int TrackerTLDImpl::Pexpert::additionalExamples(std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& examplesForModel, std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& examplesForEnsemble) { examplesForModel.clear(); examplesForEnsemble.clear(); examplesForModel.reserve(100); examplesForEnsemble.reserve(100); std::vector<Rect2d> closest, scanGrid; Mat scaledImg, blurredImg; double scale = scaleAndBlur(img_, cvRound(log(1.0 * resultBox_.width / (initSize_.width)) / log(SCALE_STEP)), scaledImg, blurredImg, GaussBlurKernelSize, SCALE_STEP); TLDDetector::generateScanGrid(img_.rows, img_.cols, initSize_, scanGrid); getClosestN(scanGrid, Rect2d(resultBox_.x / scale, resultBox_.y / scale, resultBox_.width / scale, resultBox_.height / scale), 10, closest); for( int i = 0; i < (int)closest.size(); i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) { Point2f center; Size2f size; Mat_<uchar> standardPatch(STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE, STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE), blurredPatch(initSize_); center.x = (float)(closest[i].x + closest[i].width * (0.5 + rng.uniform(-0.01, 0.01))); center.y = (float)(closest[i].y + closest[i].height * (0.5 + rng.uniform(-0.01, 0.01))); size.width = (float)(closest[i].width * rng.uniform((double)0.99, (double)1.01)); size.height = (float)(closest[i].height * rng.uniform((double)0.99, (double)1.01)); float angle = (float)rng.uniform(-5.0, 5.0); for( int y = 0; y < standardPatch.rows; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < standardPatch.cols; x++ ) { standardPatch(x, y) += (uchar)rng.gaussian(5.0); } } #ifdef BLUR_AS_VADIM GaussianBlur(standardPatch, blurredPatch, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0); resize(blurredPatch, blurredPatch, initSize_); #else resample(blurredImg, RotatedRect(center, size, angle), blurredPatch); #endif resample(scaledImg, RotatedRect(center, size, angle), standardPatch); examplesForModel.push_back(standardPatch); examplesForEnsemble.push_back(blurredPatch); } } return 0; }
RotatedRect doRect(double *conf,const double scale, const RotatedRect rect){ Point2f center(conf[0]*scale,conf[1]*scale); Size2f sizeB(rect.size.width*conf[4]*scale,rect.size.height*conf[4]*scale); return RotatedRect(center,sizeB,conf[6]); }
Bleb::Bleb() { size = 0; center = Point(0, 0); bunch_polar.clear(); roughArea = RotatedRect(); bin = 0; }
RotatedRect CamShift( const Mat& probImage, Rect& window, TermCriteria criteria ) { CvConnectedComp comp; CvBox2D box; CvMat _probImage = probImage; cvCamShift(&_probImage, window, (CvTermCriteria)criteria, &comp, &box); window = comp.rect; return RotatedRect(Point2f(, Size2f(box.size), box.angle); }
IKSyntherError do_synther_error(MetaData&metadata) { IKSyntherError ikerr; // find the training example with closest pose to the testing example double min_dist; shared_ptr<MetaData> oracle_datum = do_closest_exemplar_ik(metadata,min_dist); // calc the pose error ikerr.pose_error = min_dist; // get the bbs vector<AnnotationBoundingBox> test_bbs = metric_positive(metadata); vector<AnnotationBoundingBox> train_bbs = metric_positive(*oracle_datum); if(test_bbs.size() > 0 and train_bbs.size() > 0) { // calc the template error. AnnotationBoundingBox test_bb = test_bbs.front(); ImRGBZ test_im = (*metadata.load_im())(test_bb); VolumetricTemplate test_templ(test_im,test_bb.depth,nullptr,RotatedRect()); // AnnotationBoundingBox train_bb = train_bbs.front(); ImRGBZ train_im = (*oracle_datum->load_im())(train_bb); VolumetricTemplate train_templ(train_im,train_bb.depth,nullptr,RotatedRect()); // ikerr.template_error = 1 - test_templ.cor(train_templ); log_im_decay_freq("do_synther_error",[&]() { Mat vis_test = imageeq("",test_templ.getTIm(),false,false); Mat vis_train = imageeq("",train_templ.getTIm(),false,false); return horizCat(vis_test,vis_train); }); } else ikerr.template_error = 1.0; return ikerr; }
/* * Draws the "robot" as a triangle facing in the * direction it's initialised as. */ void RobotSim::draw(Mat& src, bool draw_searchRadius) { cv::RotatedRect Rekt = RotatedRect(Position, R_size, angle); Point2f vertices[4]; Rekt.points(vertices); Point2f Front((vertices[2].x+vertices[3].x)/2, (vertices[2].y+vertices[3].y)/2); cv::line(src, vertices[0], Front, Scalar(255,0,0)); cv::line(src, vertices[1], Front, Scalar(255,0,0)); cv::line(src, vertices[0], vertices[1], Scalar(255,0,0)); if(draw_searchRadius){ circle(src, Position, searchRadius, Scalar(0,0,255), 2, 8, 0 ); } }
