コード例 #1
RenderModelExternal & DRAWABLE::generateRenderModelData(StringIdMap & stringMap)
	// copy data over to the GL3V renderModel object
	// eventually this should only be done when we update the values, but for now
	// we call this every time we draw the drawable

	// cache off the stringId values
	static StringId diffuseId = stringMap.addStringId("diffuseTexture");
	static StringId misc1Id = stringMap.addStringId("misc1Texture");
	static StringId misc2Id = stringMap.addStringId("normalMapTexture");
	static StringId transformId = stringMap.addStringId("modelMatrix");
	static StringId colorId = stringMap.addStringId("colorTint");

	// textures
	if (texturesChanged)
		if (diffuse_map && !diffuse_map->IsCube()) // for right now, restrict the diffuse map to 2d textures
			renderModel.textures.push_back(RenderTextureEntry(diffuseId, diffuse_map->GetID(), GL_TEXTURE_2D));
		if (misc_map1 && !misc_map1->IsCube())
			renderModel.textures.push_back(RenderTextureEntry(misc1Id, misc_map1->GetID(), GL_TEXTURE_2D));
		if (misc_map2 && !misc_map2->IsCube())
			renderModel.textures.push_back(RenderTextureEntry(misc2Id, misc_map2->GetID(), GL_TEXTURE_2D));

		texturesChanged = false;

	// uniforms
	if (uniformsChanged)
		if (transform != MATRIX4<float>()) // only add it if it's not the identity matrix
			renderModel.uniforms.push_back(RenderUniformEntry(transformId, transform.GetArray(), 16));
		if (r != 1 || g != 1 || b != 1 || a != 1) // only add it if it's not the default
			float srgb_alpha[4];
			srgb_alpha[0] = r < 1 ? pow(r, 2.2f) : r;
			srgb_alpha[1] = g < 1 ? pow(g, 2.2f) : g;
			srgb_alpha[2] = b < 1 ? pow(b, 2.2f) : b;
			srgb_alpha[3] = a;
			renderModel.uniforms.push_back(RenderUniformEntry(colorId, srgb_alpha, 4));

		uniformsChanged = false;

	return renderModel;
コード例 #2
ファイル: renderer.cpp プロジェクト: fanqsh/vdrift
void Renderer::render(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, StringIdMap & stringMap, const std::map <StringId, std::map <StringId, std::vector <RenderModelExternal*> *> > & externalModels, std::ostream & errorOutput)
	for (std::vector <RenderPass>::iterator i = passes.begin(); i != passes.end(); i++)
		// Extract the appropriate map and generate a drawlist.
		// A vector of pointers to vectors of RenderModelExternal pointers.
		std::vector <const std::vector <RenderModelExternal*>*> drawList;

		// Find the map appropriate to this pass.
		std::map <StringId, std::map <StringId, std::vector <RenderModelExternal*> *> >::const_iterator drawMapIter = externalModels.find(i->getNameId());
		if (drawMapIter != externalModels.end())
			// For each draw group that this pass uses, add its models to the draw list.
			for (std::set <StringId>::const_iterator dg = i->getDrawGroups().begin(); dg != i->getDrawGroups().end(); dg++)
				std::map <StringId, std::vector <RenderModelExternal*> *>::const_iterator drawGroupIter = drawMapIter->second.find(*dg);
				if (drawGroupIter != drawMapIter->second.end())

		if (i->render(gl, w, h, stringMap, drawList, sharedTextures, errorOutput))
			// Render targets have been recreated due to display dimension change.
			// Call setGlobalTexture to update sharedTextures and let downstream passes know.
			const std::map <StringId, RenderTexture> & passRTs = passes.back().getRenderTargets();
			for (std::map <StringId, RenderTexture>::const_iterator rt = passRTs.begin(); rt != passRTs.end(); rt++)
				setGlobalTexture(rt->first, RenderTextureEntry(rt->first, rt->second.handle, rt->second.target));
コード例 #3
ファイル: renderer.cpp プロジェクト: Timo6/vdrift
void Renderer::render(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, StringIdMap & stringMap, const std::map <StringId, std::map <StringId, std::vector <RenderModelExt*> *> > & externalModels, std::ostream & errorOutput)
    for (auto & pass : passes)
        // Extract the appropriate map and generate a drawlist.
        // A vector of pointers to vectors of RenderModelExternal pointers.
        std::vector <const std::vector <RenderModelExt*>*> drawList;

        // Find the map appropriate to this pass.
        auto drawMapIter = externalModels.find(pass.getNameId());
        if (drawMapIter != externalModels.end())
            // For each draw group that this pass uses, add its models to the draw list.
            for (auto dg : pass.getDrawGroups())
                auto drawGroupIter = drawMapIter->second.find(dg);
                if (drawGroupIter != drawMapIter->second.end())

        if (pass.render(gl, w, h, stringMap, drawList, sharedTextures, errorOutput))
            // Render targets have been recreated due to display dimension change.
            // Call setGlobalTexture to update sharedTextures and let downstream passes know.
            for (const auto & rt : passes.back().getRenderTargets())
                setGlobalTexture(rt.first, RenderTextureEntry(rt.first, rt.second.handle, rt.second.target));
コード例 #4
ファイル: renderer.cpp プロジェクト: fanqsh/vdrift
bool Renderer::initialize(const std::vector <RealtimeExportPassInfo> & config, StringIdMap & stringMap, const std::string & shaderPath, unsigned int w,unsigned int h, const std::set <std::string> & globalDefines, std::ostream & errorOutput)
	// Clear existing passes.

