bdd_ptr makepath(bdd_manager *bddm, int n, unsigned leaf_value, void (*update_bddpaths) (unsigned (*new_place) (unsigned node))) { bdd_ptr res, sub_res, default_state_ptr; unsigned index; while ((n < offsets_size) && (sorted_path[n] == 'X')) n++; if (n >= offsets_size) return (bdd_find_leaf_hashed(bddm, leaf_value, SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results), update_bddpaths)); sub_res = makepath(bddm, n+1, leaf_value, update_bddpaths); PUSH_SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results, unsigned, sub_res); default_state_ptr = bdd_find_leaf_hashed(bddm, default_state, SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results), update_bddpaths); POP_SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results, unsigned, sub_res); index = global_offsets[sorted_indices[n]]; if (sorted_path[n] == '0') res = bdd_find_node_hashed(bddm, sub_res, default_state_ptr, index, SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results), update_bddpaths); else res = bdd_find_node_hashed(bddm, default_state_ptr, sub_res, index, SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results), update_bddpaths); return res; }
void makebdd(bdd_manager *bddm) { bdd_manager *tmp_bddm; bdd_ptr united_bdds, default_ptr; int i; tmp_bddm = bdd_new_manager(8, 4); /* ** insert a leaf with value 'default_state' in tmp_bddm, ** if not already present */ default_ptr = bdd_find_leaf_hashed(tmp_bddm, default_state, SEQUENTIAL_LIST(sub_results), &update_bddpaths); for (exp_count = 0; exp_count < no_exceptions; exp_count++) { for (i = 0; i < offsets_size; i++) sorted_path[i] = exceptions[exp_count].path[sorted_indices[i]]; /* clear the cache */ bdd_kill_cache(tmp_bddm); bdd_make_cache(tmp_bddm, 8, 4); tmp_bddm->cache_erase_on_doubling = TRUE; bddpaths[exp_count] = makepath(tmp_bddm, 0, exceptions[exp_count].value, &update_bddpaths); PUSH_SEQUENTIAL_LIST(tmp_bddm->roots, unsigned, bddpaths[exp_count]); } if (no_exceptions == 0) united_bdds = default_ptr; else if (no_exceptions == 1) united_bdds = TOP_SEQUENTIAL_LIST(tmp_bddm->roots); else united_bdds = unite_roots(tmp_bddm); bdd_prepare_apply1(tmp_bddm); bdd_apply1(tmp_bddm, united_bdds, bddm, &fn_identity); /* store the result in bddm->roots */ bdd_kill_manager(tmp_bddm); }
void double_table_and_cache_hashed(bdd_manager *bddm, unsigned* some_roots, void (*update_fn)(unsigned (*new_place)(unsigned node)), unsigned *p_of_find, unsigned *q_of_find, boolean rehash_p_and_q) { unsigned *p; old_bddm = mem_alloc((size_t) sizeof (bdd_manager)); *old_bddm = *bddm; /*make new bigger table, but only if a bigger one is possible */ if (bddm->table_total_size > BDD_MAX_TOTAL_TABLE_SIZE) { printf("\nBDD too large (>%d nodes)\n", BDD_MAX_TOTAL_TABLE_SIZE); abort(); } bddm->table_log_size++; bddm->table_size *= 2; bddm->table_overflow_increment *= 2; { unsigned desired_size = bddm->table_size + BDD_NUMBER_OF_BINS + bddm->table_overflow_increment; bddm->table_total_size = (desired_size <= BDD_MAX_TOTAL_TABLE_SIZE)? desired_size: BDD_MAX_TOTAL_TABLE_SIZE; } bddm->node_table = (bdd_record*) mem_alloc( (size_t) bddm->table_total_size * (sizeof (bdd_record))); bddm->table_mask = bddm->table_size - BDD_NUMBER_OF_BINS; bddm->table_double_trigger *= 2; bddm->table_overflow = bddm->table_size + BDD_NUMBER_OF_BINS; #ifdef _BDD_STAT_ bddm->number_double++; #endif /* initialize to unused */ bddm->table_elements = 0; mem_zero(&bddm->node_table[BDD_NUMBER_OF_BINS], (size_t) bddm->table_size * (sizeof (bdd_record))); /* initialize bddm roots to the empty list, this new list will contain the rehashed addresses of old_bddm->roots*/ MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_LIST(bddm->roots, unsigned, 1024); /*now rehash all nodes reachable from the old roots; we must be sure that the apply1 operation does not entail doubling of bddm node table: this is achieved by our having just doubled the size of the table*/ bdd_prepare_apply1(old_bddm); for (p = SEQUENTIAL_LIST(old_bddm->roots); *p ; p++) { bdd_apply1(old_bddm, *p, bddm, &double_leaf_fn); } /*also make sure to rehash portion that is accessible from some_roots*/ for (p = some_roots; *p; p++) { if (*p != BDD_UNDEF) *p = bdd_apply1_dont_add_roots(old_bddm, *p, bddm, &double_leaf_fn); } /*and fix values p_of_find and q_of_find if indicated*/ if (rehash_p_and_q) { *p_of_find = bdd_apply1_dont_add_roots(old_bddm, *p_of_find, bddm, &double_leaf_fn); *q_of_find = bdd_apply1_dont_add_roots(old_bddm, *q_of_find, bddm, &double_leaf_fn); } /*perform user supplied updates*/ if (update_fn) (*update_fn)(&get_new_r); /*old_table now contains nodes whose mark field designates the new position of the node*/ if (bddm->cache) { if (bddm->cache_erase_on_doubling) { bdd_kill_cache(bddm); bdd_make_cache(bddm, 2 * bddm->cache_size * CACHE_NUMBER_OF_BINS, 2 * bddm->cache_overflow_increment * CACHE_NUMBER_OF_BINS); } else /*this is only a good idea when bddm is different from the managers the current apply operation is performed over*/ double_cache(bddm, &get_new_r); } old_bddm->cache = (cache_record*) 0; /* old cache has been deallocated by now*/ /*deallocated old table and old roots*/ bdd_kill_manager(old_bddm); }