コード例 #1
  Get the configure parameter for this NIC.

  @param  Instance               The IP4 CONFIG Instance.
  @param  ConfigLen              The length of the NicConfig buffer.
  @param  NicConfig              The buffer to receive the NIC's configure

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The configure parameter for this NIC was
                                 obtained successfully .
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  This or ConfigLen is NULL.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          There is no configure parameter for the NIC in
  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   The ConfigLen is too small or the NicConfig is

EfiNicIp4ConfigGetInfo (
    IN  IP4_CONFIG_INSTANCE         *Instance,
    IN OUT  UINTN                   *ConfigLen,
    OUT NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO         *NicConfig
    NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO *Config;
    EFI_STATUS          Status;
    UINTN               Len;

    if ((Instance == NULL) || (ConfigLen == NULL)) {

    // Read the Nic's configuration parameter from variable
    Config    = Ip4ConfigGetNicInfo (&Instance->NicAddr);

    if (Config == NULL) {
        return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

    // Copy the data to user's buffer
    Len = SIZEOF_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO (Config);

    if ((*ConfigLen < Len) || (NicConfig == NULL)) {
        Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
    } else {
        Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
        CopyMem (NicConfig, Config, Len);
        Ip4ConfigFixRouteTablePointer (&NicConfig->Ip4Info);

    *ConfigLen = Len;

    FreePool (Config);
    return Status;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Ip4ConfigNv.c プロジェクト: Cutty/edk2
  This function applies changes in a driver's configuration.
  Input is a Configuration, which has the routing data for this
  driver followed by name / value configuration pairs. The driver
  must apply those pairs to its configurable storage. If the
  driver's configuration is stored in a linear block of data
  and the driver's name / value pairs are in <BlockConfig>
  format, it may use the ConfigToBlock helper function (above) to
  simplify the job. Currently not implemented.

  @param[in]  This           Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL.
  @param[in]  Configuration  A null-terminated Unicode string in
                             <ConfigString> format.
  @param[out] Progress       A pointer to a string filled in with the
                             offset of the most recent '&' before the
                             first failing name / value pair (or the
                             beginn ing of the string if the failure
                             is in the first name / value pair) or
                             the terminating NULL if all was

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The results have been distributed or are
                                  awaiting distribution.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_MEMORY       Not enough memory to store the
                                  parts of the results that must be
                                  stored awaiting possible future
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETERS  Passing in a NULL for the
                                  Results parameter would result
                                  in this type of error.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND           Target for the specified routing data
                                  was not found.
Ip4DeviceRouteConfig (
  IN  CONST EFI_STRING                       Configuration,
  OUT EFI_STRING                             *Progress
  EFI_STATUS                       Status;
  UINTN                            BufferSize;
  NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO              *IfrDeviceNvData;
  IP4_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA            *IfrFormNvData;
  NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO              *NicInfo;
  IP4_CONFIG_INSTANCE              *Ip4ConfigInstance;
  EFI_MAC_ADDRESS                  ZeroMac;

  if (Configuration == NULL || Progress == NULL) {

  // Reclaim Ip4Config variable
  Ip4ConfigReclaimVariable ();

  *Progress = Configuration;


  // Check Routing data in <ConfigHdr>.
  if (HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Configuration, &gNicIp4ConfigNvDataGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE)) {
    // Convert buffer data to <ConfigResp> by helper function BlockToConfig()
    IfrFormNvData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IP4_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA));
    if (IfrFormNvData == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

    BufferSize = NIC_ITEM_CONFIG_SIZE;
    Status = gHiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock (
                                  (UINT8 *) IfrFormNvData,
    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Status = Ip4ConfigConvertIfrNvDataToDeviceConfigData (IfrFormNvData, Ip4ConfigInstance);

    FreePool (IfrFormNvData);

  } else if (HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Configuration, &gEfiNicIp4ConfigVariableGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE)) {

    IfrDeviceNvData = AllocateZeroPool (NIC_ITEM_CONFIG_SIZE);
    if (IfrDeviceNvData == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