	// Add new passes.
	int passCount = 0;
	for (std::vector <RealtimeExportPassInfo>::const_iterator i = config.begin(); i != config.end(); i++, passCount++)
		// Create unique names based on the path and define list.
		std::string vertexShaderName = i->vertexShader;
		if (!i->vertexShaderDefines.empty())
			vertexShaderName += " "+UTILS::implode(i->vertexShaderDefines," ");
		std::string fragmentShaderName = i->fragmentShader;
		if (!i->fragmentShaderDefines.empty())
			fragmentShaderName += " "+UTILS::implode(i->fragmentShaderDefines," ");

		// Load shaders from the pass if necessary.
		if ((shaders.find(vertexShaderName) == shaders.end()) && (!loadShader(shaderPath.empty() ? i->vertexShader : shaderPath+"/"+i->vertexShader, vertexShaderName, mergeSets(i->vertexShaderDefines, globalDefines), GL_VERTEX_SHADER, errorOutput)))
			return false;
		if ((shaders.find(fragmentShaderName) == shaders.end()) && (!loadShader(shaderPath.empty() ? i->fragmentShader : shaderPath+"/"+i->fragmentShader, fragmentShaderName, mergeSets(i->fragmentShaderDefines, globalDefines), GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, errorOutput)))
			return false;

		// Note which draw groups the pass uses.
		for (std::vector <std::string>::const_iterator g = i->drawGroups.begin(); g != i->drawGroups.end(); g++)

		// Initialize the pass.
		int passIdx = passes.size();
		if (!passes.back().initialize(passCount, *i, stringMap, gl, shaders.find(vertexShaderName)->second, shaders.find(fragmentShaderName)->second, sharedTextures, w, h, errorOutput))
			return false;

		// Put the pass's output render targets into a map so we can feed them to subsequent passes.
		const std::map <StringId, RenderTexture> & passRTs = passes.back().getRenderTargets();
		for (std::map <StringId, RenderTexture>::const_iterator rt = passRTs.begin(); rt != passRTs.end(); rt++)
			StringId nameId = rt->first;
			sharedTextures.insert(std::make_pair(nameId, RenderTextureEntry(nameId, rt->second.handle, rt->second.target)));

		// Remember the pass index.
		passIndexMap[stringMap.addStringId(i->name)] = passIdx;

	return true;
コード例 #5
bool GraphicsGL3::ReloadShaders(std::ostream & info_output, std::ostream & error_output)
    // reinitialize the entire renderer
    std::vector <RealtimeExportPassInfo> passInfos;
    bool passInfosLoaded = joeserialize::LoadObjectFromFile("passList", shaderpath+"/"+rendercfg, passInfos, false, true, info_output, error_output);
    if (passInfosLoaded)
        // strip pass infos from the list that we pass to the renderer if they are disabled
        int origPassInfoSize = passInfos.size();
        for (int i = origPassInfoSize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            std::map <std::string, std::string> & fields = passInfos[i].userDefinedFields;
            std::map <std::string, std::string>::const_iterator field = fields.find("conditions");
            if (field != fields.end())
                GraphicsConfigCondition condition;
                if (!condition.Satisfied(conditions))

        std::set <std::string> allcapsConditions;
        for (std::set <std::string>::const_iterator i = conditions.begin(); i != conditions.end(); i++)
            std::string s = *i;
            std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), upper);

        bool initSuccess = renderer.initialize(passInfos, stringMap, shaderpath, w, h, allcapsConditions, error_output);
        if (initSuccess)
            // assign cameras to each pass
            std::vector <StringId> passes = renderer.getPassNames();
            for (std::vector <StringId>::const_iterator i = passes.begin(); i != passes.end(); i++)
                std::map <std::string, std::string> fields = renderer.getUserDefinedFields(*i);
                std::map <std::string, std::string>::const_iterator field = fields.find("camera");
                if (field != fields.end())
                    passNameToCameraName[stringMap.getString(*i)] = field->second;

            // set viewport size
            float viewportSize[2] = {float(w), float(h)};
            RenderUniformEntry viewportSizeUniform(stringMap.addStringId("viewportSize"), viewportSize, 2);

            // set static reflection texture
            if (static_reflection.GetId())
                renderer.setGlobalTexture(stringMap.addStringId("reflectionCube"), RenderTextureEntry(stringMap.addStringId("reflectionCube"), static_reflection.GetId(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP));

            if (initialized)
                renderer.printRendererStatus(VERBOSITY_MAXIMUM, stringMap, std::cout);
            error_output << "Initialization of GL3 renderer failed; that's OK, falling back to GL 1 or 2" << std::endl;
            return false;
        error_output << "Unable to load GL3 pass information; that's OK, falling back to GL 1 or 2" << std::endl;
        return false;

    info_output << "GL3 initialization successful" << std::endl;

    if (initialized)
        logNextGlFrame = true;

    return true;