int virSystemdTerminateMachine(const char *name) { int ret; DBusConnection *conn; virError error; if (!name) return 0; memset(&error, 0, sizeof(error)); if ((ret = virSystemdHasMachined()) < 0) goto cleanup; ret = -1; if (!(conn = virDBusGetSystemBus())) goto cleanup; /* * The systemd DBus API we're invoking has the * following signature * * TerminateMachine(in s name); * * @name a host unique name for the machine. shows up * in 'ps' listing & similar */ VIR_DEBUG("Attempting to terminate machine via systemd"); if (virDBusCallMethod(conn, NULL, &error, "org.freedesktop.machine1", "/org/freedesktop/machine1", "org.freedesktop.machine1.Manager", "TerminateMachine", "s", name) < 0) goto cleanup; if (error.level == VIR_ERR_ERROR && STRNEQ_NULLABLE("org.freedesktop.machine1.NoSuchMachine", error.str1)) { virReportErrorObject(&error); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virResetError(&error); return ret; }
static char * getSocketPath(virURIPtr uri) { char *rundir = virGetUserRuntimeDirectory(); char *sock_path = NULL; size_t i = 0; if (!uri) goto cleanup; for (i = 0; i < uri->paramsCount; i++) { virURIParamPtr param = &uri->params[i]; if (STREQ(param->name, "socket")) { VIR_FREE(sock_path); if (VIR_STRDUP(sock_path, param->value) < 0) goto error; } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Unknown URI parameter '%s'"), param->name); goto error; } } if (!sock_path) { if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(uri->scheme, "libvirtd")) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Unsupported URI scheme '%s'"), NULLSTR(uri->scheme)); goto error; } if (STREQ_NULLABLE(uri->path, "/system")) { if (VIR_STRDUP(sock_path, LIBVIRTD_ADMIN_UNIX_SOCKET) < 0) goto error; } else if (STREQ_NULLABLE(uri->path, "/session")) { if (!rundir || virAsprintf(&sock_path, "%s%s", rundir, LIBVIRTD_ADMIN_SOCK_NAME) < 0) goto error; } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Invalid URI path '%s', try '/system'"), uri->path ? uri->path : ""); goto error; } } cleanup: VIR_FREE(rundir); return sock_path; error: VIR_FREE(sock_path); goto cleanup; }
static bool virCapsDomainDataCompare(virCapsGuestPtr guest, virCapsGuestDomainPtr domain, virCapsGuestMachinePtr machine, int ostype, virArch arch, int domaintype, const char *emulator, const char *machinetype) { const char *check_emulator = NULL; if (ostype != -1 && guest->ostype != ostype) return false; if ((arch != VIR_ARCH_NONE) && (guest-> != arch)) return false; if (domaintype != -1 && (!domain || domain->type != domaintype)) return false; if (emulator) { if (domain) check_emulator = domain->info.emulator; if (!check_emulator) check_emulator = guest->arch.defaultInfo.emulator; if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(check_emulator, emulator)) return false; } if (machinetype) { if (!machine) return false; if (STRNEQ(machine->name, machinetype) && (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(machine->canonical, machinetype))) return false; } return true; }
/** * virIdentityIsEqual: * @identA: the first identity * @identB: the second identity * * Compares every attribute in @identA and @identB * to determine if they refer to the same identity * * Returns true if they are equal, false if not equal */ bool virIdentityIsEqual(virIdentityPtr identA, virIdentityPtr identB) { bool ret = false; size_t i; VIR_DEBUG("identA=%p identB=%p", identA, identB); for (i = 0; i < VIR_IDENTITY_ATTR_LAST; i++) { if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(identA->attrs[i], identB->attrs[i])) goto cleanup; } ret = true; cleanup: return ret; }
static int testVirNetDevBandwidthSet(const void *data) { int ret = -1; const struct testSetStruct *info = data; const char *iface = info->iface; virNetDevBandwidthPtr band = NULL; virBuffer buf = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER; char *actual_cmd = NULL; PARSE(info->band, band); if (!iface) iface = "eth0"; virCommandSetDryRun(&buf, NULL, NULL); if (virNetDevBandwidthSet(iface, band, info->hierarchical_class) < 0) goto cleanup; if (!(actual_cmd = virBufferContentAndReset(&buf))) { int err = virBufferError(&buf); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "buffer's in error state: %d", err); goto cleanup; } /* This is interesting, no command has been executed. * Maybe that's expected, actually. */ } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(info->exp_cmd, actual_cmd)) { virTestDifference(stderr, NULLSTR(info->exp_cmd), NULLSTR(actual_cmd)); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virCommandSetDryRun(NULL, NULL, NULL); virNetDevBandwidthFree(band); virBufferFreeAndReset(&buf); VIR_FREE(actual_cmd); return ret; }
