コード例 #1
ファイル: interface.c プロジェクト: josephcslater/pydstool
PyObject* InitEvents( int Maxevtpts, int *EventActive, int *EventDir, int *EventTerm,
		      double *EventInterval, double *EventDelay, double *EventTol,
		      int *Maxbisect, double EventNearCoef) {
  PyObject *OutObj = NULL;

  if( (gIData == NULL) ||  gIData->isInitBasic != 1 ){
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;

  if( !InitializeEvents( gIData, Maxevtpts, EventActive, EventDir, EventTerm,
			EventInterval, EventDelay, EventTol, Maxbisect, EventNearCoef ) ){
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  if( !ResetIndices( gIData ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  else {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 1);
  return OutObj;

コード例 #2
RadixSort::RadixSort() : mIndices(null), mIndices2(null), mCurrentSize(0), mPreviousSize(0), mTotalCalls(0), mNbHits(0)
    // Allocate input-independent ram
    mHistogram        = new udword[256*4];
    mOffset            = new udword[256];
    // Initialize indices
コード例 #3
ファイル: interface.c プロジェクト: josephcslater/pydstool
PyObject* Reset( void ) {
  PyObject *OutObj = NULL;

  if( ResetIndices( gIData ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 1);
  else {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
  return OutObj;

コード例 #4
// Constructor
	// Initialize
	mIndices		= 0;
	mIndices2		= 0;
	mCurrentSize	= 0;

	// Allocate input-independent ram
	mHistogram		= new u32[256*4];
	mOffset			= new u32[256];

	// Initialize indices
コード例 #5
bool RadixSort::Resize(udword nb)
    // Free previously used ram

    // Get some fresh one
    mIndices        = new udword[nb];    CHECKALLOC(mIndices);
    mIndices2        = new udword[nb];    CHECKALLOC(mIndices2);
    mCurrentSize    = nb;

    // Initialize indices so that the input buffer is read in sequential order

    return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: interface.c プロジェクト: josephcslater/pydstool
PyObject* InitBasic(int PhaseDim, int ParamDim, int nAux, int nEvents, int nExtInputs, 	     
		    int HasJac, int HasJacP, int HasMass, int extraSize) {

  PyObject *OutObj = NULL;
  int i = 0;

  if( gIData == NULL) {
    gIData = (IData *)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(IData));

  assert(nAux == N_AUXVARS);
  assert(nEvents == N_EVENTS);
  assert(nExtInputs == N_EXTINPUTS);

  if( !InitializeBasic( gIData, PhaseDim, ParamDim, nAux, nEvents, nExtInputs,
		       HasJac, HasJacP, HasMass, extraSize) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);

  if( gICs == NULL ) {
    gICs = (double *)PyMem_Malloc(gIData->phaseDim*sizeof(double));

  if( gBds == NULL ) {
    gBds = (double **)PyMem_Malloc(2*sizeof(double *));
    for( i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) {
      gBds[i] = (double *)PyMem_Malloc((gIData->phaseDim + gIData->paramDim)*sizeof(double));

  if( !ResetIndices( gIData ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
  else {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 1);
  return OutObj;
コード例 #7
ファイル: interface.c プロジェクト: josephcslater/pydstool
PyObject* SetRunParameters(double *ic, double *pars, double gt0, double t0, 
			   double tend, int refine, int specTimeLen, double *specTimes, 
			   double *upperBounds, double *lowerBounds) {
  PyObject *OutObj = NULL;

  int i = 0;

  if( (gIData == NULL) ||  gIData->isInitBasic != 1 ){
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  if( gICs == NULL ) {
    gICs = (double *)PyMem_Malloc(gIData->phaseDim*sizeof(double));
  if( gBds == NULL ) {
    gBds = (double **)PyMem_Malloc(2*sizeof(double *));
    for( i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) {
      gBds[i] = (double *)PyMem_Malloc((gIData->phaseDim + gIData->paramDim)*sizeof(double));
  if( !SetRunParams( gIData, pars, gICs, gBds, ic, gt0, &globalt0, 
		     t0, tend, refine, specTimeLen, specTimes, upperBounds, lowerBounds ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  if( !ResetIndices( gIData ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  else {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 1);
    return OutObj;
コード例 #8
ファイル: CTF.cpp プロジェクト: chegestar/omni-bot
void rvCTF_AssaultPoint::Event_InitializeLinks( void ) {
	if( linked ) {
	// pull in our targets
	toStrogg = gameLocal.FindEntity( spawnArgs.GetString( "targetStroggAP" ) );	
	toMarine = gameLocal.FindEntity( spawnArgs.GetString( "targetMarineAP" ) );


	trigger = new idClipModel( idTraceModel( idBounds( vec3_origin ).Expand( 16.0f ) ) );
// ddynerman: multiple clip worlds
	trigger->Link( this, 0, GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), GetPhysics()->GetAxis() );
	trigger->SetContents ( CONTENTS_TRIGGER );

	GetPhysics()->SetClipModel( NULL, 1.0f );

	linked = true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: interface.c プロジェクト: josephcslater/pydstool
PyObject* InitInteg(int Maxpts, double *atol, double *rtol ) {
  PyObject *OutObj = NULL;

  int i = 0;

  if( (gIData == NULL) ||  gIData->isInitBasic != 1 ){
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  if( gICs == NULL ) {
    gICs = (double *)PyMem_Malloc(gIData->phaseDim*sizeof(double));
  if( gBds == NULL ) {
    gBds = (double **)PyMem_Malloc(2*sizeof(double *));
    for( i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) {
      gBds[i] = (double *)PyMem_Malloc((gIData->phaseDim + gIData->paramDim)*sizeof(double));
  if( !InitIntegData( gIData, Maxpts, atol, rtol, gContSolFun ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  if( !ResetIndices( gIData ) ) {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 0);
    return OutObj;
  else {
    OutObj = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 1);
    return OutObj;
コード例 #10
// Main sort routine
// Input	:	input,			a list of integer values to sort
//				nb,				#values to sort
//				signedvalues,	true to handle negative values, false if you know your input buffer only contains positive values
// Output	:	mIndices,		a list of indices in sorted order, i.e. in the order you may process your data
// Return	:	Self-Reference
// Exception:	-
// Remark	:	this one is for integer values
RadixSorter& RadixSorter::Sort(u32* input, u32 nb, bool signedvalues)
	// Resize lists if needed
		// Free previously used ram

		// Get some fresh one
		mIndices		= new u32[nb];
		mIndices2		= new u32[nb];
		mCurrentSize	= nb;

		// Initialize indices so that the input buffer is read in sequential order

	// Clear counters
	memset(mHistogram, 0, 256*4*sizeof(u32));

	// Create histograms (counters). Counters for all passes are created in one run.
	// Pros:	read input buffer once instead of four times
	// Cons:	mHistogram is 4Kb instead of 1Kb
	// We must take care of signed/unsigned values for temporal coherence.... I just
	// have 2 code paths even if just a single opcode changes. Self-modifying code, someone?

	// Temporal coherence
	bool AlreadySorted = true;						// Optimism...
	u32* Indices = mIndices;
	// Prepare to count
	u8* p = (u8*)input;
	u8* pe = &p[nb*4];
	u32* h0= &mHistogram[0];						// Histogram for first pass (LSB)
	u32* h1= &mHistogram[256];					// Histogram for second pass
	u32* h2= &mHistogram[512];					// Histogram for third pass
	u32* h3= &mHistogram[768];					// Histogram for last pass (MSB)
		// Temporal coherence
		u32 PrevVal = input[mIndices[0]];

			// Temporal coherence
			u32 Val = input[*Indices++];				// Read input buffer in previous sorted order
			if(Val<PrevVal)	AlreadySorted = false;		// Check whether already sorted or not
			PrevVal = Val;								// Update for next iteration

			// Create histograms
			h0[*p++]++;	h1[*p++]++;	h2[*p++]++;	h3[*p++]++;
		// Temporal coherence
		s32 PrevVal = (s32)input[mIndices[0]];

			// Temporal coherence
			s32 Val = (s32)input[*Indices++];		// Read input buffer in previous sorted order
			if(Val<PrevVal)	AlreadySorted = false;		// Check whether already sorted or not
			PrevVal = Val;								// Update for next iteration

			// Create histograms
			h0[*p++]++;	h1[*p++]++;	h2[*p++]++;	h3[*p++]++;

	// If all input values are already sorted, we just have to return and leave the previous list unchanged.
	// That way the routine may take advantage of temporal coherence, for example when used to sort transparent faces.
	if(AlreadySorted) return *this;

	// Compute #negative values involved if needed
	u32 NbNegativeValues = 0;
		// An efficient way to compute the number of negatives values we'll have to deal with is simply to sum the 128
		// last values of the last histogram. Last histogram because that's the one for the Most Significant Byte,
		// responsible for the sign. 128 last values because the 128 first ones are related to positive numbers.
		u32* h3= &mHistogram[768];
		for(u32 i=128;i<256;i++)	NbNegativeValues += h3[i];	// 768 for last histogram, 128 for negative part

	// Radix sort, j is the pass number (0=LSB, 3=MSB)
	for(u32 j=0;j<4;j++)
		// Shortcut to current counters
		u32* CurCount = &mHistogram[j<<8];

		// Reset flag. The sorting pass is supposed to be performed. (default)
		bool PerformPass = true;

		// Check pass validity [some cycles are lost there in the generic case, but that's ok, just a little loop]
		for(u32 i=0;i<256;i++)
			// If all values have the same byte, sorting is useless. It may happen when sorting bytes or words instead of dwords.
			// This routine actually sorts words faster than dwords, and bytes faster than words. Standard running time (O(4*n))is
			// reduced to O(2*n) for words and O(n) for bytes. Running time for floats depends on actual values...
			// If at least one count is not 0, we suppose the pass must be done. Hence, this test takes very few CPU time in the generic case.
			if(CurCount[i])	break;

		// Sometimes the fourth (negative) pass is skipped because all numbers are negative and the MSB is 0xFF (for example). This is
		// not a problem, numbers are correctly sorted anyway.
			// Should we care about negative values?
			if(j!=3 || !signedvalues)
				// Here we deal with positive values only

				// Create offsets
				mOffset[0] = 0;
				for(u32 i=1;i<256;i++)		mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];
				// This is a special case to correctly handle negative integers. They're sorted in the right order but at the wrong place.

				// Create biased offsets, in order for negative numbers to be sorted as well
				mOffset[0] = NbNegativeValues;												// First positive number takes place after the negative ones
				for(u32 i=1;i<128;i++)		mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];	// 1 to 128 for positive numbers

				// Fixing the wrong place for negative values
				mOffset[128] = 0;
				for(u32 i=129;i<256;i++)	mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];

			// Perform Radix Sort
			u8* InputBytes = (u8*)input;
			u32* Indices = mIndices;
			u32* IndicesEnd = &mIndices[nb];
			InputBytes += j;
				u32 id = *Indices++;
				mIndices2[mOffset[InputBytes[id<<2]]++] = id;

			// Swap pointers for next pass
			u32* Tmp	= mIndices;
			mIndices	= mIndices2;
			mIndices2	= Tmp;
	return *this;
コード例 #11
// Main sort routine
// Input	:	input,			a list of floating-point values to sort
//				nb,				#values to sort
// Output	:	mIndices,		a list of indices in sorted order, i.e. in the order you may process your data
// Return	:	Self-Reference
// Exception:	-
// Remark	:	this one is for floating-point values
RadixSorter& RadixSorter::Sort(float* input2, u32 nb)
	u32* input = (u32*)input2;

	// Resize lists if needed
		// Free previously used ram

		// Get some fresh one
		mIndices		= new u32[nb];
		mIndices2		= new u32[nb];
		mCurrentSize	= nb;

		// Initialize indices so that the input buffer is read in sequential order

	// Clear counters
	memset(mHistogram, 0, 256*4*sizeof(u32));

	// Create histograms (counters). Counters for all passes are created in one run.
	// Pros:	read input buffer once instead of four times
	// Cons:	mHistogram is 4Kb instead of 1Kb
	// Floating-point values are always supposed to be signed values, so there's only one code path there.
	// Please note the floating point comparison needed for temporal coherence! Although the resulting asm code
	// is dreadful, this is surprisingly not such a performance hit - well, I suppose that's a big one on first
	// generation Pentiums....We can't make comparison on integer representations because, as Chris said, it just
	// wouldn't work with mixed positive/negative values....
		// 3 lines for temporal coherence support
		float PrevVal = input2[mIndices[0]];
		bool AlreadySorted = true;						// Optimism...
		u32* Indices = mIndices;

