys-wm-mod
// ----- Update & end of turn
void cCentreManager::UpdateCentre()	// Start_Building_Process_A
	cTariff tariff;
	stringstream ss;
	string girlName;

	sBrothel* current = (sBrothel*)m_Parent;
	u_int restjob = JOB_CENTREREST;
	u_int matronjob = JOB_CENTREMANAGER;
	u_int firstjob = JOB_CENTREREST;
	u_int lastjob = JOB_THERAPY;

	current->m_AntiPregUsed = 0;
	m_Rehab_Patient_Time = 0;

	sGirl* cgirl = current->m_Girls;
	while (cgirl)
		if (cgirl->health() <= 0)			// Remove any dead bodies from last week
			current->m_Filthiness++; // `J` Death is messy
			sGirl* DeadGirl = 0;
			girlName = cgirl->m_Realname;
			DeadGirl = cgirl;
			// If there are more girls to process
			cgirl = (cgirl->m_Next) ? cgirl->m_Next : 0;
			// increase all the girls fear and hate of the player for letting her die (weather his fault or not)
			UpdateAllGirlsStat(current, STAT_PCFEAR, 2);
			UpdateAllGirlsStat(current, STAT_PCHATE, 1);

			ss.str(""); ss << girlName << " has died from her injuries, the other girls all fear and hate you a little more.";
			DeadGirl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_DEATH, EVENT_DANGER);
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), COLOR_RED);
			ss.str(""); ss << girlName << " has died from her injuries.  Her body will be removed by the end of the week.";
			DeadGirl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_DEATH, EVENT_SUMMARY);

			RemoveGirl(0, DeadGirl); DeadGirl = 0;	// cleanup
			cgirl->m_Events.Clear();			// Clear the girls' events from the last turn
			cgirl->where_is_she = 0;
			cgirl->m_InStudio = false;
			cgirl->m_InArena = false;
			cgirl->m_InCentre = true;
			cgirl->m_InClinic = false;
			cgirl->m_InFarm = false;
			cgirl->m_InHouse = false;

			cgirl->m_Pay = cgirl->m_Tips = 0;

			// `J` Check for out of building jobs and set yesterday jobs for everyone first
			if (cgirl->m_DayJob	  < firstjob || cgirl->m_DayJob   > lastjob)	cgirl->m_DayJob = restjob;
			if (cgirl->m_NightJob < firstjob || cgirl->m_NightJob > lastjob)	cgirl->m_NightJob = restjob;
			if (cgirl->m_PrevDayJob != 255 && (cgirl->m_PrevDayJob	 < firstjob || cgirl->m_PrevDayJob   > lastjob))	cgirl->m_PrevDayJob = 255;
			if (cgirl->m_PrevNightJob != 255 && (cgirl->m_PrevNightJob < firstjob || cgirl->m_PrevNightJob > lastjob))	cgirl->m_PrevNightJob = 255;
			cgirl->m_YesterDayJob = cgirl->m_DayJob;		// `J` set what she did yesterday
			cgirl->m_YesterNightJob = cgirl->m_NightJob;	// `J` set what she did yesternight
			cgirl->m_Refused_To_Work_Day = cgirl->m_Refused_To_Work_Night = false;
			string summary = "";

			g_Girls.AddTiredness(cgirl);			// `J` moved all girls add tiredness to one place
			do_food_and_digs(current, cgirl);		// Brothel only update for girls accommodation level
			g_Girls.updateGirlAge(cgirl, true);		// update birthday counter and age the girl
			g_Girls.HandleChildren(cgirl, summary);	// handle pregnancy and children growing up
			g_Girls.updateSTD(cgirl);				// health loss to STD's				NOTE: Girl can die
			g_Girls.updateHappyTraits(cgirl);		// Update happiness due to Traits	NOTE: Girl can die
			updateGirlTurnBrothelStats(cgirl);		// Update daily stats				Now only runs once per day
			g_Girls.updateGirlTurnStats(cgirl);		// Stat Code common to Dugeon and Brothel

			if (cgirl->m_JustGaveBirth)				// if she gave birth, let her rest this week
				if (cgirl->m_DayJob != restjob)		cgirl->m_PrevDayJob = cgirl->m_DayJob;
				if (cgirl->m_NightJob != restjob)	cgirl->m_PrevNightJob = cgirl->m_NightJob;
				cgirl->m_DayJob = cgirl->m_NightJob = restjob;

			cgirl = cgirl->m_Next;

	UpdateGirls(current, 0);	// Run the Day Shift

	UpdateGirls(current, 1);	// Run the Nighty Shift

	if (current->m_Filthiness < 0)		current->m_Filthiness = 0;
	if (current->m_SecurityLevel < 0)	current->m_SecurityLevel = 0;

	g_Gold.brothel_accounts(current->m_Finance, current->m_id);

	cgirl = current->m_Girls;
	while (cgirl)
		g_Girls.updateTemp(cgirl);			// update temp stuff
		g_Girls.EndDayGirls(current, cgirl);
		cgirl = cgirl->m_Next;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cDungeon.cpp プロジェクト: belroshir/crazys-wm-mod
void cDungeon::Update()
	*	WD: GetNumGirlsOnJob() not testing if the girl worked
	sGirl* TorturerGirlref = 0;
	string girlName;
	stringstream msg;
	stringstream ss;

	// Reser counters
	m_NumGirlsTort = m_NumCustsTort = 0;