void FindObjectMain::process_camshift() { // Some user defined parameters int vmin = config.vmin; int vmax = config.vmax; int smin = config.smin; float hranges[] = { 0, 180 }; const float* phranges = hranges; // Create aligned, RGB images if(!object_image) { object_image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(object_image_w, object_image_h), 8, 3); } if(!scene_image) { scene_image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(scene_image_w, scene_image_h), 8, 3); } // Temporary row pointers unsigned char **object_rows = new unsigned char*[object_image_h]; unsigned char **scene_rows = new unsigned char*[scene_image_h]; for(int i = 0; i < object_image_h; i++) { object_rows[i] = (unsigned char*)(object_image->imageData + i * object_image_w * 3); } for(int i = 0; i < scene_image_h; i++) { scene_rows[i] = (unsigned char*)(scene_image->imageData + i * scene_image_w * 3); } // Transfer object & scene to RGB images for OpenCV if(!prev_object) prev_object = new unsigned char[object_image_w * object_image_h * 3]; // Back up old object image memcpy(prev_object, object_image->imageData, object_image_w * object_image_h * 3); BC_CModels::transfer(object_rows, get_input(object_layer)->get_rows(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, object_x1, object_y1, object_w, object_h, 0, 0, object_w, object_h, get_input(object_layer)->get_color_model(), BC_RGB888, 0, 0, 0); BC_CModels::transfer(scene_rows, get_input(scene_layer)->get_rows(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scene_x1, scene_y1, scene_w, scene_h, 0, 0, scene_w, scene_h, get_input(scene_layer)->get_color_model(), BC_RGB888, 0, 0, 0); delete [] object_rows; delete [] scene_rows; // from camshiftdemo.cpp // Compute new object if(memcmp(prev_object, object_image->imageData, object_image_w * object_image_h * 3) || !hist.dims) { Mat image(object_image); Mat hsv, hue, mask; cvtColor(image, hsv, CV_RGB2HSV); int _vmin = vmin, _vmax = vmax; //printf("FindObjectMain::process_camshift %d\n", __LINE__); inRange(hsv, Scalar(0, smin, MIN(_vmin,_vmax)), Scalar(180, 256, MAX(_vmin, _vmax)), mask); int ch[] = { 0, 0 }; hue.create(hsv.size(), hsv.depth()); mixChannels(&hsv, 1, &hue, 1, ch, 1); Rect selection = Rect(0, 0, object_w, object_h); trackWindow = selection; int hsize = 16; Mat roi(hue, selection), maskroi(mask, selection); calcHist(&roi, 1, 0, maskroi, hist, 1, &hsize, &phranges); normalize(hist, hist, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); } // compute scene Mat image(scene_image); Mat hsv, hue, mask, backproj; cvtColor(image, hsv, CV_RGB2HSV); int _vmin = vmin, _vmax = vmax; inRange(hsv, Scalar(0, smin, MIN(_vmin,_vmax)), Scalar(180, 256, MAX(_vmin, _vmax)), mask); int ch[] = {0, 0}; hue.create(hsv.size(), hsv.depth()); mixChannels(&hsv, 1, &hue, 1, ch, 1); //printf("FindObjectMain::process_camshift %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, hist.dims, hist.size[1]); RotatedRect trackBox = RotatedRect( Point2f((object_x1 + object_x2) / 2, (object_y1 + object_y2) / 2), Size2f(object_w, object_h), 0); trackWindow = Rect(0, 0, scene_w, scene_h); if(hist.dims > 0) { calcBackProject(&hue, 1, 0, hist, backproj, &phranges); backproj &= mask; //printf("FindObjectMain::process_camshift %d\n", __LINE__); // if(trackWindow.width <= 0 || // trackWindow.height <= 0) // { // trackWindow.width = object_w; // trackWindow.height = object_h; // } trackBox = CamShift(backproj, trackWindow, TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1 )); //printf("FindObjectMain::process_camshift %d\n", __LINE__); // if( trackWindow.area() <= 1 ) // { // int cols = backproj.cols; // int rows = backproj.rows; // int r = (MIN(cols, rows) + 5) / 6; // trackWindow = Rect(trackWindow.x - r, trackWindow.y - r, // trackWindow.x + r, trackWindow.y + r) & // Rect(0, 0, cols, rows); // } } // printf("FindObjectMain::process_camshift %d %d %d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // trackWindow.x, // trackWindow.y, // trackWindow.width, // trackWindow.height); // Draw mask over scene if(config.draw_keypoints) { for(int i = 0; i < scene_h; i++) { switch(get_input(scene_layer)->get_color_model()) { case BC_YUV888: { unsigned char *input = + i * scene_image_w; unsigned char *output = get_input(scene_layer)->get_rows()[i + scene_y1] + scene_x1 * 3; for(int j = 0; j < scene_w; j++) { output[0] = *input; output[1] = 0x80; output[2] = 0x80; output += 3; input++; } break; } } } } // Get object outline in the scene layer // printf("FindObjectMain::process_camshift %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // (int), // (int), // (int)trackBox.size.width, // (int)trackBox.size.height, // (int)trackBox.angle); double angle = trackBox.angle * 2 * M_PI / 360; double angle1 = atan2(-(double)trackBox.size.height / 2, -(double)trackBox.size.width / 2) + angle; double angle2 = atan2(-(double)trackBox.size.height / 2, (double)trackBox.size.width / 2) + angle; double angle3 = atan2((double)trackBox.size.height / 2, (double)trackBox.size.width / 2) + angle; double angle4 = atan2((double)trackBox.size.height / 2, -(double)trackBox.size.width / 2) + angle; double radius = sqrt(SQR(trackBox.size.height / 2) + SQR(trackBox.size.width / 2)); border_x1 = (int)( + cos(angle1) * radius) + scene_x1; border_y1 = (int)( + sin(angle1) * radius) + scene_y1; border_x2 = (int)( + cos(angle2) * radius) + scene_x1; border_y2 = (int)( + sin(angle2) * radius) + scene_y1; border_x3 = (int)( + cos(angle3) * radius) + scene_x1; border_y3 = (int)( + sin(angle3) * radius) + scene_y1; border_x4 = (int)( + cos(angle4) * radius) + scene_x1; border_y4 = (int)( + sin(angle4) * radius) + scene_y1; }
BOOL CMT::processFrame(const Mat& imGray) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Track keypoints //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vector<Point2f> pointsTracked; vector<UCHAR> status; this->isVisible = tracker.track( imPrev, imGray, pointsActive, pointsTracked, status ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Keep successful classes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vector<int> classesTracked; for (register UINT it = 0; it < classesActive.size(); ++it) { if (status[it]) classesTracked.push_back(classesActive[it]); // else if(status[it] == 0) classesActive[it] : failed to track } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compute Descriptors // this->keypoints : Supplied by thread //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MatND descriptors; descriptor->compute(imGray, this->keypoints, descriptors); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Match keypoints globally //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vector<Point2f> pointsMatchedGlobal; vector<int> classesMatchedGlobal; this->isVisible = matcher.matchGlobal( this->keypoints, descriptors, pointsMatchedGlobal, classesMatchedGlobal ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // pointsFused = { pointsTracked ¡ú pointsMatchedGlobal } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vector<Point2f> pointsFused; vector<int> classesFused; if (this->isRetrying) { pointsTracked.clear(); classesTracked.clear(); } //----------------------------------- // Matches First //----------------------------------- this->isVisible = fusion.preferFirst( pointsMatchedGlobal, classesMatchedGlobal, pointsTracked, classesTracked, pointsFused, classesFused ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Estimate the changes in Scale and Rotation of pointsFused from the initial Constellation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float scale, rotation; this->isVisible = consensus.estimateScaleRotation( pointsFused, classesFused, scale, rotation ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find inliers and the center of their votes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // votes : pointsFused - DeformsFG // votes = pointsFused - scale * rotate(vectorsFG[classes[it]], rotation); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vector<Point2f> pointsInlier; vector<int> classesInlier; this->isVisible = consensus.findConsensus( pointsFused, classesFused, scale, rotation, center, pointsInlier, classesInlier ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Match keypoints locally //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vector<Point2f> pointsMatchedLocal; vector<int> classesMatchedLocal; this->isVisible = matcher.matchLocal( this->keypoints, descriptors, scale, rotation, center, pointsMatchedLocal, classesMatchedLocal ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // pointsActive = { pointsInlier ¡ú pointsMatchedLocal } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pointsActive.clear(); classesActive.clear(); this->isVisible = fusion.preferFirst( pointsMatchedLocal, classesMatchedLocal, pointsInlier, classesInlier, pointsActive, classesActive ); if (!this->isVisible) { this->isRetrying = TRUE; return this->isVisible; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Finalization //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bbRotated = RotatedRect(center, sizeInitial * scale, rotation / CV_PI * 180); imPrev = imGray; //// determineFailure with { verticle && center } //Point2f verticle[4]; //this->bbRotated.points(verticle); //BOOL rangeValid = determineFailure(verticle); BOOL rangeValid = determineFailure(this->center); if (!rangeValid) { #ifdef DEBUG_PROGRAM CString cERROR; cERROR.Format(_T("(%.2f, %.2f)(%.2f, %.2f)(%.2f, %.2f)(%.2f, %.2f)(%.2f, %.2f)"), this->center.x, this->center.y, verticle[0].x, verticle[0].y, verticle[1].x, verticle[1].y, verticle[2].x, verticle[2].y, verticle[3].x, verticle[3].y ); AfxMessageBox(cERROR); #endif return rangeValid; } this->distJournal(); this->isRetrying = FALSE; return this->isVisible; }
void CMT::processFrame(Mat im_gray) { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "CMT::processFrame() call"; //Track keypoints vector<Point2f> points_tracked; vector<unsigned char> status; if(continuity_preserved) { tracker.track(im_prev, im_gray, points_active, points_tracked, status); } FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_tracked.size() << " tracked points."; // keep only successful classes vector<int> classes_tracked; if (continuity_preserved) { for (size_t i = 0; i < classes_active.size(); i++) { if (status[i]) { classes_tracked.push_back(classes_active[i]); } } } //Detect keypoints, compute descriptors vector<KeyPoint> keypoints; detector->detect(im_gray, keypoints); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << keypoints.size() << " keypoints found."; Mat descriptors; descriptor->compute(im_gray, keypoints, descriptors); //Match keypoints globally vector<Point2f> points_matched_global; vector<int> classes_matched_global; matcher.matchGlobal(keypoints, descriptors, points_matched_global, classes_matched_global); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_matched_global.size() << " points matched globally."; //Fuse tracked and globally matched points vector<Point2f> points_fused; vector<int> classes_fused; fusion.preferFirst(points_tracked, classes_tracked, points_matched_global, classes_matched_global, points_fused, classes_fused); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_fused.size() << " points fused."; //Estimate scale and rotation from the fused points float scale; float rotation; consensus.estimateScaleRotation(points_fused, classes_fused, scale, rotation); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "scale " << scale << ", " << "rotation " << rotation; //Find inliers and the center of their votes Point2f center; vector<Point2f> points_inlier; vector<int> classes_inlier; consensus.findConsensus(points_fused, classes_fused, scale, rotation, center, points_inlier, classes_inlier); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_inlier.size() << " inlier points."; FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "center " << center; //Match keypoints locally vector<Point2f> points_matched_local; vector<int> classes_matched_local; matcher.matchLocal(keypoints, descriptors, center, scale, rotation, points_matched_local, classes_matched_local); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_matched_local.size() << " points matched locally."; //Clear active points points_active.clear(); classes_active.clear(); //Fuse locally matched points and inliers fusion.preferFirst(points_matched_local, classes_matched_local, points_inlier, classes_inlier, points_active, classes_active); // points_active = points_fused; // classes_active = classes_fused; FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_active.size() << " final fused points."; //TODO: Use theta to suppress result bb_rot = RotatedRect(center, size_initial * scale, rotation/CV_PI * 180); continuity_preserved = continuity.check_for_continuity(points_active, bb_rot); if(continuity_preserved){ std::cout << "continuity preserved!" << std::endl; }else{ std::cout << "continuity broken!" << std::endl; } //Remember current image im_prev = im_gray; FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "CMT::processFrame() return"; }
