コード例 #1
EIO_Status CSocket::Write(const void*     buf,
                          size_t          size,
                          size_t*         n_written,
                          EIO_WriteMethod how)
    if ( m_Socket )
        return SOCK_Write(m_Socket, buf, size, n_written, how);
    if ( n_written )
        *n_written = 0;
    return eIO_Closed;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ncbi_socket_connector.c プロジェクト: fbtestrepo/hw
static EIO_Status s_VT_Write
(CONNECTOR       connector,
 const void*     buf,
 size_t          size,
 size_t*         n_written,
 const STimeout* timeout)
    SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle;
    verify(SOCK_SetTimeout(xxx->sock, eIO_Write, timeout) == eIO_Success);
    return SOCK_Write(xxx->sock, buf, size, n_written, eIO_WritePlain);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ncbi_sendmail.c プロジェクト: jbreitbart/mpifast
static int/*bool*/ s_SockWrite(SOCK sock, const char* buf, size_t len)
    size_t n;

    if (!len)
        len = strlen(buf);
    if (SOCK_Write(sock, buf, len, &n, eIO_WritePersist) == eIO_Success  &&
        n == len) {
        return 1/*success*/;
    return 0/*failure*/;
コード例 #4
/* Connect to the server specified by uuu->net_info, then compose and form
 * relevant HTTP header, and flush the accumulated output data(uuu->w_buf)
 * after the HTTP header. If connection/write unsuccessful, retry to reconnect
 * and send the data again until permitted by s_Adjust().
static EIO_Status s_ConnectAndSend(SHttpConnector* uuu,
                                   EReadMode       read_mode)
    EIO_Status status;

    for (;;) {
        char* null = 0;

        if (!uuu->sock) {
            if ((status = s_Connect(uuu, read_mode)) != eIO_Success)
            uuu->read_header = 1/*true*/;
            uuu->shut_down = 0/*false*/;
            uuu->expected = 0;
            uuu->received = 0;
            uuu->code = 0;
        } else
            status = eIO_Success;

        if (uuu->w_len) {
            size_t off = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf) - uuu->w_len;

            SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Write, uuu->w_timeout);
            do {
                char   buf[4096];
                size_t n_written;
                size_t n_write = BUF_PeekAt(uuu->w_buf, off, buf, sizeof(buf));
                status = SOCK_Write(uuu->sock, buf, n_write,
                                    &n_written, eIO_WritePlain);
                if (status != eIO_Success)
                uuu->w_len -= n_written;
                off        += n_written;
            } while (uuu->w_len);
        } else if (!uuu->shut_down)
            status = SOCK_Write(uuu->sock, 0, 0, 0, eIO_WritePlain);

        if (status == eIO_Success) {
            assert(uuu->w_len == 0);
            if (!uuu->shut_down) {
                /* 10/07/03: While this call here is perfectly legal, it could
                 * cause connection severed by a buggy CISCO load-balancer. */
                /* 10/28/03: CISCO's beta patch for their LB shows that the
                 * problem has been fixed; no more 2'30" drops in connections
                 * that shut down for write.  We still leave this commented
                 * out to allow unpatched clients to work seamlessly... */ 
                /*SOCK_Shutdown(uuu->sock, eIO_Write);*/
                uuu->shut_down = 1;

        if (status == eIO_Timeout  &&  uuu->w_timeout  &&
            !(uuu->w_timeout->sec | uuu->w_timeout->usec)) {
        CORE_LOGF_X(6, eLOG_Error,
                    ("[HTTP]  Error writing body at offset %lu (%s)",
                     (unsigned long)(BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf) - uuu->w_len),

        /* write failed; close and try to use another server */
        s_DropConnection(uuu, 0/*no wait*/);
        if (!s_Adjust(uuu, &null, read_mode)) {
            uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;
            status = eIO_Closed;

    return status;
コード例 #5
static void TEST__client_1(SOCK sock)
    EIO_Status status;
    size_t     n_io, n_io_done;
    char       buf[TEST_BUFSIZE];

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TEST__client_1(TC1)");

    /* Send a short string */
        const char* x_C1 = s_C1;
        n_io = strlen(x_C1) + 1;
        status = SOCK_Write(sock, x_C1, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
    assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io == n_io_done);

