コード例 #1
ファイル: base_control_client.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  // Open trajectory channel
  sns_chan_open( &traj_chan, "traj-left", NULL );

  // Set path
  std::list<Eigen::VectorXd> path;
  Eigen::VectorXd po(num_joints);
  Eigen::VectorXd pf(num_joints);

  po(0) = 0.162630;
  po(1) = 0.098454;
  po(2) = 0.13533;
  po(3) = -0.002723;
  pf(0) = po(0) - 0.16;
  pf(1) = po(1) - 0.1;
  pf(2) = po(2) - 0.135;
  pf(3) = po(3) + 0.1;
  path.push_back( po );
  path.push_back( pf );
  // Build a message
  struct sns_msg_path_dense* msg = sns_msg_path_dense_alloc( path.size(),
							     (*(path.begin())).size() );

  msg->n_dof = (*(path.begin())).size();
  msg->n_steps = path.size();
  sns_msg_header_fill( &msg->header );
  msg->header.n = (*(path.begin())).size();

  // Fill path
  int counter = 0;
  std::list<Eigen::VectorXd>::iterator it;
  for( it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it ) {
    for( int j = 0; j < (*it).size(); ++j ) {
      msg->x[counter] = (*it)(j);

  // Set message duration
  double tsec = 0.05;
  int64_t dt_nsec = tsec*1e9;

  struct timespec now;
  if( clock_gettime( ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &now ) ) {
    SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "Clock_gettime failed: %s \n", strerror(errno) );   
  sns_msg_set_time( &msg->header, &now, dt_nsec );

  // Send message
  ach_status_t r;
  r = ach_put( &traj_chan, msg, sns_msg_path_dense_size(msg) );
  if( r!= ACH_OK ) { printf("\t * [ERROR] Error sending path \n"); }
  else { printf("\t * [INFO] Path was sent all right\n"); }
コード例 #2
ファイル: pirdump.c プロジェクト: ehuang3/piranha
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {

    ach_channel_t chan;

    // open channel
    sns_chan_open( &chan,   "pir-state",   NULL );
        ach_channel_t *chans[] = {&chan, NULL};
        sns_sigcancel( chans, sns_sig_term_default );

    // state
    /* -- RUN -- */
    while (!sns_cx.shutdown) {
        struct pir_state state;
        size_t frame_size;
        ach_status_t r = ach_get( &chan, &state, sizeof(state), &frame_size,
                                  NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
        switch(r) {
        case ACH_OK:
        case ACH_MISSED_FRAME:
        case ACH_CANCELED:
        case ACH_TIMEOUT:
        case ACH_STALE_FRAMES:
            SNS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get frame: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r) );
コード例 #3
ファイル: base_dual_control.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
 * @function update
 * @brief TODO
bool BaseDualControl::update() {

  if( clock_gettime( ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &mNow ) ) {
    SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "clock_gettime failed: '%s' \n", strerror(errno) );
    return false;
  return mBc[0].update() && mBc[1].update();
コード例 #4
ファイル: read_rightArm_state.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
 * @function update_n
static int update_n( size_t n,
		     double *q,
		     double *dq,
		     ach_channel_t *chan, 
		     struct timespec *ts ) {

    size_t frame_size;
    void *buf = NULL;
    ach_status_t r = sns_msg_local_get( chan, &buf,
					ts, ACH_O_LAST | (ts ? ACH_O_WAIT : 0 ) );
    switch(r) {
    case ACH_OK:
    case ACH_MISSED_FRAME: {
	struct sns_msg_motor_state *msg = (struct sns_msg_motor_state*)buf;
	if( n == msg->header.n &&
	    frame_size == sns_msg_motor_state_size_n((uint32_t)n) ) {
	    for( size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {
		q[j] = msg->X[j].pos;
		dq[j] = msg->X[j].vel;
	    return 1;

	} else {
	    SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "Invalid motor_state message \n" );
    case ACH_TIMEOUT:
    case ACH_CANCELED:
	SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "Failed ach_get: %s \n", ach_result_to_string(r) );

    } // end switch
    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: read_rightArm_state.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
 * @function update
static int update(void) {

    if( clock_gettime( ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &now ) ) {
	SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "clock_gettime failed: '%s' \n", strerror(errno) );
	return 0;
	struct timespec timeout = sns_time_add_ns( now, 1000*1000*1 );
	// Arm Right
	int u_r = update_n( ARM_AXES, qr, dqr, &chan_state_right, &timeout );
	printState( qr, dqr, ARM_AXES, "Right arm" );

	// Both are updated, return 1, otherwise return 0
	return u_r;

コード例 #6
ファイル: Arm_Interface.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
 * @function followTrajectory
bool Arm_Interface::followTrajectory( const std::list<Eigen::VectorXd> &_path ) {
  // Build a message
  struct sns_msg_path_dense* msg = sns_msg_path_dense_alloc( _path.size(),
							     (*(_path.begin())).size() );

  msg->n_dof = (*(_path.begin())).size();
  msg->n_steps = _path.size();
  sns_msg_header_fill( &msg->header );
  msg->header.n = msg->n_dof;

  // Fill data in message
  int counter = 0;
  std::list<Eigen::VectorXd>::const_iterator it;
  for( it = _path.begin(); it != _path.end(); ++it ) {
    for( int j = 0; j < (*it).size(); ++j ) {
      msg->x[counter] = (*it)(j);

