コード例 #1
void SemOS2AddStrToStringTable( FullStringTable *currtable,
                                 uint_16 stringid, char *string )
    FullStringTableBlock        *currblock;
    uint_16                     blocknum;
    uint_16                     stringnum;

    blocknum = stringid >> 4;
    stringnum = stringid & 0x000f;

    currblock = findStringTableBlock( currtable, blocknum );
    if( currblock != NULL ) {
        if( currblock->Block.String[stringnum] != NULL ) {
            /* duplicate stringid */
            RcError( ERR_DUPLICATE_STRING_CONST, stringid );
            ErrorHasOccured = true;
    } else {
        currblock = newStringTableBlock();
        currblock->BlockNum = blocknum;
        ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(currtable->Head), (void **)&(currtable->Tail), currblock );

    currblock->Block.String[stringnum] = WResIDNameFromStr( string );
} /* SemOS2AddStrToStringTable */
コード例 #2
static void semMergeStringTables( FullStringTable *currtable,
            FullStringTable *oldtable, ResMemFlags newblockflags,
            uint_32 codepage )
/* merge oldtable into currtable and free oldtable when done */
/* returns TRUE if there was one or more duplicate entries */
    FullStringTableBlock        *currblock;
    FullStringTableBlock        *oldblock;
    FullStringTableBlock        *nextblock;

    /* run through the list of block in oldtable */
    oldblock = oldtable->Head;
    while( oldblock != NULL ) {
        /* find oldblock in currtable if it is there */
        nextblock = oldblock->Next;
        currblock = findStringTableBlock( currtable, oldblock->BlockNum );
        if( currblock == NULL ) {
            /* if oldblock in not in currtable move it there from oldtable */
            ResDeleteLLItem( (void **)&(oldtable->Head), (void **)&(oldtable->Tail), oldblock );
            oldblock->Flags = newblockflags;
            oldblock->codePage = codepage;
            ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(currtable->Head), (void **)&(currtable->Tail), oldblock );
        } else {
            /* otherwise move the WSemID's to that block */
            mergeStringTableBlocks( currblock, oldblock );
        oldblock = nextblock;

    SemOS2FreeStringTable( oldtable );
} /* semMergeStringTables */
コード例 #3
ファイル: semsnglw.c プロジェクト: MikeyG/open-watcom-v2
static RcStatus readCurFileDir( WResFileID handle, FullCurDir *dir, int *err_code )
/* this funtion returns one of the above enum constants */
    RcStatus            ret;
    int                 currentry;
    FullCurDirEntry *   entry;

    ret = readIcoCurFileDirHeader( &(dir->Header), handle, err_code );
    /* type 2 is a cursor file */
    if( ret == RS_OK && dir->Header.Type != 2 ) {
        return( RS_INVALID_RESOURCE );

    for( currentry = 0; ret == RS_OK && currentry < dir->Header.ResCount;
                            currentry++ ) {
        entry = RCALLOC( sizeof(FullCurDirEntry) );
        entry->Next = NULL;
        entry->Prev = NULL;
        entry->IsCurFileEntry = true;
        ret = readCurFileDirEntry( &(entry->Entry.Cur), handle, err_code );
        if( ret != RS_OK ) {
            RCFREE( entry );
        } else {
            ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(dir->Head), (void **) &(dir->Tail), entry );
    return( ret );

} /* readCurFileDir */
コード例 #4
static int readLangInfoList( WResFileID handle, WResResNode *res,
                             void *fileinfo ) {

    unsigned            i;
    WResLangNode        *langnode;
    int                 error;
    int                 numread;

    error = FALSE;
    for( i=0; i < res->Info.NumResources; i++ ) {
        langnode = WRESALLOC( sizeof(WResLangNode) );
        if( langnode == NULL ) {
            error = TRUE;
        if( error ) break;
        numread = (* WRESREAD) ( handle, &(langnode->Info),
                                 sizeof( WResLangInfo ) );
        if( numread != sizeof( WResLangInfo ) ) {
            error = TRUE;
            WRES_ERROR( numread == -1 ? WRS_READ_FAILED:WRS_READ_INCOMPLETE );
            WRESFREE( langnode );
        langnode->data = NULL;
        langnode->fileInfo = fileinfo;
        ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(res->Head), (void **)&(res->Tail), langnode );
    return( error );
コード例 #5
ファイル: semverw.c プロジェクト: ABratovic/open-watcom-v2
FullVerBlockNest * SemWINAddBlockNest( FullVerBlockNest * parent,
                                FullVerBlock * child )
    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(parent->Head), (void **) &(parent->Tail), child );
    return( parent );
コード例 #6
ファイル: sem2diag.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
extern PresParamListOS2 *SemOS2AppendPresParam( PresParamListOS2 *list,
                                                 PresParamsOS2 presparams )
    PresParamsOS2       *params;

