コード例 #1
ファイル: surfunstructured.cpp プロジェクト: optimad/bitpit
 * Export surface tasselation in a STL format. No check is perfomed on element type
 * therefore tasselation containing vertex, line or quad elements will produce
 * ill-formed stl triangulation.
 * \param[in] stl_name name of the stl file
 * \param[in] isBinary flag for binary (true) or ASCII (false) file
 * \param[in] exportInternalsOnly flag for exporting only internal cells (true),
 * or internal+ghost cells (false).
 * \result on output returns an error flag for I/O error.
unsigned short SurfUnstructured::exportSTL(const string &stl_name, const bool &isBinary, bool exportInternalsOnly)
    // ====================================================================== //
    // VARIABLES DECLARATION                                                  //
    // ====================================================================== //

    // Local variables
    int                                         nVertex;
    int                                         nSimplex;
    vector<array<double, 3>>                    vertexList;
    vector<array<double, 3>>                    normalList;
    vector<vector<int>>                         connectivityList;
    unordered_map<long, long>                   vertexMap;

    // Counters
    int                                         v_count ,j;
    vector<array<double, 3>>::iterator          i_;
    vector<vector<int>>::iterator               j_;
    vector<int>::iterator                       k_, ke_;
    VertexIterator                              v_, ve_;
    CellIterator                                c_, cb_, ce_;

    // ====================================================================== //
    // INITIALIZE DATA STRUCTURE                                              //
    // ====================================================================== //
    nSimplex = m_nInternals;
    if (!exportInternalsOnly) nSimplex += m_nGhosts;
    connectivityList.resize(nSimplex, vector<int>(3, 0));

    // ====================================================================== //
    // CREATE VERTEX LIST                                                     //
    // ====================================================================== //
    i_ = vertexList.begin();
    ve_ = vertexEnd();
    v_count = 0;
    for (v_ = vertexBegin(); v_ != ve_; ++v_) {

        // Store vertex coordinates
        *i_ = v_->getCoords();
        vertexMap[v_->getId()] = v_count;

        // Update counters

    } //next v_
    nVertex = getVertexCount();

    // ====================================================================== //
    // CREATE CONNECTIVITY                                                    //
    // ====================================================================== //
    if (exportInternalsOnly) {
        cb_ = internalBegin();
        ce_ = internalEnd();
    else {
        cb_ = cellBegin();
        ce_ = cellEnd();
    i_ = normalList.begin();
    j_ = connectivityList.begin();
    for (c_ = cb_; c_ != ce_; ++c_) {

        // Build normals
        *i_ = std::move(evalFacetNormal(c_->getId()));
        // Build connectivity
        ke_ = j_->end();
        j = 0;
        for (k_ = j_->begin(); k_ != ke_; ++k_) {
            *k_ = vertexMap[c_->getVertex(j)];
        } //next k_

        // Update counters
    } //next c_

    // ====================================================================== //
    // EXPORT STL DATA                                                        //
    // ====================================================================== //
    STLObj                                      STL(stl_name, isBinary);
    STL.save("", nVertex, nSimplex, vertexList, normalList, connectivityList);

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: read.hpp プロジェクト: WilstonOreo/GEx
 bool read(const PATH& _path, comp::TriangleMesh<SCALAR>& _mesh)
   if (!STL()(_path,_mesh.triangles())) return false;
   return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: surfunstructured.cpp プロジェクト: optimad/bitpit
 * Import surface tasselation from S.T.L. file. STL facet are added at to the
 * present mesh, i.e. current mesh content is not discarded. Howver no checks
 * are performed to ensure that no duplicated vertices or cells are created.
 * If the input file is a multi-solid ASCII file, all solids will be loaded
 * and a different PID will be assigned to the PID of the different solids.
 * \param[in] stl_name name of stl file
 * \param[in] isBinary flag for binary (true), of ASCII (false) stl file
 * \param[in] PIDOffset is the offset for the PID numbering
 * \result on output returns an error flag for I/O error
unsigned short SurfUnstructured::importSTL(const string &stl_name, const bool &isBinary, int PIDOffset)
    // ====================================================================== //
    // VARIABLES DECLARATION                                                  //
    // ====================================================================== //

    // Parameters
    const unordered_map<size_t, ElementInfo::Type> ele_type{
        {0, ElementInfo::UNDEFINED},
        {1, ElementInfo::VERTEX},
        {2, ElementInfo::LINE},
        {3, ElementInfo::TRIANGLE},
        {4, ElementInfo::QUAD}

    // STL Object
    STLObj STL(stl_name, isBinary);

    // ====================================================================== //
    // OPEN STL FILE                                                          //
    // ====================================================================== //
    if (STL.err != 0) {
        return STL.err;

    // ====================================================================== //
    // LOAD ALL SOLID FROM THE STL FILE                                       //
    // ====================================================================== //
    int pid = PIDOffset - 1;
    while (true) {
        // ====================================================================== //
        // LOAD SOLID FROM THE STL FILE                                           //
        // ====================================================================== //
        int nVertex = 0;
        int nSimplex = 0;
        std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> vertexList;
        std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> normalList;
        std::vector<std::vector<int>> connectivityList;

        STL.loadSolid(nVertex, nSimplex, vertexList, normalList, connectivityList);
        if (nVertex == 0) {

        // ====================================================================== //
        // PID OF THE SOLID                                                       //
        // ====================================================================== //

        // ====================================================================== //
        // PREPARE MESH FOR DATA IMPORT                                           //
        // ====================================================================== //
        reserveVertices(getVertexCount() + nVertex);
        reserveCells(m_nInternals + m_nGhosts + nSimplex);

        // ====================================================================== //
        // ADD VERTICES TO MESH                                                   //
        // ====================================================================== //
        vector<array<double, 3>>::const_iterator v_, ve_;

        std::unordered_map<long, long> vertexMap;

        long v_counter = 0;
        ve_ = vertexList.cend();
        for (v_ = vertexList.cbegin(); v_ != ve_; ++v_) {
            VertexIterator i_ = addVertex(*v_);
            vertexMap[v_counter] = i_->getId();
        } //next v_

        // ====================================================================== //
        // ADD CELLS TO MESH                                                      //
        // ====================================================================== //
        vector<vector<int>>::const_iterator c_, ce_;
        vector<int>::const_iterator w_, we_;

        ce_ = connectivityList.cend();
        for (c_ = connectivityList.cbegin(); c_ != ce_; ++c_) {
            // Remap STL connectivity
            int n_v = c_->size();
            std::vector<long> connect(n_v, Vertex::NULL_ID);
            we_ = c_->cend();
            int i = 0;
            for (w_ = c_->cbegin(); w_ < we_; ++w_) {
                connect[i] = vertexMap[*w_];
            } //next w_

            // Add cell
            CellIterator cellIterator = addCell(ele_type.at(n_v), true, connect);
        } //next c_

        // ====================================================================== //
        // Multi-body STL files are supported only in ASCII mode                        //
        // ====================================================================== //
        if (isBinary) {

    // ====================================================================== //
    // CLOSE STL FILE                                                         //
    // ====================================================================== //

    return 0;