void CMT::initialize(const Mat im_gray, const Rect rect) { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "CMT::initialize() call"; //Remember initial size size_initial = rect.size(); //Remember initial image im_prev = im_gray; //Compute center of rect Point2f center = Point2f(rect.x + rect.width/2.0, rect.y + rect.height/2.0); //Initialize rotated bounding box bb_rot = RotatedRect(center, size_initial, 0.0); //Initialize detector and descriptor #if CV_MAJOR_VERSION > 2 detector = cv::FastFeatureDetector::create(); descriptor = cv::BRISK::create(); #else detector = FeatureDetector::create(str_detector); descriptor = DescriptorExtractor::create(str_descriptor); #endif //Get initial keypoints in whole image and compute their descriptors vector<KeyPoint> keypoints; detector->detect(im_gray, keypoints); //Divide keypoints into foreground and background keypoints according to selection vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_fg; vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_bg; for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); i++) { KeyPoint k = keypoints[i]; Point2f pt =; if (pt.x > rect.x && pt.y > rect.y && pt.x < && pt.y < { keypoints_fg.push_back(k); } else { keypoints_bg.push_back(k); } } //Create foreground classes vector<int> classes_fg; classes_fg.reserve(keypoints_fg.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_fg.size(); i++) { classes_fg.push_back(i); } //Compute foreground/background features Mat descs_fg; Mat descs_bg; descriptor->compute(im_gray, keypoints_fg, descs_fg); descriptor->compute(im_gray, keypoints_bg, descs_bg); //Only now is the right time to convert keypoints to points, as compute() might remove some keypoints vector<Point2f> points_fg; vector<Point2f> points_bg; for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_fg.size(); i++) { points_fg.push_back(keypoints_fg[i].pt); } FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << points_fg.size() << " foreground points."; for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_bg.size(); i++) { points_bg.push_back(keypoints_bg[i].pt); } //Create normalized points vector<Point2f> points_normalized; for (size_t i = 0; i < points_fg.size(); i++) { points_normalized.push_back(points_fg[i] - center); } //Initialize matcher matcher.initialize(points_normalized, descs_fg, classes_fg, descs_bg, center); //Initialize consensus consensus.initialize(points_normalized); //Create initial set of active keypoints for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints_fg.size(); i++) { points_active.push_back(keypoints_fg[i].pt); classes_active = classes_fg; } //Initialize continuity continuity.initialize(points_active, bb_rot); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "CMT::initialize() return"; }
cv::RotatedRect cv::CamShift( InputArray _probImage, Rect& window, TermCriteria criteria ) { CV_INSTRUMENT_REGION() const int TOLERANCE = 10; Size size; Mat mat; UMat umat; bool isUMat = _probImage.isUMat(); if (isUMat) umat = _probImage.getUMat(), size = umat.size(); else mat = _probImage.getMat(), size = mat.size(); meanShift( _probImage, window, criteria ); window.x -= TOLERANCE; if( window.x < 0 ) window.x = 0; window.y -= TOLERANCE; if( window.y < 0 ) window.y = 0; window.width += 2 * TOLERANCE; if( window.x + window.width > size.width ) window.width = size.width - window.x; window.height += 2 * TOLERANCE; if( window.y + window.height > size.height ) window.height = size.height - window.y; // Calculating moments in new center mass Moments m = isUMat ? moments(umat(window)) : moments(mat(window)); double m00 = m.m00, m10 = m.m10, m01 = m.m01; double mu11 = m.mu11, mu20 = m.mu20, mu02 = m.mu02; if( fabs(m00) < DBL_EPSILON ) return RotatedRect(); double inv_m00 = 1. / m00; int xc = cvRound( m10 * inv_m00 + window.x ); int yc = cvRound( m01 * inv_m00 + window.y ); double a = mu20 * inv_m00, b = mu11 * inv_m00, c = mu02 * inv_m00; // Calculating width & height double square = std::sqrt( 4 * b * b + (a - c) * (a - c) ); // Calculating orientation double theta = atan2( 2 * b, a - c + square ); // Calculating