コード例 #1
ファイル: PHWorld.cpp プロジェクト: OLR-xray/XRay-NEW
void CPHWorld::SetStep(dReal s)
	fixed_step											=	s;
	world_cfm											=	CFM(SPRING_S(base_cfm,base_erp,base_fixed_step),DAMPING(base_cfm,base_erp));
	world_erp											=	ERP(SPRING_S(base_cfm,base_erp,base_fixed_step),DAMPING(base_cfm,base_erp));
	world_spring										=	1.0f*SPRING	(world_cfm,world_erp);
	world_damping										=	1.0f*DAMPING(world_cfm,world_erp);
		float	frame_time					=	Device.fTimeDelta;
		u32		it_number					=	iFloor	(frame_time /fixed_step);
		frame_time							-=	it_number*fixed_step;
		ph_world->m_previous_frame_time		=	frame_time;
		ph_world->m_frame_time				=	frame_time;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Zziwei/MotionNet
void ThreadFunc(Params* params) {
    printf("                 SubThread %ld is watching over %s port \n", GetCurrentThreadId(), params->gszPort);

    HANDLE hComm = openPort(params->gszPort);
    if (hComm == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        printf("failed to open serial port %s \n", params->gszPort);
    } else {
        printf("serial port %s opened \n", params->gszPort);

        if (setupPort(hComm)) {
            // all sensors use the same calibration matrix and offset
            while(isCalibratorInitialized == false) {
                if(isCalibratorBeingInitialized == true)
                isCalibratorBeingInitialized = true;
                printf("\n************** please rotate your sensor with port %s *************\n", params->gszPort);

            printf("======================= Now collect test data!! =================== \n");

            SqQueue * queue = create_empty_queue();

            char rawDataFileName[60];  			//The file stores raw data
            char correctedDataFileName[60];  	//The file stores corrected magnetic data

            printf("========================  THE TEST  ====================== \n");
            sprintf(rawDataFileName, "C:/Users/xing/Desktop/%s_Raw_Mag_Data.txt",params->gszPort);
            sprintf(correctedDataFileName, "C:/Users/xing/Desktop/%s_Corrected_Mag_Data.txt",params->gszPort);

            //the models of the four gestures
            char *gestureModel[DTW_NUM] = {"./gesture_model/target.txt"

            //the tresholds of four model gestures

            //the time limit of four model gestures

            //initialize the four models and their GestureRecognitionProcess
            //the order is :
            //1->rotate right
            //2->rotate left
            //3->slide over
            OriginalGesture *og[DTW_NUM];
            GRProcess grp[DTW_NUM];
            int gt = 0;
            for(gt = 0; gt < DTW_NUM; gt++) {
                og[gt] = read_file_to_init_original_gesture(gestureModel[gt]);
                int m = og[gt]->m;
                //Pay attention to Free memory !!!
                double *distanceArray = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * (m + 1));
                double *distanceArrayLast = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * (m + 1));
                int *startArray = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (m + 1));
                int *startArrayLast = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (m + 1));
                long int *timeArray = (long int *)malloc(sizeof(long int) * (m + 1));
                long int *timeArrayLast = (long int *)malloc(sizeof(long int) * (m + 1));
                double dmin = DBL_MAX;
                int te = 1;
                int ts = 1;
                int k = 0;
                for(k = 0; k <= m; k++) {
                    distanceArrayLast[k] = DBL_MAX;
                    startArrayLast[k] = 0;
                    timeArrayLast[k] = 0;
                grp[gt].distanceArray = distanceArray;
                grp[gt].distanceArrayLast = distanceArrayLast;
                grp[gt].dmin = dmin;
                grp[gt].originalGesture = *(og[gt]);
                grp[gt].startArray = startArray;
                grp[gt].startArrayLast = startArrayLast;
                grp[gt].timeArray = timeArray;
                grp[gt].timeArrayLast = timeArrayLast;
                grp[gt].threshold = threshold[gt];
                grp[gt].te = te;
                grp[gt].ts = ts;
                grp[gt].times = 0;
                grp[gt].times = 0;
                grp[gt].type = gt;
                grp[gt].timeLimit = timeLimit[gt];

            //Before read, flush the buffer.

            int trueNum = 0;
            bool hasTarget = false;
            DataHeadNode *targetHead = create_list_with_head();

            PktData pktData;
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < params->magDataNum; i ++) {
                pktData = blockingReadOnePacket(hComm);
                if(equals(pktData, ZERO_PKT)) {
                //Notice: it will override original raw data if queue is full
                int position = add_to_queue(queue, pktData);

                //input the current data into the SPRING
                if(SPRING(pktData, &grp[0],position, queue) == TARGET_TYPE) {
                    add_to_list_head(targetHead, pktData);

                if(trueNum >= 20) {
                    /** compute target using the list of the target data list */

                    printf("\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%s target selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n", params->gszPort);
                    trueNum = 0;
                    hasTarget = true;

                if(hasTarget) {
                    int l = 0;
                    for(l = 1; l <= 4; l++) {
                        SPRING(pktData, &grp[l],position, queue);


            int magLen = get_queue_length(queue);
            printf("Actual mag data length: %d\n", magLen);

            //This is the same heading in Cali.mat
            double heading[magLen];

            write_queue_to_file(rawDataFileName, queue);

            calibrateMagData(queue->magXData, queue->magYData, queue->magZData, heading, magLen);

            write_mag_to_file(correctedDataFileName, queue->magXData, queue->magYData, queue->magZData, heading, magLen);

            printf("\nSee %s \nand %s\nfor more detail!\n",rawDataFileName, correctedDataFileName);


コード例 #3
ファイル: Physics.cpp プロジェクト: 2asoft/xray
const dReal 		default_w_scale									= 1.01f;
const dReal			default_k_l										= 0.0002f;//square resistance !!
const dReal			default_k_w										= 0.05f;

const dReal			mass_limit										= 10000.f;//some conventional value used as evaluative param (there is no code restriction on mass)
extern const u16	max_joint_allowed_for_exeact_integration		= 30;

//base	params
const dReal base_fixed_step											=	0.02f				;
const dReal base_erp												=	0.54545456f			;
const dReal base_cfm												=	1.1363636e-006f		;
//base params
dReal 			fixed_step											=	0.01f;
dReal 			world_cfm											=	CFM(SPRING_S(base_cfm,base_erp,base_fixed_step),DAMPING(base_cfm,base_erp));
dReal 			world_erp											=	ERP(SPRING_S(base_cfm,base_erp,base_fixed_step),DAMPING(base_cfm,base_erp));
dReal			world_spring										=	1.0f*SPRING	(world_cfm,world_erp);
dReal			world_damping										=	1.0f*DAMPING(world_cfm,world_erp);

const dReal			default_world_gravity							=	2*9.81f;


int			phIterations											= 18;
float		phTimefactor											= 1.f;
float		phBreakCommonFactor										= 0.01f;
float		phRigidBreakWeaponFactor								= 1.f;
Fbox		phBoundaries											= {1000.f,1000.f,-1000.f,-1000.f};
float		ph_tri_query_ex_aabb_rate								= 1.3f;
int			ph_tri_clear_disable_count								= 10;