NetworkStateNotifier::NetworkStateNotifier() : m_isOnLine(false) , m_networkStateChangeTimer(*this, &NetworkStateNotifier::networkStateChangeTimerFired) { SCDynamicStoreContext context = { 0, this, 0, 0, 0 }; m_store = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreCreate(0, CFSTR(""), dynamicStoreCallback, &context)); if (!m_store) return; RetainPtr<CFRunLoopSourceRef> configSource = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(0, m_store.get(), 0)); if (!configSource) return; CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetMain(), configSource.get(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes); RetainPtr<CFMutableArrayRef> keys = adoptCF(CFArrayCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)); RetainPtr<CFMutableArrayRef> patterns = adoptCF(CFArrayCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)); RetainPtr<CFStringRef> key; RetainPtr<CFStringRef> pattern; key = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(0, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv4)); CFArrayAppendValue(keys.get(), key.get()); pattern = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(0, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv4)); CFArrayAppendValue(patterns.get(), pattern.get()); key = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(0, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetDNS)); CFArrayAppendValue(keys.get(), key.get()); SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(m_store.get(), keys.get(), patterns.get()); updateState(); }
__private_extern__ void interface_update_idle_state(const char *if_name) { CFStringRef if_name_cf; CFStringRef key; int ref; /* We will only update the SCDynamicStore if the idle ref count * is still 0 */ ref = socket_reference_count(if_name); if (ref != 0) { return; } if_name_cf = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, if_name, kCFStringEncodingASCII); key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, if_name_cf, kSCEntNetIdleRoute); cache_SCDynamicStoreNotifyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); CFRelease(if_name_cf); return; }
__private_extern__ void ipv6_duplicated_address(const char * if_name, const struct in6_addr * addr, int hw_len, const void * hw_addr) { uint8_t * hw_addr_bytes = (uint8_t *)hw_addr; int i; CFStringRef if_name_cf; CFMutableStringRef key; char ntopbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; CFStringRef prefix; if_name_cf = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, if_name, kCFStringEncodingASCII); prefix = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, if_name_cf, kSCEntNetIPv6DuplicatedAddress); ntopbuf[0] = '\0'; (void)inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr, ntopbuf, sizeof(ntopbuf)); key = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, prefix); CFStringAppendFormat(key, NULL, CFSTR("/%s"), ntopbuf); for (i = 0; i < hw_len; i++) { CFStringAppendFormat(key, NULL, CFSTR("%s%02x"), (i == 0) ? "/" : ":", hw_addr_bytes[i]); } cache_SCDynamicStoreNotifyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); CFRelease(prefix); CFRelease(if_name_cf); }
static CFStringRef create_interface_key(const char * if_name) { CFStringRef interface; CFStringRef key; interface = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, if_name, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, interface, kSCEntNetLink); CFRelease(interface); return (key); }
void NetworkStateNotifier::updateState() { // Assume that we're offline until proven otherwise. m_isOnLine = false; RetainPtr<CFStringRef> str = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterface(0, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState)); RetainPtr<CFPropertyListRef> propertyList = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(m_store.get(), str.get())); if (!propertyList) return; if (CFGetTypeID(propertyList.get()) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) return; CFArrayRef netInterfaces = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue((CFDictionaryRef)propertyList.get(), kSCDynamicStorePropNetInterfaces); if (CFGetTypeID(netInterfaces) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) return; for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(netInterfaces); i++) { CFStringRef interface = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(netInterfaces, i); if (CFGetTypeID(interface) != CFStringGetTypeID()) continue; // Ignore the loopback interface. if (CFStringFind(interface, CFSTR("lo"), kCFCompareAnchored).location != kCFNotFound) continue; RetainPtr<CFStringRef> key = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(0, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, interface, kSCEntNetIPv4)); RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> keyList = adoptCF(SCDynamicStoreCopyKeyList(m_store.get(), key.get())); if (keyList && CFArrayGetCount(keyList.get())) { m_isOnLine = true; break; } } }
static void * /* O - Return status/value */ sysEventThreadEntry(void) { io_object_t powerNotifierObj; /* Power notifier object */ IONotificationPortRef powerNotifierPort; /* Power notifier port */ SCDynamicStoreRef store = NULL;/* System Config dynamic store */ CFRunLoopSourceRef powerRLS = NULL,/* Power runloop source */ storeRLS = NULL;/* System Config runloop source */ CFStringRef key[6], /* System Config keys */ pattern[2]; /* System Config patterns */ CFArrayRef keys = NULL, /* System Config key array*/ patterns = NULL;/* System Config pattern array */ SCDynamicStoreContext storeContext; /* Dynamic store context */ CFRunLoopTimerContext timerContext; /* Timer context */ cupsd_thread_data_t threadData; /* Thread context data for the * * runloop notifiers */ /* * Register for power state change notifications */ bzero(&threadData, sizeof(threadData)); threadData.sysevent.powerKernelPort = IORegisterForSystemPower(&threadData, &powerNotifierPort, sysEventPowerNotifier, &powerNotifierObj); if (threadData.sysevent.powerKernelPort) { powerRLS = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(powerNotifierPort); CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), powerRLS, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); } else DEBUG_puts("sysEventThreadEntry: error registering for system power " "notifications"); /* * Register for system configuration change notifications */ bzero(&storeContext, sizeof(storeContext)); = &threadData; store = SCDynamicStoreCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("cupsd"), sysEventConfigurationNotifier, &storeContext); if (!ComputerNameKey) ComputerNameKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateComputerName(kCFAllocatorDefault); if (!BTMMKey) BTMMKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("Setup:/Network/BackToMyMac")); if (!NetworkGlobalKeyIPv4) NetworkGlobalKeyIPv4 = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv4); if (!NetworkGlobalKeyIPv6) NetworkGlobalKeyIPv6 = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv6); if (!NetworkGlobalKeyDNS) NetworkGlobalKeyDNS = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetDNS); if (!HostNamesKey) HostNamesKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateHostNames(kCFAllocatorDefault); if (!NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv4) NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv4 = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv4); if (!NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv6) NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv6 = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv6); if (store && ComputerNameKey && HostNamesKey && NetworkGlobalKeyIPv4 && NetworkGlobalKeyIPv6 && NetworkGlobalKeyDNS && NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv4 && NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv6) { key[0] = ComputerNameKey; key[1] = BTMMKey; key[2] = NetworkGlobalKeyIPv4; key[3] = NetworkGlobalKeyIPv6; key[4] = NetworkGlobalKeyDNS; key[5] = HostNamesKey; pattern[0] = NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv4; pattern[1] = NetworkInterfaceKeyIPv6; keys = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)key, sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); patterns = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)pattern, sizeof(pattern) / sizeof(pattern[0]), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); if (keys && patterns && SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(store, keys, patterns)) { if ((storeRLS = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, store, 0)) != NULL) { CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), storeRLS, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); } else DEBUG_printf(("sysEventThreadEntry: SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource " "failed: %s\n", SCErrorString(SCError()))); } else DEBUG_printf(("sysEventThreadEntry: SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys " "failed: %s\n", SCErrorString(SCError()))); } else DEBUG_printf(("sysEventThreadEntry: SCDynamicStoreCreate failed: %s\n", SCErrorString(SCError()))); if (keys) CFRelease(keys); if (patterns) CFRelease(patterns); /* * Set up a timer to delay the wake change notifications. * * The initial time is set a decade or so into the future, we'll adjust * this later. */ bzero(&timerContext, sizeof(timerContext)); = &threadData; threadData.timerRef = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + (86400L * 365L * 10L), 86400L * 365L * 10L, 0, 0, sysEventTimerNotifier, &timerContext); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), threadData.timerRef, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); /* * Store our runloop in a global so the main thread can use it to stop us. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&SysEventThreadMutex); SysEventRunloop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); pthread_cond_signal(&SysEventThreadCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&SysEventThreadMutex); /* * Disappear into the runloop until it's stopped by the main thread. */ CFRunLoopRun(); /* * Clean up before exiting. */ if (threadData.timerRef) { CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), threadData.timerRef, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); CFRelease(threadData.timerRef); } if (threadData.sysevent.powerKernelPort) { CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), powerRLS, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); IODeregisterForSystemPower(&powerNotifierObj); IOServiceClose(threadData.sysevent.powerKernelPort); IONotificationPortDestroy(powerNotifierPort); } if (storeRLS) { CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), storeRLS, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate(storeRLS); CFRelease(storeRLS); } if (store) CFRelease(store); pthread_exit(NULL); }
static boolean_t updateConfiguration(int *newState) { boolean_t changed = FALSE; CFStringRef computerName; CFStringEncoding computerNameEncoding; CFArrayRef configuredServices = NULL; CFDictionaryRef dict; CFIndex i; CFIndex ifCount = 0; CFMutableArrayRef info = NULL; CFArrayRef interfaces = NULL; CFStringRef key; CFArrayRef keys; CFIndex n; CFMutableArrayRef newConfigFile; CFMutableDictionaryRef newDefaults; CFMutableDictionaryRef newDict; CFMutableDictionaryRef newGlobals; CFMutableDictionaryRef newGlobalsX; /* newGlobals without ServiceID */ CFMutableDictionaryRef newStartup; CFMutableDictionaryRef newZones; CFNumberRef num; CFMutableDictionaryRef curGlobalsX; /* curGlobals without ServiceID */ CFStringRef pattern; boolean_t postGlobals = FALSE; CFStringRef primaryPort = NULL; /* primary interface */ CFStringRef primaryZone = NULL; CFArrayRef serviceOrder = NULL; CFDictionaryRef setGlobals = NULL; cache_open(); /* * establish the "new" AppleTalk configuration */ *newState = curState; newConfigFile = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); newGlobals = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); newDefaults = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); newStartup = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); newZones = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); /* initialize overall state */ CFDictionarySetValue(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK"), CFSTR("-NO-")); /* * get the global settings (ServiceOrder, ComputerName, ...) */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); setGlobals = cache_SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); if (setGlobals) { if (isA_CFDictionary(setGlobals)) { /* get service order */ serviceOrder = CFDictionaryGetValue(setGlobals, kSCPropNetServiceOrder); serviceOrder = isA_CFArray(serviceOrder); if (serviceOrder) { CFRetain(serviceOrder); } } else { CFRelease(setGlobals); setGlobals = NULL; } } /* * if we don't have an AppleTalk ServiceOrder, use IPv4's (if defined) */ if (!serviceOrder) { key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, kSCEntNetIPv4); dict = cache_SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); if (dict) { if (isA_CFDictionary(dict)) { serviceOrder = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCPropNetServiceOrder); serviceOrder = isA_CFArray(serviceOrder); if (serviceOrder) { CFRetain(serviceOrder); } } CFRelease(dict); } } /* * get the list of ALL configured services */ configuredServices = entity_all(store, kSCEntNetAppleTalk, serviceOrder); if (configuredServices) { ifCount = CFArrayGetCount(configuredServices); } if (serviceOrder) CFRelease(serviceOrder); /* * get the list of ALL active interfaces */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterface(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState); dict = cache_SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); if (dict) { if (isA_CFDictionary(dict)) { interfaces = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCDynamicStorePropNetInterfaces); interfaces = isA_CFArray(interfaces); if (interfaces) { CFRetain(interfaces); } } CFRelease(dict); } /* * get the list of previously configured services */ pattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); keys = SCDynamicStoreCopyKeyList(store, pattern); CFRelease(pattern); if (keys) { info = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, keys); CFRelease(keys); } /* * iterate over each configured service to establish the new * configuration. */ for (i = 0; i < ifCount; i++) { CFDictionaryRef service; CFStringRef ifName; CFStringRef configMethod; CFMutableStringRef portConfig = NULL; CFArrayRef networkRange; /* for seed ports, CFArray[2] of CFNumber (lo, hi) */ int sNetwork; int eNetwork; CFArrayRef zoneList; /* for seed ports, CFArray[] of CFString (zones names) */ CFIndex zCount; CFIndex j; CFMutableDictionaryRef ifDefaults = NULL; CFNumberRef defaultNetwork; CFNumberRef defaultNode; CFStringRef defaultZone; /* get AppleTalk service dictionary */ service = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(configuredServices, i); /* get interface name */ ifName = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName); /* check inteface availability */ if (!interfaces || !CFArrayContainsValue(interfaces, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(interfaces)), ifName)) { /* if interface not available */ goto nextIF; } /* check interface link status */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, ifName, kSCEntNetLink); dict = cache_SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); if (dict) { Boolean linkStatus = TRUE; /* assume the link is "up" */ Boolean ifDetaching = FALSE; /* assume link is not detaching */ /* the link key for this interface is available */ if (isA_CFDictionary(dict)) { CFBooleanRef bVal; bVal = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCPropNetLinkActive); if (isA_CFBoolean(bVal)) { linkStatus = CFBooleanGetValue(bVal); } /* check if interface is detaching - value doesn't really matter, only that it exists */ ifDetaching = CFDictionaryContainsKey(dict, kSCPropNetLinkDetaching); } CFRelease(dict); if (!linkStatus || ifDetaching) { /* if link status down or the interface is detaching */ goto nextIF; } } /* * Determine configuration method for this service */ configMethod = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkConfigMethod); if (!isA_CFString(configMethod)) { /* if no ConfigMethod */ goto nextIF; } if (!CFEqual(configMethod, kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodNode ) && !CFEqual(configMethod, kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodRouter ) && !CFEqual(configMethod, kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodSeedRouter)) { /* if not one of the expected values, disable */ SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("Unexpected AppleTalk ConfigMethod: %@"), configMethod); goto nextIF; } /* * the first service to be defined will always be "primary" */ if (CFArrayGetCount(newConfigFile) == 0) { CFDictionaryRef active; CFDictionarySetValue(newGlobals, kSCDynamicStorePropNetPrimaryService, CFDictionaryGetValue(service, CFSTR("ServiceID"))); CFDictionarySetValue(newGlobals, kSCDynamicStorePropNetPrimaryInterface, ifName); /* and check if AT newtorking is active on the primary interface */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, ifName, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); active = cache_SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(store, key); CFRelease(key); if (active) { if (isA_CFDictionary(active)) { postGlobals = TRUE; } CFRelease(active); } } /* * define the port */ portConfig = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppendFormat(portConfig, NULL, CFSTR("%@:"), ifName); if (CFEqual(configMethod, kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodSeedRouter)) { CFNumberRef num; /* * we have been asked to configure this interface as a * seed port. Ensure