    params = RcMemMalloc( sizeof( PresParamsOS2 ) );
    *params = presparams;
    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(list->head), (void **)&(list->tail), params );
    return( list );
コード例 #7
extern FullDiagCtrlList *SemAddDiagCtrlList( FullDiagCtrlList *list,
                    FullDialogBoxControl *ctrl, DataElemList *dataList )
    if( ctrl != NULL ) {
        ctrl->dataListHead = dataList;
        ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(list->head), (void **) &(list->tail), ctrl );
    return( list );
} /* SemAddDiagCtrlList */
コード例 #8
ファイル: sem2diag.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
extern FullDiagCtrlListOS2 *SemOS2AddDiagCtrlList( FullDiagCtrlListOS2 *list,
                    FullDialogBoxControlOS2 *ctrl, DataElemList *dataList,
                    PresParamListOS2 *presparams )
    if( ctrl != NULL ) {
        ctrl->dataListHead = dataList;
//        ctrl->presParams   = presparams;
        ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(list->head), (void **)&(list->tail), ctrl );
    return( list );
コード例 #9
static int readTypeList( WResFileID handle, WResDirHead * currdir,
                         uint_16 ver, void *fileinfo )
    WResTypeNode *  newnode;
    WResTypeInfo    newtype;
    int             error;
    int             typenum;
    int             extrabytes;

    /* loop through the list of types */
    for (error = FALSE, typenum = 0; typenum < currdir->NumTypes && !error;
            typenum++) {
        /* read a type record from disk */
        if( ver < 3 ) {
            error = WResReadFixedTypeRecord2( &newtype, handle );
        } else {
            error = WResReadFixedTypeRecord( &newtype, handle );
        if( !error ) {
            /* allocate a new node */
            extrabytes = WResIDExtraBytes( &(newtype.TypeName) );
            newnode = WRESALLOC( sizeof(WResTypeNode) + extrabytes );
            if( newnode == NULL ) {
                error = TRUE;
                WRES_ERROR( WRS_MALLOC_FAILED );
        if( !error ) {
            /* initialize the linked list of resources */
            newnode->Head = NULL;
            newnode->Tail = NULL;
            /* copy the new type info into the new node */
            memcpy( &(newnode->Info), &newtype, sizeof(WResTypeInfo) );

            /* read the extra bytes (if any) */
            if( extrabytes > 0 ) {
                error = WResReadExtraWResID( &(newnode->Info.TypeName),
                                             handle );
        if( !error ) {
            /* add the type node to the linked list */
            ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(currdir->Head), (void **)&(currdir->Tail), newnode );
            /* read in the list of resources of this type */
            error = readResList( handle, newnode, ver, fileinfo );

    return( error );

} /* readTypeList */
コード例 #10
ファイル: semverw.c プロジェクト: ABratovic/open-watcom-v2
FullVerBlockNest * SemWINMergeBlockNest( FullVerBlockNest * nest1,
                            FullVerBlockNest * nest2 )
    FullVerBlock *  block;

    for( block = nest2->Head; block != NULL; block = block->Next ) {
        ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &nest1->Head, (void **) &nest1->Tail, block );

    RCFREE( nest2 );

    return( nest1 );
コード例 #11
static void AddFontToDir( FontInfo *info, char *devicename, char *facename, WResID *fontid )
    FullFontDirEntry        *entry;

    entry = NewFontDirEntry( info, devicename, facename, fontid );

    if( CurrResFile.FontDir == NULL ) {
        CurrResFile.FontDir = NewFontDir();

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(CurrResFile.FontDir->Head),
                        (void **)&(CurrResFile.FontDir->Tail), entry );
    CurrResFile.FontDir->NumOfFonts += 1;
コード例 #12
FullAccelTableOS2 *SemOS2AddAccelEntry( FullAccelEntryOS2 currentry, FullAccelTableOS2 * currtable )
    FullAccelEntryOS2     *newentry;

    newentry = RESALLOC( sizeof( FullAccelEntryOS2 ) );

    if( newentry == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = true;
        return( NULL );

    *newentry = currentry;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(currtable->head), (void **) &(currtable->tail), newentry );

    return( currtable );
コード例 #13
FullMenuOS2 *SemOS2AddMenuItem( FullMenuOS2 *currmenu, FullMenuItemOS2 curritem )
    FullMenuItemOS2     *newitem;

    newitem = RCALLOC( sizeof(FullMenuItemOS2) );

    if (newitem == NULL) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = TRUE;
        return( NULL );

    *newitem = curritem;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(currmenu->head), (void **)&(currmenu->tail), newitem );

    return( currmenu );
コード例 #14
static void addExeResRecord( ResTable *restab, FullTypeRecord *type,
                            WResID *name, uint_16 mem_flags,
                            uint_16 exe_offset, uint_16 exe_length )
    FullResourceRecord          *exe_res;

    exe_res = RCALLOC( sizeof( FullResourceRecord ) );

    exe_res->Info.offset = exe_offset;
    exe_res->Info.length = exe_length;
    exe_res->Info.flags = mem_flags;
    exe_res->Info.reserved = 0;
    exe_res->Info.name = findResOrTypeName( restab, name );
    exe_res->Next = NULL;
    exe_res->Prev = NULL;

    /* use the general purpose linked list routines from WRes */
    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(type->Head), (void **)&(type->Tail), exe_res );
} /* addExeResRecord */
コード例 #15
extern FullHelpTableOS2 *SemOS2AddHelpItem( FullHelpEntryOS2 currentry,
                                            FullHelpTableOS2 * currtable )
    FullHelpEntryOS2     *newentry;

    newentry = RcMemMalloc( sizeof(FullHelpEntryOS2) );

    if( newentry == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = TRUE;
        return( NULL );

    *newentry = currentry;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(currtable->head), (void **) &(currtable->tail), newentry );

    return( currtable );
コード例 #16
FullHelpSubTableOS2 *SemOS2AddHelpSubItem( DataElemList * data,
                            FullHelpSubTableOS2 * currtable )
    FullHelpSubEntryOS2     *newentry;

    newentry = RCALLOC( sizeof( FullHelpSubEntryOS2 ) );

    if( newentry == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = true;
        return( NULL );

    newentry->dataListHead = data;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(currtable->head), (void **)&(currtable->tail), newentry );

    return( currtable );
コード例 #17
static FullTypeRecord *addExeTypeRecord( ResTable *restab,
                            WResTypeInfo *type )
    FullTypeRecord      *exe_type;

    exe_type = RCALLOC( sizeof( FullTypeRecord ) );

    exe_type->Info.reserved = 0;
    exe_type->Info.num_resources = type->NumResources;
    exe_type->Info.type = findResOrTypeName( restab, &(type->TypeName) );
    exe_type->Head = NULL;
    exe_type->Tail = NULL;
    exe_type->Next = NULL;
    exe_type->Prev = NULL;

    /* use the general purpose linked list routines from WRes */
    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(restab->Dir.Head), (void **)&(restab->Dir.Tail), exe_type );

    return( exe_type );
} /* addExeTypeRecord */
コード例 #18
FullHelpSubTableOS2 *SemOS2NewHelpSubTable( DataElemList * data )
    FullHelpSubTableOS2   *newtable;
    FullHelpSubEntryOS2   *newentry;

    newtable = RcMemMalloc( sizeof( FullHelpSubTableOS2 ) );
    newentry = RcMemMalloc( sizeof( FullHelpSubEntryOS2 ) );

    if( newtable == NULL || newentry == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = TRUE;
        return( NULL );

    newentry->dataListHead = data;
    newtable->head = NULL;
    newtable->tail = NULL;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(newtable->head), (void **) &(newtable->tail), newentry );

    return( newtable );
コード例 #19
FullHelpTableOS2 *SemOS2NewHelpTable( FullHelpEntryOS2 firstentry )
    FullHelpTableOS2   *newtable;
    FullHelpEntryOS2   *newentry;

    newtable = RcMemMalloc( sizeof( FullHelpTableOS2 ) );
    newentry = RcMemMalloc( sizeof( FullHelpEntryOS2 ) );

    if( newtable == NULL || newentry == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = TRUE;
        return( NULL );

