/** * * rct2: 0x006BD785 */ void window_themes_scrollpaint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, sint32 scrollIndex) { sint32 y; if (_selected_tab == WINDOW_THEMES_TAB_SETTINGS || _selected_tab == WINDOW_THEMES_TAB_FEATURES) return; if ((w->colours[1] & 0x80) == 0) //gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, dpi->y, dpi->x + dpi->width - 1, dpi->y + dpi->height - 1, ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light); gfx_clear(dpi, ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light); y = 0; for (sint32 i = 0; i < get_colour_scheme_tab_count(); i++) { if (y > dpi->y + dpi->height) { break; } if (y + _row_height >= dpi->y) { if (i + 1 < get_colour_scheme_tab_count()) { sint32 colour = w->colours[1]; if (colour & COLOUR_FLAG_TRANSLUCENT) { translucent_window_palette windowPalette = TranslucentWindowPalettes[BASE_COLOUR(colour)]; gfx_filter_rect(dpi, 0, y + _row_height - 2, window_themes_widgets[WIDX_THEMES_LIST].right, y + _row_height - 2, windowPalette.highlight); gfx_filter_rect(dpi, 0, y + _row_height - 1, window_themes_widgets[WIDX_THEMES_LIST].right, y + _row_height - 1, windowPalette.shadow); } else { colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_dark; gfx_fill_rect(dpi, 0, y + _row_height - 2, window_themes_widgets[WIDX_THEMES_LIST].right, y + _row_height - 2, colour); colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].lightest; gfx_fill_rect(dpi, 0, y + _row_height - 1, window_themes_widgets[WIDX_THEMES_LIST].right, y + _row_height - 1, colour); } } rct_windowclass wc = get_window_class_tab_index(i); sint32 numColours = theme_desc_get_num_colours(wc); for (uint8 j = 0; j < numColours; j++) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, theme_desc_get_name(wc), NULL, w->colours[1], 2, y + 4); uint8 colour = theme_get_colour(wc, j); uint32 image = SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(colour & ~COLOUR_FLAG_TRANSLUCENT) | IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT | SPR_PALETTE_BTN; if (i == _colour_index_1 && j == _colour_index_2) { image = SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(colour & ~COLOUR_FLAG_TRANSLUCENT) | IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT | SPR_PALETTE_BTN_PRESSED; } gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image, _button_offset_x + 12 * j, y + _button_offset_y, 0); gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, _button_offset_x + 12 * j, y + _check_offset_y, _button_offset_x + 12 * j + 9, y + _check_offset_y + 10, w->colours[1], INSET_RECT_F_E0); if (colour & COLOUR_FLAG_TRANSLUCENT) { gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM_DARK; gfx_draw_string(dpi, (char*)CheckBoxMarkString, w->colours[1] & 0x7F, _button_offset_x + 12 * j, y + _check_offset_y); } } } y += _row_height; } }
/** * rct2: 0x006ED43D */ void window_dropdown_show_colour(rct_window* w, rct_widget* widget, uint8_t dropdownColour, uint8_t selectedColour) { int32_t defaultIndex = -1; // Set items for (uint64_t i = 0; i < COLOUR_COUNT; i++) { if (selectedColour == i) defaultIndex = i; gDropdownItemsFormat[i] = DROPDOWN_FORMAT_COLOUR_PICKER; gDropdownItemsArgs[i] = (i << 32) | (SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(i) | SPR_PALETTE_BTN); } // Show dropdown window_dropdown_show_image( w->x + widget->left, w->y + widget->top, widget->bottom - widget->top + 1, dropdownColour, DROPDOWN_FLAG_STAY_OPEN, COLOUR_COUNT, 12, 12, gAppropriateImageDropdownItemsPerRow[COLOUR_COUNT]); gDropdownIsColour = true; gDropdownLastColourHover = -1; gDropdownDefaultIndex = defaultIndex; }
/** * * rct2: 0x006D5B48 */ void vehicle_visual_virginia_reel(paint_session * session, sint32 x, sint32 imageDirection, sint32 y, sint32 z, rct_vehicle * vehicle, const rct_ride_entry_vehicle * vehicleEntry) { sint32 image_id; sint32 baseImage_id = imageDirection; const uint8 rotation = session->CurrentRotation; sint32 ecx = ((vehicle->spin_sprite / 8) + (rotation * 8)) & 31; sint32 j = 0; if (vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 0) { baseImage_id = ecx & 7; } else { if (vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 1 || vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 5) { if (vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 5) { baseImage_id = imageDirection ^ 16; } baseImage_id &= 24; j = (baseImage_id / 8) + 1; baseImage_id += (ecx & 7); baseImage_id += 8; } else if (vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 2 || vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 6) { if (vehicle->vehicle_sprite_type == 6) { baseImage_id = imageDirection ^ 16; } baseImage_id &= 24; j = (baseImage_id / 8) + 5; baseImage_id += (ecx & 7); baseImage_id += 40; } else { baseImage_id = ecx & 7; } } baseImage_id += vehicleEntry->base_image_id; const vehicle_boundbox * bb = &_virginiaReelBoundbox[j]; image_id = baseImage_id | SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_2(vehicle->colours.body_colour, vehicle->colours.trim_colour); sub_98197C( session, image_id, 0, 0, bb->length_x, bb->length_y, bb->length_z, z, bb->offset_x, bb->offset_y, bb->offset_z + z); if (session->Unk140E9A8->zoom_level < 2 && vehicle->num_peeps > 0) { uint8 riding_peep_sprites[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; for (sint32 i = 0; i < vehicle->num_peeps; i++) { riding_peep_sprites[((ecx / 8) + i) & 3] = vehicle->peep_tshirt_colours[i]; } sint32 draw_order[4] = { 0, 1, 3, 2 }; for (auto i : draw_order) { if (riding_peep_sprites[i] != 0xFF) { image_id = (baseImage_id + ((i + 1) * 72)) | SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(riding_peep_sprites[i]); sub_98199C( session, image_id, 0, 0, bb->length_x, bb->length_y, bb->length_z, z, bb->offset_x, bb->offset_y, bb->offset_z + z); } } } assert(vehicleEntry->effect_visual == 1); }
/** * * rct2: 0x006DFF47 */ void scenery_paint(uint8 direction, sint32 height, rct_map_element* mapElement) { //RCT2_CALLPROC_X(0x6DFF47, 0, 0, direction, height, (sint32)mapElement, 0, 0); return; gPaintInteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_SCENERY; rct_xyz16 boxlength; rct_xyz16 boxoffset; boxoffset.x = 0; boxoffset.y = 0; boxoffset.z = height; sint32 baseImageid = 0; const sint32 rotation = get_current_rotation(); if (gTrackDesignSaveMode) { if (!track_design_save_contains_map_element(mapElement)) { baseImageid = 0x21700000; } } if (mapElement->flags & MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_GHOST) { gPaintInteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_NONE; baseImageid = construction_markers[gConfigGeneral.construction_marker_colour]; } uint32 dword_F64EB0 = baseImageid; rct_scenery_entry *entry = get_small_scenery_entry(mapElement->properties.scenery.type); baseImageid = entry->image + direction; boxlength.x = 2; boxlength.y = 2; sint8 x_offset = 0; sint8 y_offset = 0; if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_FULL_TILE) { if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HALF_SPACE) { // 6DFFE3: boxoffset.x = offsets[direction].x; boxoffset.y = offsets[direction].y; boxlength.x = lengths[direction].x; boxlength.y = lengths[direction].y; x_offset = 3; y_offset = 3; } else { x_offset = 15; y_offset = 15; if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_VOFFSET_CENTRE) { x_offset = 3; y_offset = 3; boxlength.x = 26; boxlength.y = 26; if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_ALLOW_WALLS) { x_offset = 1; y_offset = 1; boxlength.x = 30; boxlength.y = 30; } } boxoffset.x = x_offset; boxoffset.y = y_offset; } } else { // 6DFFC2: uint8 ecx = (map_element_get_scenery_quadrant(mapElement) + rotation) & 3; x_offset = ScenerySubTileOffsets[ecx].x; y_offset = ScenerySubTileOffsets[ecx].y; boxoffset.x = x_offset; boxoffset.y = y_offset; } // 6E007F: boxlength.z = entry->small_scenery.height - 4; if (boxlength.z > 128 || boxlength.z < 0) { boxlength.z = 128; } if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_CAN_WITHER) { if (mapElement->properties.scenery.age >= 40) { baseImageid += 4; } if (mapElement->properties.scenery.age >= 55) { baseImageid += 4; } } if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_PRIMARY_COLOUR) { if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_SECONDARY_COLOUR) { baseImageid |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_2(scenery_small_get_primary_colour(mapElement), scenery_small_get_secondary_colour(mapElement)); } else { baseImageid |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(scenery_small_get_primary_colour(mapElement)); } } if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { baseImageid = (baseImageid & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } if (!(entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_VISIBLE_WHEN_ZOOMED)) { sub_98197C(baseImageid, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_GLASS) { if (dword_F64EB0 == 0) { // Draw translucent overlay: // TODO: Name palette entries sint32 image_id = (baseImageid & 0x7FFFF) + (GlassPaletteIds[scenery_small_get_primary_colour(mapElement)] << 19) + 0x40000004; sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } } if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_ANIMATED) { rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi = unk_140E9A8; if ( (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_VISIBLE_WHEN_ZOOMED) || (dpi->zoom_level <= 1) ) { // 6E01A9: if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_FOUNTAIN_SPRAY_1) { // 6E0512: sint32 image_id = ((gCurrentTicks / 2) & 0xF) + entry->image + 4; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } else if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_FOUNTAIN_SPRAY_4) { // 6E043B: sint32 image_id = ((gCurrentTicks / 2) & 0xF) + entry->image + 8; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); image_id = direction + entry->image + 4; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); image_id = ((gCurrentTicks / 2) & 0xF) + entry->image + 24; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } else if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_IS_CLOCK) { // 6E035C: sint32 minuteImageOffset = ((gRealTimeOfDay.minute + 6) * 17) / 256; sint32 timeImageBase = gRealTimeOfDay.hour; while (timeImageBase >= 12) { timeImageBase -= 12; } timeImageBase = (timeImageBase * 4) + minuteImageOffset; if (timeImageBase >= 48) { timeImageBase -= 48; } sint32 image_id = timeImageBase + (direction * 12); if (image_id >= 48) { image_id -= 48; } image_id = image_id + entry->image + 68; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); image_id = gRealTimeOfDay.minute + (direction * 15); if (image_id >= 60) { image_id -= 60; } image_id = image_id + entry->image + 8; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } else if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_SWAMP_GOO) { // 6E02F6: sint32 image_id = gCurrentTicks; image_id += gUnk9DE568 / 4; image_id += gUnk9DE56C / 4; image_id = (image_id / 4) & 15; image_id += entry->image; if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } else if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_FRAME_OFFSETS) { sint32 frame = gCurrentTicks; if (!(entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_COG)) { // 6E01F8: frame += ((gUnk9DE568 / 4) + (gUnk9DE56C / 4)); frame += (mapElement->type & 0xC0) / 16; } // 6E0222: uint16 delay = entry->small_scenery.animation_delay & 0xFF; frame >>= delay; frame &= entry->small_scenery.animation_mask; sint32 image_id = 0; if (frame < entry->small_scenery.num_frames) { image_id = entry->small_scenery.frame_offsets[frame]; } image_id = (image_id * 4) + direction + entry->image; if (entry->small_scenery.flags & (SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_VISIBLE_WHEN_ZOOMED | SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG17)) { image_id += 4; } if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_PRIMARY_COLOUR) { if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_SECONDARY_COLOUR) { image_id |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_2(scenery_small_get_primary_colour(mapElement), scenery_small_get_secondary_colour(mapElement)); } else { image_id |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(scenery_small_get_primary_colour(mapElement)); } } if (dword_F64EB0 != 0) { image_id = (image_id & 0x7FFFF) | dword_F64EB0; } if (entry->small_scenery.flags & SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_VISIBLE_WHEN_ZOOMED) { sub_98197C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } else { sub_98199C(image_id, x_offset, y_offset, boxlength.x, boxlength.y, boxlength.z - 1, height, boxoffset.x, boxoffset.y, boxoffset.z, rotation); } } }
/** * * rct2: 0x0066508C, 0x00665540 */ static void ride_entrance_exit_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, int32_t height, const TileElement* tile_element) { uint8_t is_exit = tile_element->AsEntrance()->GetEntranceType() == ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_EXIT; if (gTrackDesignSaveMode || (session->ViewFlags & VIEWPORT_FLAG_HIGHLIGHT_PATH_ISSUES)) { if (tile_element->AsEntrance()->GetRideIndex() != gTrackDesignSaveRideIndex) return; } #ifdef __ENABLE_LIGHTFX__ if (lightfx_is_available()) { if (!is_exit) { lightfx_add_3d_light_magic_from_drawing_tile(session->MapPosition, 0, 0, height + 45, LIGHTFX_LIGHT_TYPE_LANTERN_3); } switch (tile_element->GetDirection()) { case 0: lightfx_add_3d_light_magic_from_drawing_tile( session->MapPosition, 16, 0, height + 16, LIGHTFX_LIGHT_TYPE_LANTERN_2); break; case 1: lightfx_add_3d_light_magic_from_drawing_tile( session->MapPosition, 0, -16, height + 16, LIGHTFX_LIGHT_TYPE_LANTERN_2); break; case 2: lightfx_add_3d_light_magic_from_drawing_tile( session->MapPosition, -16, 0, height + 16, LIGHTFX_LIGHT_TYPE_LANTERN_2); break; case 3: lightfx_add_3d_light_magic_from_drawing_tile( session->MapPosition, 0, 16, height + 16, LIGHTFX_LIGHT_TYPE_LANTERN_2); break; }; } #endif Ride* ride = get_ride(tile_element->AsEntrance()->GetRideIndex()); auto stationObj = ride_get_station_object(ride); if (stationObj == nullptr || stationObj->BaseImageId == 0) { return; } uint8_t colour_1, colour_2; uint32_t transparant_image_id = 0, image_id = 0; if (stationObj->Flags & STATION_OBJECT_FLAGS::IS_TRANSPARENT) { colour_1 = GlassPaletteIds[ride->track_colour[0].main]; transparant_image_id = (colour_1 << 19) | IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT; } colour_1 = ride->track_colour[0].main; colour_2 = ride->track_colour[0].additional; image_id = (colour_1 << 19) | (colour_2 << 24) | IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP_2_PLUS; session->InteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_RIDE; _unk9E32BC = 0; if (tile_element->IsGhost()) { session->InteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_NONE; image_id = CONSTRUCTION_MARKER; _unk9E32BC = image_id; if (transparant_image_id) transparant_image_id = image_id; } if (is_exit) { image_id |= stationObj->BaseImageId + direction + 8; } else { image_id |= stationObj->BaseImageId + direction; } // Format modified to stop repeated code // Each entrance is split into 2 images for drawing // Certain entrance styles have another 2 images to draw for coloured windows int8_t ah = is_exit ? 0x23 : 0x33; int16_t lengthY = (direction & 1) ? 28 : 2; int16_t lengthX = (direction & 1) ? 2 : 28; sub_98197C(session, image_id, 0, 0, lengthX, lengthY, ah, height, 2, 2, height); if (transparant_image_id) { if (is_exit) { transparant_image_id |= stationObj->BaseImageId + direction + 24; } else { transparant_image_id |= stationObj->BaseImageId + direction + 16; } sub_98199C(session, transparant_image_id, 0, 0, lengthX, lengthY, ah, height, 2, 2, height); } image_id += 4; sub_98197C( session, image_id, 0, 0, lengthX, lengthY, ah, height, (direction & 1) ? 28 : 2, (direction & 1) ? 2 : 28, height); if (transparant_image_id) { transparant_image_id += 4; sub_98199C( session, transparant_image_id, 0, 0, lengthX, lengthY, ah, height, (direction & 1) ? 28 : 2, (direction & 1) ? 2 : 28, height); } if (direction & 1) { paint_util_push_tunnel_right(session, height, TUNNEL_6); } else { paint_util_push_tunnel_left(session, height, TUNNEL_6); } if (!is_exit && !(tile_element->IsGhost()) && tile_element->AsEntrance()->GetRideIndex() != RIDE_ID_NULL && stationObj->ScrollingMode != SCROLLING_MODE_NONE) { set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, 0); set_format_arg(4, uint32_t, 0); rct_string_id string_id = STR_RIDE_ENTRANCE_CLOSED; if (ride->status == RIDE_STATUS_OPEN && !(ride->lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_BROKEN_DOWN)) { set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, ride->name); set_format_arg(2, uint32_t, ride->name_arguments); string_id = STR_RIDE_ENTRANCE_NAME; } utf8 entrance_string[256]; if (gConfigGeneral.upper_case_banners) { format_string_to_upper(entrance_string, sizeof(entrance_string), string_id, gCommonFormatArgs); } else { format_string(entrance_string, sizeof(entrance_string), string_id, gCommonFormatArgs); } gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_TINY; uint16_t string_width = gfx_get_string_width(entrance_string); uint16_t scroll = (gCurrentTicks / 2) % string_width; sub_98199C( session, scrolling_text_setup(session, string_id, scroll, stationObj->ScrollingMode), 0, 0, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x33, height + stationObj->Height, 2, 2, height + stationObj->Height); } image_id = _unk9E32BC; if (image_id == 0) { image_id = SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(COLOUR_SATURATED_BROWN); } wooden_a_supports_paint_setup(session, direction & 1, 0, height, image_id, nullptr); paint_util_set_segment_support_height(session, SEGMENTS_ALL, 0xFFFF, 0); height += is_exit ? 40 : 56; paint_util_set_general_support_height(session, height, 0x20); }
/** * * rct2: 0x006658ED */ static void park_entrance_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, int32_t height, const TileElement* tile_element) { if (gTrackDesignSaveMode || (session->ViewFlags & VIEWPORT_FLAG_HIGHLIGHT_PATH_ISSUES)) return; #ifdef __ENABLE_LIGHTFX__ if (lightfx_is_available()) { lightfx_add_3d_light_magic_from_drawing_tile(session->MapPosition, 0, 0, 155, LIGHTFX_LIGHT_TYPE_LANTERN_3); } #endif session->InteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_PARK; _unk9E32BC = 0; uint32_t image_id, ghost_id = 0; if (tile_element->IsGhost()) { session->InteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_NONE; ghost_id = CONSTRUCTION_MARKER; _unk9E32BC = ghost_id; } // Index to which part of the entrance // Middle, left, right uint8_t part_index = tile_element->AsEntrance()->GetSequenceIndex(); PathSurfaceEntry* path_entry = nullptr; // The left and right of the park entrance often have this set to 127. // So only attempt to get the footpath type if we're dealing with the middle bit of the entrance. if (part_index == 0) path_entry = get_path_surface_entry(tile_element->AsEntrance()->GetPathType()); rct_entrance_type* entrance; uint8_t di = ((direction / 2 + part_index / 2) & 1) ? 0x1A : 0x20; switch (part_index) { case 0: if (path_entry != nullptr) { image_id = (path_entry->image + 5 * (1 + (direction & 1))) | ghost_id; sub_98197C(session, image_id, 0, 0, 32, 0x1C, 0, height, 0, 2, height); } entrance = (rct_entrance_type*)object_entry_get_chunk(OBJECT_TYPE_PARK_ENTRANCE, 0); if (entrance == nullptr) { return; } image_id = (entrance->image_id + direction * 3) | ghost_id; sub_98197C(session, image_id, 0, 0, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x2F, height, 2, 2, height + 32); if ((direction + 1) & (1 << 1)) break; if (ghost_id != 0) break; { rct_string_id park_text_id = STR_BANNER_TEXT_CLOSED; set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, 0); set_format_arg(4, uint32_t, 0); if (gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_PARK_OPEN) { set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, gParkName); set_format_arg(2, uint32_t, gParkNameArgs); park_text_id = STR_BANNER_TEXT_FORMAT; } utf8 park_name[256]; if (gConfigGeneral.upper_case_banners) { format_string_to_upper(park_name, sizeof(park_name), park_text_id, gCommonFormatArgs); } else { format_string(park_name, sizeof(park_name), park_text_id, gCommonFormatArgs); } gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_TINY; uint16_t string_width = gfx_get_string_width(park_name); uint16_t scroll = (gCurrentTicks / 2) % string_width; if (entrance->scrolling_mode == SCROLLING_MODE_NONE) break; int32_t stsetup = scrolling_text_setup(session, park_text_id, scroll, entrance->scrolling_mode + direction / 2); int32_t text_height = height + entrance->text_height; sub_98199C(session, stsetup, 0, 0, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x2F, text_height, 2, 2, text_height); } break; case 1: case 2: entrance = (rct_entrance_type*)object_entry_get_chunk(OBJECT_TYPE_PARK_ENTRANCE, 0); if (entrance == nullptr) { return; } image_id = (entrance->image_id + part_index + direction * 3) | ghost_id; sub_98197C(session, image_id, 0, 0, 0x1A, di, 0x4F, height, 3, 3, height); break; } image_id = ghost_id; if (image_id == 0) { image_id = SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(COLOUR_SATURATED_BROWN); } wooden_a_supports_paint_setup(session, direction & 1, 0, height, image_id, nullptr); paint_util_set_segment_support_height(session, SEGMENTS_ALL, 0xFFFF, 0); paint_util_set_general_support_height(session, height + 80, 0x20); }