コード例 #1
static int
resizePlayer(ffmpegPlayer *me)
	/* resizePlayer may be called before any size allocation */
	int widget_w = AGWIDGET(me)->w > 0 ? AGWIDGET(me)->w : me->w;
	int widget_h = AGWIDGET(me)->h > 0 ? AGWIDGET(me)->h : me->h;

		int film_w, film_h;
		float aspect;

		SDL_ffmpegGetVideoSize(me->file, &film_w, &film_h);
		aspect = (float)film_h / film_w;

		if (widget_w * aspect > widget_h) {
			me->disp_w = SCALE_FLOOR((int)(widget_h / aspect));
			me->disp_h = SCALE_FLOOR(widget_h);
		} else {
			me->disp_w = SCALE_FLOOR(widget_w);
			me->disp_h = SCALE_FLOOR((int)(widget_w * aspect));
	} else {
		me->disp_w = SCALE_FLOOR(widget_w);
		me->disp_h = SCALE_FLOOR(widget_h);

	for (int i = 0; i < FFMPEGPLAYER_BUFSIZE; i++) {
		SDL_ffmpegVideoFrame *frame = me->videoFrame[i];

		if (frame->surface != NULL)

		frame->surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE,
						      me->disp_w, me->disp_h, 24,
						      htonl(0x0000FF00), 0x0);
		if (frame->surface == NULL)
			/* FIXME */
			return -1;

		SDL_ffmpegGetVideoFrame(me->file, frame);
	me->curVideoFrame = 0;

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: example.c プロジェクト: AliSayed/MoSync
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	SDL_ffmpegFile* film;
	int s;
	SDL_ffmpegStream *str;
	SDL_AudioSpec *specs;
	int w,h;
	int done = 0;
	SDL_Surface *screen;

	/* check if we got an argument */
	if(argc < 2) {
		printf("usage: \"%s\" \"filename\"\n", argv[0]);
		return -1;
	/* standard SDL initialization stuff */
		fprintf(stderr, "problem initializing SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
		return -1;

	/* open file from arg[1] */
	film = SDL_ffmpegOpen(argv[1]);
	if(!film) {
		printf("error opening file\n");
		return -1;

	/* print some info on detected stream to output */

	for(s = 0; s<film->AStreams; s++) {
		str = SDL_ffmpegGetAudioStream(film, s);

		printf("Info on audiostream #%i:\n", s);
		printf("\tChannels: %i\n",      str->channels);
		if(strlen(str->language)) printf("\tLanguage: %s\n",      str->language);
		printf("\tSampleRate: %i\n",    str->sampleRate);

	for(s = 0; s<film->VStreams; s++) {
		str = SDL_ffmpegGetVideoStream(film, s);

		printf("Info on videostream #%i:\n", s);
		if(strlen(str->language)) printf("\tLanguage: %s\n",      str->language);
		printf("\tFrame: %ix%i\n",  str->width, str->height);
		printf("\tFrameRate: %.2ffps\n",  1.0 / (str->frameRate[0] / str->frameRate[1]));

	/* select the streams you want to decode (example just uses 0 as a default) */
	SDL_ffmpegSelectVideoStream(film, 0);
	SDL_ffmpegSelectAudioStream(film, 0);

	/* get the audiospec which fits the selected videostream, if no videostream */
	/* is selected, default values are used (2 channel, 48Khz) */
	specs = SDL_ffmpegGetAudioSpec(film, 512, audioCallback);

	/* we get the size from our active video stream, if no active video stream */
	/* exists, width and height are set to default values (320x240) */
	SDL_ffmpegGetVideoSize(film, &w, &h);

	/* Open the Video device */
	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_HWSURFACE);
	if(!screen) {
		printf("Couldn't open video: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
		return -1;

	/* Open the Audio device */
	if( SDL_OpenAudio(specs, 0) < 0 ) {
		printf("Couldn't open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
		return -1;

	/* we start our decode thread, this always tries to buffer in some frames */
	/* so we can enjoy smooth playback */

	/* we unpause the audio so our audiobuffer gets read */

	while( !done ) {
		SDL_ffmpegVideoFrame* frame;

		/* just some standard SDL event stuff */
		SDL_Event event;
		while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {

			if(event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
				done = 1;

			if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
				int x,y;
				int64_t time;

				SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
				/* by clicking you turn on the stream, seeking to the percentage */
				/* in time, based on the x-position you clicked on */
				time = ((double)x / w) * SDL_ffmpegGetDuration(film);

				/* we seek to time (milliseconds) */
				SDL_ffmpegSeek(film, time);

				/* by passing 0(false) as our second argument, we play the file */
				/* passing a non-zero value would mean we pause our file */
				SDL_ffmpegPause(film, 0);

		/* we retrieve the current image from the file */
		/* we get 0 if no file could be retrieved */
		/* important! please note this call should be paired with SDL_ffmpegReleaseVideo */
		frame = SDL_ffmpegGetVideoFrame(film);

		if(frame) {

			/* we got a frame, so we better show this one */
			SDL_BlitSurface(frame->buffer, 0, screen, 0);

			/* After releasing this frame, you can no longer use it. */
			/* you should call this function every time you get a frame! */
			SDL_ffmpegReleaseVideo(film, frame);

			/* we flip the double buffered screen so we might actually see something */

		/* we wish not to kill our poor cpu, so we give it some timeoff */

	/* after all is said and done, we should call this */

	/* the SDL_Quit function offcourse... */

	return 0;