static virDrvOpenStatus bhyveConnectOpen(virConnectPtr conn, virConnectAuthPtr auth ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, unsigned int flags) { virCheckFlags(VIR_CONNECT_RO, VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR); if (conn->uri == NULL) { if (bhyve_driver == NULL) return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED; if (!(conn->uri = virURIParse("bhyve:///system"))) return VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR; } else { if (!conn->uri->scheme || STRNEQ(conn->uri->scheme, "bhyve")) return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED; if (conn->uri->server) return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED; if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(conn->uri->path, "/system")) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Unexpected bhyve URI path '%s', try bhyve:///system"), conn->uri->path); return VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR; } if (bhyve_driver == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("bhyve state driver is not active")); return VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR; } } if (virConnectOpenEnsureACL(conn) < 0) return VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR; conn->privateData = bhyve_driver; return VIR_DRV_OPEN_SUCCESS; }
static int testCryptoHash(const void *opaque) { const struct testCryptoHashData *data = opaque; char *actual = NULL; int ret = -1; if (virCryptoHashString(data->hash, data->input, &actual) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to generate crypto hash\n"); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->output, actual)) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected hash '%s' but got '%s'\n", data->output, NULLSTR(actual)); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(actual); return ret; }
static int testQemuCommandBuildObjectFromJSON(const void *opaque) { const testQemuCommandBuildObjectFromJSONData *data = opaque; virJSONValuePtr val = NULL; char *expect = NULL; char *result = NULL; int ret = -1; if (!(val = virJSONValueFromString(data->props))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse JSON string '%s'", data->props); return -1; } if (virAsprintf(&expect, "testobject,id=testalias%s%s", data->expectprops ? "," : "", data->expectprops ? data->expectprops : "") < 0) return -1; result = qemuBuildObjectCommandlineFromJSON("testobject", "testalias", val); if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(expect, result)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to create object string. " "\nExpected:\n'%s'\nGot:\n'%s'", NULLSTR(expect), NULLSTR(result)); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virJSONValueFree(val); VIR_FREE(result); VIR_FREE(expect); return ret; }
static int testVirPCIDeviceCheckDriver(virPCIDevicePtr dev, const char *expected) { char *path = NULL; char *driver = NULL; int ret = -1; if (virPCIDeviceGetDriverPathAndName(dev, &path, &driver) < 0) goto cleanup; if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(driver, expected)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "PCI device %s driver mismatch: %s, expecting %s", virPCIDeviceGetName(dev), NULLSTR(driver), NULLSTR(expected)); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(path); VIR_FREE(driver); return ret; }
static int testJSONAddRemove(const void *data) { const struct testInfo *info = data; virJSONValuePtr json; virJSONValuePtr name = NULL; char *result = NULL; int ret = -1; json = virJSONValueFromString(info->doc); if (!json) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("Fail to parse %s\n", info->name); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } switch (virJSONValueObjectRemoveKey(json, "name", &name)) { case 1: if (!info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("should not remove from non-object %s\n", info->name); goto cleanup; } break; case -1: if (!info->pass) ret = 0; else VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("Fail to recognize non-object %s\n", info->name); goto cleanup; default: VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("unexpected result when removing from %s\n", info->name); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(virJSONValueGetString(name), "sample")) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("unexpected value after removing name: %s\n", NULLSTR(virJSONValueGetString(name))); goto cleanup; } if (virJSONValueObjectRemoveKey(json, "name", NULL)) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("%s", "unexpected success when removing missing key\n"); goto cleanup; } if (virJSONValueObjectAppendString(json, "newname", "foo") < 0) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("%s", "unexpected failure adding new key\n"); goto cleanup; } if (!(result = virJSONValueToString(json, false))) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("%s", "failed to stringize result\n"); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ(info->expect, result)) { virTestDifference(stderr, info->expect, result); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virJSONValueFree(json); virJSONValueFree(name); VIR_FREE(result); return ret; }