    BufferSize = NIC_ITEM_CONFIG_SIZE;
    Status = gHiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock (
                                  (UINT8 *) IfrDeviceNvData,
    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      ZeroMem (&ZeroMac, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS));
      if (CompareMem (&IfrDeviceNvData->NicAddr.MacAddr, &ZeroMac, IfrDeviceNvData->NicAddr.Len) != 0) {
        BufferSize = SIZEOF_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO (IfrDeviceNvData);
        NicInfo = AllocateCopyPool (BufferSize, IfrDeviceNvData);
        if (NicInfo == NULL) {
          return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        Status = EfiNicIp4ConfigSetInfo (Ip4ConfigInstance, NicInfo, TRUE);
        FreePool (NicInfo);
      } else {
        ZeroMem (&Ip4ConfigInstance->Ip4ConfigCallbackInfo, sizeof (IP4_SETTING_INFO));
        Status = EfiNicIp4ConfigSetInfo (Ip4ConfigInstance, NULL, TRUE);

    FreePool (IfrDeviceNvData);

  } else {

    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  return Status;

コード例 #3
ファイル: Ip4ConfigNv.c プロジェクト: Cutty/edk2
  This function allows the caller to request the current
  configuration for one or more named elements. The resulting
  string is in <ConfigAltResp> format. Any and all alternative
  configuration strings shall also be appended to the end of the
  current configuration string. If they are, they must appear
  after the current configuration. They must contain the same
  routing (GUID, NAME, PATH) as the current configuration string.
  They must have an additional description indicating the type of
  alternative configuration the string represents,
  "ALTCFG=<StringToken>". That <StringToken> (when
  converted from Hex UNICODE to binary) is a reference to a
  string in the associated string pack.

  @param[in] This       Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL.
  @param[in] Request    A null-terminated Unicode string in
                        <ConfigRequest> format. Note that this
                        includes the routing information as well as
                        the configurable name / value pairs. It is
                        invalid for this string to be in
                        <MultiConfigRequest> format.
  @param[out] Progress  On return, points to a character in the
                        Request string. Points to the string's null
                        terminator if request was successful. Points
                        to the most recent "&" before the first
                        failing name / value pair (or the beginning
                        of the string if the failure is in the first
                        name / value pair) if the request was not
  @param[out] Results   A null-terminated Unicode string in
                        <ConfigAltResp> format which has all values
                        filled in for the names in the Request string.
                        String to be allocated by the called function.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The Results string is filled with the
                                  values corresponding to all requested
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Not enough memory to store the
                                  parts of the results that must be
                                  stored awaiting possible future
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND           Routing data doesn't match any
                                  known driver. Progress set to the
                                  first character in the routing header.
                                  Note: There is no requirement that the
                                  driver validate the routing data. It
                                  must skip the <ConfigHdr> in order to
                                  process the names.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Illegal syntax. Progress set
                                  to most recent & before the
                                  error or the beginning of the
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Unknown name. Progress points
                                  to the & before the name in
                                  question.Currently not implemented.
Ip4DeviceExtractConfig (
  IN  CONST EFI_STRING                       Request,
  OUT EFI_STRING                             *Progress,
  OUT EFI_STRING                             *Results
  EFI_STATUS                       Status;
  NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO              *IfrDeviceNvData;
  NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO              *NicConfig;
  IP4_CONFIG_INSTANCE              *Ip4ConfigInstance;
  IP4_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA            *IfrFormNvData;
  EFI_STRING                       ConfigRequestHdr;
  EFI_STRING                       ConfigRequest;
  EFI_STRING                       DeviceResult;
  EFI_STRING                       FormResult;
  CHAR16                           *StrPointer;
  BOOLEAN                          AllocatedRequest;
  UINTN                            Size;
  UINTN                            BufferSize;

  if (Progress == NULL || Results == NULL) {

  *Progress     = Request;
  Size          = 0;
  DeviceResult  = NULL;
  FormResult    = NULL;
  ConfigRequest = NULL;
  Status        = EFI_SUCCESS;
  AllocatedRequest  = FALSE;

  // Check Request data in <ConfigHdr>.
  if ((Request == NULL) || HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Request, &gEfiNicIp4ConfigVariableGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE)) {
    IfrDeviceNvData = AllocateZeroPool (NIC_ITEM_CONFIG_SIZE);
    if (IfrDeviceNvData == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