  // Set message duration
  double tsec = 0.05;
  int64_t dt_nsec = tsec*1e9;

  if( clock_gettime( ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &mNow ) ) {
    SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "Clock_gettime failed: %s \n", strerror(errno) );   
  sns_msg_set_time( &msg->header, &mNow, dt_nsec );

  // Send message
  ach_status_t r;
  r = ach_put( mChan_output, msg, sns_msg_path_dense_size(msg) );

  if( r!= ACH_OK ) { printf("\t * [ERROR] Error sending arm path \n"); }
  else { printf("\t * [INFO] Arm path was sent all right\n"); }

  return true;  
コード例 #7
ファイル: traj_test_receiver.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
 * @function main
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  traj_name[0] = "test-left";
  traj_name[1] = "test-right";

  // Create channels  
  for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
    traj_chan[i] = new ach_channel_t();

  // Open & set channels
  for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {

    sns_chan_open( traj_chan[i], traj_name[i].c_str(), NULL );
  // Loop until you hear a trajectory coming
  while(true) {
    if( clock_gettime( ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &now ) ) {
      SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "clock_gettime failed: '%s' \n", strerror(errno) );
      printf("Did not get time right \n");
      return 0;
    ts= sns_time_add_ns( now, 1000*1000*1 );

    check_traj_chan( &ts );
    usleep((1e6*mDt) );    

  return 0;

コード例 #8
ファイル: readTracker.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/trackerd
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  int v;
  while( (v=getopt(argc,argv,"c:ho:")) != -1 ) {
    switch(v) {
    case 'c': {
    } break;
    case 'o': {
    } break;
    case 'h': {
      printf("Syntax: %s -c CHANNEL_NAME -o OUTPUT_FILE.txt\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;
    } break;
  // Open channel
  if( ach_open( &chan, chan_opt.c_str(), NULL ) != ACH_OK ) {
    printf("Error opening channel %s \n", chan_opt.c_str() );
    return -1;
  // Loop
  std::ofstream output( output_file.c_str(), std::ofstream::out );
  while(true) {

    // Read channel
    if( clock_gettime( ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &t_now ) ) {
      SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "clock_gettime failed: '%s' \n", strerror(errno) );

    t_timeout = sns_time_add_ns( t_now, 1000*1000*1 );

    size_t frame_size;
    void* buf = NULL;
    ach_status_t r;
    r = sns_msg_local_get( &chan, &buf, &frame_size, &t_timeout,
			   ACH_O_LAST | ACH_O_WAIT );
    switch(r) {
    case ACH_OK:
    case ACH_MISSED_FRAME: {
      struct sns_msg_tracker* msg = (struct sns_msg_tracker*)buf;
      sns_msg_tracker_dump( stdout, msg );
      for( int i = 0; i < msg->header.n; ++i ) {
	printf("Writing \n");
	output << msg->u[i].x << " " << msg->u[i].y << " " << msg->u[i].z << " ";
      output <<std::endl;
    } break;

  } // end while

コード例 #9
ファイル: traj_test_receiver.cpp プロジェクト: ana-GT/golems
 * @function check_traj_chan
bool check_traj_chan(struct timespec *ts) {

  std::list<Eigen::VectorXd> path;
  for( int c = 0; c < 2; ++c ) {
    size_t frame_size;
    void *buf = NULL;
    ach_status_t r = sns_msg_local_get( traj_chan[c], 
					ACH_O_LAST | (ts ? ACH_O_WAIT : 0 ) );
    switch(r) {
    case ACH_OK:
    case ACH_MISSED_FRAME: {
      struct sns_msg_path_dense *msg = (struct sns_msg_path_dense*)buf;
      if( frame_size == sns_msg_path_dense_size(msg) ) {
	// Save traj
	int n_dofs; int n_steps;
	n_dofs = msg->n_dof;
	n_steps = msg->n_steps;
	printf("Received trajectory with %d points and %d dofs \n", n_steps, n_dofs );

	Eigen::VectorXd maxVel; maxVel = mMaxVel*Eigen::VectorXd::Ones( n_dofs );
	Eigen::VectorXd maxAccel; maxAccel = mMaxAccel*Eigen::VectorXd::Ones( n_dofs );
	std::cout << "Max accel: "<< maxAccel.transpose() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Max vel: "<< maxVel.transpose() << std::endl;

	int counter = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < n_steps; ++i ) {
	  Eigen::VectorXd p(n_dofs);
	  for( int j = 0; j < n_dofs; ++j ) {
	    p(j) = msg->x[counter];
	  path.push_back( p );

	// Send trajectory
	printf("Received trajectory for arm %d. Executing \n", c);
	std::list<Eigen::VectorXd>::iterator it;
	int m = 0;
	for( it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it ) {
	  std::cout << "P["<<m<<"]: "<< (*it).transpose() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max accel: "<< maxAccel.transpose() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max vel: "<< maxVel.transpose() << std::endl;
	return true;
      } else {
	SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "Invalid motor_state message \n" );
	return false;
    } break;
    case ACH_TIMEOUT:
    case ACH_CANCELED:
      SNS_LOG( LOG_ERR, "Failed ach_get: %s \n", ach_result_to_string(r) );
    } // end switch
    return false;
  } // end for