コード例 #1
ファイル: HashVerify.c プロジェクト: da2ce7/HashCheck
	if (phvctx->status != CLEANUP_COMPLETED)
		return;  // Sorting is available only after the worker is done

	// Capture the current selection/focus state

	if (phvctx->sort.iColumn != plv->iSubItem)
		// Change to a new column
		phvctx->sort.iColumn = plv->iSubItem;
		phvctx->sort.bReverse = FALSE;
		qsort_s_uptr(phvctx->index, phvctx->cTotal, sizeof(PHVITEM), HashVerifySortCompare, phvctx);
	else if (phvctx->sort.bReverse)
		// Clicking a column thrice in a row reverts to the original file order
		phvctx->sort.iColumn = -1;
		phvctx->sort.bReverse = FALSE;

		// We do need to validate phvctx->index to handle the edge case where
		// the list is really non-empty, but we are treating it as empty because
		// we could not allocate an index (qsort_s uses the given length while
		// SLBuildIndex uses the actual length); this is, admittedly, a very
		// extreme edge case, as it crops up only in an OOM situation where the
		// user tries to click-sort an empty list view!
		if (phvctx->index)
			SLBuildIndex(phvctx->hList, phvctx->index);
		// Clicking a column twice in a row reverses the order; since we are
		// just reversing the order of an already-sorted column, we can just
		// naively flip the index

		if (phvctx->index)
			PHVITEM pItemTemp;
			PPHVITEM ppItemLow = phvctx->index;
			PPHVITEM ppItemHigh = phvctx->index + phvctx->cTotal - 1;

			while (ppItemHigh > ppItemLow)
				pItemTemp = *ppItemLow;
				*ppItemLow = *ppItemHigh;
				*ppItemHigh = pItemTemp;

		phvctx->sort.bReverse = TRUE;

	// Restore the selection/focus state

	// Update the UI
		HWND hWndHeader = ListView_GetHeader(phvctx->hWndList);
		INT i;

		HDITEM hdi;
		hdi.mask = HDI_FORMAT;

		for (i = HV_COL_FIRST; i <= HV_COL_LAST; ++i)
			Header_GetItem(hWndHeader, i, &hdi);
			hdi.fmt &= ~(HDF_SORTDOWN | HDF_SORTUP);
			if (phvctx->sort.iColumn == i)
				hdi.fmt |= (phvctx->sort.bReverse) ? HDF_SORTDOWN : HDF_SORTUP;
			Header_SetItem(hWndHeader, i, &hdi);

		// Invalidate all items
		ListView_RedrawItems(phvctx->hWndList, 0, phvctx->cTotal);

		// Set a light gray background on the sorted column
			(phvctx->sort.iColumn != HV_COL_STATUS) ? phvctx->sort.iColumn : -1

		// Unfortunately, the list does not automatically repaint all of the
		// areas affected by SetSelectedColumn, so it is necessary to force a
		// repaint of the list view's visible areas in order to avoid artifacts
		InvalidateRect(phvctx->hWndList, NULL, FALSE);
コード例 #2
ファイル: HashVerify.c プロジェクト: da2ce7/HashCheck
	PTSTR pszData = phvctx->pszFileData;  // Points to the next line to process

	UINT cchChecksum;             // Expected length of the checksum in TCHARs
	BOOL bReverseFormat = FALSE;  // TRUE if using SFV's format of putting the checksum last
	BOOL bLinesRemaining = TRUE;  // TRUE if we have not reached the end of the data

	// Try to determine the file type from the extension
		PTSTR pszExt = StrRChr(phvctx->pszPath, NULL, TEXT('.'));

		if (pszExt)
			if (StrCmpI(pszExt, TEXT(".sfv")) == 0)
				phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_CHECKCRC32;
				cchChecksum = 8;
				bReverseFormat = TRUE;
			else if (StrCmpI(pszExt, TEXT(".md4")) == 0)
				phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_CHECKMD4;
				cchChecksum = 32;
			else if (StrCmpI(pszExt, TEXT(".md5")) == 0)
				phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_CHECKMD5;
				cchChecksum = 32;
			else if (StrCmpI(pszExt - 1, TEXT(".sha1")) == 0)
				phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_CHECKSHA1;
				cchChecksum = 40;

	while (bLinesRemaining)
		PTSTR pszStartOfLine;  // First non-whitespace character of the line
		PTSTR pszEndOfLine;    // Last non-whitespace character of the line
        PTSTR pszChecksum = NULL, pszFileName = NULL;
		INT16 cchPath;         // This INCLUDES the NULL terminator!