    NicConfig = EfiNicIp4ConfigGetInfo (Ip4ConfigInstance);
    if (NicConfig == NULL) {
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
    CopyMem (IfrDeviceNvData, NicConfig, SIZEOF_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_INFO (NicConfig));
    FreePool (NicConfig);

    ConfigRequest = Request;
    if ((Request == NULL) || (StrStr (Request, L"OFFSET") == NULL)) {
      // Request has no request element, construct full request string.
      // Allocate and fill a buffer large enough to hold the <ConfigHdr> template
      // followed by "&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" followed by a Null-terminator
      ConfigRequestHdr = HiiConstructConfigHdr (&gEfiNicIp4ConfigVariableGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE, Ip4ConfigInstance->ChildHandle);
      Size = (StrLen (ConfigRequestHdr) + 32 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16);
      ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool (Size);
      ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL);
      AllocatedRequest = TRUE;
      BufferSize = NIC_ITEM_CONFIG_SIZE;
      UnicodeSPrint (ConfigRequest, Size, L"%s&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=%016LX", ConfigRequestHdr, (UINT64)BufferSize);
      FreePool (ConfigRequestHdr);

    // Convert buffer data to <ConfigResp> by helper function BlockToConfig()
    Status = gHiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig (
                                  (UINT8 *) IfrDeviceNvData,

    FreePool (IfrDeviceNvData);
    // Free the allocated config request string.
    if (AllocatedRequest) {
      FreePool (ConfigRequest);
      ConfigRequest = NULL;

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Failure;

  if ((Request == NULL) || HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Request, &gNicIp4ConfigNvDataGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE)) {

    IfrFormNvData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IP4_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA));
    if (IfrFormNvData == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

    Ip4ConfigConvertDeviceConfigDataToIfrNvData (Ip4ConfigInstance, IfrFormNvData);

    ConfigRequest = Request;
    if ((Request == NULL) || (StrStr (Request, L"OFFSET") == NULL)) {
      // Request has no request element, construct full request string.
      // Allocate and fill a buffer large enough to hold the <ConfigHdr> template
      // followed by "&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" followed by a Null-terminator
      ConfigRequestHdr = HiiConstructConfigHdr (&gNicIp4ConfigNvDataGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE, Ip4ConfigInstance->ChildHandle);
      Size = (StrLen (ConfigRequestHdr) + 32 + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16);
      ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool (Size);
      ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL);
      AllocatedRequest = TRUE;
      BufferSize = sizeof (IP4_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA);
      UnicodeSPrint (ConfigRequest, Size, L"%s&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=%016LX", ConfigRequestHdr, (UINT64)BufferSize);
      FreePool (ConfigRequestHdr);

    // Convert buffer data to <ConfigResp> by helper function BlockToConfig()
    Status = gHiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig (
                                  (UINT8 *) IfrFormNvData,
                                  sizeof (IP4_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA),

    FreePool (IfrFormNvData);
    // Free the allocated config request string.
    if (AllocatedRequest) {
      FreePool (ConfigRequest);
      ConfigRequest = NULL;

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Failure;

  if (Request == NULL) {
    Size = StrLen (DeviceResult);
    Size = Size + 1;
    Size = Size + StrLen (FormResult) + 1;
    *Results = AllocateZeroPool (Size * sizeof (CHAR16));
    ASSERT (*Results != NULL);
    StrPointer  = *Results;
    StrCpy (StrPointer, DeviceResult);
    StrPointer  = StrPointer + StrLen (StrPointer);
    *StrPointer = L'&';
    StrCpy (StrPointer + 1, FormResult);
    FreePool (DeviceResult);
    FreePool (FormResult);
  } else if (HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Request, &gEfiNicIp4ConfigVariableGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE)) {
    *Results = DeviceResult;
  } else if (HiiIsConfigHdrMatch (Request, &gNicIp4ConfigNvDataGuid, EFI_NIC_IP4_CONFIG_VARIABLE)) {
    *Results = FormResult;
  } else {
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  // Set Progress string to the original request string.
  if (Request == NULL) {
    *Progress = NULL;
  } else if (StrStr (Request, L"OFFSET") == NULL) {
    *Progress = Request + StrLen (Request);

  return Status;