    /* Read the string back (it must be bounced by the server) */
    SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eOn);
    n_io = strlen(s_S1) + 1;
    status = SOCK_Read(sock, buf, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPeek);
    status = SOCK_Read(sock, buf, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain);
    if (status == eIO_Closed)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "TC1:: connection closed");

    assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io == n_io_done);
    assert(strcmp(buf, s_S1) == 0);
    assert(SOCK_PushBack(sock, buf, n_io_done) == eIO_Success);
    memset(buf, '\xFF', n_io_done);
    assert(SOCK_Read(sock, buf, n_io_done, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain)
           == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Success);
    assert(strcmp(buf, s_S1) == 0);

    SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eDefault);

    /* Send a very big binary blob */
        size_t i;
        unsigned char* blob = (unsigned char*) malloc(BIG_BLOB_SIZE);
        for (i = 0;  i < BIG_BLOB_SIZE;  blob[i] = (unsigned char) i, i++)
        for (i = 0;  i < 10;  i++) {
            status = SOCK_Write(sock, blob + i * SUB_BLOB_SIZE, SUB_BLOB_SIZE,
                                &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
            assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done==SUB_BLOB_SIZE);

    /* Send a very big binary blob with read on write */
    /* (it must be bounced by the server) */
        size_t i;
        unsigned char* blob = (unsigned char*) malloc(BIG_BLOB_SIZE);

        SOCK_SetReadOnWrite(sock, eOn);

        for (i = 0;  i < BIG_BLOB_SIZE;  blob[i] = (unsigned char) i, i++)
        for (i = 0;  i < 10;  i++) {
            status = SOCK_Write(sock, blob + i * SUB_BLOB_SIZE, SUB_BLOB_SIZE,
                                &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
            assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == SUB_BLOB_SIZE);
        /* Receive back a very big binary blob, and check its content */
        for (i = 0;  i < 10;  i++) {
            status = SOCK_Read(sock, blob + i * SUB_BLOB_SIZE, SUB_BLOB_SIZE,
                               &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPersist);
            assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == SUB_BLOB_SIZE);
        for (n_io = 0;  n_io < BIG_BLOB_SIZE;  n_io++)
            assert(blob[n_io] == (unsigned char) n_io);

    /* Try to read more data (must hit EOF as the peer is shut down) */
    assert(SOCK_Read(sock, buf, 1, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPeek)
           == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Read(sock, buf, 1, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain)
           == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Closed);

    /* Shutdown on read */
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_Read)  == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write) == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Read)  == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Read    (sock, 0, 0, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain) == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Read    (sock, 0, 0, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPeek)  == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Read)  == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write) == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Read    (sock, buf, 1,&n_io_done,eIO_ReadPlain) == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Read    (sock, buf, 1,&n_io_done,eIO_ReadPeek)  == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Read)  == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write) == eIO_Success);

    /* Shutdown on write */
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_Write)          == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write)          == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Write   (sock, 0, 0, &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist)
                                                   == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write)          == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Write   (sock, buf, 1, &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist)
                                                   == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write)          == eIO_Closed);

    /* Double shutdown should be okay */
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_Read)      == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_ReadWrite) == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_Write)     == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Read)      == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write)     == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_ReadWrite) == eIO_InvalidArg);
コード例 #6
static void TEST__server_2(SOCK sock, LSOCK lsock)
    EIO_Status status;
    size_t     n_io, n_io_done;
    char       buf[TEST_BUFSIZE];
    STimeout   r_to, w_to, rc_to;
    size_t     i;

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TEST__server_2(TS2)");

    r_to.sec   = 0;
    r_to.usec  = 0;
    w_to = r_to;

    rc_to.sec  = 30;
    rc_to.usec = 123456;

    /* goto */
 l_reconnect: /* reconnection loopback */
    SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eOn);

    status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read,  &r_to);
    assert(status == eIO_Success);
    status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write, &w_to);
    assert(status == eIO_Success);

    for (i = 0;  ;  i++) {
        char* x_buf;

        /* read data from socket */
        n_io = sizeof(buf);
        status = SOCK_Read(sock, buf, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain);
        switch ( status ) {
        case eIO_Success:
                       " [%lu], status=%7s, n_io=%5lu, n_io_done=%5lu",
                       (unsigned long)i, IO_StatusStr(status),
                       (unsigned long)n_io, (unsigned long)n_io_done));
            assert(n_io_done > 0);

        case eIO_Closed:
            CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TS2::read: connection closed");
            assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Closed);
            /* close connection */
            status = SOCK_Close(sock);
            assert(status == eIO_Success  ||  status == eIO_Closed);
            /* reconnect */
            if ( !lsock )

            CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TS2::reconnect");
            if ((status = LSOCK_Accept(lsock, &rc_to, &sock)) != eIO_Success)
            assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Success);
            /* !!! */
            goto l_reconnect;

        case eIO_Timeout:
                       " [%lu] timeout expired: %5u sec, %6u usec",
                       (unsigned long)i, r_to.sec, r_to.usec));
            assert(n_io_done == 0);
            status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read, &r_to);
            assert(status == eIO_Success);
            assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Timeout);

                      ("TS2::read: status = %d", (int) status));
        } /* switch */

        /* write(just the same) data back to client */
        n_io  = n_io_done;
        x_buf = buf;
        while ( n_io ) {
            status = SOCK_Write(sock, buf, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
            switch ( status ) {
            case eIO_Success:
                           " [%lu], status=%7s, n_io=%5lu, n_io_done=%5lu",
                           (unsigned long)i, IO_StatusStr(status),
                           (unsigned long)n_io, (unsigned long)n_io_done));
                assert(n_io_done > 0);
            case eIO_Closed:
                CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "TS2::write: connection closed");
            case eIO_Timeout:
                           " [%lu] timeout expired: %5u sec, %6u usec",
                           (unsigned long)i, w_to.sec, w_to.usec));
                assert(n_io_done == 0);
                status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write, &w_to);
                assert(status == eIO_Success);
                          ("TS2::write: status = %d", (int) status));
            } /* switch */

            n_io  -= n_io_done;
            x_buf += n_io_done;
コード例 #7
static void TEST__client_2(SOCK sock)
#define W_FIELD  10
#define N_FIELD  1000
#define N_REPEAT 10
#define N_RECONNECT 3
    EIO_Status status;
    size_t     n_io, n_io_done, i;
    char       buf[W_FIELD * N_FIELD + 1];

              ("TEST__client_2(TC2) @:%hu",
               SOCK_GetLocalPort(sock, eNH_HostByteOrder)));

    /* fill out a buffer to send to server */
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    for (i = 0;  i < N_FIELD;  i++) {
        sprintf(buf + i * W_FIELD, "%10lu", (unsigned long)i);

    /* send the buffer to server, then get it back */
    for (i = 0;  i < N_REPEAT;  i++) {
        char        buf1[sizeof(buf)];
        STimeout    w_to, r_to;
        int/*bool*/ w_timeout_on = (int)(i%2); /* if to start from     */
        int/*bool*/ r_timeout_on = (int)(i%2); /* zero or inf. timeout */
        char*       x_buf;

        /* set timeout */
        w_to.sec  = 0;
        w_to.usec = 0;
        status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write, w_timeout_on ? &w_to : 0);
        assert(status == eIO_Success);

        /* reconnect */
        if ((i % N_RECONNECT) == 0) {
            size_t j = i / N_RECONNECT;
            do {
                SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eOn);
                status = SOCK_Reconnect(sock, 0, 0, 0);
                SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eDefault);
                          ("TC2::reconnect @:%hu: i=%lu, j=%lu, status=%s",
                           SOCK_GetLocalPort(sock, eNH_HostByteOrder),
                           (unsigned long) i, (unsigned long) j,
                assert(status == eIO_Success);
                assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read)  == eIO_Success);
                assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Write) == eIO_Success);

                /* give a break to let server reset the listening socket */
            } while ( j-- );

        /* send */
        x_buf = buf;
        n_io = sizeof(buf);
        do {
            status = SOCK_Write(sock, x_buf, n_io,
                                &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
            if (status == eIO_Closed)
                CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "TC2::write: connection closed");

                       " i=%d, status=%7s, n_io=%5lu, n_io_done=%5lu"
                       " timeout(%d): %5u.%06us",
                       (int) i, IO_StatusStr(status),
                       (unsigned long) n_io, (unsigned long) n_io_done,
                       (int) w_timeout_on, w_to.sec, w_to.usec));
            if ( !w_timeout_on ) {
                assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == n_io);
            } else {
                const STimeout* x_to;
                assert(status == eIO_Success  ||  status == eIO_Timeout);
                x_to = SOCK_GetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write);
                assert(w_to.sec == x_to->sec  &&  w_to.usec == x_to->usec);
            n_io  -= n_io_done;
            x_buf += n_io_done;
            if (status == eIO_Timeout)
            status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write, &w_to);
            assert(status == eIO_Success);
            w_timeout_on = 1/*true*/;
        } while ( n_io );