		// Step 1: Isolate the current line as a NULL-terminated string
			pszStartOfLine = pszData;

			// Find the end of the line
			while (*pszData && *pszData != TEXT('\n'))

			// Terminate it if necessary, otherwise flag the end of the data
			if (*pszData)
				*pszData = 0;
				bLinesRemaining = FALSE;

			pszEndOfLine = pszData;

			// Strip spaces from the end of the line...
			while (--pszEndOfLine >= pszStartOfLine && *pszEndOfLine == TEXT(' '))
				*pszEndOfLine = 0;

			// ...and from the start of the line
			while (*pszStartOfLine == TEXT(' '))

			// Skip past this line's terminator; point at the remaining data

		// Step 2a: Parse the line as SFV
		if (bReverseFormat)
			pszEndOfLine -= 7;

			if (pszEndOfLine > pszStartOfLine && ValidateHexSequence(pszEndOfLine, 8))
				pszChecksum = pszEndOfLine;

				// Trim spaces between the checksum and the file name
				while (--pszEndOfLine >= pszStartOfLine && *pszEndOfLine == TEXT(' '))
					*pszEndOfLine = 0;

				// Lines that begin with ';' are comments in SFV
				if (*pszStartOfLine && *pszStartOfLine != TEXT(';'))
					pszFileName = pszStartOfLine;

		// Step 2b: All other file formats
			// If we do not know the type yet, make a stab at detecting it
			if (phvctx->whctx.flags == 0)
				if (ValidateHexSequence(pszStartOfLine, 8))
					cchChecksum = 8;
					phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_ALL32;  // WHEX_CHECKCRC32
				else if (ValidateHexSequence(pszStartOfLine, 32))
					cchChecksum = 32;
					phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_ALL128;  // WHEX_CHECKMD4 | WHEX_CHECKMD5

					// Disambiguate from the filename, if possible
					if (StrStrI(phvctx->pszPath, TEXT("MD5")))
						phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_CHECKMD5;
					else if (StrStrI(phvctx->pszPath, TEXT("MD4")))
						phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_CHECKMD4;
				else if (ValidateHexSequence(pszStartOfLine, 40))
					cchChecksum = 40;
					phvctx->whctx.flags = WHEX_ALL160;  // WHEX_CHECKSHA1

			// Parse the line
			if ( phvctx->whctx.flags && pszEndOfLine > pszStartOfLine + cchChecksum &&
			     ValidateHexSequence(pszStartOfLine, cchChecksum) )
				pszChecksum = pszStartOfLine;
				pszStartOfLine += cchChecksum + 1;

				// Skip over spaces between the checksum and filename
				while (*pszStartOfLine == TEXT(' '))

				if (*pszStartOfLine)
					pszFileName = pszStartOfLine;

		// Step 3: Do something useful with the results
		if (pszFileName && (cchPath = (INT16)(pszEndOfLine + 2 - pszFileName)) > 1)
			// Since pszEndOfLine points to the character BEFORE the terminator,
			// cchLine == 1 + pszEnd - pszStart, and then +1 for the NULL
			// terminator means that we need to add 2 TCHARs to the length

			// By treating cchPath as INT16 and checking the sign, we ensure
			// that the path does not exceed 32K.

			// Create the new data block
			PHASHVERIFYITEM pItem = SLAddItem(phvctx->hList, NULL, sizeof(HASHVERIFYITEM));

			// Abort if we are out of memory
			if (!pItem) break;

			pItem->filesize.ui64 = -1;
			pItem->filesize.sz[0] = 0;
			pItem->pszDisplayName = pszFileName;
			pItem->pszExpected = pszChecksum;
			pItem->cchDisplayName = cchPath;
			pItem->uStatusID = HV_STATUS_NULL;
			pItem->szActual[0] = 0;


		} // If the current line was found to be valid

	} // Loop until there are no lines left

	// Build the index
	if ( phvctx->cTotal && (phvctx->index =
	     SLSetContextSize(phvctx->hList, phvctx->cTotal * sizeof(PHVITEM))) )
		SLBuildIndex(phvctx->hList, phvctx->index);
		phvctx->cTotal = 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: HashSave.cpp プロジェクト: gurnec/HashCheck
VOID __fastcall HashSaveWorkerMain( PHASHSAVECONTEXT phsctx )
	// Note that ALL message communication to and from the main window MUST
	// be asynchronous, or else there may be a deadlock.