that we have been provided at least * one network number, have been provided with at least * one zonename, ... */ networkRange = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedNetworkRange); if (!isA_CFArray(networkRange) || (CFArrayGetCount(networkRange) == 0)) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("AppleTalk configuration error (%@)"), kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedNetworkRange); goto nextIF; } /* * establish the starting and ending network numbers */ num = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(networkRange, 0); if (!isA_CFNumber(num)) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("AppleTalk configuration error (%@)"), kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedNetworkRange); goto nextIF; } CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberIntType, &sNetwork); eNetwork = sNetwork; if (CFArrayGetCount(networkRange) > 1) { num = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(networkRange, 1); if (!isA_CFNumber(num)) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("AppleTalk configuration error (%@)"), kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedNetworkRange); goto nextIF; } CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberIntType, &eNetwork); } CFStringAppendFormat(portConfig, NULL, CFSTR("%d:%d:"), sNetwork, eNetwork); /* * establish the zones associated with this port */ zoneList = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedZones); if (!isA_CFArray(zoneList)) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("AppleTalk configuration error (%@)"), kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedZones); goto nextIF; } zCount = CFArrayGetCount(zoneList); for (j = 0; j < zCount; j++) { CFStringRef zone; CFArrayRef ifList; CFMutableArrayRef newIFList; zone = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(zoneList, j); if (!isA_CFString(zone)) { continue; } if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(newZones, zone, (const void **)&ifList)) { /* known zone */ newIFList = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, ifList); } else { /* new zone */ newIFList = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); } CFArrayAppendValue(newIFList, ifName); CFArraySortValues(newIFList, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(newIFList)), (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL); CFDictionarySetValue(newZones, zone, newIFList); CFRelease(newIFList); /* * flag the default zone */ if (!primaryZone) { primaryZone = CFRetain(zone); } } if (!primaryZone) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("AppleTalk configuration error (%@)"), kSCPropNetAppleTalkSeedZones); goto nextIF; } } /* get the (per-interface) "Computer Name" */ computerName = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkComputerName); if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkComputerNameEncoding, (const void **)&num) && isA_CFNumber(num)) { CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberIntType, &computerNameEncoding); } else { computerNameEncoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding(); } encodeName(computerName, computerNameEncoding, newStartup, newGlobals); /* * declare the first configured AppleTalk service / interface * as the "home port". */ if (CFArrayGetCount(newConfigFile) == 0) { CFStringAppend(portConfig, CFSTR("*")); primaryPort = CFRetain(ifName); } CFArrayAppendValue(newConfigFile, portConfig); /* * get the per-interface defaults */ ifDefaults = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); defaultNetwork = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkNetworkID); defaultNode = CFDictionaryGetValue(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkNodeID); if (isA_CFNumber(defaultNetwork) && isA_CFNumber(defaultNode)) { /* * set the default node and network */ CFDictionarySetValue(ifDefaults, kSCPropNetAppleTalkNetworkID, defaultNetwork); CFDictionarySetValue(ifDefaults, kSCPropNetAppleTalkNodeID, defaultNode); } if ((CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(service, kSCPropNetAppleTalkDefaultZone, (const void **)&defaultZone) == TRUE)) { /* * set the default zone for this interface */ CFDictionarySetValue(ifDefaults, kSCPropNetAppleTalkDefaultZone, defaultZone); } CFDictionarySetValue(newDefaults, ifName, ifDefaults); CFRelease(ifDefaults); switch (CFArrayGetCount(newConfigFile)) { case 1: /* * first AppleTalk interface */ CFDictionarySetValue(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK"), ifName); break; case 2: /* second AppleTalk interface */ if (!CFEqual(CFDictionaryGetValue(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK")), CFSTR("-ROUTER-"))) { /* * if not routing (yet), configure as multi-home */ CFDictionarySetValue(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK"), CFSTR("-MULTIHOME-")); } break; } if (CFEqual(configMethod, kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodRouter) || CFEqual(configMethod, kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodSeedRouter)) { /* if not a simple node, enable routing */ CFDictionarySetValue(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK"), CFSTR("-ROUTER-")); } /* * establish the State:/Network/Service/nnn/AppleTalk key info */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, CFDictionaryGetValue(service, CFSTR("ServiceID")), kSCEntNetAppleTalk); newDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFDictionaryAddValue(newDict, kSCPropInterfaceName, ifName); cache_SCDynamicStoreSetValue(store, key, newDict); CFRelease(newDict); if (info) { j = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(info, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(info)), key); if (j != kCFNotFound) { CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(info, j); } } CFRelease(key); nextIF : if (portConfig) CFRelease(portConfig); } if (primaryZone) { CFArrayRef ifList; CFMutableArrayRef newIFList; ifList = CFDictionaryGetValue(newZones, primaryZone); if (CFArrayContainsValue(ifList, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(ifList)), primaryPort)) { newIFList = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, ifList); CFArrayAppendValue(newIFList, CFSTR("*")); CFDictionarySetValue(newZones, primaryZone, newIFList); CFRelease(newIFList); } CFRelease(primaryZone); } if (primaryPort) { CFRelease(primaryPort); } /* sort the ports */ i = CFArrayGetCount(newConfigFile); CFArraySortValues(newConfigFile, CFRangeMake(0, i), (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL); /* add the zones to the configuration */ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(newZones, addZoneToPorts, newConfigFile); CFRelease(newZones); /* sort the zones */ CFArraySortValues(newConfigFile, CFRangeMake(i, CFArrayGetCount(newConfigFile)-i), (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL); /* ensure that the last line of the configuration file is terminated */ CFArrayAppendValue(newConfigFile, CFSTR("")); /* * Check if we have a "ComputerName" and look elsewhere if we don't have * one yet. */ if (!CFDictionaryContainsKey(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK_HOSTNAME")) && (setGlobals != NULL)) { computerName = CFDictionaryGetValue(setGlobals, kSCPropNetAppleTalkComputerName); if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(setGlobals, kSCPropNetAppleTalkComputerNameEncoding, (const void **)&num) && isA_CFNumber(num)) { CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberIntType, &computerNameEncoding); } else { computerNameEncoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding(); } encodeName(computerName, computerNameEncoding, newStartup, newGlobals); } if (!CFDictionaryContainsKey(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK_HOSTNAME"))) { computerName = SCDynamicStoreCopyComputerName(store, &computerNameEncoding); if (computerName) { encodeName(computerName, computerNameEncoding, newStartup, newGlobals); CFRelease(computerName); } } if (!CFDictionaryContainsKey(newStartup, CFSTR("APPLETALK_HOSTNAME"))) { struct utsname name; if (uname(&name) == 0) { computerName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, name.nodename, kCFStringEncodingASCII); if (computerName) { encodeName(computerName, kCFStringEncodingASCII, NULL, newGlobals); CFRelease(computerName); } } } /* compare the previous and current configurations */ curGlobalsX = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, curGlobals); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(curGlobalsX, kSCDynamicStorePropNetPrimaryService); newGlobalsX = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, newGlobals); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(newGlobalsX, kSCDynamicStorePropNetPrimaryService); key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); if (CFEqual(curGlobalsX , newGlobalsX ) && CFEqual(curConfigFile , newConfigFile) && CFEqual(curDefaults , newDefaults ) && CFEqual(curStartup , newStartup ) ) { /* * the configuration has not changed. */ if (postGlobals) { /* * the requested configuration hasn't changed but we * now need to tell everyone that AppleTalk is active. */ if (!SCDynamicStoreSetValue(store, key, newGlobals)) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_ERR, CFSTR("SCDynamicStoreSetValue() failed: %s"), SCErrorString(SCError())); } } CFRelease(newGlobals); CFRelease(newConfigFile); CFRelease(newDefaults); CFRelease(newStartup); } else if (CFArrayGetCount(newConfigFile) <= 1) { /* * the configuration has changed but there are no * longer any interfaces configured for AppleTalk * networking. */ /* * remove the global (State:/Network/Global/AppleTalk) key. * * Note: it will be restored later after AT networking has * been activated. */ /* remove the (/etc/appletalk.cfg) configuration file */ (void)unlink(AT_CFG_FILE); /* * update the per-service (and global) state */ cache_SCDynamicStoreRemoveValue(store, key); // remove State:/Network/Global/AppleTalk n = CFArrayGetCount(info); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CFStringRef xKey = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(info, i); cache_SCDynamicStoreRemoveValue(store, xKey); } cache_write(store); /* flag this as a new configuration */ *newState = -(abs(curState) + 1); changed = TRUE; } else { /* * the configuration has changed. */ /* update the (/etc/appletalk.cfg) configuration file */ configWrite(AT_CFG_FILE, newConfigFile); /* * update the per-service (and global) state * * Note: if present, we remove any existing global state key and allow it * to be restored after the stack has been re-started. */ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(newDefaults, updateDefaults, NULL); cache_SCDynamicStoreRemoveValue(store, key); // remove State:/Network/Global/AppleTalk n = CFArrayGetCount(info); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CFStringRef xKey = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(info, i); cache_SCDynamicStoreRemoveValue(store, xKey); } cache_write(store); /* flag this as a new configuration */ *newState = abs(curState) + 1; changed = TRUE; } CFRelease(curGlobalsX); CFRelease(newGlobalsX); CFRelease(key); if (changed) { CFRelease(curGlobals); curGlobals = newGlobals; CFRelease(curConfigFile); curConfigFile = newConfigFile; CFRelease(curDefaults); curDefaults = newDefaults; CFRelease(curStartup); curStartup = newStartup; } if (info) CFRelease(info); if (interfaces) CFRelease(interfaces); if (configuredServices) CFRelease(configuredServices); if (setGlobals) CFRelease(setGlobals); cache_close(); return changed; }
void load(CFBundleRef bundle, Boolean bundleVerbose) { CFStringRef key; CFMutableArrayRef keys = NULL; CFStringRef pattern; CFMutableArrayRef patterns = NULL; CFRunLoopSourceRef rls; if (bundleVerbose) { _verbose = TRUE; } SCLog(_verbose, LOG_DEBUG, CFSTR("load() called")); SCLog(_verbose, LOG_DEBUG, CFSTR(" bundle ID = %@"), CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle)); /* initialize a few globals */ curGlobals = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); curConfigFile = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); curDefaults = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); curStartup = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); /* open a "configd" store to allow cache updates */ store = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL, CFSTR("AppleTalk Configuraton plug-in"), atConfigChangedCallback, NULL); if (!store) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_ERR, CFSTR("SCDynamicStoreCreate() failed: %s"), SCErrorString(SCError())); goto error; } /* establish notificaiton keys and patterns */ keys = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); patterns = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); /* for (global) AppleTalk configuration changes */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); CFArrayAppendValue(keys, key); CFRelease(key); /* for (per-service) AppleTalk configuration changes */ pattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); CFArrayAppendValue(patterns, pattern); CFRelease(pattern); /* for network interface link status changes */ pattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetLink); CFArrayAppendValue(patterns, pattern); CFRelease(pattern); /* for (per-interface) AppleTalk configuration changes */ pattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetAppleTalk); CFArrayAppendValue(patterns, pattern); CFRelease(pattern); /* for computer name changes */ key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateComputerName(NULL); CFArrayAppendValue(keys, key); CFRelease(key); /* register the keys/patterns */ if (!SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(store, keys, patterns)) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_ERR, CFSTR("SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys() failed: %s"), SCErrorString(SCError())); goto error; } rls = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, store, 0); if (!rls) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_ERR, CFSTR("SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource() failed: %s"), SCErrorString(SCError())); goto error; } CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), rls, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); CFRelease(rls); CFRelease(keys); CFRelease(patterns); return; error : if (curGlobals) CFRelease(curGlobals); if (curConfigFile) CFRelease(curConfigFile); if (curDefaults) CFRelease(curDefaults); if (curStartup) CFRelease(curStartup); if (store) CFRelease(store); if (keys) CFRelease(keys); if (patterns) CFRelease(patterns); return; }
__private_extern__ void interface_update_ipv6(struct ifaddrs *ifap, const char *if_name) { struct ifaddrs *ifa; struct ifaddrs *ifap_temp = NULL; CFStringRef interface; boolean_t interfaceFound = FALSE; CFStringRef key = NULL; CFMutableDictionaryRef oldIFs; CFMutableDictionaryRef newDict = NULL; CFMutableDictionaryRef newIFs; int sock = -1; oldIFs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); newIFs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); if (!ifap) { if (getifaddrs(&ifap_temp) == -1) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_ERR, CFSTR("getifaddrs() failed: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; } ifap = ifap_temp; } for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { struct in6_ifreq ifr6; #define flags6 ifr6.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags6 struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6; if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET6) { continue; /* sorry, not interested */ } /* check if this is the requested interface */ if (if_name) { if (strncmp(if_name, ifa->ifa_name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0) { interfaceFound = TRUE; /* yes, this is the one I want */ } else { continue; /* sorry, not interested */ } } if (sock == -1) { sock = dgram_socket(AF_INET6); if (sock == -1) { SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("interface_update_ipv6: socket open failed, %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; } } /* get the current cache information */ interface = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, ifa->ifa_name, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, interface, kSCEntNetIPv6); CFRelease(interface); newDict = copyIF(key, oldIFs, newIFs); /* ALIGN: ifa->ifa_addr aligned (getifaddrs), cast ok. */ sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)ifa->ifa_addr; /* XXX: embedded link local addr check */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&sin6->sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL(&sin6->sin6_addr)) { u_int16_t index; index = sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1]; if (index != 0) { sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = 0; if (sin6->sin6_scope_id == 0) { sin6->sin6_scope_id = ntohs(index); } } } bzero((char *)&ifr6, sizeof(ifr6)); strncpy(ifr6.ifr_name, ifa->ifa_name, sizeof(ifr6.ifr_name)); ifr6.ifr_addr = *sin6; if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6, &ifr6) == -1) { /* if flags not available for this address */ SCLog(TRUE, (errno != EADDRNOTAVAIL) ? LOG_NOTICE : LOG_DEBUG, CFSTR("interface_update_ipv6: ioctl failed, %s"), strerror(errno)); } appendAddress (newDict, kSCPropNetIPv6Addresses, sin6); #ifdef NOTYET appendScopeID (newDict, sin6); #endif /* NOTYET */ /* ALIGN: ifa should be aligned (from getifaddrs), cast ok. * appendPrefixLen expect byte alignment */ appendPrefixLen(newDict, (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)ifa->ifa_netmask); appendFlags (newDict, flags6); if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT && ifa->ifa_dstaddr != NULL) { struct sockaddr_in6 *dst6; /* ALIGN: ifa should be aligned (from getifaddrs), cast ok. */ dst6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)ifa->ifa_dstaddr; /* XXX: embedded link local addr check */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&dst6->sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL(&dst6->sin6_addr)) { u_int16_t index; index = dst6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1]; if (index != 0) { dst6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = 0; if (dst6->sin6_scope_id == 0) { dst6->sin6_scope_id = ntohs(index); } } } appendAddress(newDict, kSCPropNetIPv6DestAddresses, dst6); } CFDictionarySetValue(newIFs, key, newDict); CFRelease(newDict); CFRelease(key); } /* if the last address[es] were removed from the target interface */ if (if_name && !interfaceFound) { interface = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, if_name, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, interface, kSCEntNetIPv6); CFRelease(interface); newDict = copyIF(key, oldIFs, newIFs); CFDictionarySetValue(newIFs, key, newDict); CFRelease(newDict); CFRelease(key); } CFDictionaryApplyFunction(newIFs, updateStore, oldIFs); error : if (ifap_temp) freeifaddrs(ifap_temp); if (sock != -1) close(sock); CFRelease(oldIFs); CFRelease(newIFs); return; }
/* This code adapted from "Living in a Dynamic TCP/IP Environment" technote. */ static Boolean install_ipaddr_source (void) { CFRunLoopSourceRef source = NULL; SCDynamicStoreContext context = {0}; SCDynamicStoreRef ref; ref = SCDynamicStoreCreate (NULL, CFSTR ("AddIPAddressListChangeCallbackSCF"), ipaddr_callback, &context); if (ref != NULL) { const void *keys[4], *patterns[2]; int i; keys[0] = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity (NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv4); keys[1] = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity (NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv6); keys[2] = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateComputerName (NULL); keys[3] = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateHostNames (NULL); patterns[0] = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity (NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv4); patterns[1] = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity (NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv6); if (keys[0] != NULL && keys[1] != NULL && keys[2] != NULL && keys[3] != NULL && patterns[0] != NULL && patterns[1] != NULL) { CFArrayRef key_array, pattern_array; key_array = CFArrayCreate (NULL, keys, 4, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); pattern_array = CFArrayCreate (NULL, patterns, 2, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); if (key_array != NULL || pattern_array != NULL) { SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys (ref, key_array, pattern_array); source = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource (NULL, ref, 0); } if (key_array != NULL) CFRelease (key_array); if (pattern_array != NULL) CFRelease (pattern_array); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (keys[i] != NULL) CFRelease (keys[i]); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (patterns[i] != NULL) CFRelease (patterns[i]); CFRelease (ref); } if (source != NULL) { CFRunLoopAddSource (CFRunLoopGetCurrent (), source, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); CFRelease (source); } return source != NULL; }
static CFStringRef copyVPNInterfaceNAP (char *interface_buf) { CFStringRef interf_key; CFMutableArrayRef interf_keys; CFDictionaryRef dict = NULL; CFIndex i; const void * keys_q[128]; void ** keys = (__typeof__(keys))keys_q; const void * values_q[128]; void ** values = (__typeof__(values))values_q; CFIndex n; CFStringRef vpn_if = NULL; CFStringRef result = NULL; if (!interface_buf) { return NULL; } if (gDynamicStore) { vpn_if = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, interface_buf, kCFStringEncodingASCII, kCFAllocatorNull); if (!vpn_if) { // if we could not initialize interface CFString goto done; } interf_keys = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); // get State:/Network/Interface/<vpn_if>/Airport interf_key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, vpn_if, kSCEntNetAirPort); CFArrayAppendValue(interf_keys, interf_key); CFRelease(interf_key); dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyMultiple(gDynamicStore, interf_keys, NULL); CFRelease(interf_keys); if (!dict) { // if we could not access the SCDynamicStore goto done; } // look for the service which matches the provided prefixes n = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict); if (n <= 0) { goto done; } if (n > (CFIndex)(sizeof(keys_q) / sizeof(CFTypeRef))) { keys = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, n * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0); values = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, n * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0); } CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, (const void **)keys, (const void **)values); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { CFStringRef s_key = (CFStringRef)keys[i]; CFDictionaryRef s_dict = (CFDictionaryRef)values[i]; CFDictionaryRef i_dict = NULL; CFStringRef nap; if (!isA_CFString(s_key) || !isA_CFDictionary(s_dict)) { continue; } i_dict = CFDictionaryGetValue(s_dict, KEY_VPNNETWORKLOCATION_INTERFINFO); if (!isA_CFDictionary(i_dict)) { continue; } nap = CFDictionaryGetValue(i_dict, KEY_VPNNETWORKLOCATION_SSID); if (nap) { result = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, nap); SCLog(TRUE, LOG_INFO, CFSTR("%s: found nap %@, interf %s"), __FUNCTION__, result, interface_buf); goto done; } } done : if (vpn_if) CFRelease(vpn_if); if (keys != (__typeof__(keys))keys_q) { CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, keys); CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, values); } if (dict) CFRelease(dict); } return result; }
