static SLCONST char *intrin_errno_string (void) { int e; if (SLang_Num_Function_Args == 0) return SLerrno_strerror (_pSLerrno_errno); if (-1 == SLang_pop_int (&e)) return NULL; return SLerrno_strerror (e); }
static void pipe_intrin (void) { int fds[2]; SLFile_FD_Type *f0; SLFile_FD_Type *f1; while (-1 == pipe (fds)) { if (errno == EINTR) { if (-1 != SLang_handle_interrupt ()) continue; } SLerrno_set_errno (errno); SLang_verror (SL_OS_Error, "pipe failed: %s", SLerrno_strerror(errno)); return; } f0 = SLfile_create_fd ("*pipe*", fds[0]); f1 = SLfile_create_fd ("*pipe*", fds[1]); if ((NULL != f0) && (NULL != f1)) { /* Ignore errors and allow the free_fd routines to clean up */ (void) SLfile_push_fd (f0); (void) SLfile_push_fd (f1); } SLfile_free_fd (f1); SLfile_free_fd (f0); }
static void getitimer_intrinsic (int *wp) { struct itimerval it; if (-1 == getitimer (*wp, &it)) { SLerrno_set_errno (errno); SLang_verror (SL_OS_Error, "getitimer failed: %s", SLerrno_strerror (errno)); return; } (void) SLang_push_double (timeval_to_double (&it.it_value)); (void) SLang_push_double (timeval_to_double (&it.it_interval)); }
static void setitimer_intrinsic (void) { SLang_Ref_Type *interval_ref = NULL, *value_ref = NULL; int w; struct itimerval new_value, old_value; double interval = 0.0, value; int argc = SLang_Num_Function_Args; if (SLang_peek_at_stack () == SLANG_REF_TYPE) { if (-1 == SLang_pop_ref (&value_ref)) return; argc--; if (SLang_peek_at_stack() == SLANG_REF_TYPE) { interval_ref = value_ref; if (-1 == SLang_pop_ref (&value_ref)) goto free_and_return; argc--; } } switch (argc) { case 3: if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&interval)) goto free_and_return; /* drop */ case 2: default: if ((-1 == SLang_pop_double (&value)) || (-1 == SLang_pop_int (&w))) goto free_and_return; } double_to_timeval (interval, &new_value.it_interval); double_to_timeval (value, &new_value.it_value); if (-1 == setitimer (w, &new_value, &old_value)) { SLerrno_set_errno (errno); SLang_verror (SL_OS_Error, "setitimer failed: %s", SLerrno_strerror (errno)); goto free_and_return; } if (value_ref != NULL) { value = timeval_to_double (&old_value.it_value); if (-1 == SLang_assign_to_ref (value_ref, SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE, &value)) goto free_and_return; } if (interval_ref != NULL) { interval = timeval_to_double (&old_value.it_interval); if (-1 == SLang_assign_to_ref (interval_ref, SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE, &interval)) goto free_and_return; } free_and_return: if (value_ref != NULL) SLang_free_ref (value_ref); if (interval_ref != NULL) SLang_free_ref (interval_ref); }
static void throw_errno_error (SLFUTURE_CONST char *what, int e) { SLerrno_set_errno (e); SLang_verror (SocketError, "%s: %s", what, SLerrno_strerror (e)); }