static int eventAddFilter(lua_State *L, int type) { Filter *f; luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION); if ((f = malloc(sizeof (Filter))) == NULL) return commonPushErrno(L, 1); f->L = L; f->type = type; /* Push the function and ref it */ lua_pushvalue(L, 1); f->ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if (type == EventTypeWatcher) SDL_AddEventWatch((SDL_EventFilter)eventFilter, f); else if (type == EventTypeFilter) SDL_SetEventFilter((SDL_EventFilter)eventFilter, f); /* Push the object to the user */ commonPushUserdata(L, EventFilterName, f); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ResourceManager::Instance(); FontManager::Instance().InitGlyphTable(); SDL_AddEventWatch(exitEventFilter, NULL); while(true) { MainLoop(); } exit(0); return 0; }
Input::Input() { if(input) throw "Unable to construct Input: Input is a singletone."; input = this; _app_paused = false; _paused = false; _quit = false; _mx = _my = 0; _wx = _wy = 0; filter = new Filter(this); SDL_AddEventWatch(watch_filter, filter); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ResourceManager::Instance(); AudioManager::Instance().PlayMusic("The Stage is Set.ogg"); SDL_AddEventWatch(exitEventFilter, NULL); FontManager::Instance().InitGlyphTable(); while(true) { MainLoop(); } exit(0); return 0; }
Engine::Engine() { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_EVENTS) != 0) { std::string err = "Failed to initialise SDL: "; err += SDL_GetError(); SDL_Log(err.c_str()); throw std::runtime_error(err.c_str()); } _window.reset(new OpenGLWindow("hyphus_window", 800, 600)); _graphics = _window->graphics(); _lua.reset(new LuaState()); _lua->load("test.lua"); _lua->reg(set_background, "set_background"); SDL_AddEventWatch(Engine::_watch, this); }
/** * @brief Adds and deletes an event watch function with userdata * * @sa * @sa * */ int events_addDelEventWatchWithUserdata(void *arg) { SDL_Event event; /* Create user event */ event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user.code = SDLTest_RandomSint32(); event.user.data1 = (void *)&_userdataValue1; event.user.data2 = (void *)&_userdataValue2; /* Enable userdata check and set a value to check */ _userdataCheck = 1; _userdataValue = SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(-1024, 1024); /* Reset event filter call tracker */ _eventFilterCalled = 0; /* Add watch */ SDL_AddEventWatch(_events_sampleNullEventFilter, (void *)&_userdataValue); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AddEventWatch()"); /* Push a user event onto the queue and force queue update */ SDL_PushEvent(&event); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_PushEvent()"); SDL_PumpEvents(); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_PumpEvents()"); SDLTest_AssertCheck(_eventFilterCalled == 1, "Check that event filter was called"); /* Delete watch */ SDL_DelEventWatch(_events_sampleNullEventFilter, (void *)&_userdataValue); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_DelEventWatch()"); /* Push a user event onto the queue and force queue update */ _eventFilterCalled = 0; SDL_PushEvent(&event); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_PushEvent()"); SDL_PumpEvents(); SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_PumpEvents()"); SDLTest_AssertCheck(_eventFilterCalled == 0, "Check that event filter was NOT called"); return TEST_COMPLETED; }
void FDeviceSDL::Init() { UE_LOG(JoystickPluginLog, Log, TEXT("DeviceSDL Starting")); if (SDL_WasInit(0) != 0) { UE_LOG(JoystickPluginLog, Log, TEXT("SDL already loaded")); bOwnsSDL = false; } else { UE_LOG(JoystickPluginLog, Log, TEXT("DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init 0")); SDL_Init(0); bOwnsSDL = true; } int result = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC); if (result == 0) { UE_LOG(JoystickPluginLog, Log, TEXT("DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init subsystem haptic")); } result = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER); if (result == 0) { UE_LOG(JoystickPluginLog, Log, TEXT("DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init subsystem joystick")); } result = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); if (result == 0) { UE_LOG(JoystickPluginLog, Log, TEXT("DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init subsystem joystick")); } int Joysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); for (int i = 0; i < Joysticks; i++) { AddDevice(FDeviceIndex(i)); } SDL_AddEventWatch(HandleSDLEvent, this); }
/* * Initialize the game controller system, mostly load our DB of controller config mappings */ int SDL_GameControllerInit(void) { int i = 0; const char *pMappingString = NULL; s_pSupportedControllers = NULL; pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i]; while ( pMappingString ) { SDL_GameControllerAddMapping( pMappingString ); i++; pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i]; } /* load in any user supplied config */ SDL_GameControllerLoadHints(); /* watch for joy events and fire controller ones if needed */ SDL_AddEventWatch( SDL_GameControllerEventWatcher, NULL ); return (0); }