int checkVPNInterfaceOrServiceBlocked (const char *location, char *interface_buf) { // check to see if interface is captive: if so, bail if the interface is not ready. if (check_interface_captive_and_not_ready(gDynamicStore, interface_buf)) { // TODO: perhaps we should wait for a few seconds? return true; } // return 1, if this is a delete event, and; // TODO: add support for IPv6 <rdar://problem/5920237> // walk Setup:/Network/Service/* and check if there are service entries referencing this interface. e.g. Setup:/Network/Service/44DB8790-0177-4F17-8D4E-37F9413D1D87/Interface:DeviceName == interface, other_serv_found = 1 // Setup:/Network/Interface/"interface"/AirPort:'PowerEnable' == 0 || Setup:/Network/Interface/"interface"/IPv4 is missing, interf_down = 1 if (gDynamicStore) { CFStringRef interf_key; CFMutableArrayRef interf_keys; CFStringRef pattern; CFMutableArrayRef patterns; CFDictionaryRef dict = NULL; CFIndex i; const void * keys_q[128]; const void ** keys = keys_q; const void * values_q[128]; const void ** values = values_q; CFIndex n; CFStringRef vpn_if; int other_serv_found = 0, interf_down = 0; vpn_if = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, interface_buf, kCFStringEncodingASCII, kCFAllocatorNull); if (!vpn_if) { // if we could not initialize interface CFString syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: failed to initialize interface CFString", location); goto done; } interf_keys = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); patterns = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); // get Setup:/Network/Interface/<vpn_if>/Airport interf_key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, vpn_if, kSCEntNetAirPort); CFArrayAppendValue(interf_keys, interf_key); CFRelease(interf_key); // get State:/Network/Interface/<vpn_if>/Airport interf_key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkInterfaceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, vpn_if, kSCEntNetAirPort); CFArrayAppendValue(interf_keys, interf_key); CFRelease(interf_key); // get Setup:/Network/Service/*/Interface pattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetInterface); CFArrayAppendValue(patterns, pattern); CFRelease(pattern); // get Setup:/Network/Service/*/IPv4 pattern = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, kSCCompAnyRegex, kSCEntNetIPv4); CFArrayAppendValue(patterns, pattern); CFRelease(pattern); dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyMultiple(gDynamicStore, interf_keys, patterns); CFRelease(interf_keys); CFRelease(patterns); if (!dict) { // if we could not access the SCDynamicStore syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: failed to initialize SCDynamicStore dictionary", location); CFRelease(vpn_if); goto done; } // look for the service which matches the provided prefixes n = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict); if (n <= 0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: empty SCDynamicStore dictionary", location); CFRelease(vpn_if); goto done; } if (n > (CFIndex)(sizeof(keys_q) / sizeof(CFTypeRef))) { keys = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, n * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0); values = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, n * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0); } CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, keys, values); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { CFStringRef s_key = (CFStringRef)keys[i]; CFDictionaryRef s_dict = (CFDictionaryRef)values[i]; CFStringRef s_if; if (!isA_CFString(s_key) || !isA_CFDictionary(s_dict)) { continue; } if (CFStringHasSuffix(s_key, kSCEntNetInterface)) { // is a Service Interface entity s_if = CFDictionaryGetValue(s_dict, kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName); if (isA_CFString(s_if) && CFEqual(vpn_if, s_if)) { CFArrayRef components; CFStringRef serviceIDRef = NULL, serviceKey = NULL; other_serv_found = 1; // extract service ID components = CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings(NULL, s_key, CFSTR("/")); if (CFArrayGetCount(components) > 3) { serviceIDRef = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(components, 3); //if (new key) Setup:/Network/Service/service_id/IPv4 is missing, then interf_down = 1 serviceKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkServiceEntity(0, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup, serviceIDRef, kSCEntNetIPv4); if (!serviceKey || !CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, serviceKey)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: detected disabled IPv4 Config", location); interf_down = 1; } if (serviceKey) CFRelease(serviceKey); } if (components) CFRelease(components); if (interf_down) break; } continue; } else if (CFStringHasSuffix(s_key, kSCEntNetAirPort)) { // Interface/<vpn_if>/Airport entity if (CFStringHasPrefix(s_key, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup)) { CFBooleanRef powerEnable = CFDictionaryGetValue(s_dict, kSCPropNetAirPortPowerEnabled); if (isA_CFBoolean(powerEnable) && CFEqual(powerEnable, kCFBooleanFalse)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: detected AirPort, PowerEnable == FALSE", location); interf_down = 1; break; } } else if (CFStringHasPrefix(s_key, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState)) { UInt16 temp; CFNumberRef airStatus = CFDictionaryGetValue(s_dict, CFSTR("Power Status")); if (isA_CFNumber(airStatus) && CFNumberGetValue(airStatus, kCFNumberShortType, &temp)) { if (temp ==0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: detected AirPort, PowerStatus == 0", location); } } } continue; } } if (vpn_if) CFRelease(vpn_if); if (keys != keys_q) { CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, keys); CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, values); } done : if (dict) CFRelease(dict); return (other_serv_found == 0 || interf_down == 1); } return 0; }