        /* get back the just sent data */
        r_to.sec  = 0;
        r_to.usec = 0;
        status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read, r_timeout_on ? &r_to : 0);
        assert(status == eIO_Success);

        x_buf = buf1;
        n_io = sizeof(buf1);
        do {
            if (i%2 == 0) {
                /* peek a little piece twice and compare */
                char   xx_buf1[128], xx_buf2[128];
                size_t xx_io_done1, xx_io_done2;
                if (SOCK_Read(sock, xx_buf1, sizeof(xx_buf1), &xx_io_done1,
                              eIO_ReadPeek) == eIO_Success  &&
                    SOCK_Read(sock, xx_buf2, xx_io_done1, &xx_io_done2,
                              eIO_ReadPeek) == eIO_Success) {
                    assert(xx_io_done1 >= xx_io_done2);
                    assert(memcmp(xx_buf1, xx_buf2, xx_io_done2) == 0);
            status = SOCK_Read(sock, x_buf, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain);
            if (status == eIO_Closed) {
                assert(SOCK_Status(sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Closed);
                CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "TC2::read: connection closed");
                      ("TC2::read: "
                       " i=%d, status=%7s, n_io=%5lu, n_io_done=%5lu"
                       " timeout(%d): %5u.%06us",
                       (int) i, IO_StatusStr(status),
                       (unsigned long) n_io, (unsigned long) n_io_done,
                       (int) r_timeout_on, r_to.sec, r_to.usec));
            if ( !r_timeout_on ) {
                assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done > 0);
            } else {
                const STimeout* x_to;
                assert(status == eIO_Success  ||  status == eIO_Timeout);
                x_to = SOCK_GetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read);
                assert(r_to.sec == x_to->sec  &&  r_to.usec == x_to->usec);

            n_io  -= n_io_done;
            x_buf += n_io_done;
            if (status == eIO_Timeout)
            status = SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read, &r_to);
            assert(status == eIO_Success);
            r_timeout_on = 1/*true*/;
        } while ( n_io );

        assert(memcmp(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf)) == 0);
コード例 #8
static void TEST__server_1(SOCK sock)
    EIO_Status status;
    size_t     n_io, n_io_done;
    char       buf[TEST_BUFSIZE];

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TEST__server_1(TS1)");

    /* Receive and send back a short string */
    SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eOn);
    n_io = strlen(s_C1) + 1;
    status = SOCK_Read(sock, buf, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPlain);
    assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io == n_io_done);
    assert(strcmp(buf, s_C1) == 0  ||  strcmp(buf, s_M1) == 0);

    SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eDefault);
    n_io = strlen(s_S1) + 1;
    status = SOCK_Write(sock, s_S1, n_io, &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
    assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io == n_io_done);

    /* Receive a very big binary blob, and check its content */
#define DO_LOG_SIZE    300
        unsigned char* blob = (unsigned char*) malloc(BIG_BLOB_SIZE);

        status = SOCK_Read(sock,blob,DONT_LOG_SIZE,&n_io_done,eIO_ReadPersist);
        assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == DONT_LOG_SIZE);

        SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eOn);
        status = SOCK_Read(sock, blob + DONT_LOG_SIZE, DO_LOG_SIZE,
                           &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPersist);
        assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == DO_LOG_SIZE);
        SOCK_SetDataLogging(sock, eDefault);

        for (n_io = 0;  n_io < BIG_BLOB_SIZE;  n_io++)
            assert(blob[n_io] == (unsigned char) n_io);

    /* Receive a very big binary blob, and write data back */
        unsigned char* blob = (unsigned char*) malloc(BIG_BLOB_SIZE);
        int i;
        for (i = 0;  i < 10;  i++) {
            /*            X_SLEEP(1);*/
            status = SOCK_Read(sock, blob + i * SUB_BLOB_SIZE, SUB_BLOB_SIZE,
                               &n_io_done, eIO_ReadPersist);
            assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == SUB_BLOB_SIZE);
            status = SOCK_Write(sock, blob + i * SUB_BLOB_SIZE, SUB_BLOB_SIZE,
                                &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist);
            assert(status == eIO_Success  &&  n_io_done == SUB_BLOB_SIZE);
        for (n_io = 0;  n_io < BIG_BLOB_SIZE;  n_io++)
            assert(blob[n_io] == (unsigned char) n_io);