void AddEventWatch(void *data) { SDL_AddEventWatch(eventFilter, data); }
SDL_Renderer * SDL_CreateRenderer(SDL_Window * window, int index, Uint32 flags) { SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; int n = SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers(); const char *hint; if (!window) { SDL_SetError("Invalid window"); return NULL; } if (SDL_GetRenderer(window)) { SDL_SetError("Renderer already associated with window"); return NULL; } hint = SDL_GetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_VSYNC); if (hint) { if (*hint == '0') { flags &= ~SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; } else { flags |= SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; } } if (index < 0) { hint = SDL_GetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER); if (hint) { for (index = 0; index < n; ++index) { const SDL_RenderDriver *driver = render_drivers[index]; if (SDL_strcasecmp(hint, driver-> == 0) { /* Create a new renderer instance */ renderer = driver->CreateRenderer(window, flags); break; } } } if (!renderer) { for (index = 0; index < n; ++index) { const SDL_RenderDriver *driver = render_drivers[index]; if ((driver->info.flags & flags) == flags) { /* Create a new renderer instance */ renderer = driver->CreateRenderer(window, flags); if (renderer) { /* Yay, we got one! */ break; } } } } if (index == n) { SDL_SetError("Couldn't find matching render driver"); return NULL; } } else { if (index >= SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers()) { SDL_SetError("index must be -1 or in the range of 0 - %d", SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers() - 1); return NULL; } /* Create a new renderer instance */ renderer = render_drivers[index]->CreateRenderer(window, flags); } if (renderer) { renderer->magic = &renderer_magic; renderer->window = window; if (SDL_GetWindowFlags(window) & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) { renderer->minimized = SDL_TRUE; } else { renderer->minimized = SDL_FALSE; } SDL_SetWindowData(window, SDL_WINDOWRENDERDATA, renderer); SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, NULL); SDL_AddEventWatch(SDL_RendererEventWatch, renderer); SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RENDER, "Created renderer: %s", renderer->; } return renderer; }
void KMouse::initeMouse() { Internal::initeSDL(); // add our watcher for handling mouse wheel DSDL_CALL(SDL_AddEventWatch(KMouse::_eventWatcher, NULL)); }
int CBPlatform::Initialize(CBGame* inGame, int argc, char* argv[]) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); Game = inGame; if(!Game) return 1; bool windowedMode = false; int videoDevice = 0; // parse command linex char* SaveGame = NULL; char param[512]; bool enableDebug = false; bool showFps = false; for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { strcpy(param, argv[i]); // this is so we can use this from project manager if(CBPlatform::stricmp(param, "-detect")==0) { windowedMode = true; enableDebug = true; showFps = true; } else if(CBPlatform::stricmp(param, "-project")==0) { if (argc > i) strcpy(param, argv[i + 1]); else param[0] = '\0'; if(strcmp(param, "") != 0) { char* IniDir = CBUtils::GetPath(param); char* IniName = CBUtils::GetFilename(param); chdir(IniDir); // set ini name sprintf(param, "./%s", IniName); Game->m_Registry->SetIniName(param); delete [] IniDir; delete [] IniName; } } else if(CBPlatform::stricmp(param, "-ignore")==0) { if (argc > i) strcpy(param, argv[i + 1]); else param[0] = '\0'; if(strcmp(param, "") != 0) { Game->m_OmitPackageMask = param; } } else if(CBPlatform::stricmp(param, "-videodevice")==0) { if (argc > i) strcpy(param, argv[i + 1]); else param[0] = '\0'; if(strcmp(param, "") != 0) { videoDevice = std::atoi(param); } } else if(CBPlatform::stricmp(param, "-windowed")==0) windowedMode = true; } videoDevice = 0; if (!enableDebug) Game->DEBUG_JustLogEnable("./wme.log"); else Game->DEBUG_DebugEnable("./wme.log"); // if(Game->m_Registry->ReadBool("Debug", "DebugMode")) Game->DEBUG_DebugEnable("./wme.log"); // Game->m_DEBUG_ShowFPS = Game->m_Registry->ReadBool("Debug", "ShowFPS"); // if(Game->m_Registry->ReadBool("Debug", "DisableSmartCache")) // { // Game->LOG(0, "Smart cache is DISABLED"); // Game->m_SmartCache = false; // } //bool AllowDirectDraw = Game->m_Registry->ReadBool("Debug", "AllowDirectDraw", false); // load general game settings Game->Initialize1(); if(FAILED(Game->LoadSettings("startup.settings"))) { Game->LOG(0, "Error loading game settings."); SAFE_DELETE(Game); #ifdef __WIN32__ ::MessageBox(NULL, "Some