コード例 #1
void FPackageDependencyInfo::PrepContentPackageTimeStamps()
    TArray<FString> ContentDirectories;
        TArray<FString> RootContentPaths;
        FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootContentPaths );
        for( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator RootPathIt( RootContentPaths ); RootPathIt; ++RootPathIt )
            const FString& RootPath = *RootPathIt;
            const FString& ContentFolder = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename( RootPath );
            ContentDirectories.Add( ContentFolder );

    // use the timestamp grabbing visitor (include directories)
    TArray<FString> DirectoriesWildcards;
    TArray<FString> DirectoriesToIgnore;
    TArray<FString> DirectoriesToNotRecurse;

    for (int DirIdx = 0; DirIdx < ContentDirectories.Num(); DirIdx++)
        FPackageDependencyTimestampVisitor TimeStampVisitor(FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile(), DirectoriesWildcards, DirectoriesToIgnore, DirectoriesToNotRecurse, false);
        TimeStampVisitor.Visit(*ContentDirectories[DirIdx], true);
        for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(TimeStampVisitor.FileTimes); It; ++It)
            FString ContentFilename = It.Key();
            if ( FPackageName::IsPackageExtension(*FPaths::GetExtension(ContentFilename, true)) )
                FDateTime ContentTimestamp = It.Value();
                ContentFilename = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(ContentFilename, false);
                // Add it to the pkg info mapping
                FPackageDependencyTrackingInfo* NewInfo = new FPackageDependencyTrackingInfo(ContentFilename, ContentTimestamp);
                PackageInformation.Add(ContentFilename, NewInfo);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PackageName.cpp プロジェクト: 1vanK/AHRUnrealEngine
bool FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk(const FString& PackageName, FString* OutLongPackageName, FString* OutFilename, bool bUseLocalizedNames)
	bool bResult = false;
	double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	if (FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(PackageName) == false)
		// If this is long package name, revert to using DoesPackageExist because it's a lot faster.
		FString Filename;
		if (DoesPackageExist(PackageName, NULL, &Filename))
			if (OutLongPackageName)
				*OutLongPackageName = PackageName;
			if (OutFilename)
				*OutFilename = Filename;
			bResult = true;
		// Attempt to find package by its short name by searching in the known content paths.
		TArray<FString> Paths;		
			TArray<FString> RootContentPaths;
			FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootContentPaths );
			for( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator RootPathIt( RootContentPaths ); RootPathIt; ++RootPathIt )
				const FString& RootPath = *RootPathIt;
				const FString& ContentFolder = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename( RootPath );
				Paths.Add( ContentFolder );

		const FString PackageWildcard = (PackageName.Find(TEXT(".")) != INDEX_NONE ? PackageName : PackageName + TEXT(".*"));
		TArray<FString> Results;

		for (int32 PathIndex = 0; PathIndex < Paths.Num() && !bResult; ++PathIndex)
			// Search directly on disk. Very slow!
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive(Results, *Paths[PathIndex], *PackageWildcard, true, false);

			for (int32 FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < Results.Num(); ++FileIndex)
				FString Filename(Results[FileIndex]);
				if (IsPackageFilename(Results[FileIndex]))
					// Convert to long package name.
					FString LongPackageName;
					if (TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName(Filename, LongPackageName))
						if (OutLongPackageName)
							if (bResult)
								UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Warning, TEXT("Found ambiguous long package name for '%s'. Returning '%s', but could also be '%s'."), *PackageName, **OutLongPackageName, *LongPackageName );
								*OutLongPackageName = LongPackageName;
						if (OutFilename)
							if (bResult)
								UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Warning, TEXT("Found ambiguous file name for '%s'. Returning '%s', but could also be '%s'."), *PackageName, **OutFilename, *Filename);
								*OutFilename = Filename;
						bResult = true;
	float ThisTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime;
	UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Log, TEXT("SearchForPackageOnDisk took %7.3fs to resolve %s"), ThisTime, *PackageName);
	return bResult;
コード例 #3
void FNetworkPlatformFile::InitializeAfterSetActive()
	double NetworkFileStartupTime = 0.0;

		// send the filenames and timestamps to the server
		FNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::GetFileList);
		FillGetFileList(Payload, false);

		// send the directories over, and wait for a response
		FArrayReader Response;
		if (!SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response))
			delete Transport; 
			// receive the cooked version information
			int32 ServerPackageVersion = 0;
			int32 ServerPackageLicenseeVersion = 0;
			ProcessServerInitialResponse(Response, ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion);

