コード例 #1
void u0051_hidlookup_test__1(SG_context * pCtx, SG_pathname* pPathTopDir)
	SG_pathname* pPathWorkingDir = NULL;
	SG_pathname* pPathFile = NULL;
    SG_dagnode* pdn = NULL;
    const char* psz_hid_cs = NULL;
    SG_repo* pRepo = NULL;
    char buf_partial[256];
    char* psz_result = NULL;
    SG_audit q;

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_tid__generate2(pCtx, bufName, sizeof(bufName), 32)  );

	/* create the working dir */
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_PATHNAME__ALLOC__PATHNAME_SZ(pCtx, &pPathWorkingDir, pPathTopDir, bufName)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_fsobj__mkdir__pathname(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir)  );

    /* add stuff */
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  u0051_hidlookup__create_file__numbers(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir, "aaa", 20)  );

    /* create the repo */
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  _ut_pt__new_repo(pCtx, bufName, pPathWorkingDir)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  _ut_pt__addremove(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  u0051_hidlookup__commit_all(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir, &pdn)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__get_id_ref(pCtx, pdn, &psz_hid_cs)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__open_repo_instance(pCtx, bufName, &pRepo)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_audit__init(pCtx, &q, pRepo, SG_AUDIT__WHEN__NOW, SG_AUDIT__WHO__FROM_SETTINGS)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__add(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, "remember", &q)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_strcpy(pCtx, buf_partial, sizeof(buf_partial), psz_hid_cs)  );
    buf_partial[10] = 0;

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__hidlookup__dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__VERSION_CONTROL, buf_partial, &psz_result)  );
    VERIFY_COND("found", (0 == strcmp(psz_result, psz_hid_cs)));
    SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_result);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__hidlookup__blob(pCtx, pRepo, buf_partial, &psz_result)  );
    VERIFY_COND("found", (0 == strcmp(psz_result, psz_hid_cs)));
    SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_result);

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup__tag(pCtx, pRepo, "remember", &psz_result)  );
    VERIFY_COND("found", (0 == strcmp(psz_result, psz_hid_cs)));
    SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_result);

    SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_result);
    SG_REPO_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRepo);
	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir);
コード例 #2
void SG_tag__add_tags(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo * pRepo, SG_pendingtree * pPendingTree, const char* psz_spec_cs, SG_bool bRev, SG_bool bForce, const char** ppszTags, SG_uint32 count_args)
	SG_pathname* pPathCwd = NULL;
	char* psz_hid_cs = NULL;
	SG_audit q;
	SG_uint32 i = 0;
	char * psz_current_hid_with_that_tag = NULL;
	SG_bool bFreePendingTree = SG_FALSE;


	// TODO 4/21/10 pendingtree contains a pRepo inside it.  we should
	// TODO 4/21/10 refactor this to alloc the pendingtree first and then
	// TODO 4/21/10 just borrow the pRepo from it.

	if (psz_spec_cs)
		if (bRev)
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__hidlookup__dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__VERSION_CONTROL, psz_spec_cs, &psz_hid_cs)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup__tag(pCtx, pRepo, psz_spec_cs, &psz_hid_cs)  );
			if (psz_hid_cs == NULL)
		// tag the current baseline.
		// when we have an uncomitted merge, we will have more than one parent.
		// what does this command mean then?  It feels like we we should throw
		// an error and say that you have to commit first.

		const SG_varray * pva_wd_parents;		// we do not own this
		const char * psz_hid_parent_0;			// we do not own this
		SG_uint32 nrParents;

		if (pPendingTree == NULL)

			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_pendingtree__alloc_from_cwd(pCtx, SG_TRUE, &pPendingTree)  );
			bFreePendingTree = SG_TRUE;
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_pendingtree__get_wd_parents__ref(pCtx, pPendingTree, &pva_wd_parents)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva_wd_parents, &nrParents)  );
		if (nrParents > 1)

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__sz(pCtx, pva_wd_parents, 0, &psz_hid_parent_0)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_strdup(pCtx, psz_hid_parent_0, &psz_hid_cs)  );

	if (!bForce)
		//Go through and check all tags to make sure that they are not already applied.
		for (i = 0; i < count_args; i++)
			const char * pszTag = ppszTags[i];
			SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_vc_tags__lookup__tag(pCtx, pRepo, pszTag, &psz_current_hid_with_that_tag)  );
			if (psz_current_hid_with_that_tag != NULL && 0 != strcmp(psz_current_hid_with_that_tag, psz_hid_cs)) //The tag has been applied, but not to the given changeset.
			SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_current_hid_with_that_tag);
	for (i = 0; i < count_args; i++)
		const char * pszTag = ppszTags[i];
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup__tag(pCtx, pRepo, pszTag, &psz_current_hid_with_that_tag)  );
		if (psz_current_hid_with_that_tag == NULL || 0 != strcmp(psz_current_hid_with_that_tag, psz_hid_cs))
			//The tag has not been applied, or it's been applied to a different dagnode.
			if ( psz_current_hid_with_that_tag != NULL && bForce)  //Remove it, if it's already there
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__remove(pCtx, pRepo, &q, 1, &pszTag)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__add(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, pszTag, &q)  );
		SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_current_hid_with_that_tag);