	// Prep: expand directories, max path, etc. (prefix was set by earlier call)
	PostMessage(phsctx->hWnd, HM_WORKERTHREAD_TOGGLEPREP, (WPARAM)phsctx, TRUE);
	if (! HashCalcPrepare(phsctx))
	PostMessage(phsctx->hWnd, HM_WORKERTHREAD_TOGGLEPREP, (WPARAM)phsctx, FALSE);

    // Extract the slist into a vector for parallel_for_each
    std::vector<PHASHSAVEITEM> vecpItems;
    vecpItems.resize(phsctx->cTotal + 1);
    SLBuildIndex(phsctx->hList, (PVOID*)vecpItems.data());
    assert(vecpItems.back() == nullptr);
    assert(vecpItems.back() != nullptr);

#ifdef USE_PPL
    const bool bMultithreaded = vecpItems.size() > 1 && IsSSD(vecpItems[0]->szPath);
    concurrency::concurrent_vector<void*> vecBuffers;  // a vector of all allocated read buffers (one per thread)
    DWORD dwBufferTlsIndex = TlsAlloc();               // TLS index of the current thread's read buffer
    if (dwBufferTlsIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES)
    constexpr bool bMultithreaded = false;

    PBYTE pbTheBuffer;  // file read buffer, used iff not multithreaded
    if (! bMultithreaded)
        if (pbTheBuffer == NULL)

    // Initialize the progress bar update synchronization vars
    CRITICAL_SECTION updateCritSec;
    volatile ULONGLONG cbCurrentMaxSize = 0;
    if (bMultithreaded)

#ifdef _TIMED
    DWORD dwStarted;
    dwStarted = GetTickCount();

    class CanceledException {};

    // concurrency::parallel_for_each(vecpItems.cbegin(), vecpItems.cend(), ...
    auto per_file_worker = [&](PHASHSAVEITEM pItem)
        WHCTXEX whctx;

        // Indicate which hash type we are after, see WHEX... values in WinHash.h
        whctx.dwFlags = 1 << (phsctx->ofn.nFilterIndex - 1);

        PBYTE pbBuffer;
#ifdef USE_PPL
        if (bMultithreaded)
            // Allocate or retrieve the already-allocated read buffer for the current thread
            pbBuffer = (PBYTE)TlsGetValue(dwBufferTlsIndex);
            if (pbBuffer == NULL)
                pbBuffer = (PBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
                if (pbBuffer == NULL)
                    throw CanceledException();
                // Cache the read buffer for the current thread
                TlsSetValue(dwBufferTlsIndex, pbBuffer);

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4700 4703)  // potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'pbBuffer' used
		// Get the hash
            bMultithreaded ? pbBuffer : pbTheBuffer,
			NULL, 0,
            bMultithreaded ? &updateCritSec : NULL, &cbCurrentMaxSize
#ifdef _TIMED
          , &pItem->dwElapsed

        if (phsctx->status == PAUSED)
            WaitForSingleObject(phsctx->hUnpauseEvent, INFINITE);
		if (phsctx->status == CANCEL_REQUESTED)
            throw CanceledException();

		// Write the data
		HashCalcWriteResult(phsctx, pItem);

		// Update the UI
		PostMessage(phsctx->hWnd, HM_WORKERTHREAD_UPDATE, (WPARAM)phsctx, (LPARAM)pItem);
#pragma warning(pop)

#ifdef USE_PPL
        if (bMultithreaded)
            concurrency::parallel_for_each(vecpItems.cbegin(), vecpItems.cend(), per_file_worker);
            std::for_each(vecpItems.cbegin(), vecpItems.cend(), per_file_worker);
    catch (CanceledException) {}  // ignore cancellation requests

#ifdef _TIMED
    if (phsctx->cTotal > 1 && phsctx->status != CANCEL_REQUESTED)
        union {
            CHAR  szA[MAX_STRINGMSG];
            WCHAR szW[MAX_STRINGMSG];
        } buffer;
        size_t cbBufferLeft;
        if (phsctx->opt.dwSaveEncoding == 1)  // UTF-16
            StringCbPrintfExW(buffer.szW, sizeof(buffer), NULL, &cbBufferLeft, 0, L"; Total elapsed: %d ms\r\n", GetTickCount() - dwStarted);
        else                                  // UTF-8 or ANSI
            StringCbPrintfExA(buffer.szA, sizeof(buffer), NULL, &cbBufferLeft, 0,  "; Total elapsed: %d ms\r\n", GetTickCount() - dwStarted);
        DWORD dwUnused;
        WriteFile(phsctx->hFileOut, buffer.szA, (DWORD) (sizeof(buffer) - cbBufferLeft), &dwUnused, NULL);

#ifdef USE_PPL
    if (bMultithreaded)
        for (void* pBuffer : vecBuffers)
            VirtualFree(pBuffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        VirtualFree(pbTheBuffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE);