const char* IoTHubAccount_GetEventhubAccessKey(void) { char *iothub_connection_string; static char access_key[128]; if ((iothub_connection_string = IoTHubAccount_GetIoTHubConnString()) != NULL) { STRING_HANDLE iothub_connection_string_str; if((iothub_connection_string_str = STRING_construct(iothub_connection_string)) != NULL) { STRING_TOKENIZER_HANDLE tokenizer; if ((tokenizer = STRING_TOKENIZER_create(iothub_connection_string_str)) != NULL) { STRING_HANDLE tokenString; if ((tokenString = STRING_new()) != NULL) { STRING_HANDLE valueString; if ((valueString = STRING_new()) != NULL) { while ((STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer, tokenString, "=") == 0)) { char tokenValue[128]; strcpy(tokenValue, STRING_c_str(tokenString)); if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer, tokenString, ";") != 0) { break; } if (strcmp(tokenValue, "SharedAccessKey") == 0) { strcpy(access_key, STRING_c_str(tokenString)); break; } } STRING_delete(valueString); } STRING_delete(tokenString); } STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer); } STRING_delete(iothub_connection_string_str); } } return access_key; }
static void setup_dev_auth_emulator_generate_credentials_mocks(const char* token_scope) { STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_new()); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(get_time(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_construct(token_scope)); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_construct(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_psz(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(SASToken_Create(IGNORED_PTR_ARG, IGNORED_PTR_ARG, IGNORED_PTR_ARG, IGNORED_NUM_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_scope() .IgnoreArgument_keyName() .IgnoreArgument_expiry() .IgnoreArgument_key(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_c_str(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_handle(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(mallocAndStrcpy_s(IGNORED_PTR_ARG, IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_destination() .IgnoreArgument_source(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_delete(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_handle(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_delete(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_handle(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_delete(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_handle(); STRICT_EXPECTED_CALL(STRING_delete(IGNORED_PTR_ARG)) .IgnoreArgument_handle(); }
static int InitializeConnection(PMQTTTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA transportState, bool initialConnection) { int result = 0; if (!transportState->connected && !transportState->destroyCalled) { // Construct SAS token size_t secSinceEpoch = (size_t)(difftime(get_time(NULL), EPOCH_TIME_T_VALUE) + 0); size_t expiryTime = secSinceEpoch + SAS_TOKEN_DEFAULT_LIFETIME; // Not checking the success of this variable, if fail it will fail in the SASToken creation and return false; STRING_HANDLE emptyKeyName = STRING_new(); STRING_HANDLE sasToken = SASToken_Create(transportState->device_key, transportState->sasTokenSr, emptyKeyName, expiryTime); if (sasToken == NULL) { result = __LINE__; } else { MQTT_CLIENT_OPTIONS options = { 0 }; options.clientId = (char*)STRING_c_str(transportState->device_id); options.willMessage = NULL; options.username = (char*)STRING_c_str(transportState->configPassedThroughUsername); options.password = (char*)STRING_c_str(sasToken); options.keepAliveInterval = DEFAULT_MQTT_KEEPALIVE; options.useCleanSession = false; options.qualityOfServiceValue = DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE; // construct address const char* hostAddress = STRING_c_str(transportState->hostAddress); const char* hostName = strstr(hostAddress, "//"); if (hostName == NULL) { hostName = hostAddress; } else { // Increment beyond the double backslash hostName += 2; } transportState->xioTransport = getIoTransportProvider(hostName, transportState->portNum); if (mqtt_client_connect(transportState->mqttClient, transportState->xioTransport, &options) != 0) { LogError("failure connecting to address %s:%d.\r\n", STRING_c_str(transportState->hostAddress), transportState->portNum); result = __LINE__; } else { transportState->connected = true; result = 0; } STRING_delete(emptyKeyName); STRING_delete(sasToken); } } return result; }
/* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_001: [connectionstringparser_parse shall parse all key value pairs from the connection_string passed in as argument and return a new map that holds the key/value pairs.] */ MAP_HANDLE connectionstringparser_parse(STRING_HANDLE connection_string) { MAP_HANDLE result; if (connection_string == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_002: [If connection_string is NULL then connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("NULL connection string passed to tokenizer."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_003: [connectionstringparser_parse shall create a STRING tokenizer to be used for parsing the connection string, by calling STRING_TOKENIZER_create.] */ /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_004: [connectionstringparser_parse shall start scanning at the beginning of the connection string.] */ STRING_TOKENIZER_HANDLE tokenizer = STRING_TOKENIZER_create(connection_string); if (tokenizer == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_015: [If STRING_TOKENIZER_create fails, connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("Error creating STRING tokenizer."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_016: [2 STRINGs shall be allocated in order to hold the to be parsed key and value tokens.] */ STRING_HANDLE token_key_string = STRING_new(); if (token_key_string == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_017: [If allocating the STRINGs fails connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("Error creating key token STRING."); } else { STRING_HANDLE token_value_string = STRING_new(); if (token_value_string == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_017: [If allocating the STRINGs fails connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("Error creating value token STRING."); } else { result = Map_Create(NULL); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_018: [If creating the result map fails, then connectionstringparser_parse shall return NULL.] */ LogError("Error creating Map."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_005: [The following actions shall be repeated until parsing is complete:] */ /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_006: [connectionstringparser_parse shall find a token (the key of the key/value pair) delimited by the `=` character, by calling STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token.] */ /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_007: [If STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token fails, parsing shall be considered complete.] */ while (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer, token_key_string, "=") == 0) { bool is_error = false; /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_008: [connectionstringparser_parse shall find a token (the value of the key/value pair) delimited by the `;` character, by calling STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token.] */ if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer, token_value_string, ";") != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_009: [If STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token fails, connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL (freeing the allocated result map).] */ is_error = true; LogError("Error reading value token from the connection string."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_011: [The C strings for the key and value shall be extracted from the previously parsed STRINGs by using STRING_c_str.] */ const char* token = STRING_c_str(token_key_string); /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_013: [If STRING_c_str fails then connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL (freeing the allocated result map).] */ if ((token == NULL) || /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_019: [If the key length is zero then connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL (freeing the allocated result map).] */ (strlen(token) == 0)) { is_error = true; LogError("The key token is NULL or empty."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_011: [The C strings for the key and value shall be extracted from the previously parsed STRINGs by using STRING_c_str.] */ const char* value = STRING_c_str(token_value_string); if (value == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_013: [If STRING_c_str fails then connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL (freeing the allocated result map).] */ is_error = true; LogError("Could not get C string for value token."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_010: [The key and value shall be added to the result map by using Map_Add.] */ if (Map_Add(result, token, value) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_012: [If Map_Add fails connectionstringparser_parse shall fail and return NULL (freeing the allocated result map).] */ is_error = true; LogError("Could not add the key/value pair to the result map."); } } } } if (is_error) { LogError("Error parsing connection string."); Map_Destroy(result); result = NULL; break; } } } STRING_delete(token_value_string); } STRING_delete(token_key_string); } /* Codes_SRS_CONNECTIONSTRINGPARSER_01_014: [After the parsing is complete the previously allocated STRINGs and STRING tokenizer shall be freed by calling STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy.] */ STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer); } } return result; }
IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString(const char* connectionString, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER protocol) { IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE result = NULL; /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_05_001: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall obtain the version string by a call to IoTHubClient_GetVersionString.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_05_002: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall print the version string to standard output.]*/ LogInfo("IoT Hub SDK for C, version %s", IoTHubClient_GetVersionString()); /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_003: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall verify the input parameter and if it is NULL then return NULL] */ if (connectionString == NULL) { LogError("Input parameter is NULL: connectionString"); } else if (protocol == NULL) { LogError("Input parameter is NULL: protocol"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_004: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure] */ IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG* config = malloc(sizeof(IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG)); if (config == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_012: [If the allocation failed IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString returns NULL] */ LogError("Malloc failed"); return NULL; } else { STRING_TOKENIZER_HANDLE tokenizer1 = NULL; STRING_HANDLE connString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE tokenString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE valueString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE hostNameString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE hostSuffixString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE deviceIdString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE deviceKeyString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE deviceSasTokenString = NULL; STRING_HANDLE protocolGateway = NULL; config->protocol = protocol; config->iotHubName = NULL; config->iotHubSuffix = NULL; config->deviceId = NULL; config->deviceKey = NULL; config->deviceSasToken = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_04_002: [If it does not, it shall pass the protocolGatewayHostName NULL.] */ config->protocolGatewayHostName = NULL; if ((connString = STRING_construct(connectionString)) == NULL) { LogError("Error constructing connectiong String"); } else if ((tokenizer1 = STRING_TOKENIZER_create(connString)) == NULL) { LogError("Error creating Tokenizer"); } else if ((tokenString = STRING_new()) == NULL) { LogError("Error creating Token String"); } else if ((valueString = STRING_new()) == NULL) { LogError("Error creating Value String"); } else if ((hostNameString = STRING_new()) == NULL) { LogError("Error creating HostName String"); } else if ((hostSuffixString = STRING_new()) == NULL) { LogError("Error creating HostSuffix String"); } /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_005: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall try to parse the connectionString input parameter for the following structure: "Key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=value3..."] */ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_006: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall verify the existence of the following Key/Value pairs in the connection string: HostName, DeviceId, SharedAccessKey or SharedAccessSignature.] */ else { while ((STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer1, tokenString, "=") == 0)) { if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer1, valueString, ";") != 0) { LogError("Tokenizer error"); break; } else { if (tokenString != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_010: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall fill up the IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure using the following mapping: iotHubName = Name, iotHubSuffix = Suffix, deviceId = DeviceId, deviceKey = SharedAccessKey or deviceSasToken = SharedAccessSignature] */ const char* s_token = STRING_c_str(tokenString); if (strcmp(s_token, HOSTNAME_TOKEN) == 0) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_009: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall split the value of HostName to Name and Suffix using the first "." as a separator] */ STRING_TOKENIZER_HANDLE tokenizer2 = NULL; if ((tokenizer2 = STRING_TOKENIZER_create(valueString)) == NULL) { LogError("Error creating Tokenizer"); break; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_015: [If the string split failed, IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString returns NULL ] */ if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer2, hostNameString, ".") != 0) { LogError("Tokenizer error"); STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer2); break; } else { config->iotHubName = STRING_c_str(hostNameString); if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer2, hostSuffixString, ";") != 0) { LogError("Tokenizer error"); STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer2); break; } else { config->iotHubSuffix = STRING_c_str(hostSuffixString); } } STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer2); } } else if (strcmp(s_token, DEVICEID_TOKEN) == 0) { deviceIdString = STRING_clone(valueString); if (deviceIdString != NULL) { config->deviceId = STRING_c_str(deviceIdString); } } else if (strcmp(s_token, DEVICEKEY_TOKEN) == 0) { deviceKeyString = STRING_clone(valueString); if (deviceKeyString != NULL) { config->deviceKey = STRING_c_str(deviceKeyString); } } else if (strcmp(s_token, DEVICESAS_TOKEN) == 0) { deviceSasTokenString = STRING_clone(valueString); if (deviceSasTokenString != NULL) { config->deviceSasToken = STRING_c_str(deviceSasTokenString); } } /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_04_001: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall verify the existence of key/value pair GatewayHostName. If it does exist it shall pass the value to IoTHubClient_LL_Create API.] */ else if (strcmp(s_token, PROTOCOL_GATEWAY_HOST) == 0) { protocolGateway = STRING_clone(valueString); if (protocolGateway != NULL) { config->protocolGatewayHostName = STRING_c_str(protocolGateway); } } } } } /* parsing is done - check the result */ if (config->iotHubName == NULL) { LogError("iotHubName is not found"); } else if (config->iotHubSuffix == NULL) { LogError("iotHubSuffix is not found"); } else if (config->deviceId == NULL) { LogError("deviceId is not found"); } else if (config->deviceKey == NULL && config->deviceSasToken == NULL) { LogError("deviceKey/deviceSasToken not found"); } else if (config->deviceKey != NULL && config->deviceSasToken != NULL) { LogError("Both device Key & SAS token are defined. Only one should be provided."); } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBCLIENT_LL_12_011: [IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString shall call into the IoTHubClient_LL_Create API with the current structure and returns with the return value of it] */ result = IoTHubClient_LL_Create(config); if (result == NULL) { LogError("IoTHubClient_LL_Create failed"); } else { /*return as is*/ } } } if (deviceSasTokenString != NULL) STRING_delete(deviceSasTokenString); if (deviceKeyString != NULL) STRING_delete(deviceKeyString); if (deviceIdString != NULL) STRING_delete(deviceIdString); if (hostSuffixString != NULL) STRING_delete(hostSuffixString); if (hostNameString != NULL) STRING_delete(hostNameString); if (valueString != NULL) STRING_delete(valueString); if (tokenString != NULL) STRING_delete(tokenString); if (connString != NULL) STRING_delete(connString); if (protocolGateway != NULL) STRING_delete(protocolGateway); if (tokenizer1 != NULL) STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer1); free(config); } } return result; }
int main(void) { pc.baud(115200); THREAD_HANDLE ThreadHandle; (void)printf("Initializing mbed specific things...\r\n"); (void)printf("doing a one time EthernetInterface::init();\r\n"); if (EthernetInterface::init() != 0) { (void)printf("Failed EthernetInterface::init();\r\n"); return -1; } (void)printf("done doing a one time EthernetInterface::init();\r\n"); if (setupRealTime() != 0) { (void)printf("Failed setting up real time clock\r\n"); return -1; } /* clear the LED light upon startup */ red_led = 1; blue_led = 1; green_led = 1; alarm_type = ALARM_NONE; led_on = 0; /* clear the screen */ lcd.cls(); if (ThreadAPI_Create(&ThreadHandle, LED_Update_Thread, NULL) != THREADAPI_OK) { (void)printf("Error spinning LED update thread.\r\n"); return -1; } /* initialize the IoTHubClient */ if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { /* Setup IoTHub client configuration */ IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_LL_CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, HTTP_Protocol); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_Create\r\n"); } else { unsigned int minimumPollingTime = 9; /*because it can poll "after 9 seconds" polls will happen effectively at ~10 seconds*/ if (IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "MinimumPollingTime", &minimumPollingTime) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"MinimumPollingTime\"\r\n"); } FrdmDevice* frdmDevice = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, FrdmDevice, true); if (frdmDevice == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT setMessageResult = IoTHubClient_LL_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, frdmDevice); if (setMessageResult != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE commandsMetadata; temp = (sensor.temp() * 9 / 5) + 32; /* send the device info upon startup so that the cloud app knows what commands are available and the fact that the device is up */ frdmDevice->ObjectType = "DeviceInfo-HW"; frdmDevice->ObjectName = "An ALARM device"; frdmDevice->Version = "1.0"; frdmDevice->SystemProperties.DeviceID = (char*)deviceId; frdmDevice->SystemProperties.Enabled = true; /* build the description of the commands on the device */ commandsMetadata = STRING_new(); if (commandsMetadata == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on creating string for commands metadata\r\n"); } else { /* Serialize the commands metadata as a JSON string before sending */ if (SchemaSerializer_SerializeCommandMetadata(GET_MODEL_HANDLE(Contoso, FrdmDevice), commandsMetadata) != SCHEMA_SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing commands metadata\r\n"); } else { frdmDevice->Commands = (char*)STRING_c_str(commandsMetadata); /* Send the device information and commands metadata to the cloud */ { unsigned char* destination; size_t destinationSize; if (SERIALIZE(&destination, &destinationSize, frdmDevice->ObjectName, frdmDevice->ObjectType, frdmDevice->SystemProperties, frdmDevice->Version, frdmDevice->Commands) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed to serialize\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, destination, destinationSize); free(destination); } } } STRING_delete(commandsMetadata); } frdmDevice->ObjectName = (ascii_char_ptr)deviceId; frdmDevice->ObjectType = "SensorTagEvent"; frdmDevice->Version = "1.0"; frdmDevice->TargetAlarmDevice = (ascii_char_ptr)deviceId; while (1) { unsigned char* destination; size_t destinationSize; (void)printf("Sending %.02f\r\n", temp); frdmDevice->temp = temp; if (SERIALIZE(&destination, &destinationSize, frdmDevice->ObjectName, frdmDevice->ObjectType, frdmDevice->Version, frdmDevice->TargetAlarmDevice, frdmDevice->temp) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed to serialize\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, destination, destinationSize); free(destination); } /* schedule IoTHubClient to send events/receive commands */ IoTHubClient_LL_DoWork(iotHubClientHandle); } } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(frdmDevice); } IoTHubClient_LL_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } }
static void remote_monitoring_run(void) { if (platform_init() != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the platform.\r\n"); } else { if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config; IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle; config.deviceSasToken = NULL; config.deviceId = deviceId; config.deviceKey = deviceKey; config.iotHubName = hubName; config.iotHubSuffix = hubSuffix; #ifndef WINCE config.protocol = AMQP_Protocol; #else config.protocol = HTTP_Protocol; #endif iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_Create(&config); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString\r\n"); } else { #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP Thermostat* thermostat = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, Thermostat); if (thermostat == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE commandsMetadata; if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, thermostat) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { /* send the device info upon startup so that the cloud app knows what commands are available and the fact that the device is up */ thermostat->ObjectType = "DeviceInfo"; thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice = false; thermostat->Version = "1.0"; thermostat->DeviceProperties.HubEnabledState = true; thermostat->DeviceProperties.DeviceID = (char*)deviceId; commandsMetadata = STRING_new(); if (commandsMetadata == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on creating string for commands metadata\r\n"); } else { /* Serialize the commands metadata as a JSON string before sending */ if (SchemaSerializer_SerializeCommandMetadata(GET_MODEL_HANDLE(Contoso, Thermostat), commandsMetadata) != SCHEMA_SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing commands metadata\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* buffer; size_t bufferSize; thermostat->Commands = (char*)STRING_c_str(commandsMetadata); /* Here is the actual send of the Device Info */ if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->ObjectType, thermostat->Version, thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice, thermostat->DeviceProperties, thermostat->Commands) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } } STRING_delete(commandsMetadata); } thermostat->Temperature = 50; thermostat->ExternalTemperature = 55; thermostat->Humidity = 50; thermostat->DeviceId = (char*)deviceId; while (1) { unsigned char*buffer; size_t bufferSize; float tempC = -300.0; float pressurePa = -300; float humidityPct = -300; int sensorResult = bme280_read_sensors(&tempC, &pressurePa, &humidityPct); if (sensorResult == 1) { thermostat->Temperature = tempC; thermostat->Humidity = humidityPct; printf("Humidity = %.1f%% Temperature = %.1f*C \n", humidityPct, tempC); pinMode(Grn_led_pin, OUTPUT); } else { thermostat->Temperature = 404.0; thermostat->Humidity = 404.0; printf("Unable to read BME280 on pin %i\n", Spi_channel); pinMode(Red_led_pin, OUTPUT); } (void)printf("Sending sensor value Temperature = %.1f*C, Humidity = %.1f%%\r\n", thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity); if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->DeviceId, thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity, thermostat->ExternalTemperature) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed sending sensor value\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1000); } } close_lockfile(Lock_fd); DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(thermostat); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } platform_deinit(); } }
JSON_ENCODER_RESULT JSONEncoder_EncodeTree(MULTITREE_HANDLE treeHandle, STRING_HANDLE destination, JSON_ENCODER_TOSTRING_FUNC toStringFunc) { JSON_ENCODER_RESULT result; size_t childCount; /* Codes_SRS_JSON_ENCODER_99_032:[If any of the arguments passed to JSONEncoder_EncodeTree is NULL then JSON_ENCODER_INVALID_ARG shall be returned.] */ if ((treeHandle == NULL) || (destination == NULL) || (toStringFunc == NULL)) { result = JSON_ENCODER_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } /*Codes_SRS_JSON_ENCODER_99_035:[ JSON encoder shall inquire the number of child nodes (further called childCount) of the current node (given by parameter treeHandle.]*/ else if (MultiTree_GetChildCount(treeHandle, &childCount) != MULTITREE_OK) { result = JSON_ENCODER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { size_t i; /*Codes_SRS_JSON_ENCODER_99_036:[ The string "{" shall be added to the output;]*/ if (STRING_concat(destination, "{") != 0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { result = JSON_ENCODER_OK; for (i = 0; (i < childCount) && (result == JSON_ENCODER_OK); i++) { MULTITREE_HANDLE childTreeHandle; if ((i > 0) && (STRING_concat(destination, ", ") != 0)) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else if (STRING_concat(destination, "\"") != 0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { STRING_HANDLE name = STRING_new(); if (name == NULL) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { if (MultiTree_GetChild(treeHandle, i, &childTreeHandle) != MULTITREE_OK) { result = JSON_ENCODER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else if (MultiTree_GetName(childTreeHandle, name) != MULTITREE_OK) { result = JSON_ENCODER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(destination, name) != 0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else if (STRING_concat(destination, "\":") != 0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { size_t innerChildCount; if (MultiTree_GetChildCount(childTreeHandle, &innerChildCount) != MULTITREE_OK) { result = JSON_ENCODER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { if (innerChildCount > 0) { STRING_HANDLE child = STRING_new(); if (child == NULL) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { if ((result = JSONEncoder_EncodeTree(childTreeHandle, child, toStringFunc)) != JSON_ENCODER_OK) { LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(destination, child)!=0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } STRING_delete(child); } } else { const void* value; if (MultiTree_GetValue(childTreeHandle, &value) != MULTITREE_OK) { result = JSON_ENCODER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { STRING_HANDLE childValue = STRING_new(); if (childValue == NULL) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { if (toStringFunc(childValue, value) != JSON_ENCODER_TOSTRING_OK) { result = JSON_ENCODER_TOSTRING_FUNCTION_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(destination, childValue)!=0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { /*do nothing, result = JSON_ENCODER_OK is set above at the beginning of the FOR loop*/ } STRING_delete(childValue); } } } } } STRING_delete(name); } } } if ((i == childCount) && (result == JSON_ENCODER_OK)) { if (STRING_concat(destination, "}") != 0) { result = JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(JSON_ENCODER_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_JSON_ENCODER_99_031:[On success, JSONEncoder_EncodeTree shall return JSON_ENCODER_OK.] */ result = JSON_ENCODER_OK; } } } } return result; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4701) /* potentially uninitialized local variable 'result' used */ /* the scanner cannot track variable "i" and link it to childCount*/ #endif }