of the essential files are missing. Please reinstall.", NULL, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); #endif return 2; } Game->Initialize2(); // Game->GetDebugMgr()->OnGameInit(); // Game->m_ScEngine->LoadBreakpoints(); // read values for up- and downscale stepping from registry float upScalingStepping = (float) (((float) Game->m_Registry->ReadInt("Scaling", "UpScalingStepping", 0)) / 100.0); float downScalingStepping = (float) (((float) Game->m_Registry->ReadInt("Scaling", "DownScalingStepping", 0)) / 100.0); Game->LOG(0, "Scaling steppings found up=%.02f down=%.02f.", upScalingStepping, downScalingStepping); bool pixelPerfectRendering = Game->m_Registry->ReadBool("Rendering", "PixelPerfect"); HRESULT ret; // initialize the renderer ret = Game->m_Renderer->InitRenderer(Game->m_SettingsResWidth, Game->m_SettingsResHeight, windowedMode, upScalingStepping, downScalingStepping, pixelPerfectRendering,videoDevice); if (FAILED(ret)) { Game->LOG(ret, "Error initializing renderer. Exiting."); SAFE_DELETE(Game); return 3; } Game->Initialize3(); Game->m_DEBUG_ShowFPS = showFps; #if defined(__IPHONEOS__) || defined(__ANDROID__) SDL_AddEventWatch(CBPlatform::SDLEventWatcher, NULL); #endif // initialize sound manager (non-fatal if we fail) ret = Game->m_SoundMgr->Initialize(); if(FAILED(ret)) { Game->LOG(ret, "Sound is NOT available."); } // load game DWORD DataInitStart = GetTime(); if(FAILED(Game->LoadFile(Game->m_SettingsGameFile?Game->m_SettingsGameFile:""))) { Game->LOG(ret, "Error loading game file. Exiting."); SAFE_DELETE(Game); return false; } Game->SetWindowTitle(); Game->m_Renderer->m_Ready = true; Game->m_MiniUpdateEnabled = true; Game->LOG(0, "Engine initialized in %d ms", GetTime() - DataInitStart); Game->LOG(0, ""); if(SaveGame) { Game->LoadGame(SaveGame); delete [] SaveGame; } // all set, ready to go return 0; }
SDL_Surface * SCREEN_SetVideoMode (int width, int height, Uint32 flags) { Uint32 window_flags; if (SCREEN_IsVideoModeSet ()) { SCREEN_ShutdownVideo (); } #if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(WINPHONE) SDL_DisplayMode display_mode; if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode (0, &display_mode) != 0) { SCREEN_ShutdownVideo (); return NULL; } #endif window_flags = 0; if (flags & SCREEN_FULLSCREEN) { window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; } if (flags & SCREEN_RESIZABLE) { window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; } #ifdef ANDROID video_window = SDL_CreateWindow ("TailTale", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 480, 272, window_flags); #elif WINPHONE video_window = SDL_CreateWindow ("TailTale", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 800, 640, window_flags); #elif MACOSX video_window = SDL_CreateWindow ("TailTale", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, width, height, window_flags); #else video_window = SDL_CreateWindow ("TailTale", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, display_mode.w, display_mode.h, window_flags); #endif if (!video_window) { SCREEN_ShutdownVideo (); return NULL; } video_renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer (video_window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); if (!video_renderer) { SCREEN_ShutdownVideo (); return NULL; } #ifdef MACOSX #ifdef TAILTALE_HD width = 480; height = 272; #else width = 320; height = 240; #endif #endif video_texture = SDL_CreateTexture (video_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height); if (!video_texture) { SCREEN_ShutdownVideo (); return NULL; } video_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface (0, width, height, 32, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000); if (!video_surface) { SCREEN_ShutdownVideo (); return NULL; } video_flags = flags; #if !defined(ANDROID) || !defined(WINPHONE) SDL_AddEventWatch (SCREEN_EventWatch, NULL); #endif return video_surface; }
/* * Initialize the game controller system, mostly load our DB of controller config mappings */ int SDL_GameControllerInit(void) { int i = 0; const char *pMappingString = NULL; s_pSupportedControllers = NULL; pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i]; while (pMappingString) { SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(pMappingString); i++; pMappingString = s_ControllerMappings[i]; } /* load in any user supplied config */ SDL_GameControllerLoadHints(); /* watch for joy events and fire controller ones if needed */ SDL_AddEventWatch(SDL_GameControllerEventWatcher, NULL); /* Send added events for controllers currently attached */ for (i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); ++i) { if (SDL_IsGameController(i)) { SDL_Event deviceevent; deviceevent.type = SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED; deviceevent.cdevice.which = i; SDL_PushEvent(&deviceevent); } } return (0); }