static int testJSONLookup(const void *data) { const struct testInfo *info = data; virJSONValuePtr json; virJSONValuePtr value = NULL; char *result = NULL; int rc; int number; const char *str; int ret = -1; json = virJSONValueFromString(info->doc); if (!json) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("Fail to parse %s\n", info->doc); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } value = virJSONValueObjectGetObject(json, "a"); if (value) { if (!info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'a' in '%s' should have failed\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } else { result = virJSONValueToString(value, false); if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(result, "{}")) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'a' in '%s' found '%s' but " "should have found '{}'\n", info->doc, NULLSTR(result)); goto cleanup; } VIR_FREE(result); } } else if (info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'a' in '%s' should have succeeded\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } number = 2; rc = virJSONValueObjectGetNumberInt(json, "b", &number); if (rc == 0) { if (!info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'b' in '%s' should have failed\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } else if (number != 1) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'b' in '%s' found %d but " "should have found 1\n", info->doc, number); goto cleanup; } } else if (info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'b' in '%s' should have succeeded\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } str = virJSONValueObjectGetString(json, "c"); if (str) { if (!info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'c' in '%s' should have failed\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } else if (STRNEQ(str, "str")) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'c' in '%s' found '%s' but " "should have found 'str'\n", info->doc, str); goto cleanup; } } else if (info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'c' in '%s' should have succeeded\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } value = virJSONValueObjectGetArray(json, "d"); if (value) { if (!info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'd' in '%s' should have failed\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } else { result = virJSONValueToString(value, false); if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(result, "[]")) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'd' in '%s' found '%s' but " "should have found '[]'\n", info->doc, NULLSTR(result)); goto cleanup; } VIR_FREE(result); } } else if (info->pass) { VIR_TEST_VERBOSE("lookup for 'd' in '%s' should have succeeded\n", info->doc); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virJSONValueFree(json); VIR_FREE(result); return ret; }
bool virCPUDefIsEqual(virCPUDefPtr src, virCPUDefPtr dst) { bool identical = false; int i; if (!src && !dst) return true; if ((src && !dst) || (!src && dst)) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s", _("Target CPU does not match source")); goto cleanup; } if (src->type != dst->type) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU type %s does not match source %s"), virCPUTypeToString(dst->type), virCPUTypeToString(src->type)); goto cleanup; } if (src->mode != dst->mode) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU mode %s does not match source %s"), virCPUModeTypeToString(dst->mode), virCPUModeTypeToString(src->mode)); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(src->arch, dst->arch)) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU arch %s does not match source %s"), NULLSTR(dst->arch), NULLSTR(src->arch)); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(src->model, dst->model)) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU model %s does not match source %s"), NULLSTR(dst->model), NULLSTR(src->model)); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(src->vendor, dst->vendor)) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU vendor %s does not match source %s"), NULLSTR(dst->vendor), NULLSTR(src->vendor)); goto cleanup; } if (src->sockets != dst->sockets) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU sockets %d does not match source %d"), dst->sockets, src->sockets); goto cleanup; } if (src->cores != dst->cores) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU cores %d does not match source %d"), dst->cores, src->cores); goto cleanup; } if (src->threads != dst->threads) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU threads %d does not match source %d"), dst->threads, src->threads); goto cleanup; } if (src->nfeatures != dst->nfeatures) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU feature count %zu does not match source %zu"), dst->nfeatures, src->nfeatures); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0 ; i < src->nfeatures ; i++) { if (STRNEQ(src->features[i].name, dst->features[i].name)) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU feature %s does not match source %s"), dst->features[i].name, src->features[i].name); goto cleanup; } if (src->features[i].policy != dst->features[i].policy) { virCPUReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, _("Target CPU feature policy %s does not match source %s"), virCPUFeaturePolicyTypeToString(dst->features[i].policy), virCPUFeaturePolicyTypeToString(src->features[i].policy)); goto cleanup; } } identical = true; cleanup: return identical; }
static int testURIParse(const void *args) { int ret = -1; virURIPtr uri = NULL; const struct URIParseData *data = args; char *uristr = NULL; size_t i; if (!(uri = virURIParse(data->uri))) goto cleanup; if (STRNEQ(uri->scheme, data->scheme)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected scheme '%s', actual '%s'", data->scheme, uri->scheme); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ(uri->server, data->server)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected server '%s', actual '%s'", data->server, uri->server); goto cleanup; } if (uri->port != data->port) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected port '%d', actual '%d'", data->port, uri->port); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(uri->path, data->path)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected path '%s', actual '%s'", data->path, uri->path); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(uri->query, data->query)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected query '%s', actual '%s'", data->query, uri->query); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(uri->fragment, data->fragment)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected fragment '%s', actual '%s'", data->fragment, uri->fragment); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; data->params && data->params[i].name && i < uri->paramsCount; i++) { if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->params[i].name, uri->params[i].name)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected param name %zu '%s', actual '%s'", i, data->params[i].name, uri->params[i].name); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->params[i].value, uri->params[i].value)) { VIR_DEBUG("Expected param value %zu '%s', actual '%s'", i, data->params[i].value, uri->params[i].value); goto cleanup; } } if (data->params && data->params[i].name) { VIR_DEBUG("Missing parameter %zu %s=%s", i, data->params[i].name, data->params[i].value); goto cleanup; } if (i != uri->paramsCount) { VIR_DEBUG("Unexpected parameter %zu %s=%s", i, uri->params[i].name, uri->params[i].value); goto cleanup; } VIR_FREE(uri->query); uri->query = virURIFormatParams(uri); if (!(uristr = virURIFormat(uri))) goto cleanup; if (STRNEQ(uristr, data->uri_out)) { VIR_DEBUG("URI did not roundtrip, expect '%s', actual '%s'", data->uri_out, uristr); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(uristr); virURIFree(uri); return ret; }
static int testCompareXMLToArgvFiles(bool shouldFail, const char *poolxml, const char *volxml, const char *inputpoolxml, const char *inputvolxml, const char *cmdline, unsigned int flags, int imgformat) { char *volXmlData = NULL; char *poolXmlData = NULL; char *inputpoolXmlData = NULL; char *inputvolXmlData = NULL; char *expectedCmdline = NULL; char *actualCmdline = NULL; int ret = -1; int len; virCommandPtr cmd = NULL; virConnectPtr conn; virStorageVolDefPtr vol = NULL, inputvol = NULL; virStoragePoolDefPtr pool = NULL; virStoragePoolDefPtr inputpool = NULL; virStoragePoolObj poolobj = {.def = NULL }; if (!(conn = virGetConnect())) goto cleanup; if (virtTestLoadFile(poolxml, &poolXmlData) < 0) goto cleanup; if (virtTestLoadFile(volxml, &volXmlData) < 0) goto cleanup; if (inputvolxml && virtTestLoadFile(inputvolxml, &inputvolXmlData) < 0) goto cleanup; if (!(pool = virStoragePoolDefParseString(poolXmlData))) goto cleanup; poolobj.def = pool; if (inputpoolxml) { if (virtTestLoadFile(inputpoolxml, &inputpoolXmlData) < 0) goto cleanup; if (!(inputpool = virStoragePoolDefParseString(inputpoolXmlData))) goto cleanup; } if (!(vol = virStorageVolDefParseString(pool, volXmlData))) goto cleanup; if (inputvolxml && !(inputvol = virStorageVolDefParseString(inputpool, inputvolXmlData))) goto cleanup; testSetVolumeType(vol, pool); testSetVolumeType(inputvol, inputpool); cmd = virStorageBackendCreateQemuImgCmd(conn, &poolobj, vol, inputvol, flags, create_tool, imgformat); if (!cmd) { if (shouldFail) { virResetLastError(); ret = 0; } goto cleanup; } if (!(actualCmdline = virCommandToString(cmd))) goto cleanup; len = virtTestLoadFile(cmdline, &expectedCmdline); if (len < 0) goto cleanup; if (len && expectedCmdline[len-1] == '\n') expectedCmdline[len-1] = '\0'; if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(expectedCmdline, actualCmdline)) { virtTestDifference(stderr, expectedCmdline, actualCmdline); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virStoragePoolDefFree(pool); virStoragePoolDefFree(inputpool); virStorageVolDefFree(vol); virStorageVolDefFree(inputvol); virCommandFree(cmd); VIR_FREE(actualCmdline); VIR_FREE(expectedCmdline); VIR_FREE(inputpoolXmlData); VIR_FREE(poolXmlData); VIR_FREE(volXmlData); VIR_FREE(inputvolXmlData); virObjectUnref(conn); return ret; }
