コード例 #1
static SgObject strip_trailing_slash(SgObject path)
  size_t s = SG_STRING_SIZE(path);
  if (s == 1) return path;
  if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, --s) == '/') {
    while (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, s-1) == '/') s--;
    SG_STRING_SIZE(path) = s;
  return path;
コード例 #2
/* TODO maybe try not to use string port? */
static SgObject normalise_path(SgObject fullpath)
  SgStringPort sp;
  SgObject out = Sg_InitStringOutputPort(&sp, SG_STRING_SIZE(fullpath));
  int64_t pos = 0;
  int i = 0;
  while (i < SG_STRING_SIZE(fullpath)) {
    SgChar c = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(fullpath, i++);
    if (c == '.') {
      if (i != SG_STRING_SIZE(fullpath)) {
	SgChar c2 = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(fullpath, i++);
	if (c2 == '.') {
	  if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(fullpath, i) == '/' ||
	      SG_STRING_SIZE(fullpath) == i) {
	    if (pos-2 > 0) {
	      SgObject tmp = Sg_GetStringFromStringPort(out);
	      /* skip previous '.' and '/' */
	      pos = search_separator(tmp, pos-2);
	    } else {
	      pos = 1;		/* root */
	    if (pos <= 0) pos = 1; /* root */
	    Sg_SetPortPosition(out, pos, SG_BEGIN);
	    if (pos == 1) i++;
	  } else {
	    /* ok just a file named '..?' or longer*/
	    Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, '.');
	    Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, '.');
	    pos += 2;
	    for (; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(fullpath); i++) {
	      SgChar c3 = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(fullpath, i);
	      if (c3 != '.') break;
	      Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, c3);
	} else if (c2 != '/') {
	  Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, '.');
	  Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, c2);
	  pos += 2;
    } else {
      Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, c);
  return strip_trailing_slash(Sg_GetStringFromStringPort(out));
コード例 #3
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
static int glob_match1(SgObject pat, SgObject path_element, int flags)
  const int period = !(flags & SG_DOTMATCH);
  /* Flags are taken from Ruby but I don't know what FNM_PATHNAME does on glob.
     so ignore.*/
  /* const int pathname = flags & SG_PATHNAME; */ 
  int pos = 0;
  SgObject cp;

  if (period) {
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path_element, 0) == '.' &&
	/* leading period */
	!(SG_STRINGP(SG_CAR(pat)) && 
	  SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(SG_STRING(SG_CAR(pat)), 0) == '.')) {
      return FALSE;
  SG_FOR_EACH(cp, pat) {
    /* the matching is pretty much simple, a rule may contain the followings:
       - string
       - charset
       - pattern (regular expression)
       these are resolved by prefix match, one char match or regex match,
       respectively. */
    SgObject p = SG_CAR(cp);

    if (pos >= SG_STRING_SIZE(path_element)) return FALSE;
    if (SG_STRINGP(p)) {
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(p); i++) {
	if (!SG_EQ(SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(p, i), 
		   SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path_element, pos++))) {
	  return FALSE;
    } else if (SG_CHAR_SET_P(p)) {
      if (!Sg_CharSetContains(p, SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path_element, pos++))) {
	return FALSE;
    } else if (SG_PATTERNP(p)) {
      SgMatcher *m = Sg_RegexTextMatcher(SG_PATTERN(p), path_element, pos,
      return Sg_RegexTextMatches(SG_TEXT_MATCHER(m));
    } else {
      Sg_Error(UC("[Internal] Unknown glob rule '%S' in '%S'"), p, pat);
      return FALSE;		/* dummy */

コード例 #4
/* from mosh */
static const wchar_t* utf32ToUtf16(SgString *path)
  int size = SG_STRING_SIZE(path);
  SgCodec *codec = Sg_MakeUtf16Codec(UTF_16LE);
  SgTranscoder *tcoder = Sg_MakeTranscoder(codec, LF, SG_REPLACE_ERROR);
  SgPort *out, *tout;
  SgBytePort bp;
  SgTranscodedPort tp;
  out = Sg_InitByteArrayOutputPort(&bp, sizeof(wchar_t) * (size + 1));
  tout = Sg_InitTranscodedPort(&tp, out, tcoder, SG_OUTPUT_PORT);
  Sg_TranscoderWrite(tcoder, tout, SG_STRING_VALUE(path),
  Sg_TranscoderPutc(tcoder, tout, '\0');
  return (const wchar_t*)Sg_GetByteArrayFromBinaryPort(&bp);
コード例 #5
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
static int next_dirsep(SgObject path, int skipped)
  while (skipped < SG_STRING_SIZE(path) && !dirsep_p(S(path, skipped))) {
  return skipped;
コード例 #6
SgObject Sg_BuildPath(SgString *path, SgString *file)
  int psize = SG_STRING_SIZE(path), fsize = SG_STRING_SIZE(file);
  int i, j, offset = 1;
  SgObject ret;
  if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, psize-1) == '/') offset--;
  ret = Sg_ReserveString(psize + fsize + offset, 0);
  for (i = 0; i < psize; i++) {
    SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(ret, i) = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i);
  if (offset) {
    SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(ret, i++) = '/';
  for (j = 0; j < fsize; i++, j++) {
    SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(ret, i) = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(file, j);
  return ret;
コード例 #7
SgObject Sg_DirectoryName(SgString *path)
  int size = SG_STRING_SIZE(path), i;
  for (i = size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i) == '/') break;
  if (i <= 0) return SG_FALSE;
  return Sg_Substring(path, 0, i);
コード例 #8
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
static SgObject remove_backslashes(SgObject path)
  int i, j, count = 0;
  SgObject r;
  for (i = 0; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(path); i++) {
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i) != '\\') count++;
  /* no backslash */
  if (SG_STRING_SIZE(path) == count) return path;

