コード例 #1
ファイル: test_multilib.c プロジェクト: jjphatt/polymec-dev
main (
int                 argc,
char *              argv[])
  FILE *              fileptr;
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;
  SCOTCH_Num          vertnbr;
  SCOTCH_Graph_64     grafdat_64;
  SCOTCH_Num_64       vertnbr_64;

  SCOTCH_errorProg (argv[0]);

  if (argc != 2) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("usage: %s graph_file", argv[0]);
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if ((SCOTCH_graphInit    (&grafdat)    != 0) ||
      (SCOTCH_graphInit_64 (&grafdat_64) != 0)) {  /* Initialize source graph */
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize graph");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if ((fileptr = fopen (argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot open file (1)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, fileptr, -1, 0) != 0) { /* Read source graph */
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot load graph (1)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  fclose (fileptr);

  if ((fileptr = fopen (argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot open file (2)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (SCOTCH_graphLoad_64 (&grafdat_64, fileptr, -1, 0) != 0) { /* Read source graph */
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot load graph (2)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  fclose (fileptr);

  SCOTCH_graphSize    (&grafdat,    &vertnbr,    NULL);
  SCOTCH_graphSize_64 (&grafdat_64, &vertnbr_64, NULL);

  SCOTCH_graphExit    (&grafdat);
  SCOTCH_graphExit_64 (&grafdat_64);

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
コード例 #2
ファイル: gord.c プロジェクト: EricAlex/ThirdParty-dev
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  SCOTCH_Num          vertnbr;                    /* Number of vertices */
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;                    /* Source graph       */
  SCOTCH_Ordering     ordedat;                    /* Graph ordering     */
  SCOTCH_Num *        permtab;                    /* Permutation array  */
  SCOTCH_Strat        stradat;                    /* Ordering strategy  */
  SCOTCH_Num          straval;
  char *              straptr;
  int                 flagval;
  Clock               runtime[2];                 /* Timing variables   */
  int                 i, j;

  errorProg ("gord");

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    return     (0);

  flagval = C_FLAGNONE;                           /* Default behavior  */
  straval = 0;                                    /* No strategy flags */
  straptr = NULL;
  SCOTCH_stratInit (&stradat);

  for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++)                /* Set default stream pointers */
    C_fileTab[i].pntr = (C_fileTab[i].mode[0] == 'r') ? stdin : stdout;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* File name has been given                         */
        C_fileTab[C_fileNum ++].name = argv[i];
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
    else {                                        /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'C' :
        case 'c' :                                /* Strategy selection parameters */
          for (j = 2; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j ++) {
            switch (argv[i][j]) {
              case 'B' :
              case 'b' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE;
              case 'Q' :
              case 'q' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATQUALITY;
              case 'S' :
              case 's' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATSPEED;
              case 'T' :
              case 't' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY;
              default :
                errorPrint ("main: invalid strategy selection option '%c'", argv[i][j]);
        case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          return     (0);
        case 'M' :                                /* Output separator mapping */
        case 'm' :
          flagval |= C_FLAGMAPOUT;
          if (argv[i][2] != '\0')
            C_filenamemapout = &argv[i][2];
        case 'O' :                                /* Ordering strategy */
        case 'o' :
          straptr = &argv[i][2];
          SCOTCH_stratExit (&stradat);
          SCOTCH_stratInit (&stradat);
          SCOTCH_stratGraphOrder (&stradat, straptr);
        case 'T' :                                /* Output separator tree */
        case 't' :
          flagval |= C_FLAGTREOUT;
          if (argv[i][2] != '\0')
            C_filenametreout = &argv[i][2];
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "gord, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010-2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        case 'v' :                               /* Output control info */
          for (j = 2; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j ++) {
            switch (argv[i][j]) {
              case 'S' :
              case 's' :
                flagval |= C_FLAGVERBSTR;
              case 'T' :
              case 't' :
                flagval |= C_FLAGVERBTIM;
              default :
                errorPrint ("main: unprocessed parameter '%c' in '%s'", argv[i][j], argv[i]);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: unprocessed option '%s'", argv[i]);

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  clockInit  (&runtime[0]);
  clockStart (&runtime[0]);

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat);                    /* Create graph structure    */
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, C_filepntrsrcinp, -1, 2); /* Read source graph   */
  SCOTCH_graphSize (&grafdat, &vertnbr, NULL);    /* Get graph characteristics */

  if (straval != 0) {
    if (straptr != NULL)
      errorPrint ("main: options '-c' and '-o' are exclusive");

    SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild (&stradat, straval, 0, 0.2);

  clockStop  (&runtime[0]);                       /* Get input time */
  clockInit  (&runtime[1]);
  clockStart (&runtime[1]);

  if ((permtab = (SCOTCH_Num *) memAlloc (vertnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num))) == NULL) {
    errorPrint ("main: out of memory");
    return     (1);
  SCOTCH_graphOrderInit    (&grafdat, &ordedat, permtab, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Create ordering */
  SCOTCH_graphOrderCompute (&grafdat, &ordedat, &stradat); /* Perform ordering */

  clockStop (&runtime[1]);                        /* Get ordering time */

  if (SCOTCH_graphOrderCheck (&grafdat, &ordedat) != 0)
    return (1);
#endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_ALL */

  clockStart (&runtime[0]);