void remote_monitoring_run(void) { if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config; config.deviceId = deviceId; config.deviceKey = deviceKey; config.iotHubName = hubName; config.iotHubSuffix = hubSuffix; config.protocol = AMQP_Protocol; IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_Create(&config); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString\r\n"); } else { unsigned int minimumPollingTime = 9; /*because it can poll "after 9 seconds" polls will happen effectively at ~10 seconds*/ if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "MinimumPollingTime", &minimumPollingTime) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"MinimumPollingTime\"\r\n"); } #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP Thermostat* thermostat = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, Thermostat); if (thermostat == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE commandsMetadata; if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, thermostat) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { /* send the device info upon startup so that the cloud app knows what commands are available and the fact that the device is up */ thermostat->ObjectType = "DeviceInfo"; thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice = false; thermostat->Version = "1.0"; thermostat->DeviceProperties.HubEnabledState = true; thermostat->DeviceProperties.DeviceID = (char*)deviceId; commandsMetadata = STRING_new(); if (commandsMetadata == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on creating string for commands metadata\r\n"); } else { /* Serialize the commands metadata as a JSON string before sending */ if (SchemaSerializer_SerializeCommandMetadata(GET_MODEL_HANDLE(Contoso, Thermostat), commandsMetadata) != SCHEMA_SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing commands metadata\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* buffer; size_t bufferSize; thermostat->Commands = (char*)STRING_c_str(commandsMetadata); /* Here is the actual send of the Device Info */ if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->ObjectType, thermostat->Version, thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice, thermostat->DeviceProperties, thermostat->Commands) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } } STRING_delete(commandsMetadata); } thermostat->Temperature = 50.0; thermostat->Humidity = 50.0; thermostat->DeviceId = (char*)deviceId; while (1) { unsigned char*buffer; size_t bufferSize; (void)printf("Sending sensor value Temperature = %02f, Humidity = %02f\r\n", thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity); if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity, thermostat->DeviceId) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed sending sensor value\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1000); } } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(thermostat); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } }
void ERROR_define(const char *pattern, char *arg[]) { uchar c; char *msg = NULL; int len; int narg = 0; ERROR_clear(); if ((intptr_t)pattern >= 0 && (intptr_t)pattern < 256) { ERROR_current->info.code = (int)(intptr_t)pattern; pattern = _message[(int)(intptr_t)pattern]; if (*pattern == '.') { narg = pattern[1] - '0'; pattern += 2; } } else if ((intptr_t)pattern == E_ABORT) { ERROR_current->info.code = E_ABORT; pattern = ""; } else { ERROR_current->info.code = E_CUSTOM; if (arg) { msg = (char *)pattern; for (;;) { c = *msg++; if (c == 0) break; if (c == '&') { c = *msg++; if (c >= '1' && c <= '4') { c -= '0'; if (c > narg) narg = c; } } } } } if (narg) { len = get_message_length(pattern, arg, narg); if (len) { msg = STRING_new(NULL, len); ERROR_current->info.msg = msg; ERROR_current-> = TRUE; if (EXEC_debug) { int i; strcpy(msg, pattern); msg += strlen(pattern); for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) { *msg++ = '|'; if (arg[i]) { strcpy(msg, arg[i]); msg += strlen(arg[i]); } } } else { for (;;) { c = *pattern++; if (c == 0) break; if (c == '&') { c = *pattern++; if (c >= '1' && c <= '4') { c -= '1'; if (arg[c]) { len = strlen(arg[c]); memcpy(msg, arg[c], len); msg += len; } } } else *msg++ = c; } *msg = 0; } /*fprintf(stderr, "msg: %s\n", ERROR_current->info.msg); if (strcmp(ERROR_current->info.msg, "Type mismatch: wanted WebView, got Function instead") == 0) { BREAKPOINT(); STRING_watch = ERROR_current->info.msg; }*/ } } else if (ERROR_current->info.code == E_CUSTOM) { if (pattern && *pattern) { ERROR_current->info.msg = STRING_new_zero(pattern); ERROR_current-> = TRUE; } else { ERROR_current->info.msg = (char *)_message[E_UNKNOWN]; ERROR_current-> = FALSE; } } else { ERROR_current->info.msg = (char *)pattern; ERROR_current-> = FALSE; } //fprintf(stderr, "ERROR_define: %p %d '%s'\n", ERROR_current, ERROR_current->info.code, ERROR_current->info.msg); //STRING_add_char(&ERROR_current->info.msg, 0); ERROR_current->info.cp = CP; ERROR_current->info.fp = FP; ERROR_current->info.pc = PC; #if DEBUG_ERROR ERROR_debug("ERROR_define: %s\n", ERROR_current->info.msg); #endif }
static bool checkAndTryToConnect(PMQTTTAPI_HANDLE_DATA mqttApiState) { bool result; if (mqttApiState != NULL) { if (!mqttApiState->connected) { /* Codes_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_062: [MQTTAPI_create shall generate SAS Token with an expiring time of 1 hour.] */ size_t secondsSinceEpoch = (size_t)(difftime(get_time(NULL), EPOCH_TIME_T_VALUE) + 0); size_t possibleNewExpiry = secondsSinceEpoch + mqttApiState->sasTokenLifetime; STRING_HANDLE zeroLengthString; if ((zeroLengthString = STRING_new()) == NULL) { LogError("Could not generate zeroLenghtString for skn. \r\n"); result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE newSASToken = SASToken_Create(mqttApiState->device_key, mqttApiState->sasTokenSr, zeroLengthString, possibleNewExpiry); if (newSASToken == NULL) { LogError("Could not generate a SAS Token\r\n"); result = false; } else { /* Codes_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_024: [MQTTAPI_Create shall call underlying library connection functions to establish connection with the server.] */ if (!connectToMQTTServer(mqttApiState->client, STRING_c_str(mqttApiState->device_id), STRING_c_str(newSASToken))) { /* Tests_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_025: [If connection fails MQTTAPI_Create shall return NULL. */ result = false; } else { mqttApiState->connected = true; mqttApiState->lastExpiryUsed = possibleNewExpiry; result = true; } STRING_delete(newSASToken); } STRING_delete(zeroLengthString); } } else { //Here is the point that we need to check if we need to disconnect, generate a new SAS Token and Connect Again. size_t secondsSinceEpoch; int differenceWithLastExpiry; secondsSinceEpoch = (size_t)(difftime(get_time(NULL), EPOCH_TIME_T_VALUE) + 0); differenceWithLastExpiry = mqttApiState->lastExpiryUsed - secondsSinceEpoch; /* Codes_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_063: [DoWork shall check the SAS Token Expiration time for the current connection. If the token is near to expire and there is no pending item, it shall disconnect, generate a new SAS Token with 1 hour expiration and connect again.] */ if ((differenceWithLastExpiry <= 0) || (((size_t)differenceWithLastExpiry) < mqttApiState->sasRefreshLine && DList_IsListEmpty(&(mqttApiState->messagesSent)) ) ) // Within refresh minutes (or past if negative) of the expiration { /* First Disconnect */ /* Codes_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_064: [If the token is expired we shall disconnect, signal that all pending message are failed due to Token Expired.] */ if (MQTTClient_disconnect(mqttApiState->client, 0) != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS) { LogError("Token is Expired or about to be expired and Disconnect Failed. \r\n"); } else { size_t possibleNewExpiry = secondsSinceEpoch + mqttApiState->sasTokenLifetime; STRING_HANDLE zeroLengthString; if ((zeroLengthString = STRING_new()) == NULL) { LogError("Could not generate zeroLenghtString for skn. \r\n"); result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE newSASToken = SASToken_Create(mqttApiState->device_key, mqttApiState->sasTokenSr, zeroLengthString, possibleNewExpiry); mqttApiState->connected = false; if (newSASToken == NULL) { LogError("Could not generate a SAS Token\r\n"); result = false; } else { /* Codes_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_024: [MQTTAPI_Create shall call underlying library connection functions to establish connection with the server.] */ if (!connectToMQTTServer(mqttApiState->client, STRING_c_str(mqttApiState->device_id), STRING_c_str(newSASToken))) { /* Tests_SRS_MQTTAPI_04_025: [If connection fails MQTTAPI_Create shall return NULL. */ result = false; } else { mqttApiState->connected = true; mqttApiState->lastExpiryUsed = possibleNewExpiry; if (mqttApiState->subscribed) { int rc; LogInfo("Trying to Subscribe after reconnect.\r\n"); if ((rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(mqttApiState->client, STRING_c_str(mqttApiState->subscribedTopicHandleData->topicName), SUBSCRIBEQOS)) != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS) { LogError("Could not subscribe again. Won't be able to receive messages. Error Code: %d.\r\n", rc); } else { LogInfo("Subscribed succesfully after reconnect..\r\n"); } } result = true; } STRING_delete(newSASToken); } STRING_delete(zeroLengthString); } } } result = true; } } else { LogError("Invalid Arg. Handle is NULL. \r\n"); result = false; } return result; }
IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH_HANDLE IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString(const char* connectionString) { IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_001: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall verify the input parameter and if it is NULL then return NULL **]*/ if (connectionString == NULL) { LogError("Input parameter is NULL: connectionString"); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_002: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate memory for a new service client instance. **] */ result = malloc(sizeof(IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH)); if (result == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_003: [** If the allocation failed, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall return NULL **] */ LogError("Malloc failed for IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH"); } else { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_009: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create a STRING_HANDLE from the given connection string by calling STRING_construct. **] */ STRING_HANDLE connection_string; if ((connection_string = STRING_construct(connectionString)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_010: [** If the STRING_construct fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("STRING_construct failed"); free(result); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_004: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall populate hostName, iotHubName, iotHubSuffix, sharedAccessKeyName, sharedAccessKeyValue from the given connection string by calling connectionstringparser_parse **] */ MAP_HANDLE connection_string_values_map; if ((connection_string_values_map = connectionstringparser_parse(connection_string)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_005: [** If populating the IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL **] */ LogError("Tokenizing failed on connectionString"); free(result); result = NULL; } else { STRING_TOKENIZER_HANDLE tokenizer = NULL; STRING_HANDLE token_key_string = NULL; STRING_HANDLE token_value_string = NULL; STRING_HANDLE host_name_string = NULL; const char* hostName; const char* keyName; const char* sharedAccessKey; const char* iothubName; const char* iothubSuffix; /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_004: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall populate hostName, iotHubName, iotHubSuffix, sharedAccessKeyName, sharedAccessKeyValue from the given connection string by calling connectionstringparser_parse **] */ (void)memset(result, 0, sizeof(IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH)); if ((hostName = Map_GetValueFromKey(connection_string_values_map, IOTHUBHOSTNAME)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_011: [** If the populating HostName fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Couldn't find %s in connection string", IOTHUBHOSTNAME); free(result); result = NULL; } else if ((keyName = Map_GetValueFromKey(connection_string_values_map, IOTHUBSHAREDACESSKEYNAME)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_012: [** If the populating SharedAccessKeyName fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Couldn't find %s in connection string", IOTHUBSHAREDACESSKEYNAME); free(result); result = NULL; } else if ((sharedAccessKey = Map_GetValueFromKey(connection_string_values_map, IOTHUBSHAREDACESSKEY)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_013: [** If the populating SharedAccessKey fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Couldn't find %s in connection string", IOTHUBSHAREDACESSKEY); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_038: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create a STRING_handle from hostName by calling STRING_construct. **] */ else if ((host_name_string = STRING_construct(hostName)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_039: [** If the STRING_construct fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("STRING_construct failed"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_014: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create a STRING_TOKENIZER to parse HostName by calling STRING_TOKENIZER_create. **] */ else if ((tokenizer = STRING_TOKENIZER_create(host_name_string)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_015: [** If the STRING_TOKENIZER_create fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Error creating STRING tokenizer"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_016: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create a new STRING_HANDLE for token key string by calling STRING_new. **] */ else if ((token_key_string = STRING_new()) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_017: [** If the STRING_new fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Error creating key token STRING_HANDLE"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_018: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create a new STRING_HANDLE for token value string by calling STRING_new. **] */ else if ((token_value_string = STRING_new()) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_019: [** If the STRING_new fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Error creating value token STRING_HANDLE"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_020: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall call STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token to get token key string. **] */ else if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer, token_key_string, ".") != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_021: [** If the STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Error reading key token STRING"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_022: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall call STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token to get token value string. **] */ else if (STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token(tokenizer, token_value_string, "0") != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_023: [** If the STRING_TOKENIZER_get_next_token fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("Error reading value token STRING"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_024: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate memory and copy hostName to result->hostName by calling mallocAndStrcpy_s. **] */ else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->hostname, hostName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_025: [** If the mallocAndStrcpy_s fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("mallocAndStrcpy_s failed for hostName"); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_026: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate memory and copy keyName to result->keyName by calling mallocAndStrcpy_s. **] */ else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->keyName, keyName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_027: [** If the mallocAndStrcpy_s fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("mallocAndStrcpy_s failed for keyName"); free(result->hostname); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_028: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate memory and copy sharedAccessKey to result->sharedAccessKey by calling mallocAndStrcpy_s. **] */ else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->sharedAccessKey, sharedAccessKey) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_029: [** If the mallocAndStrcpy_s fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("mallocAndStrcpy_s failed for sharedAccessKey"); free(result->hostname); free(result->keyName); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_034: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create C string from token key string handle by calling STRING_c_str. **] */ else if ((iothubName = STRING_c_str(token_key_string)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_035 : [** If the STRING_c_str fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("STRING_c_str failed for iothubName"); free(result->hostname); free(result->keyName); free(result->sharedAccessKey); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_036 : [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall create C string from token value string handle by calling STRING_c_str. **] */ else if ((iothubSuffix = STRING_c_str(token_value_string)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_037 : [** If the mallocAndStrcpy_s fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("STRING_c_str failed for iothubSuffix"); free(result->hostname); free(result->keyName); free(result->sharedAccessKey); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_030: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate memory and copy iothubName to result->iothubName by calling mallocAndStrcpy_s. **] */ else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->iothubName, iothubName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_031 : [** If the mallocAndStrcpy_s fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("mallocAndStrcpy_s failed for sharedAccessKey"); free(result->hostname); free(result->keyName); free(result->sharedAccessKey); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_032: [** IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall allocate memory and copy iothubSuffix to result->iothubSuffix by calling mallocAndStrcpy_s. **] */ else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->iothubSuffix, iothubSuffix) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_033 : [** If the mallocAndStrcpy_s fails, IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return NULL. **] */ LogError("mallocAndStrcpy_s failed for sharedAccessKey"); free(result->hostname); free(result->keyName); free(result->sharedAccessKey); free(result->iothubName); free(result); result = NULL; } /*Codes_SRS_IOTHUBSERVICECLIENT_12_006: [** If the IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH has been populated IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString shall do clean up and return with a IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH_HANDLE to it **] */ STRING_delete(token_key_string); STRING_delete(token_value_string); STRING_delete(host_name_string); STRING_TOKENIZER_destroy(tokenizer); Map_Destroy(connection_string_values_map); } STRING_delete(connection_string); } } } return result; }
STRING_HANDLE SASToken_Create(STRING_HANDLE key, STRING_HANDLE scope, STRING_HANDLE keyName, size_t expiry) { STRING_HANDLE result = NULL; char tokenExpirationTime[32] = { 0 }; /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_001: [If key is NULL then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_003: [If scope is NULL then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_007: [If keyName is NULL then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/ if ((key == NULL) || (scope == NULL) || (keyName == NULL)) { LogError("Invalid Parameter to SASToken_Create. handle key: %p, handle scope: %p, handle keyName: %p\r\n", key, scope, keyName); } else { BUFFER_HANDLE decodedKey; /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_029: [The key parameter is decoded from base64.]*/ if ((decodedKey = Base64_Decoder(STRING_c_str(key))) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_030: [If there is an error in the decoding then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/ LogError("Unable to decode the key for generating the SAS.\r\n"); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_026: [If the conversion to string form fails for any reason then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/ if (size_tToString(tokenExpirationTime, sizeof(tokenExpirationTime), expiry) != 0) { LogError("For some reason converting seconds to a string failed. No SAS can be generated.