int virSystemdTerminateMachine(const char *name, const char *drivername, bool privileged) { int ret; DBusConnection *conn; char *machinename = NULL; virError error; memset(&error, 0, sizeof(error)); ret = virDBusIsServiceEnabled("org.freedesktop.machine1"); if (ret < 0) goto cleanup; if ((ret = virDBusIsServiceRegistered("org.freedesktop.systemd1")) < 0) goto cleanup; ret = -1; if (!(conn = virDBusGetSystemBus())) goto cleanup; if (!(machinename = virSystemdMakeMachineName(name, drivername, privileged))) goto cleanup; /* * The systemd DBus API we're invoking has the * following signature * * TerminateMachine(in s name); * * @name a host unique name for the machine. shows up * in 'ps' listing & similar */ VIR_DEBUG("Attempting to terminate machine via systemd"); if (virDBusCallMethod(conn, NULL, &error, "org.freedesktop.machine1", "/org/freedesktop/machine1", "org.freedesktop.machine1.Manager", "TerminateMachine", "s", machinename) < 0) goto cleanup; if (error.code == VIR_ERR_ERROR && STRNEQ_NULLABLE("org.freedesktop.machine1.NoSuchMachine", error.str1)) { virReportErrorObject(&error); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virResetError(&error); VIR_FREE(machinename); return ret; }
void qemuDomainReAttachHostdevDevices(struct qemud_driver *driver, const char *name, virDomainHostdevDefPtr *hostdevs, int nhostdevs) { pciDeviceList *pcidevs; int i; if (!(pcidevs = qemuGetActivePciHostDeviceList(driver, hostdevs, nhostdevs))) { virErrorPtr err = virGetLastError(); VIR_ERROR(_("Failed to allocate pciDeviceList: %s"), err ? err->message : _("unknown error")); virResetError(err); return; } /* Again 4 loops; mark all devices as inactive before reset * them and reset all the devices before re-attach. * Attach mac and port profile parameters to devices */ for (i = 0; i < pciDeviceListCount(pcidevs); i++) { pciDevice *dev = pciDeviceListGet(pcidevs, i); pciDevice *activeDev = NULL; /* Never delete the dev from list driver->activePciHostdevs * if it's used by other domain. */ activeDev = pciDeviceListFind(driver->activePciHostdevs, dev); if (activeDev && STRNEQ_NULLABLE(name, pciDeviceGetUsedBy(activeDev))) { pciDeviceListSteal(pcidevs, dev); continue; } /* pciDeviceListFree() will take care of freeing the dev. */ pciDeviceListSteal(driver->activePciHostdevs, dev); } /* * For SRIOV net host devices, unset mac and port profile before * reset and reattach device */ for (i = 0; i < nhostdevs; i++) { virDomainHostdevDefPtr hostdev = hostdevs[i]; if (hostdev->mode != VIR_DOMAIN_HOSTDEV_MODE_SUBSYS) continue; if (hostdev->source.subsys.type != VIR_DOMAIN_HOSTDEV_SUBSYS_TYPE_PCI) continue; if (hostdev->parent.type == VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_NET && hostdev-> { qemuDomainHostdevNetConfigRestore(hostdev, driver->stateDir); } } for (i = 0; i < pciDeviceListCount(pcidevs); i++) { pciDevice *dev = pciDeviceListGet(pcidevs, i); if (pciResetDevice(dev, driver->activePciHostdevs, driver->inactivePciHostdevs) < 0) { virErrorPtr err = virGetLastError(); VIR_ERROR(_("Failed to reset PCI device: %s"), err ? err->message : _("unknown error")); virResetError(err); } } while (pciDeviceListCount(pcidevs) > 0) { pciDevice *dev = pciDeviceListStealIndex(pcidevs, 0); qemuReattachPciDevice(dev, driver); } pciDeviceListFree(pcidevs); }
bool virCPUDefIsEqual(virCPUDefPtr src, virCPUDefPtr dst, bool reportError) { bool identical = false; size_t i; if (!src && !dst) return true; #define MISMATCH(fmt, ...) \ if (reportError) \ virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) if ((src && !dst) || (!src && dst)) { MISMATCH("%s", _("Target CPU does not match source")); goto cleanup; } if (src->type != dst->type) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU type %s does not match source %s"), virCPUTypeToString(dst->type), virCPUTypeToString(src->type)); goto cleanup; } if (src->mode != dst->mode) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU mode %s does not match source %s"), virCPUModeTypeToString(dst->mode), virCPUModeTypeToString(src->mode)); goto cleanup; } if (src->check != dst->check) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU check %s does not match source %s"), virCPUCheckTypeToString(dst->check), virCPUCheckTypeToString(src->check)); goto