	// WD:	Did we torture the girls
	bool tort = g_Brothels.TortureDone();
	// WD: If so, who is the Torturer
	if (tort) { TorturerGirlref = g_Brothels.WhoHasTorturerJob(); }

	if (m_Girls)

		sDungeonGirl* current = m_Girls;
		while (current)
			sGirl* girl = current->m_Girl;

			//			girl->m_Tort = false;// WD: Move till after Girls have been tortured so that we dont torture twice week
			girlName = girl->m_Realname;

			// Check for dead girls
			if (girl->health() <= 0)
				// remove dead bodies from last week
				if (current->m_Reason == DUNGEON_DEAD)
					sDungeonGirl* temp = current;
					current = current->m_Next;
					msg << girlName << "'s body has been removed from the dungeon since she was dead.";
					g_MessageQue.AddToQue(msg.str(), COLOR_RED);
					delete RemoveGirl(temp);
				// Mark as dead
					current->m_Reason = DUNGEON_DEAD;
			*			DAILY Processing
			string summary = "";

			current->m_Weeks++;						// the number of weeks they have been in the dungeon
			g_Girls.CalculateGirlType(girl);		// update the fetish traits
			g_Girls.updateGirlAge(girl, true);		// update birthday counter and age the girl
			g_Girls.updateTemp(girl);			// update temp stuff
			g_Girls.EndDayGirls(g_Brothels.GetBrothel(0), girl);
			g_Girls.HandleChildren(girl, summary);	// handle pregnancy and children growing up
			g_Girls.updateSTD(girl);				// health loss to STD's - NOTE: Girl can die
			g_Girls.updateHappyTraits(girl);		// Update happiness due to Traits - NOTE: Girl can die
			updateGirlTurnDungeonStats(current);	// Update stats
			g_Girls.updateGirlTurnStats(girl);		// Stat Code common to Dugeon and Brothel

			// Check again for dead girls
			if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH) <= 0)
				current->m_Reason = DUNGEON_DEAD;

				msg.str(""); ss.str("");
				msg << girlName << gettext(" has died in the dungeon.");
				girl->m_Events.AddMessage(msg.str(), IMGTYPE_DEATH, EVENT_DANGER);
				ss << girlName << gettext(" has died.  Her body will be removed by the end of the week.\n");
				girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_DEATH, EVENT_SUMMARY);

				// if there is a torturer send her a message
				if (tort)
					msg << girlName << gettext(" has died in the dungeon under her care!");
					TorturerGirlref->m_Events.AddMessage(msg.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_DUNGEON);

				current = current->m_Next;

			// Have dungeon girls tortured by the Torturer
			if (tort)
				cGirlTorture gt(current, TorturerGirlref);

			*			Allow girl sorting in turn summary
			//	`J` set the basics
			msg.str(""); ss.str("");
			msg << girlName << gettext(" is languish in the dungeon.\n\n");
			int msgtype = EVENT_DUNGEON;
			int imgtype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
			int	nHealth = girl->health();
			int	nTired = girl->tiredness();

			//	`J` check them for dangers or warnings
			if (nHealth < 20 || nTired > 80)
				msg << gettext("DANGER: ") << girlName;
				msgtype = EVENT_DANGER;
			else if (nHealth < 40 || nTired > 60)
				msg << gettext("WARNING: ") << girlName;
				msgtype = EVENT_WARNING;

			//	`J` did msgtype change?
			if (msgtype != EVENT_DUNGEON)
				if (girl->m_Tort)
					msg << gettext(" was tortured this week.");
					imgtype = IMGTYPE_TORTURE;
					if (nHealth < 40 || nTired > 60)	{ msg << gettext("\nShe"); }
				if (nHealth < 20)						{ msg << gettext(" is severely injured"); }
				else if (nHealth < 40)					{ msg << gettext(" is injured"); }
				if (nHealth < 40 && nTired > 60)		{ msg << gettext(" and"); }
				else if (nTired > 60)					{ msg << gettext(" is"); }
				else									{ msg << gettext("."); }
				if (nTired > 80)						{ msg << gettext(" exhausted, it may effect her health."); }
				else if (nTired > 60)					{ msg << gettext(" tired."); }
				msg << gettext("\n\nHer health is ") << nHealth << gettext(".\nHer tiredness is ") << nTired << ".";
			girl->m_Events.AddMessage(msg.str(), imgtype, msgtype);

			girl->m_Tort = false;

			// loop next dungeon girl	
			current = current->m_Next;

		*			WD:  Torturer Girl summary
		*				Processed after all dGirls
		if (tort)
			msg << TorturerGirlref->m_Realname << gettext(" has tortured ") << m_NumGirlsTort << gettext(" girls in the Dungeon.");
			TorturerGirlref->m_Events.AddMessage(msg.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_DUNGEON);


	if (m_Custs)
		sDungeonCust* current = m_Custs;
		while (current)
			current->m_Tort = false;
			if (current->m_Health <= 0)
				current->m_Reason = DUNGEON_DEAD;
			if (current->m_Reason == DUNGEON_DEAD)
				sDungeonCust* temp = current;
				current = current->m_Next;

			*			lose health if not feeding
			*			Mod: removed "no-effect" branch to silence
			*			compiler
			if (!current->m_Feeding) current->m_Health -= 5;

			if (current->m_Health <= 0)
				current->m_Reason = DUNGEON_DEAD;
			current = current->m_Next;