		// Prepare to count
		u8* p = (u8*)input;
		u8* pe = &p[nb*4];
		u32* h0= &mHistogram[0];						// Histogram for first pass (LSB)
		u32* h1= &mHistogram[256];					// Histogram for second pass
		u32* h2= &mHistogram[512];					// Histogram for third pass
		u32* h3= &mHistogram[768];					// Histogram for last pass (MSB)
			// Temporal coherence
			float Val = input2[*Indices++];				// Read input buffer in previous sorted order
			if(Val<PrevVal)	AlreadySorted = false;		// Check whether already sorted or not
			PrevVal = Val;								// Update for next iteration

			// Create histograms
			h0[*p++]++;	h1[*p++]++;	h2[*p++]++;	h3[*p++]++;

		// If all input values are already sorted, we just have to return and leave the previous list unchanged.
		// That way the routine may take advantage of temporal coherence, for example when used to sort transparent faces.
		if(AlreadySorted) return *this;

	// Compute #negative values involved if needed
	u32 NbNegativeValues = 0;
	// An efficient way to compute the number of negatives values we'll have to deal with is simply to sum the 128
	// last values of the last histogram. Last histogram because that's the one for the Most Significant Byte,
	// responsible for the sign. 128 last values because the 128 first ones are related to positive numbers.
	u32* h3= &mHistogram[768];
	for(u32 i=128;i<256;i++)	NbNegativeValues += h3[i];	// 768 for last histogram, 128 for negative part

	// Radix sort, j is the pass number (0=LSB, 3=MSB)
	for(u32 j=0;j<4;j++)
		// Shortcut to current counters
		u32* CurCount = &mHistogram[j<<8];

		// Reset flag. The sorting pass is supposed to be performed. (default)
		bool PerformPass = true;

		// Check pass validity [some cycles are lost there in the generic case, but that's ok, just a little loop]
		for(u32 i=0;i<256;i++)
			// If all values have the same byte, sorting is useless. It may happen when sorting bytes or words instead of dwords.
			// This routine actually sorts words faster than dwords, and bytes faster than words. Standard running time (O(4*n))is
			// reduced to O(2*n) for words and O(n) for bytes. Running time for floats depends on actual values...
			// If at least one count is not 0, we suppose the pass must be done. Hence, this test takes very few CPU time in the generic case.
			if(CurCount[i])	break;

			// Should we care about negative values?
				// Here we deal with positive values only

				// Create offsets
				mOffset[0] = 0;
				for(u32 i=1;i<256;i++)		mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];

				// Perform Radix Sort
				u8* InputBytes = (u8*)input;
				u32* Indices = mIndices;
				u32* IndicesEnd = &mIndices[nb];
				InputBytes += j;
					u32 id = *Indices++;
					mIndices2[mOffset[InputBytes[id<<2]]++] = id;
				// This is a special case to correctly handle negative values

				// Create biased offsets, in order for negative numbers to be sorted as well
				mOffset[0] = NbNegativeValues;												// First positive number takes place after the negative ones
				for(u32 i=1;i<128;i++)		mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];	// 1 to 128 for positive numbers

				// We must reverse the sorting order for negative numbers!
				mOffset[255] = 0;
				for(u32 i=0;i<127;i++)		mOffset[254-i] = mOffset[255-i] + CurCount[255-i];	// Fixing the wrong order for negative values
				for(u32 i=128;i<256;i++)	mOffset[i] += CurCount[i];							// Fixing the wrong place for negative values

				// Perform Radix Sort
				for(u32 i=0;i<nb;i++)
					u32 Radix = input[mIndices[i]]>>24;								// Radix byte, same as above. AND is useless here (u32).
					// ### cmp to be killed. Not good. Later.
					if(Radix<128)		mIndices2[mOffset[Radix]++] = mIndices[i];		// Number is positive, same as above
					else				mIndices2[--mOffset[Radix]] = mIndices[i];		// Number is negative, flip the sorting order

			// Swap pointers for next pass
			u32* Tmp	= mIndices;
			mIndices	= mIndices2;
			mIndices2	= Tmp;
	return *this;