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_current_hid_with_that_tag);
	if (bFreePendingTree == SG_TRUE)
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_hid_cs);
コード例 #3
int u0050_logstuff_test__1(SG_context * pCtx, SG_pathname* pPathTopDir)
	SG_pathname* pPathWorkingDir = NULL;
	SG_pathname* pPathFile = NULL;
	SG_vhash* pvh = NULL;
    SG_dagnode* pdn = NULL;
    const char* psz_hid_cs = NULL;
    SG_repo* pRepo = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count;
    SG_rbtree* prb = NULL;
    SG_varray* pva = NULL;
    SG_rbtree* prb_reversed = NULL;
    const char* psz_val = NULL;
    SG_audit q;

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_tid__generate2(pCtx, bufName, sizeof(bufName), 32)  );

	/* create the working dir */
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_PATHNAME__ALLOC__PATHNAME_SZ(pCtx, &pPathWorkingDir, pPathTopDir, bufName)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_fsobj__mkdir__pathname(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir)  );

    /* add stuff */
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  u0050_logstuff__create_file__numbers(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir, "aaa", 20)  );

    /* create the repo */
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  _ut_pt__new_repo(pCtx, bufName, pPathWorkingDir)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  _ut_pt__addremove(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  u0050_logstuff__commit_all(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir, &pdn)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__get_id_ref(pCtx, pdn, &psz_hid_cs)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__open_repo_instance(pCtx, bufName, &pRepo)  );

#define MY_COMMENT "The name of this new file sucks!  What kind of a name is 'aaa'?"

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_audit__init(pCtx, &q, pRepo, SG_AUDIT__WHEN__NOW, SG_AUDIT__WHO__FROM_SETTINGS)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_comments__add(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, MY_COMMENT, &q)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_stamps__add(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, "crap", &q)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__add(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, "tcrap", &q)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_comments__lookup(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, &pva)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__vhash(pCtx, pva, 0, &pvh)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__sz(pCtx, pvh, "text", &psz_val)  );
    VERIFY_COND("match", (0 == strcmp(psz_val, MY_COMMENT))  );
    SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pva);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_stamps__lookup(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, &pva)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__vhash(pCtx, pva, 0, &pvh)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__sz(pCtx, pvh, "stamp", &psz_val)  );
    VERIFY_COND("match", (0 == strcmp(psz_val, "crap"))  );
    SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pva);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, &pva)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__vhash(pCtx, pva, 0, &pvh)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__sz(pCtx, pvh, "tag", &psz_val)  );
    VERIFY_COND("match", (0 == strcmp(psz_val, "tcrap"))  );
    SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pva);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__list(pCtx, pRepo, &prb)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__build_reverse_lookup(pCtx, prb, &prb_reversed)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb_reversed, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));

        const char* psz_my_key = NULL;
        const char* psz_my_val = NULL;
        SG_bool b;

        VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__first(pCtx, NULL, prb_reversed, &b, &psz_my_key, (void**) &psz_my_val)  );
        VERIFY_COND("ok", (0 == strcmp(psz_my_val, "tcrap"))  );
        VERIFY_COND("ok", (0 == strcmp(psz_my_key, psz_hid_cs))  );
    SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prb_reversed);

    SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prb);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__add(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, "whatever", &q)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, &pva)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (2 == count));
    SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pva);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__list(pCtx, pRepo, &prb)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (2 == count));

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__build_reverse_lookup(pCtx, prb, &prb_reversed)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb_reversed, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));

        const char* psz_my_key = NULL;
        const char* psz_my_val = NULL;
        SG_bool b;

        VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__first(pCtx, NULL, prb_reversed, &b, &psz_my_key, (void**) &psz_my_val)  );
        VERIFY_COND("ok", (0 == strcmp(psz_my_key, psz_hid_cs))  );
        /* we don't know whether psz_my_val is tcrap or whatever. */
        // VERIFY_COND("ok", (0 == strcmp(psz_my_val, "tcrap"))  );
    SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prb_reversed);

    SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prb);

        const char* psz_remove = "whatever";

        VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__remove(pCtx, pRepo, &q, 1, &psz_remove)  );
        /* Note that by removing whatever, we are bringing the tags list back
         * to a state where it has been before (just tcrap).  This changeset in
         * the tags table will have its own csid, because the parentage is
         * different, but it's root idtrie HID will be the same as a previous
         * node. */

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__lookup(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, &pva)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));
    SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pva);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_tags__list(pCtx, pRepo, &prb)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb, &count)  );
    VERIFY_COND("count", (1 == count));
    SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prb);

    SG_REPO_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRepo);
	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir);

	return 1;


	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathWorkingDir);

	return 0;