\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE toBeHashed = NULL; BUFFER_HANDLE hash = NULL; if (((hash = BUFFER_new()) == NULL) || ((toBeHashed = STRING_new()) == NULL) || ((result = STRING_new()) == NULL)) { LogError("Unable to allocate memory to prepare SAS token.\r\n") } else { /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_009: [The scope is the basis for creating a STRING_HANDLE.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_010: [A "\n" is appended to that string.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_011: [tokenExpirationTime is appended to that string.]*/ if ((STRING_concat_with_STRING(toBeHashed, scope) != 0) || (STRING_concat(toBeHashed, "\n") != 0) || (STRING_concat(toBeHashed, tokenExpirationTime) != 0)) { LogError("Unable to build the input to the HMAC to prepare SAS token.\r\n"); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { STRING_HANDLE base64Signature = NULL; STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedSignature = NULL; /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_013: [If an error is returned from the HMAC256 function then NULL is returned from SASToken_Create.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_012: [An HMAC256 hash is calculated using the decodedKey, over toBeHashed.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_014: [If there are any errors from the following operations then NULL shall be returned.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_015: [The hash is base 64 encoded.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_028: [base64Signature shall be url encoded.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_016: [The string "SharedAccessSignature sr=" is the first part of the result of SASToken_Create.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_017: [The scope parameter is appended to result.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_018: [The string "&sig=" is appended to result.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_019: [The string urlEncodedSignature shall be appended to result.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_020: [The string "&se=" shall be appended to result.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_021: [tokenExpirationTime is appended to result.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_022: [The string "&skn=" is appended to result.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_023: [The argument keyName is appended to result.]*/ if ((HMACSHA256_ComputeHash(BUFFER_u_char(decodedKey), BUFFER_length(decodedKey), (const unsigned char*)STRING_c_str(toBeHashed), STRING_length(toBeHashed), hash) != HMACSHA256_OK) || ((base64Signature = Base64_Encode(hash)) == NULL) || ((urlEncodedSignature = URL_Encode(base64Signature)) == NULL) || (STRING_copy(result, "SharedAccessSignature sr=") != 0) || (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, scope) != 0) || (STRING_concat(result, "&sig=") != 0) || (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, urlEncodedSignature) != 0) || (STRING_concat(result, "&se=") != 0) || (STRING_concat(result, tokenExpirationTime) != 0) || (STRING_concat(result, "&skn=") != 0) || (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, keyName) != 0)) { LogError("Unable to build the SAS token.\r\n"); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { /* everything OK */ } STRING_delete(base64Signature); STRING_delete(urlEncodedSignature); } } STRING_delete(toBeHashed); BUFFER_delete(hash); } BUFFER_delete(decodedKey); } } return result; }
void remote_monitoring_run(void) { initBme(); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { LogInfo("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config; IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle; config.deviceId = deviceId; config.deviceKey = deviceKey; config.iotHubName = hubName; config.iotHubSuffix = hubSuffix; config.protocol = HTTP_Protocol; iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_LL_Create(&config); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { LogInfo("Failed on IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString\r\n"); } else { #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { LogInfo("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP Thermostat* thermostat = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, Thermostat); if (thermostat == NULL) { LogInfo("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE commandsMetadata; if (IoTHubClient_LL_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, thermostat) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { LogInfo("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { /* send the device info upon startup so that the cloud app knows what commands are available and the fact that the device is up */ thermostat->ObjectType = "DeviceInfo"; thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice = false; thermostat->Version = "1.0"; thermostat->DeviceProperties.HubEnabledState = true; thermostat->DeviceProperties.DeviceID = (char*)deviceId; commandsMetadata = STRING_new(); if (commandsMetadata == NULL) { LogInfo("Failed on creating string for commands metadata\r\n"); } else { /* Serialize the commands metadata as a JSON string before sending */ if (SchemaSerializer_SerializeCommandMetadata(GET_MODEL_HANDLE(Contoso, Thermostat), commandsMetadata) != SCHEMA_SERIALIZER_OK) { LogInfo("Failed serializing commands metadata\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* buffer; size_t bufferSize; thermostat->Commands = (char*)STRING_c_str(commandsMetadata); /* Here is the actual send of the Device Info */ if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->ObjectType, thermostat->Version, thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice, thermostat->DeviceProperties, thermostat->Commands) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { LogInfo("Failed serializing\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } } STRING_delete(commandsMetadata); } thermostat->DeviceId = (char*)deviceId; int sendCycle = 10; int currentCycle = 0; while (1) { if(currentCycle >= sendCycle) { float Temp; float Humi; getNextSample(&Temp, &Humi); //thermostat->Temperature = 50 + (rand() % 10 + 2); thermostat->Temperature = (int)round(Temp); thermostat->ExternalTemperature = 55 + (rand() % 5 + 2); //thermostat->Humidity = 50 + (rand() % 8 + 2); thermostat->Humidity = (int)round(Humi); currentCycle = 0; unsigned char*buffer; size_t bufferSize; LogInfo("Sending sensor value Temperature = %d, Humidity = %d\r\n", thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity); if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->DeviceId, thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity, thermostat->ExternalTemperature) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { LogInfo("Failed sending sensor value\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } } IoTHubClient_LL_DoWork(iotHubClientHandle); ThreadAPI_Sleep(100); currentCycle++; } } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(thermostat); } IoTHubClient_LL_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } }