/* * Two service configurations are considered different if any of the * following is TRUE: * 1) only one is unlisted * 2) only one is internal * 3) only one is RPC * 4) they have different values for the 'wait' attribute * 5) they use different protocols * 6) they are both RPC services but have different program numbers * 7) neither is an RPC service and they have different socket_types or * use diffent ports * * This function returns TRUE if the specified configurations are different. * * Note that this function is closely related to the 'readjust' function * that is invoked on reconfiguration; that function will not change * attributes that this function checks to determine if two configurations * are different. */ bool_int sc_different_confs( struct service_config *scp1, struct service_config *scp2 ) { if ( SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp1 ) != SC_IS_UNLISTED( scp2 ) || SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp1 ) != SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp2 ) || SC_IS_RPC( scp1 ) != SC_IS_RPC( scp2 ) ) return( TRUE ) ; if ( SC_WAIT(scp1) != SC_WAIT(scp2) ) return( TRUE ) ; if ( SC_PROTOVAL(scp1) != SC_PROTOVAL(scp2) ) return( TRUE ) ; if ( SC_IS_RPC( scp1 ) ) { if ( ! SAME_RPC( scp1, scp2 ) ) return( TRUE ) ; } else { if ( ! SAME_NONRPC( scp1, scp2 ) ) return( TRUE ) ; } return( FALSE ) ; }
static void tcpmux_handler( const struct server *serp ) { char svc_name[ BUFFER_SIZE ] ; int cc ; int descriptor = SERVER_FD( serp ) ; const struct service *svc = SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ; unsigned u; struct service *sp = NULL; struct server server, *nserp; struct service_config *scp = NULL; close_all_svc_descriptors(); /* Read in the name of the service in the format "svc_name\r\n". * * XXX: should loop on partial reads (could probably use Sread() if * it wasn't thrown out of xinetd source code a few revisions back). */ do { cc = read( descriptor, svc_name, sizeof( svc_name ) ) ; } while (cc == -1 && errno == EINTR); if ( cc <= 0 ) { msg(LOG_ERR, "tcpmux_handler", "read failed"); exit(0); } if ( ( cc <= 2 ) || ( ( svc_name[cc - 1] != '\n' ) || ( svc_name[cc - 2] != '\r' ) ) ) { if ( debug.on ) msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Invalid service name format."); exit(0); } svc_name[cc - 2] = '\0'; /* Remove \r\n for compare */ if ( debug.on ) { msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Input (%d bytes) %s as service name.", cc, svc_name); } /* Search the services for the a match on name. */ for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( SERVICES( ps ) ) ; u++ ) { sp = SP( pset_pointer( SERVICES( ps ), u ) ) ; if ( strcasecmp( svc_name, SC_NAME( SVC_CONF( sp ) ) ) == 0 ) { /* Found the pointer. Validate its type. */ scp = SVC_CONF( sp ); /* if ( ! SVC_IS_MUXCLIENT( sp ) ) { if ( debug.on ) { msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Non-tcpmux service name: %s.", svc_name); } exit(0); } */ /* Send the accept string if we're a PLUS (+) client. */ if ( SVC_IS_MUXPLUSCLIENT( sp ) ) { if ( Swrite( descriptor, TCPMUX_ACK, sizeof( TCPMUX_ACK ) ) != sizeof( TCPMUX_ACK ) ) { msg(LOG_ERR, "tcpmux_handler", "Ack write failed for %s.", svc_name); exit(0); } } break; /* Time to get on with the service */ } continue; /* Keep looking */ } if ( u >= pset_count( SERVICES( ps ) ) ) { if ( debug.on ) { msg(LOG_DEBUG, "tcpmux_handler", "Service name %s not found.", svc_name); } exit(0); } if( SVC_WAITS( svc ) ) /* Service forks, so close it */ Sclose(descriptor); server.svr_sp = sp; server.svr_conn = SERVER_CONNECTION(serp); nserp = server_alloc(&server); if( SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) ) { SC_INTERNAL(scp, nserp); } else { exec_server(nserp); } }
/* * Print info about service scp to file descriptor fd */ void sc_dump( struct service_config *scp, int fd, int tab_level, bool_int is_defaults ) { const struct name_value *nvp ; unsigned u ; char **pp ; if ( is_defaults ) tabprint( fd, tab_level, "Service defaults\n" ) ; else tabprint( fd, tab_level, "Service configuration: %s\n", SC_NAME(scp) ) ; if ( ! is_defaults ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "id = %s\n", SC_ID(scp) ) ; if ( ! M_ARE_ALL_CLEAR( SC_XFLAGS(scp) ) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "flags =" ) ; for ( nvp = &service_flags[ 0 ] ; nvp->name != NULL ; nvp++ ) if ( M_IS_SET( SC_XFLAGS(scp), nvp->value ) ) Sprint( fd, " %s", nvp->name ) ; Sputchar( fd, '\n' ) ; } if ( ! M_ARE_ALL_CLEAR( SC_TYPE(scp) ) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "type =" ) ; for ( nvp = &service_types[ 0 ] ; nvp->name != NULL ; nvp++ ) if ( M_IS_SET( SC_TYPE(scp), nvp->value ) ) Sprint( fd, " %s", nvp->name ) ; Sputchar( fd, '\n' ) ; } tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "socket_type = %s\n", nv_get_name( socket_types, SC_SOCKET_TYPE(scp) ) ) ; tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Protocol (name,number) = (%s,%d)\n", SC_PROTONAME(scp), SC_PROTOVAL(scp) ) ; if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PORT ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "port = %d\n", SC_PORT(scp) ) ; } if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_INSTANCES ) ) { if ( SC_INSTANCES(scp) == UNLIMITED ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Instances = UNLIMITED\n" ) ; else tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Instances = %d\n", SC_INSTANCES(scp) ) ; } if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_WAIT ) ) { if ( SC_WAIT(scp) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "wait = yes\n" ) ; else tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "wait = no\n" ) ; } if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_USER ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "user = %d\n", SC_UID(scp) ) ; if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_GROUP ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "group = %d\n", SC_GID(scp) ) ; if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_GROUPS ) ) { if (SC_GROUPS(scp) == 1) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Groups = yes\n" ); else tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Groups = no\n" ); } if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_UMASK ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "umask = %o\n", SC_UMASK(scp) ) ; if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_NICE ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Nice = %d\n", SC_NICE(scp) ) ; if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_CPS ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "CPS = max conn:%lu wait:%lu\n", SC_TIME_CONN_MAX(scp), SC_TIME_WAIT(scp) ); if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_PER_SOURCE ) ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "PER_SOURCE = %d\n", SC_PER_SOURCE(scp) ); if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_BIND ) ) { if ( SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) ) { char bindname[NI_MAXHOST]; unsigned int len = 0; if( SC_BIND_ADDR(scp)->sa.sa_family == AF_INET ) len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); else len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); memset(bindname, 0, sizeof(bindname)); if( getnameinfo(&SC_BIND_ADDR(scp)->sa, len, bindname, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, 0) != 0 ) strcpy(bindname, "unknown"); tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Bind = %s\n", bindname ); } else if ( SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Bind = %s\n", SC_ORIG_BIND_ADDR(scp) ); } else { /* This should NEVER happen */ msg(LOG_ERR, "sc_dump", "bad configuration for %s:", SC_NAME(scp)); } } else tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Bind = All addresses.\n" ); if ( ! is_defaults ) { if ( (! SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp )) && (SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp) == NULL) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Server = %s\n", SC_SERVER(scp) ) ; tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Server argv =" ) ; if ( SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp) ) { for ( pp = SC_SERVER_ARGV(scp) ; *pp ; pp++ ) Sprint( fd, " %s", *pp ) ; } else Sprint( fd, " (NULL)"); Sputchar( fd, '\n' ) ; } #ifdef LIBWRAP if ( SC_LIBWRAP(scp) != NULL ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level + 1, "Libwrap = %s\n", SC_LIBWRAP(scp) ); } #endif if ( SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp) != NULL ) { char redirname[NI_MAXHOST]; unsigned int len = 0; if( SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp)->sa.sa_family == AF_INET ) len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if( SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp)->sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 ) len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); memset(redirname, 0, sizeof(redirname)); if( getnameinfo(&SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp)->sa, len, redirname, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, 0) != 0 ) strcpy(redirname, "unknown"); tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Redirect = %s:%d\n", redirname, SC_REDIR_ADDR(scp)->sa_in.sin_port ); } if ( SC_IS_RPC( scp ) ) { struct rpc_data *rdp = SC_RPCDATA( scp ) ; tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "RPC data\n" ) ; tabprint( fd, tab_level+2, "program number = %ld\n", rdp->rd_program_number ) ; tabprint( fd, tab_level+2, "rpc_version = " ) ; if ( rdp->rd_min_version == rdp->rd_max_version ) Sprint( fd, "%ld\n", rdp->rd_min_version ) ; else Sprint( fd, "%ld-%ld\n", rdp->rd_min_version, rdp->rd_max_version ) ; } if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_ACCESS_TIMES ) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Access times =" ) ; ti_dump( SC_ACCESS_TIMES(scp), fd ) ; Sputchar ( fd, '\n' ) ; } } /* This is important enough that each service should list it. */ tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Only from: " ) ; if ( SC_ONLY_FROM(scp) ) { /* Next check is done since -= doesn't zero out lists. */ if ( pset_count(SC_ONLY_FROM(scp)) == 0) Sprint( fd, "All sites" ); else addrlist_dump( SC_ONLY_FROM(scp), fd ) ; } else Sprint( fd, "All sites" ); Sputchar( fd, '\n' ) ; /* This is important enough that each service should list it. */ tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "No access: " ) ; if ( SC_NO_ACCESS(scp) ) { /* Next check is done since -= doesn't zero out lists. */ if ( pset_count(SC_NO_ACCESS(scp)) == 0) Sprint( fd, "No blocked sites" ); else addrlist_dump( SC_NO_ACCESS(scp), fd ) ; } else Sprint( fd, "No blocked sites" ); Sputchar( fd, '\n' ) ; if ( SC_SENSOR(scp) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Deny Time: " ) ; Sprint( fd, "%d\n", SC_DENY_TIME(scp)); } dump_log_data( fd, scp, tab_level+1 ) ; if ( SC_IS_PRESENT( scp, A_PASSENV ) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Passenv =" ) ; for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( SC_PASS_ENV_VARS(scp) ) ; u++ ) Sprint( fd, " %s", (char *) pset_pointer( SC_PASS_ENV_VARS(scp), u ) ) ; Sputchar ( fd, '\n' ) ; } if ( ! is_defaults ) if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_ENV ) ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Environment additions:\n" ) ; for ( u = 0 ; u < pset_count( SC_ENV_VAR_DEFS(scp) ) ; u++ ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+2, "%s\n", (char *) pset_pointer( SC_ENV_VAR_DEFS(scp), u ) ) ; } if ( SC_ENV( scp )->env_type == CUSTOM_ENV ) { tabprint( fd, tab_level+1, "Environment strings:\n" ) ; for ( pp = env_getvars( SC_ENV( scp )->env_handle ) ; *pp ; pp++ ) tabprint( fd, tab_level+2, "%s\n", *pp ) ; } Sflush( fd ) ; }
/* * This function is invoked in a forked process to run a server. * If the service is internal the appropriate function is invoked * otherwise the server program is exec'ed. * This function also logs the remote user id if appropriate */ void child_process( struct server *serp ) { struct service *sp = SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ; connection_s *cp = SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ; struct service_config *scp = SVC_CONF( sp ) ; const char *func = "child_process" ; signal_default_state(); if ((signals_pending[0] >= 0 && Sclose(signals_pending[0])) || (signals_pending[1] >= 0 && Sclose(signals_pending[1]))) { msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Failed to close the signal pipe: %m"); _exit(1); } signals_pending[0] = -1; signals_pending[1] = -1; Sclose(0); Sclose(1); Sclose(2); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVER if ( debug.on ) { msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "Process %d is sleeping", getpid() ) ; sleep( 10 ) ; } #endif if ( ! SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) ) { set_credentials( scp ) ; if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_NICE ) ) (void) nice( SC_NICE( scp ) ) ; } if ( svc_child_access_control(sp, cp) != OK ) exit(0); if ( SERVER_LOGUSER( serp ) ) { unsigned timeout ; idresult_e result ; /* * We use LOGUSER_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT unless the service requires * identification, in which case we use an infinite timeout */ timeout = SC_MUST_IDENTIFY( scp ) ? 0 : LOGUSER_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT ; result = log_remote_user( serp, timeout ) ; if ( result != IDR_OK && SC_MUST_IDENTIFY( scp ) ) { svc_logprint( sp, NOID_ENTRY, "%s %s", conn_addrstr( SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ), idresult_explain( result ) ) ; _exit( 0 ) ; } } #ifdef HAVE_SESSIONCREATE if ( scp->sc_sessioncreate == YES ) { if ( SessionCreate(0, sessionHasTTY|sessionIsRemote) != noErr ) svc_logprint( sp, "SessionCreate", "SessionCreate() failed!" ); } #endif /* this is where the server gets executed -bbraun */ if ( ! SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) ) { if( scp->sc_redir_addr != NULL ) { redir_handler( serp ); } else { #if defined(HAVE_SETENV) char buff[1024]; strx_sprint(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "REMOTE_HOST=%s", conn_addrstr(cp)); if( env_addstr(SC_ENV(scp)->env_handle, buff) != ENV_OK ) { msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Error adding REMOTE_HOST variable for %s: %m", SC_NAME(scp) ); _exit( 1 ) ; } #endif exec_server( serp ) ; } } else { char name[ 180 ] ; /* * We don't bother to disassociate from the controlling terminal * (we have a controlling terminal only if debug.on is TRUE) * * Also, for interceptor processes, we give them the name: * <program_name> <service-id> interceptor */ if ( SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) ) strx_print( INT_NULL, name, sizeof( name ) - 1, "%s %s interceptor", program_name, SC_ID( scp ) ) ; else { int namelen = sizeof( name ) - 1 ; /* leave space for the NUL */ char host[NI_MAXHOST]; size_t hostlen = NI_MAXHOST; socklen_t addrlen = 0; union xsockaddr *sinp = CONN_XADDRESS(SERVER_CONNECTION(serp)); int len; if( sinp == NULL ) exit(0); if( SC_IPV6(scp) ) addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); else if( SC_IPV4(scp) ) addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); len = strx_nprint(name, namelen, "(%s service) %s", program_name, SC_ID( scp ) ) ; if( getnameinfo( SA(sinp), addrlen, host, hostlen, NULL, 0, 0) != 0 ) strcpy(host, "unknown"); if ( SC_IPV6(scp) && SC_ACCEPTS_CONNECTIONS( scp ) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&sinp->sa_in6.sin6_addr) ) strx_print( INT_NULL, &name[ len ], namelen - len, " %s" , host ) ; if ( SC_IPV4(scp) && SC_ACCEPTS_CONNECTIONS( scp ) ) strx_print( INT_NULL, &name[ len ], namelen - len, " %s", host ) ; } rename_process( name ) ; SVC_INTERNAL( sp, serp ) ; } _exit( 0 ) ; /* NOTREACHED */ }