    /* Shutdown on write */
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_ReadWrite) == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Shutdown(sock, eIO_Write)     == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write)     == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Write   (sock, 0, 0, &n_io_done, eIO_WritePersist)
                                              == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Write)     == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Read)      == eIO_Closed);
    assert(SOCK_Status  (sock, eIO_Read)      == eIO_Success);
    assert(SOCK_Close   (sock)                == eIO_Success);
コード例 #9
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    /* Prepare to connect:  parse and check cmd.-line args, etc. */
    const char*    host        = argc > 1 ? argv[1]       : "";
    unsigned short port        = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : CONN_PORT_HTTP;
    const char*    path        = argc > 3 ? argv[3]       : "";
    const char*    args        = argc > 4 ? argv[4]       : "";
    const char*    inp_file    = argc > 5 ? argv[5]       : "";
    const char*    user_header = argc > 6 ? argv[6]       : "";

    size_t   content_length;
    STimeout timeout;

    SOCK sock;
    EIO_Status status;
    char buffer[10000];

    CORE_SetLOGFormatFlags(fLOG_None          | fLOG_Level   |
                           fLOG_OmitNoteLevel | fLOG_DateTime);
    CORE_SetLOGFILE(stderr, 0/*false*/);


    fprintf(stderr, "Running...\n"
            "  Executable:      '%s'\n"
            "  URL host:        '%s'\n"
            "  URL port:         %hu\n"
            "  URL path:        '%s'\n"
            "  URL args:        '%s'\n"
            "  Input data file: '%s'\n"
            "  User header:     '%s'\n"
            "Response(if any) from the hit URL goes to standard output.\n\n",
            argv[0], host, port, path, args, inp_file, user_header);

    if ( argc < 4 ) {
                "Usage:   %s host port path args inp_file [user_header]\n",
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Two few arguments");
        return 1;

        FILE *fp = fopen(inp_file, "rb");
        long offset;

        if ( !fp ) {
            CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Non-existent file '%s'", inp_file));
            return 2;
        if ( fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) != 0  ||  (offset = ftell(fp)) < 0 ) {
                      ("Cannot obtain size of file '%s'", inp_file));
            return 2;
        content_length = (size_t) offset;

    timeout.sec  = 10;
    timeout.usec = 0;
    /* Connect */
    sock = URL_Connect(host, port, path, args, /*NCBI_FAKE_WARNING*/
                       eReqMethod_Any, content_length,
                       &timeout, &timeout, user_header, 1/*true*/,
                       port == CONN_PORT_HTTPS
                       ? fSOCK_LogDefault | fSOCK_Secure
                       : fSOCK_LogDefault);
    if ( !sock )
        return 3;

    {{ /* Pump data from the input file to socket */
        FILE* fp = fopen(inp_file, "rb");
        if ( !fp ) {
                      ("Cannot open file '%s' for reading", inp_file));
            return 4;

        for (;;) {
            size_t n_written;
            size_t n_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp);
            if ( n_read <= 0 ) {
                if ( content_length ) {
                              ("Cannot read last %lu bytes from file '%s'",
                               (unsigned long) content_length, inp_file));
                    return 5;

            assert(content_length >= n_read);
            content_length -= n_read;
            status = SOCK_Write(sock, buffer, n_read,
                                &n_written, eIO_WritePersist);
            if ( status != eIO_Success ) {
                          ("Error writing to socket: %s",
                return 6;


    /* Read reply from socket, write it to STDOUT */
        size_t n_read;
        for (;;) {
            status = SOCK_Read(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &n_read,
            if (status != eIO_Success)

            fwrite(buffer, 1, n_read, stdout);

        if ( status != eIO_Closed ) {
                      ("Read error after %ld byte(s) from socket: %s",
                       (long) content_length, IO_StatusStr(status)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\n");

    /* Success:  close the socket, cleanup, and exit */

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TEST completed successfully");
    return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ni_debug.c プロジェクト: hsptools/hsp-wrap
static Int2 LIBCALLBACK s_AsnWrite(Pointer p, CharPtr buff, Uint2 len)
  size_t n_written = 0;
  SOCK_Write((SOCK)p, buff, len, &n_written, eIO_WritePlain);
  return (Int2)n_written;