コード例 #1
ファイル: RinexClockData.cpp プロジェクト: vestuto/GPSTk
   void RinexClockData::reallyGetRecord(FFStream& ffs)
      throw(exception, FFStreamError, StringException)
      // cast the stream to be an RinexClockStream
      RinexClockStream& strm = dynamic_cast<RinexClockStream&>(ffs);


      string line;
      strm.formattedGetLine(line,true);      // true means 'expect possible EOF'
      if(line.length() < 59) {
         FFStreamError e("Short line : " + line);

      //cout << "Data Line: /" << line << "/" << endl;
      datatype = line.substr(0,2);
      site = line.substr(3,4);
      if(datatype == string("AS")) {
         int prn(asInt(site.substr(1,2)));
         if(site[0] == 'G') sat = RinexSatID(prn,RinexSatID::systemGPS);
         else if(site[0] == 'R') sat = RinexSatID(prn,RinexSatID::systemGlonass);
         else {
            FFStreamError e("Invalid sat : /" + site + "/");
         site = string();

      time = CivilTime(asInt(line.substr( 8,4)),

      int n(asInt(line.substr(34,3)));
      bias = asDouble(line.substr(40,19));
      if(n > 1 && line.length() >= 59) sig_bias = asDouble(line.substr(60,19));

      if(n > 2) {
         if(int(line.length()) < (n-2)*20-1) {
            FFStreamError e("Short line : " + line);
         drift =     asDouble(line.substr( 0,19));
         if(n > 3) sig_drift = asDouble(line.substr(20,19));
         if(n > 4) accel     = asDouble(line.substr(40,19));
         if(n > 5) sig_accel = asDouble(line.substr(60,19));

   }   // end reallyGetRecord()
コード例 #2
ファイル: Rinex3NavData.cpp プロジェクト: JC5005/GPSTk
      // This constructor initializes R3NavData with Glonass data.
   Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const GloEphemeris& gloe)

         // Epoch info
      satSys = gloe.getSatSys();
      PRNID  = gloe.getPRNID();
      sat    = RinexSatID(PRNID,SatID::systemGlonass);
      time   = gloe.getEpochTime();

         // GLONASS parameters
      TauN = gloe.getTauN();
      GammaN = gloe.getGammaN();
      MFtime = gloe.getMFtime();
      health = gloe.getHealth();
      freqNum = gloe.getfreqNum();
      ageOfInfo = gloe.getAgeOfInfo();

      Triple x( gloe.x );
      px = x[0];
      py = x[1];
      pz = x[2];

      Triple v( gloe.v );
      vx = v[0];
      vy = v[1];
      vz = v[2];

      Triple a( gloe.getAcc() );
      ax = a[0];
      ay = a[1];
      az = a[2];

   }  // End of 'Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const GloEphemeris& ge)'
コード例 #3
ファイル: Rinex3NavData.cpp プロジェクト: JC5005/GPSTk
   // Private helper routine for constructors from OrbitEph-based Ephemerides
   void Rinex3NavData::loadFrom(const OrbitEph *oeptr)
      time = oeptr->ctToc;
      sat = RinexSatID(oeptr->satID);
      satSys = string(1,sat.systemChar());
      PRNID = sat.id;

      //Toc = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(oeptr->ctToe).getSOW();
      af0 = oeptr->af0;
      af1 = oeptr->af1;
      af2 = oeptr->af2;

      //Toe = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond(oeptr->ctToe).getSOW();
      M0 = oeptr->M0;
      dn = oeptr->dn;
      ecc = oeptr->ecc;
      Ahalf = SQRT(oeptr->A);
      OMEGA0 = oeptr->OMEGA0;
      i0 = oeptr->i0;
      w = oeptr->w;
      OMEGAdot = oeptr->OMEGAdot;
      idot = oeptr->idot;

