コード例 #1
void MyFn(create_blob_from_file)(SG_context * pCtx,
								 SG_repo * pRepo,
								 const SG_pathname * pPathnameTempDir,
								 SG_uint64 lenFile,
								 const char * szSrc)
	// create a file of length "lenFile" in the temp directory.
	// use it to create a blob.
	// try to create it a second time and verify that we get an duplicate-hid error.

	char* pszidGidRandom1 = NULL;
	char* pszidGidRandom2 = NULL;
	SG_pathname * pPathnameTempFile1 = NULL;
	SG_pathname * pPathnameTempFile2 = NULL;
	SG_file * pFileTempFile1 = NULL;
	SG_file * pFileTempFile2 = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenSrc;
	SG_uint64 lenWritten;
	char* pszidHidBlob1 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidBlob1Dup = NULL;
	char* pszidHidBlob2 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidVerify1 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidVerify2 = NULL;
	SG_bool bEqual;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_uint64 iBlobFullLength = 0;

	// create temp-file-1 of length "lenFile" in the temp directory.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_gid__alloc(pCtx, &pszidGidRandom1)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_gid__alloc(pCtx, &pszidGidRandom2)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_PATHNAME__ALLOC__PATHNAME_SZ(pCtx, &pPathnameTempFile1,pPathnameTempDir,(pszidGidRandom1))  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__open__pathname(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile1,SG_FILE_RDWR|SG_FILE_CREATE_NEW,0644,&pFileTempFile1)  );

	// write random gid at the beginning of the file
	// so that we won't get collisions if we are called
	// multiple times.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__write(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,(SG_uint32)strlen(pszidGidRandom1),(SG_byte *)pszidGidRandom1,NULL)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__write(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,1,(SG_byte *)"\n",NULL)  );

	// generate lots of data in the file so that we'll cause the
	// blob routines to exercise the chunking stuff.

	lenSrc = (SG_uint32)strlen(szSrc);
	lenWritten = 0;
	while (lenWritten < lenFile)
		VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__write(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,lenSrc,(SG_byte *)szSrc,NULL)  );

		lenWritten += lenSrc;
	// the test file does NOT have a final LF.  i'm not sure it matters one way or the
	// other, but i'm just saying that we're not putting on a final LF.

	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_file__seek(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,0)  );

	// use currently open temp file to create a blob.
	// we get the HID back.  (we need to free it later.)

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob_from_file(pCtx, pRepo,pTx,NULL,SG_FALSE,pFileTempFile1,&pszidHidBlob1,&iBlobFullLength)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

	INFOP("create_blob_from_file",("Created blob [%s]",(pszidHidBlob1)));

	// try to create blob again and verify we get an duplicate-hid error.

	// Ian TODO: Put this back when SG_ERR_BLOBFILEALREADYEXISTS has been replaced.
// 	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
// 	err = SG_repo__store_blob_from_file(pRepo,pTx,SG_FALSE,pFileTempFile1,&pszidHidBlob1Dup);
// 	VERIFYP_CTX_ERR_IS("create_blob_from_file(duplicate)", pCtx, SG_ERR_BLOBFILEALREADYEXISTS, ("Duplicate create failed [%s][%s]",pszidHidBlob1,pszidHidBlob1Dup));
// 	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__NONE, NULL, &pTx)  );

	// create empty temp-file-2 and try to read the blob from the repo.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_PATHNAME__ALLOC__PATHNAME_SZ(pCtx, &pPathnameTempFile2,pPathnameTempDir,(pszidGidRandom2))  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__open__pathname(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile2,SG_FILE_RDWR|SG_FILE_CREATE_NEW,0644,&pFileTempFile2)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_file(pCtx, pRepo,pszidHidBlob1,pFileTempFile2,NULL)  );

	// verify that the contents of temp-file-2 is identical to the
	// contents of temp-file-1.  (we already know that the HIDs match
	// and was verified during the fetch, but there are times when the
	// HID is just being used as a key -- it doesn't mean that what we
	// actually restored is correct.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_file(pCtx, pRepo, pFileTempFile1, &pszidHidVerify1)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_file(pCtx, pRepo, pFileTempFile2, &pszidHidVerify2)  );

	bEqual = (0 == (strcmp(pszidHidVerify1,pszidHidVerify2)));
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_file(verify v1==v2)",bEqual);

	bEqual = (0 == (strcmp(pszidHidVerify1,pszidHidBlob1)));
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_file(verify v1==id)",bEqual);

	// TODO delete temp source file

	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_file__close(pCtx, &pFileTempFile1)  );
	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_file__close(pCtx, &pFileTempFile2)  );

	// cleanup

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidGidRandom1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidGidRandom2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1Dup);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidVerify1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidVerify2);
	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile1);
	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile2);
コード例 #2
void u0026_jsonparser__create_2(SG_context* pCtx, SG_string* pStr)
	SG_jsonwriter* pjson = NULL;
	SG_vhash* pvh = NULL;
	SG_varray* pva = NULL;
	SG_uint32 i;
	char* pid = NULL;

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__alloc(pCtx, &pjson, pStr)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_start_object(pCtx, pjson)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__string__sz(pCtx, pjson, "hello", "world")  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__int64(pCtx, pjson, "x", 5)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__double(pCtx, pjson, "pi", 3.14159)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__bool(pCtx, pjson, "b1", SG_TRUE)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__bool(pCtx, pjson, "b2", SG_FALSE)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_begin_pair(pCtx, pjson, "furball")  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_start_array(pCtx, pjson)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__string__sz(pCtx, pjson, "plok")  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__double(pCtx, pjson, 47.567)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__int64(pCtx, pjson, 22222)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__null(pCtx, pjson)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__bool(pCtx, pjson, SG_TRUE)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__bool(pCtx, pjson, SG_FALSE)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_gid__alloc(pCtx, &pid)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_element__string__sz(pCtx, pjson, pid)  );
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pid);

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_end_array(pCtx, pjson)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__null(pCtx, pjson, "nope")  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__string__sz(pCtx, pjson, "messy", U0026_MESSY)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_VHASH__ALLOC(pCtx, &pvh)  );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh, "fried", "tomatoes")  );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__int64(pCtx, pvh, "q", 333)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__vhash(pCtx, pjson, "sub", pvh)  );


	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_VARRAY__ALLOC(pCtx, &pva)  );

	for (i=0; i<1000; i++)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__string__sz(pCtx, pva, "plok")  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__int64(pCtx, pva, 22)  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__double(pCtx, pva, 1.414)  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__bool(pCtx, pva, SG_TRUE)  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__bool(pCtx, pva, SG_FALSE)  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__null(pCtx, pva)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_pair__varray(pCtx, pjson, "a", pva)  );


	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_jsonwriter__write_end_object(pCtx, pjson)  );