  r = Sg_ReserveString(count, '\0');
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(path); i++) {
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i) != '\\') {
      SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(r, j++) = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i);
  return r;
コード例 #9
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
  TODO Should we skip?
static int detect_prefix(SgObject path)
  /* network address or so e.g. \\foo\bar */
  if (dirsep_p(S(path,0)) && dirsep_p(S(path,1))) {
    int skipped = 2;
    while (dirsep_p(S(path, skipped))) {
    if ((skipped = next_dirsep(path, skipped)) < SG_STRING_SIZE(path) &&
	skipped+1 < SG_STRING_SIZE(path) && !dirsep_p(S(path, skipped+1))) {
      skipped = next_dirsep(path, skipped+1);
    return skipped;
  if (has_drive_letter(path)) {
    return 2;
  return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
  converts given path template to pattern
   - "foo/bar/\*"    -> (("foo") ("bar") (ANY))
   - "foo/bar/buz*" -> (("foo") ("bar") ("buz" ANY))
   - "foo/bar/[b][u]z*" -> (("foo") ("bar") ([b] [u] "z" ANY))
  each element of the list represents a matching rule of path element.
static int find_close_bracket(SgString *path, int start, int flags)
  const int escape = !(flags & SG_NOESCAPE);
  int i;
  for (i = start; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(path); i++) {
    switch (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i)) {
    case ']': return i;
    case '\\':
      if (escape) i++;
  return start;
コード例 #11
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
static SgObject glob_make_pattern(SgString *path, int flags)
  const int escape = !(flags & SG_NOESCAPE);
  SgObject h = SG_NIL, t = SG_NIL, h1 = SG_NIL, t1 = SG_NIL;
  int i, start;
#define emit()							\
  do {								\
    if (start != i) {						\
      SgObject tmp = Sg_Substring(path, start, i);		\
      if (escape) tmp = remove_backslashes(tmp);		\
      SG_APPEND1(h1, t1, tmp);					\
    }								\
    start = i+1;						\
  } while (0)
  for (i = 0, start = 0; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(path);) {
    SgChar c = SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i);
    switch (c) {
    case '[': {
      int s = i, e;
      e = find_close_bracket(path, start, flags);
      if (s != e) {
	SG_APPEND1(h1, t1, Sg_ParseCharSetString(path, FALSE, s, i=++e));
	start = i;
    } break;
    case '/': 
      /* next */
      /* if the path starts with '/', then this can be null  */
      if (!SG_NULLP(h1)) {
	SG_APPEND1(h, t, convert_star(h1));
      h1 = t1 = SG_NIL;		/* reset it */
      /* this need to be updated */
      start = ++i;
    case '*': {
      int has = (start != i);
      /* merge it if it's there */
      if (!has && SG_STRING_SIZE(path) - i >= 3 &&
	  SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i+1) == '*' &&
	  SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i+2) == '/') {
	do {
	  i += 3;
	  /* skip '/' */
	  while (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i) == '/') i++;
	} while (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path,   i) == '*' &&
		 SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i+1) == '*' &&
		 SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i+2) == '/');
	SG_APPEND1(h, t, h1);
	h1 = t1 = SG_NIL;		/* reset it */
	start = i;
      } else {
	SG_APPEND1(h1, t1, STAR);
	while (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(path, i) == '*') i++;
    case '?':
      SG_APPEND1(h1, t1, FULL_CHARSET);

  if (!SG_NULLP(h1)) {
    SG_APPEND1(h, t, convert_star(h1));
    SG_APPEND1(h, t, SG_LIST1(ANY));
  } else {
    SG_APPEND1(h, t, SG_LIST1(DIR));
#undef emit
  return h;
コード例 #12
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: ktakashi/sagittarius-scheme
static SgObject brace_expand(SgString *str, int flags)
  const int escape = !(flags & SG_NOESCAPE);
  int lbrace = 0, rbrace = 0, nest = 0, i;
  int haslb = FALSE, hasrb = FALSE;

  /* find { and }*/
  for (i = 0; i < SG_STRING_SIZE(str); i++) {
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) == '{' && nest++ == 0) {
      lbrace = i;
      haslb = TRUE;
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) == '}' && --nest == 0) {
      rbrace = i;
      hasrb = TRUE;
    if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) == '\\' && escape) {
      if (++i == SG_STRING_SIZE(str)) break;
  /* make "foo/{a,b}" to ("foo/a" "foo/b") */
  if (haslb && hasrb) {
    SgObject h = SG_NIL, t = SG_NIL;
    SgPort *out;
    SgStringPort tp;
    int i;
    /* copy value until the first '{' */
    out = Sg_InitStringOutputPort(&tp, 255);
    for (i = 0; i < lbrace; i++) {
      Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i));
    /* skip '{' */
    while (i < rbrace) {
      /* now we need to copy one by one */
      int nest = 0, j;
      SgObject tmp;
      for (;SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) != ',' || nest != 0; i++) {
	if (i >= rbrace) break;

  	if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) == '{') nest++;
  	if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) == '}') nest--;
  	if (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i) == '\\' && escape) {
  	  if (++i == rbrace) break;
  	Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, i));
      /* skip ',' */
      /* copy after the '}' */
      for (j = rbrace+1; j < SG_STRING_SIZE(str); j++) {
  	Sg_PutcUnsafe(out, SG_STRING_VALUE_AT(str, j));
      tmp = Sg_GetStringFromStringPort(&tp);
      SG_APPEND(h, t, brace_expand(tmp, flags));
      /* back to the starting position */
      Sg_SetPortPosition(out, lbrace, SG_BEGIN);
    return h;
  } else {
    return SG_LIST1(str);