      Cuc = oeptr->Cuc;
      Cus = oeptr->Cus;
      Crc = oeptr->Crc;
      Crs = oeptr->Crs;
      Cic = oeptr->Cic;
      Cis = oeptr->Cis;
コード例 #4
ファイル: RinexClockData.hpp プロジェクト: Milfhunter/gpstk
 void clear(void) throw()
    datatype = std::string();
    sat = RinexSatID(-1,RinexSatID::systemGPS);
    time = CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;
    bias = sig_bias = drift = sig_drift = accel = sig_accel = 0.0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Rinex3NavData.cpp プロジェクト: JC5005/GPSTk
   // Deprecated; used GPSEphemeris.
   // This routine uses EngEphemeris, so is for GPS data only.
   // The comments about GPS v. Galileo next to each elements are just notes
   // from sorting out the ICDs in the RINEX 3 documentation. Please leave
   // them there until we add a routine for handling GalRecord or similar.
   Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const EngEphemeris& ee) // GPS only
      // epoch info
      satSys = ee.getSatSys();
      PRNID  = ee.getPRNID();
      sat    = RinexSatID(PRNID,SatID::systemGPS);
      time   = ee.getEpochTime();

      Toc     = ee.getToc();
      HOWtime = long(ee.getHOWTime(1));
      weeknum = ee.getFullWeek();

      accuracy = ee.getAccuracy();
      health   = ee.getHealth();

      // GPS or Galileo data

      af0 = ee.getAf0(); // GPS and Galileo only
      af1 = ee.getAf1(); // GPS and Galileo only
      af2 = ee.getAf2(); // GPS and Galileo only

      Crs = ee.getCrs(); // GPS and Galileo only
      dn  = ee.getDn();  // GPS and Galileo only
      M0  = ee.getM0();  // GPS and Galileo only

      Cuc   = ee.getCuc();   // GPS and Galileo only
      ecc   = ee.getEcc();   // GPS and Galileo only
      Cus   = ee.getCus();   // GPS and Galileo only
      Ahalf = ee.getAhalf(); // GPS and Galileo only

      Toe    = ee.getToe();    // GPS and Galileo only
      Cic    = ee.getCic();    // GPS and Galileo only
      OMEGA0 = ee.getOmega0(); // GPS and Galileo only
      Cis    = ee.getCis();    // GPS and Galileo only

      i0       = ee.getI0();       // GPS and Galileo only
      Crc      = ee.getCrc();      // GPS and Galileo only
      w        = ee.getW();        // GPS and Galileo only
      OMEGAdot = ee.getOmegaDot(); // GPS and Galileo only

      idot = ee.getIDot(); // GPS and Galileo only

      // GPS-only data

      IODE = ee.getIODE(); // GPS only

      codeflgs = ee.getCodeFlags(); // GPS only
      L2Pdata  = ee.getL2Pdata();   // GPS only

      Tgd  = ee.getTgd();  // GPS only
      IODC = ee.getIODC(); // GPS only

      fitint = ee.getFitInterval(); // GPS only
   }  // End of 'Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const EngEphemeris& ee)'
コード例 #6
ファイル: Rinex3NavData.cpp プロジェクト: JC5005/GPSTk
   // Initializes the nav data with a QZSEphemeris
   Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const QZSEphemeris& qzseph)
      loadFrom(dynamic_cast<const OrbitEph*>(&qzseph));

      Toc = static_cast<QZSWeekSecond>(qzseph.ctToc).getSOW();
      Toe = static_cast<QZSWeekSecond>(qzseph.ctToe).getSOW();
      HOWtime = qzseph.HOWtime;
      weeknum = static_cast<QZSWeekSecond>(qzseph.transmitTime).getWeek();

      PRNID -= 192;                    // RINEX stores PRN minus 192
      sat = RinexSatID(PRNID,SatID::systemQZSS);
      IODC = qzseph.IODC;
      IODE = qzseph.IODE;
      health = qzseph.health;
      accuracy = qzseph.accuracy;
      Tgd = qzseph.Tgd;

      codeflgs = qzseph.codeflags;
      L2Pdata = qzseph.L2Pdata;

      fitint = qzseph.fitint;
コード例 #7
ファイル: RinexClockHeader.hpp プロジェクト: Milfhunter/gpstk
         /// clear out the member data
      void clear(void) {
         version = 3.0;
         program = std::string();
         runby = std::string();
         leapSeconds = 0;
         analysisCenter = std::string();
         terrRefFrame = std::string();
         timeSystem = TimeSystem::Any;
         pcvsSystem = RinexSatID(-1, RinexSatID::systemGPS);
         pcvsProgram = std::string();
         pcvsSource = std::string();
         numSolnStations = 0;
         numSolnSatellites = 0;

         valid = 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: RinexSatID.hpp プロジェクト: ianmartin/GPSTk
 RinexSatID(const SatID& sat)
     *this = RinexSatID(sat.id,sat.system);
コード例 #9
ファイル: GloEphemerisStore.cpp プロジェクト: SGL-UT/GPSTk
      /* A debugging function that outputs in human readable form,
       * all data stored in this object.
       * @param[in] s      The stream to receive the output; defaults to cout
       * @param[in] detail The level of detail to provide
       * @warning GLONASS position, velocity and acceleration information are
       * given in km, km/s and km/(s*s), respectively.
   void GloEphemerisStore::dump( std::ostream& s, short detail ) const
      static const string fmt("%04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %P");
      s << "Dump of GloEphemerisStore:\n";

      //if(detail == 0 ) {
      s << " Span is " << (initialTime == CommonTime::END_OF_TIME
                                    ? "End_time" : printTime(initialTime, fmt))
        << " to " << (finalTime == CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME
                                    ? "Begin_time" : printTime(finalTime, fmt))
        << " with " << pe.size() << " entries; checkHealthFlag is "
        << (onlyHealthy ? "T":"F") << std::endl;

      if(detail > 0) {
            s << "Dump every record:\nweek   sow      = year/mn/dy hr:mi:sc Sys Sat   "
            << "X                   Y                   Z                   "
            << "VX                  VY                  VZ                  "
            << "AX                  AY                  AZ                  "
            << "TauN                GammaN            MFtime Hlth fNo AgeInfo\n";

         // Iterate through all items in the 'pe' GloEphMap
         for( GloEphMap::const_iterator it = pe.begin(); it != pe.end(); ++it ) {

            // Then, iterate through corresponding 'TimeGloMap'
          for( TimeGloMap::const_iterator tgmIter = (*it).second.begin();
              tgmIter != (*it).second.end();
              ++tgmIter )

                 // First, print year, Day-Of-Year and Seconds of Day
            s << printTime(tgmIter->first,fmt) << " ";

               // Second, print SatID information
            s << RinexSatID((*it).first) << " ";

               // Third, print satellite ephemeris data
            GloEphemeris data( (*tgmIter).second );
               // Get the satellite's acceleration
            Triple a( data.getAcc() );

            s << scientific << setprecision(12);
            s << setw(19) << data.x[0] << " "
              << setw(19) << data.x[1] << " "
              << setw(19) << data.x[2] << " "
              << setw(19) << data.v[0] << " "
              << setw(19) << data.v[1] << " "
              << setw(19) << data.v[2] << " "
              << setw(19) << a[0] << " "
              << setw(19) << a[1] << " "
              << setw(19) << a[2] << " "
              << setw(19) << data.getTauN() << " "
              << setw(19) << data.getGammaN() << " "
              << setw(6) << data.getMFtime() << " "
              << setw(3) << data.getHealth() << " "
              << setw(3) << data.getfreqNum() << " "
              << setprecision(2) << setw(5) << data.getAgeOfInfo();

               // Add end-of-line
            s << endl;

          }  // End of 'for( TimeGloMap::const_iterator tgmIter = ...'

        }  // End of 'for( GloEphMap::const_iterator it = pe.begin(); ...'

      }  // End of 'else', i.e., detail != 0

      s << "  End of GloEphemerisStore data." << std::endl;

   }; // End of method 'GloEphemerisStore::dump()'