    *newentry = firstentry;
    newtable->head = NULL;
    newtable->tail = NULL;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **) &(newtable->head), (void **) &(newtable->tail), newentry );

    return( newtable );
コード例 #20
FullAccelTableOS2 *SemOS2NewAccelTable( FullAccelEntryOS2 firstentry )
    FullAccelTableOS2   *newtable;
    FullAccelEntryOS2   *newentry;

    newtable = RESALLOC( sizeof( FullAccelTableOS2 ) );
    newentry = RESALLOC( sizeof( FullAccelEntryOS2 ) );

    if( newtable == NULL || newentry == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = true;
        return( NULL );

    *newentry = firstentry;
    newtable->head = NULL;
    newtable->tail = NULL;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(newtable->head), (void **)&(newtable->tail), newentry );

    return( newtable );
コード例 #21
FullMenuOS2 *SemOS2NewMenu( FullMenuItemOS2 firstitem )
    FullMenuOS2       *newmenu;
    FullMenuItemOS2   *newitem;

    newmenu = RCALLOC( sizeof(FullMenuOS2) );
    newitem = RCALLOC( sizeof(FullMenuItemOS2) );

    if( newmenu == NULL || newitem == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        ErrorHasOccured = TRUE;
        return( NULL );

    *newitem = firstitem;
    newmenu->head = NULL;
    newmenu->tail = NULL;

    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(newmenu->head), (void **)&(newmenu->tail), newitem );

    return( newmenu );
コード例 #22
static int readResList( WResFileID handle, WResTypeNode * currtype,
                        uint_16 ver, void *fileinfo )
    WResResNode    *newnode;
    WResResInfo     newres;
    WResResInfo1    newres1;
    WResLangNode   *langnode;
    WResID         *resid;
    WResID          tmpresid;
    int             error;
    int             resnum;
    int             extrabytes;

    /* loop through the list of resources of this type */
    for (resnum = 0, error = FALSE; resnum < currtype->Info.NumResources &&
            !error; resnum++) {

        /* read a resource record from disk */
        if( ver < 2 ) {
            error = WResReadFixedResRecord1( &newres1, handle );
            resid = &tmpresid;
            tmpresid.IsName = newres1.ResName.IsName;
            if( tmpresid.IsName ) {
                tmpresid.ID.Name.Name[0] = newres1.ResName.ID.Name.Name[0];
                tmpresid.ID.Name.NumChars = newres1.ResName.ID.Name.NumChars;
            } else {
                tmpresid.ID.Num = newres1.ResName.ID.Num;
        } else if( ver == 2 ) {
            error = WResReadFixedResRecord2( &newres, handle );
            resid = &( newres.ResName );
        } else {
            error = WResReadFixedResRecord( &newres, handle );
            resid = &( newres.ResName );

        if( !error ) {
            /* allocate a new node */
            extrabytes = WResIDExtraBytes( resid );
            newnode = WRESALLOC( sizeof(WResResNode) + extrabytes );
            if( newnode == NULL ) {
                error = TRUE;
                WRES_ERROR( WRS_MALLOC_FAILED );
        if( !error ) {
            newnode->Head = NULL;
            newnode->Tail = NULL;
            /* copy the new resource info into the new node */
            if( ver < 2 ) {
                newnode->Info.NumResources = 1;
                memcpy( &(newnode->Info.ResName), &( newres1.ResName ),
                        sizeof( WResID ) );
            } else {
                memcpy( &(newnode->Info), &newres, sizeof(WResResInfo) );

            /* read the extra bytes (if any) */
            if( extrabytes > 0 ) {
                error = WResReadExtraWResID( &(newnode->Info.ResName), handle );

            if( ver < 2 ) {
                langnode = WRESALLOC( sizeof(WResLangNode) );
                if( langnode == NULL ) {
                    error =  TRUE;
                    WRES_ERROR( WRS_MALLOC_FAILED );
                if( !error ) {
                    langnode->data = NULL;
                    langnode->fileInfo = fileinfo;
                    langnode->Info.MemoryFlags = newres1.MemoryFlags;
                    langnode->Info.Offset = newres1.Offset;
                    langnode->Info.Length = newres1.Length;
                    langnode->Info.lang.lang = DEF_LANG;
                    langnode->Info.lang.sublang = DEF_SUBLANG;
                    ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(newnode->Head), (void **)&(newnode->Tail),
                                       langnode );
            } else {
                error = readLangInfoList( handle, newnode, fileinfo );
        if( !error ) {
            /* add the resource node to the linked list */
            ResAddLLItemAtEnd( (void **)&(currtype->Head), (void **)&(currtype->Tail), newnode );

    return( error );

} /* readResList */