  SCOTCH_graphOrderSave (&grafdat, &ordedat, C_filepntrordout);  /* Write ordering    */
  if (flagval & C_FLAGMAPOUT)                     /* If mapping wanted                */
    SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveMap (&grafdat, &ordedat, C_filepntrmapout); /* Write mapping */
  if (flagval & C_FLAGTREOUT)                     /* If separator tree wanted         */
    SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveTree (&grafdat, &ordedat, C_filepntrtreout); /* Write tree   */

  clockStop (&runtime[0]);                        /* Get output time */

  if (flagval & C_FLAGVERBSTR) {
    fprintf (C_filepntrlogout, "S\tStrat=");
    SCOTCH_stratSave (&stradat, C_filepntrlogout);
    putc ('\n', C_filepntrlogout);
  if (flagval & C_FLAGVERBTIM) {
    fprintf (C_filepntrlogout, "T\tOrder\t\t%g\nT\tI/O\t\t%g\nT\tTotal\t\t%g\n",
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[1]),
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[0]),
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[0]) +
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[1]));

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end eventual (un)compression tasks */

  SCOTCH_graphOrderExit (&grafdat, &ordedat);
  SCOTCH_stratExit      (&stradat);
  SCOTCH_graphExit      (&grafdat);
  memFree               (permtab);

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
コード例 #3
ファイル: gbase.c プロジェクト: EricAlex/ThirdParty-dev
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;                    /* Source graph */
  int                 baseval;
  int                 i;

  errorProg ("gbase");

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    exit       (0);

  for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++)                /* Set default stream pointers */
    C_fileTab[i].pntr = (C_fileTab[i].mode[0] == 'r') ? stdin : stdout;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_paraNum < 1) {                        /* If number of parameters not reached              */
        C_paraNum ++;                             /* One more parameter                               */
        baseval = atoi (argv[i]);                 /* Get the base value                               */
        if ((baseval < 0) || (baseval > 1)) {
          errorPrint ("main: invalid base value '%s'", argv[i]);
          return     (1);
        continue;                                 /* Process the other parameters */
      if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* A file name has been given */
        C_fileTab[C_fileNum ++].name = argv[i];
      else {
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
        exit       (1);
    else {                                        /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          exit       (0);
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "gbase, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2007,2008,2010-2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: unprocessed option '%s'", argv[i]);
          exit       (1);

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat);
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, C_filepntrsrcinp, (SCOTCH_Num) baseval, 0);
  SCOTCH_graphSave (&grafdat, C_filepntrsrcout);

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end eventual (un)compression tasks */

  SCOTCH_graphExit (&grafdat);

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: gmap.c プロジェクト: Hartorn/AN304
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;                    /* Source graph              */
  SCOTCH_Num          grafflag;                   /* Source graph properties   */
  SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;                    /* Target architecture       */
  SCOTCH_Strat        stradat;                    /* Mapping strategy          */
  SCOTCH_Mapping      mapdat;                     /* Mapping data              */
  Clock               runtime[2];                 /* Timing variables          */
  double              kbalval;                    /* Imbalance tolerance value */
  int                 flagval;
  SCOTCH_Num          straval;
  char *              straptr;
  int                 i, j;

  flagval = C_FLAGNONE;                           /* Default behavior  */
  straval = 0;                                    /* No strategy flags */
  straptr = NULL;

  i = strlen (argv[0]);
  if ((i >= 5) && (strncmp (argv[0] + i - 5, "gpart", 5) == 0)) {
    flagval |= C_FLAGPART;
    C_paraNbr = 1;                                /* One more parameter       */
    C_fileNbr = 3;                                /* One less file to provide */
    errorProg ("gpart");
    errorProg ("gmap");

  intRandInit ();

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    return     (0);

  grafflag = 0;                                   /* Use vertex and edge weights  */
  SCOTCH_stratInit (&stradat);                    /* Set default mapping strategy */

  kbalval = 0.01;                                 /* Set default load imbalance value */

  for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++)                /* Set default stream pointers */
    C_fileTab[i].pntr = (C_fileTab[i].mode[0] == 'r') ? stdin : stdout;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_paraNum < C_paraNbr) {                /* If number of parameters not reached              */
        if ((C_partNbr = atoi (argv[i])) < 1)     /* Get the number of parts                          */
          errorPrint ("main: invalid number of parts (\"%s\")", argv[i]);
        C_paraNum ++;
        continue;                                 /* Process the other parameters */
      if (C_fileNum < C_fileNbr)                  /* A file name has been given */
        C_fileTab[C_fileNum ++].name = argv[i];
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
    else {                                        /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'B' :
        case 'b' :
          flagval |= C_FLAGKBALVAL;
          kbalval = atof (&argv[i][2]);
          if ((kbalval < 0.0) ||
              (kbalval > 1.0) ||
              ((kbalval == 0.0) &&
               ((argv[i][2] != '0') && (argv[i][2] != '.')))) {
            errorPrint ("main: invalid load imbalance ratio");
        case 'C' :
        case 'c' :                                /* Strategy selection parameters */
          for (j = 2; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j ++) {
            switch (argv[i][j]) {
              case 'B' :
              case 'b' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE;
              case 'Q' :
              case 'q' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATQUALITY;
              case 'S' :
              case 's' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATSPEED;
              case 'T' :
              case 't' :
                straval |= SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY;
              default :
                errorPrint ("main: invalid strategy selection option (\"%c\")", argv[i][j]);
        case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          return     (0);
        case 'M' :
        case 'm' :
          straptr = &argv[i][2];
          SCOTCH_stratExit (&stradat);
          SCOTCH_stratInit (&stradat);
          SCOTCH_stratGraphMap (&stradat, straptr);
        case 'S' :
        case 's' :                                /* Source graph parameters */
          for (j = 2; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j ++) {
            switch (argv[i][j]) {
              case 'E' :
              case 'e' :
                grafflag |= 2;                    /* Do not load edge weights */
              case 'V' :
              case 'v' :
                grafflag |= 1;                    /* Do not load vertex weights */
              default :
                errorPrint ("main: invalid source graph option (\"%c\")", argv[i][j]);
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "gmap/gpart, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010 ENSEIRB, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        case 'v' :                                /* Output control info */
          for (j = 2; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j ++) {
            switch (argv[i][j]) {
              case 'M' :
              case 'm' :
                flagval |= C_FLAGVERBMAP;
              case 'S' :
              case 's' :
                flagval |= C_FLAGVERBSTR;
              case 'T' :
              case 't' :
                flagval |= C_FLAGVERBTIM;
              default :
                errorPrint ("main: unprocessed parameter \"%c\" in \"%s\"", argv[i][j], argv[i]);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: unprocessed option (\"%s\")", argv[i]);

  if ((flagval & C_FLAGPART) != 0) {              /* If program run as the partitioner            */
    C_fileTab[3].name = C_fileTab[2].name;        /* Put provided file names at their right place */
    C_fileTab[2].name = C_fileTab[1].name;
    C_fileTab[1].name = "-";

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  clockInit  (&runtime[0]);
  clockStart (&runtime[0]);

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat);                    /* Create graph structure         */
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, C_filepntrsrcinp, -1, grafflag); /* Read source graph */

  SCOTCH_archInit (&archdat);                     /* Create architecture structure          */
  if ((flagval & C_FLAGPART) != 0)                /* If program run as the partitioner      */
    SCOTCH_archCmplt (&archdat, C_partNbr);       /* Create a complete graph of proper size */
  else {
    SCOTCH_archLoad (&archdat, C_filepntrtgtinp); /* Read target architecture */
    C_partNbr = SCOTCH_archSize (&archdat);

  if ((straval != 0) || ((flagval & C_FLAGKBALVAL) != 0)) {
    if (straptr != NULL)
      errorPrint ("main: options '-b' / '-c' and '-m' are exclusive");

    SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild (&stradat, straval, (SCOTCH_Num) C_partNbr, kbalval);

  clockStop  (&runtime[0]);                       /* Get input time */
  clockInit  (&runtime[1]);
  clockStart (&runtime[1]);

  SCOTCH_graphMapInit    (&grafdat, &mapdat, &archdat, NULL);
  SCOTCH_graphMapCompute (&grafdat, &mapdat, &stradat); /* Perform mapping */

  clockStop  (&runtime[1]);                       /* Get computation time */
  clockStart (&runtime[0]);

  SCOTCH_graphMapSave (&grafdat, &mapdat, C_filepntrmapout); /* Write mapping */

  clockStop (&runtime[0]);                        /* Get output time */

  if (flagval & C_FLAGVERBSTR) {
    fprintf (C_filepntrlogout, "S\tStrat=");
    SCOTCH_stratSave (&stradat, C_filepntrlogout);
    putc ('\n', C_filepntrlogout);
  if (flagval & C_FLAGVERBTIM) {
    fprintf (C_filepntrlogout, "T\tMapping\t\t%g\nT\tI/O\t\t%g\nT\tTotal\t\t%g\n",
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[1]),
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[0]),
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[0]) +
             (double) clockVal (&runtime[1]));
  if (flagval & C_FLAGVERBMAP)
    SCOTCH_graphMapView (&grafdat, &mapdat, C_filepntrlogout);

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end eventual (un)compression tasks */

  SCOTCH_graphMapExit (&grafdat, &mapdat);
  SCOTCH_graphExit    (&grafdat);
  SCOTCH_stratExit    (&stradat);
  SCOTCH_archExit     (&archdat);

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
コード例 #5
main (
int                 argc,
char *              argv[])
  SCOTCH_Graph          grafdat;
  SCOTCH_Strat          stradat;
  SCOTCH_Num            baseval;
  SCOTCH_Num            partnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num            partnum;
  SCOTCH_Num * restrict parttax;
  SCOTCH_Num            vertnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num            vertnum;
  SCOTCH_Num *          verttab;
  SCOTCH_Num *          vendtab;
  SCOTCH_Num *          velotab;
  SCOTCH_Num *          vlbltab;
  SCOTCH_Num *          edgetax;
  SCOTCH_Num * restrict flagtab;
  SCOTCH_Num * restrict loadtab;
  SCOTCH_Num            loadmin;
  SCOTCH_Num            loadmax;
  SCOTCH_Num            loadsum;
  double                loadavg;
  FILE *                fileptr;

  SCOTCH_errorProg (argv[0]);

  if ((argc < 4) || (argc > 5)) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("usage: %s nparts input_source_graph_file output_mapping_file [strategy]", argv[0]);
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if ((partnbr = (SCOTCH_Num) atoi (argv[1])) < 1) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid number of parts (\"%s\")", argv[1]);
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (SCOTCH_stratInit (&stradat) != 0) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize strategy");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  if (argc == 5) {
    if (SCOTCH_stratGraphPartOvl (&stradat, argv[4]) != 0) {
      SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid user-provided strategy");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat) != 0) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize graph");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if ((fileptr = fopen (argv[2], "r")) == NULL) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot open file (1)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, fileptr, -1, 0) != 0) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot load graph");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  fclose (fileptr);

  SCOTCH_graphData (&grafdat, &baseval, &vertnbr, &verttab, &vendtab, &velotab, &vlbltab, NULL, &edgetax, NULL);

  if (((parttax = malloc (vertnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num))) == NULL) ||
      ((flagtab = malloc (partnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num))) == NULL) ||
      ((loadtab = malloc (partnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num))) == NULL)) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: out of memory");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (SCOTCH_graphPartOvl (&grafdat, partnbr, &stradat, parttax) != 0) { /* Parttax is not based yet */
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot compute mapping");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  edgetax -= baseval;
  parttax -= baseval;

  memset (loadtab,  0, partnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num)); /* Part loads set to 0                */
  memset (flagtab, ~0, partnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num)); /* Flags set to invalid vertex number */

  for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
    SCOTCH_Num          veloval;
    SCOTCH_Num          partval;

    veloval = (velotab == NULL) ? 1 : velotab[vertnum];
    partval = parttax[vertnum + baseval];         /* vertnum is not based               */
    if (partval >= 0)                             /* If vertex belongs to one part only */
      loadtab[partval] += veloval;                /* Add vertex load to this part       */
    else {                                        /* Vertex belongs to several parts    */
      SCOTCH_Num          edgenum;

      for (edgenum = verttab[vertnum]; edgenum < vendtab[vertnum]; edgenum ++) {
        SCOTCH_Num          vertend;
        SCOTCH_Num          partend;

        vertend = edgetax[edgenum];
        partend = parttax[vertend];               /* vertend is based                     */
        if (partend < 0)                          /* If neighbor has no identifiable part */
        if (flagtab[partend] == vertnum)          /* If neighbor part already accounted for, skip it */

        loadtab[partend] += veloval;              /* Vertex load contributes to this part */
        flagtab[partend]  = vertnum;              /* Record a contribution has been made  */

  loadsum =
  loadmax = 0;
  loadmin = SCOTCH_NUMMAX;
  for (partnum = 0; partnum < partnbr; partnum ++) {
    loadsum += loadtab[partnum];
    if (loadtab[partnum] > loadmax)
      loadmax = loadtab[partnum];
    if (loadtab[partnum] < loadmin)
      loadmin = loadtab[partnum];

    printf ("M\tCompload[%02ld]\t%ld\n",
            (long) partnum,
            (long) loadtab[partnum]);

  loadavg = (double) loadsum / (double) partnbr;
  printf ("M\tCompLoadAvg\t%g\n",
	  (double) loadavg);
  printf ("M\tCompLoadMax/Avg\t%g\n",
	  (double) loadmax / loadavg);

  if ((fileptr = fopen (argv[3], "w")) == NULL) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot open file (2)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (fprintf (fileptr, "%ld\n", (long) vertnbr) == EOF) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: bad output (1)");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
    if (fprintf (fileptr, "%ld\t%ld\n",
                 (long) ((vlbltab == NULL) ? vertnum : vlbltab[vertnum]),
                 (long) parttax[vertnum + baseval]) == EOF) {
      SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: bad output (2)");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  fclose (fileptr);

  free (loadtab);
  free (flagtab);
  free (parttax + baseval);

  SCOTCH_stratExit (&stradat);
  SCOTCH_graphExit (&grafdat);

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
コード例 #6
ファイル: gout_c.c プロジェクト: EricAlex/ThirdParty-dev
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  C_Graph            grafdat;                     /* Source graph   */
  C_Geometry         geo;                         /* Graph geometry */
  C_Mapping          map;                         /* Result mapping */
  int                i, j;

  errorProg ("gout");

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    return     (0);

  for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++)                /* Set default stream pointers */
    C_fileTab[i].pntr = (C_fileTab[i].mode[0] == 'r') ? stdin : stdout;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* File name has been given                         */
        C_fileTab[C_fileNum ++].name = argv[i];
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
    else {                                        /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'G' :                                /* Geometry parameters */
        case 'g' :
          if ((j = C_geoParse (&argv[i][2])) != 0)
            errorPrint ("main: error in geometry option string '%d'", j);
        case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          return     (0);
        case 'M' :                                /* No-mapping flag */
        case 'm' :
          if (((argv[i][2] != 'N') && (argv[i][2] != 'n')) || (argv[i][3] != '\0'))
            errorPrint ("main: error in mapping option string '%s'", &argv[i][2]);
          C_filenamemapinp = "-";                 /* Default name to avoid opening   */
          C_filepntrmapinp = NULL;                /* NULL file pointer means no file */
        case 'O' :                                /* Output parameters */
        case 'o' :
          if ((j = outDrawParse (&argv[i][2])) != 0)
            errorPrint ("main: error in output option string (%d)", j);
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "gout, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010-2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: Unprocessed option '%s'", argv[i]);

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat.grafdat);            /* Create graph structure         */
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat.grafdat, C_filepntrsrcinp, 0, 3); /* Read source graph */
  SCOTCH_graphData (&grafdat.grafdat, &grafdat.baseval,
                    &grafdat.vertnbr, &grafdat.verttab, &grafdat.vendtab, NULL, &grafdat.vlbltab,
                    &grafdat.edgenbr, &grafdat.edgetab, NULL);

  C_geoInit (&geo, &grafdat);                     /* Create geometry structure */
  if (C_geoFlag & C_GEOFLAGUSE)                   /* If geometry is wanted     */
    C_geoLoad (&geo, C_filepntrgeoinp);           /* Read graph geometry       */

  C_mapInit (&map, &grafdat);                     /* Create mapping structure */
  C_mapLoad (&map, C_filepntrmapinp);             /* Read result mapping      */

  outDraw (&grafdat, &geo, &map, C_filepntrdatout); /* Build and write the output */

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end eventual (un)compression tasks */

  C_mapExit        (&map);                        /* Free data structures */
  C_geoExit        (&geo);
  SCOTCH_graphExit (&grafdat.grafdat);

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: amk_grf.c プロジェクト: ccopsey/scotch
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  SCOTCH_Strat        bipastrat;                  /* Bipartitioning strategy                   */
  SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;                    /* Target (terminal) architecture            */
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;                    /* Source graph to turn into architecture    */
  SCOTCH_Num          vertnbr;                    /* Number of vertices in graph               */
  SCOTCH_Num *        vlbltab;                    /* Pointer to vertex label array, if present */
  SCOTCH_Num          listnbr;                    /* Size of list array                        */
  SCOTCH_Num *        listtab;                    /* Pointer to list array                     */
  C_VertSort *        sorttab;                    /* Vertex label sort area                    */
  SCOTCH_Num          baseval;
  int                 flagval;                    /* Process flags                             */
  int                 i;

  errorProg ("amk_grf");

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    return     (0);

  flagval = C_FLAGNONE;
  SCOTCH_stratInit (&bipastrat);

  fileBlockInit (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Set default stream pointers */

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* File name has been given                         */
        fileBlockName (C_fileTab, C_fileNum ++) = argv[i];
      else {
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
        return     (1);
    else {                                        /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'B' :                                /* Bipartitioning strategy */
        case 'b' :
          SCOTCH_stratExit (&bipastrat);
          SCOTCH_stratInit (&bipastrat);
          if ((SCOTCH_stratGraphBipart (&bipastrat, &argv[i][2])) != 0) {
            errorPrint ("main: invalid bipartitioning strategy");
            return     (1);
        case 'H' :                                /* Give the usage message */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          return     (0);
        case 'L' :                                /* Input vertex list */
        case 'l' :
          flagval |= C_FLAGVRTINP;
          if (argv[i][2] != '\0')
            C_filenamevrtinp = &argv[i][2];
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "amk_grf, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010-2012,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: unprocessed option '%s'", argv[i]);
          return     (1);

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat);                    /* Create graph structure           */
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, C_filepntrgrfinp, -1, 0); /* Load source graph          */
  SCOTCH_graphData (&grafdat, &baseval, &vertnbr, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* Get graph data */
                    &vlbltab, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  listnbr = 0;                                    /* Initialize vertex list */
  listtab = NULL;
  if (flagval & C_FLAGVRTINP) {                   /* If list of vertices provided */
    SCOTCH_Num          listnum;

    if ((intLoad (C_filepntrvrtinp, &listnbr) != 1) || /* Read list size */
        (listnbr < 0)                               ||
        (listnbr > vertnbr)) {
      errorPrint ("main: bad list input (1)");
      return     (1);
    if ((listtab = (SCOTCH_Num *) memAlloc (listnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num) + 1)) == NULL) {
      errorPrint ("main: out of memory (1)");
      return     (1);
    for (listnum = 0; listnum < listnbr; listnum ++) { /* Read list data */
      if (intLoad (C_filepntrvrtinp, &listtab[listnum]) != 1) {
        errorPrint ("main: bad list input (2)");
        return     (1);
    intSort1asc1 (listtab, listnbr);
    for (listnum = 0; listnum < listnbr - 1; listnum ++) { /* Search for duplicates */
      if (listtab[listnum] == listtab[listnum + 1]) {
        errorPrint ("main: duplicate list labels");
        memFree    (listtab);
        return     (1);

    if (vlbltab != NULL) {                        /* If graph has vertex labels */
      SCOTCH_Num          vertnum;

      if ((sorttab = (C_VertSort *) memAlloc (vertnbr * sizeof (C_VertSort))) == NULL) {
        errorPrint ("main: out of memory (2)");
        memFree    (listtab);
        return     (1);
      for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) { /* Initialize sort area */
        sorttab[vertnum].vlblnum = vlbltab[vertnum];
        sorttab[vertnum].vertnum = vertnum;
      intSort2asc1 (sorttab, vertnbr);            /* Sort by ascending labels */

      for (listnum = 0, vertnum = 0; listnum < listnbr; listnum ++) {  /* For all labels in list */
        while ((vertnum < vertnbr) && (sorttab[vertnum].vlblnum < listtab[listnum]))
          vertnum ++;                             /* Search vertex graph with corresponding label */
        if ((vertnum >= vertnbr) ||               /* If label not found                           */
            (sorttab[vertnum].vlblnum > listtab[listnum])) {
          errorPrint ("main: list label '" SCOTCH_NUMSTRING "' not in graph", (SCOTCH_Num) listtab[listnum]);
          memFree    (sorttab);
          memFree    (listtab);
          return     (1);
        listtab[listnum] = sorttab[vertnum ++].vertnum; /* Replace label by number */
      memFree (sorttab);                          /* Free sort area */

  SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);                    /* Initialize target architecture            */
  SCOTCH_archBuild (&archdat, &grafdat, listnbr, listtab, &bipastrat); /* Compute architecture */
  SCOTCH_archSave  (&archdat, C_filepntrtgtout);  /* Write target architecture                 */

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end potential (un)compression tasks */

  SCOTCH_graphExit (&grafdat);                    /* Free target graph        */
  SCOTCH_archExit  (&archdat);                    /* Free target architecture */
  SCOTCH_stratExit (&bipastrat);                  /* Free strategy string     */
  if (listtab != NULL)                            /* If vertex list provided  */
    memFree (listtab);                            /* Free it                  */

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
コード例 #8
main (
    int                 argc,
    char *              argv[])
    FILE *              fileptr;
    SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;
    SCOTCH_Ordering     ordedat;
    SCOTCH_Strat        stradat;
    SCOTCH_Num          baseval;
    SCOTCH_Num          vertnbr;
    SCOTCH_Num          vertnum;
    SCOTCH_Num          listnbr;
    SCOTCH_Num          listnum;
    SCOTCH_Num *        listtab;

    SCOTCH_errorProg (argv[0]);

    if (SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat) != 0) {         /* Initialize source graph */
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize graph");
        return            (1);

    if ((fileptr = fopen (argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot open file (1)");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, fileptr, -1, 0) != 0) { /* Read source graph */
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot load graph");
        return            (1);

    fclose (fileptr);

    SCOTCH_graphData (&grafdat, &baseval, &vertnbr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    listnbr = (vertnbr + 1) / 2;                    /* Only keep half of the vertices in induced graph */
    if ((listtab = malloc (listnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num))) == NULL) {
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: out of memory (1)");
        return            (1);
    for (listnum = 0, vertnum = baseval + (listnbr / 4); /* Keep only middle half of the vertices */
            listnum < listnbr; listnum ++, vertnum ++)
        listtab[listnum] = vertnum;

    if ((fileptr = tmpfile ()) == NULL) {           /* Open temporary file for resulting output */
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot open file (2)");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_stratInit (&stradat) != 0) {         /* Initialize ordering strategy */
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize strategy");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_graphOrderInit (&grafdat, &ordedat, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) { /* Initialize ordering */
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize ordering (1)");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_graphOrderCompute (&grafdat, &ordedat, &stradat) != 0) {
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot order graph");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_graphOrderCheck (&grafdat, &ordedat) != 0) {
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid ordering (1)");
        return            (1);

    SCOTCH_graphOrderSave     (&grafdat, &ordedat, fileptr); /* Test ordering data output routines */
    SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveMap  (&grafdat, &ordedat, fileptr);
    SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveTree (&grafdat, &ordedat, fileptr);

    SCOTCH_graphOrderExit (&grafdat, &ordedat);     /* Free computed ordering */

    if (SCOTCH_graphOrderInit (&grafdat, &ordedat, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) { /* Initialize ordering again */
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize ordering (2)");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_graphOrderComputeList (&grafdat, &ordedat, listnbr, listtab, &stradat) != 0) {
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot order induced graph");
        return            (1);

    if (SCOTCH_graphOrderCheck (&grafdat, &ordedat) != 0) {
        SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid ordering (2)");
        return            (1);

    SCOTCH_graphOrderSave     (&grafdat, &ordedat, fileptr); /* Test ordering data output routines */
    SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveMap  (&grafdat, &ordedat, fileptr);
    SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveTree (&grafdat, &ordedat, fileptr);

    free (listtab);
    SCOTCH_stratExit      (&stradat);
    SCOTCH_graphOrderExit (&grafdat, &ordedat);
    SCOTCH_graphExit      (&grafdat);

    return (0);
コード例 #9
ファイル: gotst.c プロジェクト: AlaaHadji/specfem3d
main (
int                         argc,
char *                      argv[])
  SCOTCH_Graph        grafdat;
  SCOTCH_Num          vertnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num *        verttab;
  SCOTCH_Num *        vendtab;
  SCOTCH_Num          edgenbr;
  SCOTCH_Num *        edgetab;
  SCOTCH_Num          baseval;
  SCOTCH_Ordering     ordedat;
  SCOTCH_Num *        permtab;
  SCOTCH_Num *        peritab;
  int                 i;

  errorProg ("gotst");

  if ((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] == '?')) {       /* If need for help */
    usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
    return     (0);

  for (i = 0; i < C_FILENBR; i ++)                /* Set default stream pointers */
    C_fileTab[i].pntr = (C_fileTab[i].mode[0] == 'r') ? stdin : stdout;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) {                   /* Loop for all option codes                        */
    if ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (argv[i][1] == '\0') || (argv[i][1] == '.')) { /* If found a file name */
      if (C_fileNum < C_FILEARGNBR)               /* File name has been given                         */
        C_fileTab[C_fileNum ++].name = argv[i];
      else {
        errorPrint ("main: too many file names given");
        return     (1);
    else {                                       /* If found an option name */
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'H' :                               /* Give help */
        case 'h' :
          usagePrint (stdout, C_usageList);
          return     (0);
        case 'V' :
          fprintf (stderr, "gotst, version " SCOTCH_VERSION_STRING "\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010,2011 ENSEIRB, INRIA & CNRS, France\n");
          fprintf (stderr, "This software is libre/free software under CeCILL-C -- see the user's manual for more information\n");
          return  (0);
        default :
          errorPrint ("main: unprocessed option '%s'", argv[i]);
          return     (1);

  fileBlockOpen (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);           /* Open all files */

  SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat);
  SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, C_filepntrgrfinp, -1, 3);
  SCOTCH_graphData (&grafdat, &baseval, &vertnbr, &verttab, &vendtab, NULL, NULL, &edgenbr, &edgetab, NULL);
  if (vendtab != (verttab + 1)) {
    errorPrint ("main: graph should be compact");
    return     (1);
#endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_ALL */
  if (memAllocGroup ((void **) (void *)
                     &peritab, (size_t) (vertnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num)),
                     &permtab, (size_t) (vertnbr * sizeof (SCOTCH_Num)), NULL) == NULL) {
    errorPrint ("main: out of memory");
    return     (1);
  SCOTCH_graphOrderInit (&grafdat, &ordedat, permtab, peritab, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  SCOTCH_graphOrderLoad (&grafdat, &ordedat, C_filepntrordinp);
  if (SCOTCH_graphOrderCheck (&grafdat, &ordedat) != 0) {
    errorPrint ("main: invalid ordering");
    return     (1);

  factorView (baseval, vertnbr, verttab, edgenbr, edgetab, permtab, peritab, C_filepntrdatout);

  fileBlockClose (C_fileTab, C_FILENBR);          /* Always close explicitely to end eventual (un)compression tasks */

  memFree               (peritab);
  SCOTCH_graphOrderExit (&grafdat, &ordedat);
  SCOTCH_graphExit      (&grafdat);

  pthread_exit ((void *) 0);                      /* Allow potential (un)compression tasks to complete */
#endif /* COMMON_PTHREAD */
  return (0);
コード例 #10
static PetscErrorCode MatPartitioningApply_Scotch(MatPartitioning part, IS * partitioning)
    PetscErrorCode ierr;
    int  *parttab, *locals = PETSC_NULL, rank, i, size;
    size_t                 j;
    Mat                    mat = part->adj, matMPI, matSeq;
    int                    nb_locals = mat->rmap->n;
    Mat_MPIAdj             *adj = (Mat_MPIAdj *) mat->data;
    MatPartitioning_Scotch *scotch = (MatPartitioning_Scotch *) part->data;
    PetscTruth             flg;
    int                    fd_stdout, fd_pipe[2], count,err;


    /* check if the matrix is sequential, use MatGetSubMatrices if necessary */
    ierr = MPI_Comm_size(((PetscObject)mat)->comm, &size);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject) mat, MATMPIADJ, &flg);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (size > 1) {
        int M, N;
        IS isrow, iscol;
        Mat *A;

        if (flg) {
            SETERRQ(0, "Distributed matrix format MPIAdj is not supported for sequential partitioners");
        PetscPrintf(((PetscObject)part)->comm, "Converting distributed matrix to sequential: this could be a performance loss\n");CHKERRQ(ierr);

        ierr = MatGetSize(mat, &M, &N);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF, M, 0, 1, &isrow);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF, N, 0, 1, &iscol);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = MatGetSubMatrices(mat, 1, &isrow, &iscol, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &A);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        matSeq = *A; 
        ierr = PetscFree(A);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = ISDestroy(isrow);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = ISDestroy(iscol);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    } else
        matSeq = mat;

    /* convert the the matrix to MPIADJ type if necessary */
    if (!flg) {
        ierr = MatConvert(matSeq, MATMPIADJ, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &matMPI);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    } else {
        matMPI = matSeq;

    adj = (Mat_MPIAdj *) matMPI->data;  /* finaly adj contains adjacency graph */

    ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(((PetscObject)part)->comm, &rank);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* definition of Scotch library arguments */
        SCOTCH_Strat stratptr;      /* scotch strategy */
        SCOTCH_Graph grafptr;       /* scotch graph */
        int vertnbr = mat->rmap->N; /* number of vertices in full graph */
        int *verttab = adj->i;      /* start of edge list for each vertex */
        int *edgetab = adj->j;      /* edge list data */
        int edgenbr = adj->nz;      /* number of edges */
        int *velotab = NULL;        /* not used by petsc interface */
        int *vlbltab = NULL;    
        int *edlotab = NULL; 
        int flagval = 3;            /* (cf doc scotch no weight edge & vertices) */
        int baseval = 0;            /* 0 for C array indexing */
        char strategy[256];

        ierr = PetscMalloc((mat->rmap->N) * sizeof(int), &parttab);CHKERRQ(ierr); 

        /* redirect output to buffer scotch -> mesg_log */
        fd_stdout = dup(1);
        dup2(fd_pipe[1], 1);
        ierr = PetscMalloc(SIZE_LOG * sizeof(char), &(scotch->mesg_log));CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* library call */

        /* Construction of the scotch graph object */
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&grafptr);
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild((SCOTCH_Graph *)   &grafptr, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num)  vertnbr, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num)  verttab, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num *)velotab,
				 (const SCOTCH_Num *)vlbltab, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num *)edgenbr, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num *)edgetab, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num)  edlotab, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num *)baseval, 
				 (const SCOTCH_Num *)flagval);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Scotch interface currently broken");
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&grafptr);CHKERRQ(ierr);

        /* Construction of the strategy */
        if (scotch->strategy[0] != 0) {
            ierr = PetscStrcpy(strategy, scotch->strategy);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        } else {
            PetscStrcpy(strategy, "b{strat=");

            if (scotch->multilevel) {
                /* PetscStrcat(strategy,"m{vert=");
                   PetscStrcat(strategy,",asc="); */
                sprintf(strategy, "b{strat=m{vert=%d,asc=",
            } else
                PetscStrcpy(strategy, "b{strat=");

            switch (scotch->global_method) {
            case MP_SCOTCH_GREEDY:
                PetscStrcat(strategy, "h");
            case MP_SCOTCH_GPS:
                PetscStrcat(strategy, "g");
            case MP_SCOTCH_GR_GPS:
                PetscStrcat(strategy, "g|h");

            switch (scotch->local_method) {
            case MP_SCOTCH_KERNIGHAN_LIN:
                if (scotch->multilevel)
                    PetscStrcat(strategy, ",low=f}");
                    PetscStrcat(strategy, " f");
            case MP_SCOTCH_NONE:
                if (scotch->multilevel)
                    PetscStrcat(strategy, ",asc=x}");

            PetscStrcat(strategy, " x}");

        PetscPrintf(((PetscObject)part)->comm, "strategy=[%s]\n", strategy);

        ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&stratptr);CHKERRQ(ierr);