width & length of figure double cs = cos( theta ); double sn = sin( theta ); double rotate_a = cs * cs * mu20 + 2 * cs * sn * mu11 + sn * sn * mu02; double rotate_c = sn * sn * mu20 - 2 * cs * sn * mu11 + cs * cs * mu02; double length = std::sqrt( rotate_a * inv_m00 ) * 4; double width = std::sqrt( rotate_c * inv_m00 ) * 4; // In case, when tetta is 0 or 1.57... the Length & Width may be exchanged if( length < width ) { std::swap( length, width ); std::swap( cs, sn ); theta = CV_PI*0.5 - theta; } // Saving results int _xc = cvRound( xc ); int _yc = cvRound( yc ); int t0 = cvRound( fabs( length * cs )); int t1 = cvRound( fabs( width * sn )); t0 = MAX( t0, t1 ) + 2; window.width = MIN( t0, (size.width - _xc) * 2 ); t0 = cvRound( fabs( length * sn )); t1 = cvRound( fabs( width * cs )); t0 = MAX( t0, t1 ) + 2; window.height = MIN( t0, (size.height - _yc) * 2 ); window.x = MAX( 0, _xc - window.width / 2 ); window.y = MAX( 0, _yc - window.height / 2 ); window.width = MIN( size.width - window.x, window.width ); window.height = MIN( size.height - window.y, window.height ); RotatedRect box; box.size.height = (float)length; box.size.width = (float)width; box.angle = (float)((CV_PI*0.5+theta)*180./CV_PI); while(box.angle < 0) box.angle += 360; while(box.angle >= 360) box.angle -= 360; if(box.angle >= 180) box.angle -= 180; = Point2f( window.x + window.width*0.5f, window.y + window.height*0.5f); return box; }
RotatedRect scaleRect(const RotatedRect rect, const cv::Size2f scale){ return RotatedRect(Point2f(*scale.width,*scale.height), cv::Size(rect.size.width*scale.width,rect.size.height*scale.height), rect.angle); }
void setSistemConfig(config_SystemParameter *param, string fileParam){ //system param - Directory param->angleVector.clear(); param->scaleVector.clear(); //READING THE PATCH'S POSITION int length; char * buffer; ifstream is; (fileParam.c_str(), ios::binary ); // get length of file: is.seekg (0, ios::end); length = is.tellg(); is.seekg (0, ios::beg); // allocate memory: buffer = new char [length]; // read data as a block: (buffer,length); string content(buffer,length); stringstream ss(content); string centerS,centerS_x,centerS_y,sizeS,sizeS_w,sizeS_h,angleS, norm,rgb,videoPath, modelMemory,alpha, areaSearch,angleVector,scaleVector, time; getline(ss, time); getline(ss, centerS); getline(ss, sizeS); getline(ss, angleS); getline(ss, norm); getline(ss, videoPath); getline(ss, rgb); getline(ss, modelMemory); getline(ss, alpha); getline(ss, areaSearch); getline(ss, scaleVector); getline(ss, angleVector); //Time range param->startTimeOnFrames = isFrame(time.substr(0,time.find(','))); param->endTimeOnFrames = isFrame(time.substr(time.find(',')+1)); param->startTime = time2msec(time.substr(0,time.find(','))); param->endTime = time2msec(time.substr(time.find(',')+1)); //initialRect centerS_x = centerS.substr(0,centerS.find(',')); centerS_y = centerS.substr(centerS.find(',')+1); sizeS_w = sizeS.substr(0,sizeS.find(',')); sizeS_h = sizeS.substr(sizeS.find(',')+1); Point2f center(atof(centerS_x.c_str()),atof(centerS_y.c_str())); cv::Size size(atof(sizeS_w.c_str()),atof(sizeS_h.c_str())); param->initialRect = RotatedRect(center,size,atof(angleS.c_str())); //NormType if (!"FACE")) param->normType = FACE;//*normType = FACE; else if(!"PEDESTRIAN")) param->normType = PEDESTRIAN;//*normType = PEDESTRIAN; else { cout << "NOT SUCH NORM: "<<norm<<endl; CV_Assert(false); } //RGB if (!"1")){ param->isRGB = true; param->numFeature = 12; } else if(!"0")){ param->isRGB = false; param->numFeature = 10; } else { cout << "INVALID RGB VALUE: "<<rgb<<endl; CV_Assert(false); } //video path param->videoPath = videoPath; //modelMemory param->modelMemory = atof(modelMemory.c_str()); //alpha param->alpha = atof(alpha.c_str()); //areaSearch param->areaSearch = atof(areaSearch.c_str()); //scaleVector int index = 0; string aux; while (index<scaleVector.length()) { aux = scaleVector.substr(index,scaleVector.length()); aux = aux.substr(0,aux.find_first_of(',')); index += aux.length()+1; param->scaleVector.push_back(atof(aux.c_str())); } //anglesVector index = 0; while (index<angleVector.length()) { aux = angleVector.substr(index,angleVector.length()); aux = aux.substr(0,aux.find_first_of(',')); index += aux.length()+1; param->angleVector.push_back(atof(aux.c_str())); } is.close(); delete[] buffer; }