			// receive a list of the cache files and their timestamps
			TMap<FString, FDateTime> ServerCachedFiles;
			Response << ServerCachedFiles;

			bool bDeleteAllFiles = true;
			// Check the stored cooked version
			FString CookedVersionFile = FPaths::GeneratedConfigDir() / TEXT("CookedVersion.txt");

			if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*CookedVersionFile) == true)
				IFileHandle* FileHandle = InnerPlatformFile->OpenRead(*CookedVersionFile);
				if (FileHandle != NULL)
					int32 StoredPackageCookedVersion;
					int32 StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion;
					if (FileHandle->Read((uint8*)&StoredPackageCookedVersion, sizeof(int32)) == true)
						if (FileHandle->Read((uint8*)&StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion, sizeof(int32)) == true)
							if ((ServerPackageVersion == StoredPackageCookedVersion) &&
								(ServerPackageLicenseeVersion == StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion))
								bDeleteAllFiles = false;
								UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, 
									TEXT("Engine version mismatch: Server %d.%d, Stored %d.%d\n"), 
									ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion,
									StoredPackageCookedVersion, StoredPackageCookedLicenseeVersion);

					delete FileHandle;
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Cooked version file missing: %s\n"), *CookedVersionFile);

			if (bDeleteAllFiles == true)
				// Make sure the config file exists...
				// Update the cooked version file
				IFileHandle* FileHandle = InnerPlatformFile->OpenWrite(*CookedVersionFile);
				if (FileHandle != NULL)
					FileHandle->Write((const uint8*)&ServerPackageVersion, sizeof(int32));
					FileHandle->Write((const uint8*)&ServerPackageLicenseeVersion, sizeof(int32));
					delete FileHandle;

			// list of directories to skip
			TArray<FString> DirectoriesToSkip;
			TArray<FString> DirectoriesToNotRecurse;
			// use the timestamp grabbing visitor to get all the content times
			FLocalTimestampDirectoryVisitor Visitor(*InnerPlatformFile, DirectoriesToSkip, DirectoriesToNotRecurse, false);

			TArray<FString> RootContentPaths;
			FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootContentPaths );
			for( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator RootPathIt( RootContentPaths ); RootPathIt; ++RootPathIt )
				const FString& RootPath = *RootPathIt;
				const FString& ContentFolder = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(RootPath);

				InnerPlatformFile->IterateDirectory( *ContentFolder, Visitor);

			// delete out of date files using the server cached files
			for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(ServerCachedFiles); It; ++It)
				bool bDeleteFile = bDeleteAllFiles;
				FString ServerFile = It.Key();

				// Convert the filename to the client version

				// Set it in the visitor file times list
				Visitor.FileTimes.Add(ServerFile, FDateTime::MinValue());

				if (bDeleteFile == false)
					// Check the time stamps...
					// get local time
					FDateTime LocalTime = InnerPlatformFile->GetTimeStamp(*ServerFile);
					// If local time == MinValue than the file does not exist in the cache.
					if (LocalTime != FDateTime::MinValue())
						FDateTime ServerTime = It.Value();
						// delete if out of date
						// We will use 1.0 second as the tolerance to cover any platform differences in resolution
						FTimespan TimeDiff = LocalTime - ServerTime;
						double TimeDiffInSeconds = TimeDiff.GetTotalSeconds();
						bDeleteFile = (TimeDiffInSeconds > 1.0) || (TimeDiffInSeconds < -1.0);
						if (bDeleteFile == true)
							if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*ServerFile) == true)
								UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Deleting cached file: TimeDiff %5.3f, %s"), TimeDiffInSeconds, *It.Key());
								// It's a directory
								bDeleteFile = false;
				if (bDeleteFile == true)

			// Any content files we have locally that were not cached, delete them
			for (TMap<FString, FDateTime>::TIterator It(Visitor.FileTimes); It; ++It)
				if (It.Value() != FDateTime::MinValue())
					// This was *not* found in the server file list... delete it
					UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Deleting cached file: %s"), *It.Key());

			// make sure we can sync a file
			FString TestSyncFile = FPaths::Combine(*(FPaths::EngineDir()), TEXT("Config/BaseEngine.ini"));

			InnerPlatformFile->SetReadOnly(*TestSyncFile, false);
			if (InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*TestSyncFile))
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not delete file sync test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);


			if (!InnerPlatformFile->FileExists(*TestSyncFile) || InnerPlatformFile->FileSize(*TestSyncFile) < 1)
				UE_LOG(LogNetworkPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not sync test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);

	FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("Network file startup time: %5.3f seconds\n"), NetworkFileStartupTime);