	  TODO: Correct this part

	  Commented because this doesn't exists anymore 

	  ierr = SCOTCH_stratMap(&stratptr, strategy);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        /* check for option mapping */
        if (!scotch->map) {
	  /* ********************************************
	   *						*
	   *        TODO: Correct this part		*
	   *						*
	   * Won't work with this tmp SCOTCH_Strat...	*
	   *						*
	   * I just modified it to make scotch compile, *
	   * to be able to use PaStiX...		*
	   *						*
	  SCOTCH_Strat tmp;
	  ierr = SCOTCH_graphPart((const SCOTCH_Graph *)&grafptr, 
				  (const SCOTCH_Num)    &stratptr, 
				  (const SCOTCH_Strat *)&tmp,        /* The Argument changed from scotch 3.04 it was part->n, */ 
				  (SCOTCH_Num *)        parttab);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Scotch interface currently broken");
            ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "Partition simple without mapping\n");
        } else {
            SCOTCH_Graph grafarch;
            SCOTCH_Num *listtab;
            SCOTCH_Num listnbr = 0;
            SCOTCH_Arch archptr;        /* file in scotch architecture format */
            SCOTCH_Strat archstrat;
            int arch_total_size, *parttab_tmp,err;
            int cpt;
            char buf[256];
            FILE *file1, *file2;
            char host_buf[256];

            /* generate the graph that represents the arch */
            file1 = fopen(scotch->arch, "r");
            if (!file1) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN, "Scotch: unable to open architecture file %s", scotch->arch);

            ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&grafarch);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            ierr = SCOTCH_graphLoad(&grafarch, file1, baseval, 3);CHKERRQ(ierr);

            ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&grafarch);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            SCOTCH_graphSize(&grafarch, &arch_total_size, &cpt);

            err = fclose(file1);
            if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fclose() failed on file");    

            printf("total size = %d\n", arch_total_size);

            /* generate the list of nodes currently working */
            ierr = PetscGetHostName(host_buf, 256);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            ierr = PetscStrlen(host_buf, &j);CHKERRQ(ierr);

            file2 = fopen(scotch->host_list, "r");
            if (!file2) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN, "Scotch: unable to open host list file %s", scotch->host_list);

            i = -1;
            flg = PETSC_FALSE;
            while (!feof(file2) && !flg) {
                fgets(buf, 256, file2);
                PetscStrncmp(buf, host_buf, j, &flg);
            err = fclose(file2);
            if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fclose() failed on file");    
            if (!flg) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Scotch: unable to find '%s' in host list file", host_buf);

            listnbr = size;
            ierr = PetscMalloc(sizeof(SCOTCH_Num) * listnbr, &listtab);CHKERRQ(ierr);

            ierr = MPI_Allgather(&i, 1, MPI_INT, listtab, 1, MPI_INT, ((PetscObject)part)->comm);CHKERRQ(ierr);

            printf("listnbr = %d, listtab = ", listnbr);
            for (i = 0; i < listnbr; i++)
                printf("%d ", listtab[i]);

            err = fflush(stdout);
            if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    

            ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&archstrat);CHKERRQ(ierr);
	     *								  *
	     * TODO: Correct this part					  *
	     * 								  *
	     * Commented because this doesn't exists anymore 		  *
	     * 								  *
	     * ierr = SCOTCH_stratBipart(&archstrat, "fx");CHKERRQ(ierr); *
            ierr = SCOTCH_archInit(&archptr);CHKERRQ(ierr);
            ierr = SCOTCH_archBuild(&archptr, &grafarch, listnbr, listtab,

            ierr = PetscMalloc((mat->rmap->N) * sizeof(int), &parttab_tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
	     *											*
	     * TODO: Correct this part								*
	     *											*
	     * Commented because this doesn't exists anymore 					*
	     *											*
	     * ierr = SCOTCH_mapInit(&mappptr, &grafptr, &archptr, parttab_tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);	*
	     *											*
	     * ierr = SCOTCH_mapCompute(&mappptr, &stratptr);CHKERRQ(ierr);			*
	     * 											*
	     * ierr = SCOTCH_mapView(&mappptr, stdout);CHKERRQ(ierr);				*
            /* now we have to set in the real parttab at the good place */
            /* because the ranks order are different than position in */
            /* the arch graph */
            for (i = 0; i < mat->rmap->N; i++) {
                parttab[i] = parttab_tmp[i];

            ierr = PetscFree(listtab);CHKERRQ(ierr);
   	     * TODO: Correct this part			     *
	     * 						     *
	     * Commented because this doesn't exists anymore *
	     * SCOTCH_mapExit(&mappptr);		     *

        /* dump to mesg_log... */
        err = fflush(stdout);
        if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on stdout");    

        count = read(fd_pipe[0], scotch->mesg_log, (SIZE_LOG - 1) * sizeof(char));
        if (count < 0)
            count = 0;
        scotch->mesg_log[count] = 0;
        dup2(fd_stdout, 1);


    if (ierr)
        SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_LIB, scotch->mesg_log);

    /* Creation of the index set */

    ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(((PetscObject)part)->comm, &rank);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = MPI_Comm_size(((PetscObject)part)->comm, &size);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    nb_locals = mat->rmap->N / size;
    locals = parttab + rank * nb_locals;
    if (rank < mat->rmap->N % size) {
        locals += rank;
    } else
        locals += mat->rmap->N % size;
    ierr = ISCreateGeneral(((PetscObject)part)->comm, nb_locals, locals, partitioning);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    /* destroying old objects */
    ierr = PetscFree(parttab);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (matSeq != mat) {
        ierr = MatDestroy(matSeq);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (matMPI != mat) {
        ierr = MatDestroy(matMPI);CHKERRQ(ierr);