cleanup; } if (src->arch != dst->arch) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU arch %s does not match source %s"), virArchToString(dst->arch), virArchToString(src->arch)); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(src->model, dst->model)) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU model %s does not match source %s"), NULLSTR(dst->model), NULLSTR(src->model)); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(src->vendor, dst->vendor)) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU vendor %s does not match source %s"), NULLSTR(dst->vendor), NULLSTR(src->vendor)); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(src->vendor_id, dst->vendor_id)) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU vendor id %s does not match source %s"), NULLSTR(dst->vendor_id), NULLSTR(src->vendor_id)); goto cleanup; } if (src->sockets != dst->sockets) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU sockets %d does not match source %d"), dst->sockets, src->sockets); goto cleanup; } if (src->cores != dst->cores) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU cores %d does not match source %d"), dst->cores, src->cores); goto cleanup; } if (src->threads != dst->threads) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU threads %d does not match source %d"), dst->threads, src->threads); goto cleanup; } if (src->nfeatures != dst->nfeatures) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU feature count %zu does not match source %zu"), dst->nfeatures, src->nfeatures); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < src->nfeatures; i++) { if (STRNEQ(src->features[i].name, dst->features[i].name)) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU feature %s does not match source %s"), dst->features[i].name, src->features[i].name); goto cleanup; } if (src->features[i].policy != dst->features[i].policy) { MISMATCH(_("Target CPU feature policy %s does not match source %s"), virCPUFeaturePolicyTypeToString(dst->features[i].policy), virCPUFeaturePolicyTypeToString(src->features[i].policy)); goto cleanup; } } if ((src->cache && !dst->cache) || (!src->cache && dst->cache) || (src->cache && dst->cache && (src->cache->level != dst->cache->level || src->cache->mode != dst->cache->mode))) { MISMATCH("%s", _("Target CPU cache does not match source")); goto cleanup; } #undef MISMATCH identical = true; cleanup: return identical; }
void qemuDomainReAttachHostdevDevices(virQEMUDriverPtr driver, const char *name, virDomainHostdevDefPtr *hostdevs, int nhostdevs) { virPCIDeviceListPtr pcidevs; size_t i; virQEMUDriverConfigPtr cfg = virQEMUDriverGetConfig(driver); virObjectLock(driver->activePciHostdevs); virObjectLock(driver->inactivePciHostdevs); if (!(pcidevs = qemuGetActivePciHostDeviceList(driver, hostdevs, nhostdevs))) { virErrorPtr err = virGetLastError(); VIR_ERROR(_("Failed to allocate PCI device list: %s"), err ? err->message : _("unknown error")); virResetError(err); goto cleanup; } /* Again 4 loops; mark all devices as inactive before reset * them and reset all the devices before re-attach. * Attach mac and port profile parameters to devices */ for (i = 0; i < virPCIDeviceListCount(pcidevs); i++) { virPCIDevicePtr dev = virPCIDeviceListGet(pcidevs, i); virPCIDevicePtr activeDev = NULL; /* delete the copy of the dev from pcidevs if it's used by * other domain. Or delete it from activePciHostDevs if it had * been used by this domain. */ activeDev = virPCIDeviceListFind(driver->activePciHostdevs, dev); if (activeDev && STRNEQ_NULLABLE(name, virPCIDeviceGetUsedBy(activeDev))) { virPCIDeviceListDel(pcidevs, dev); continue; } virPCIDeviceListDel(driver->activePciHostdevs, dev); } /* At this point, any device that had been used by the guest is in * pcidevs, but has been removed from activePciHostdevs. */ /* * For SRIOV net host devices, unset mac and port profile before * reset and reattach device */ for (i = 0; i < nhostdevs; i++) { virDomainHostdevDefPtr hostdev = hostdevs[i]; if (hostdev->mode != VIR_DOMAIN_HOSTDEV_MODE_SUBSYS) continue; if (hostdev->source.subsys.type != VIR_DOMAIN_HOSTDEV_SUBSYS_TYPE_PCI) continue; if (hostdev->parent.type == VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_NET && hostdev-> { qemuDomainHostdevNetConfigRestore(hostdev, cfg->stateDir); } } for (i = 0; i < virPCIDeviceListCount(pcidevs); i++) { virPCIDevicePtr dev = virPCIDeviceListGet(pcidevs, i); if (virPCIDeviceReset(dev, driver->activePciHostdevs, driver->inactivePciHostdevs) < 0) { virErrorPtr err = virGetLastError(); VIR_ERROR(_("Failed to reset PCI device: %s"), err ? err->message : _("unknown error")); virResetError(err); } } while (virPCIDeviceListCount(pcidevs) > 0) { virPCIDevicePtr dev = virPCIDeviceListStealIndex(pcidevs, 0); qemuReattachPciDevice(dev, driver); } virObjectUnref(pcidevs); cleanup: virObjectUnlock(driver->activePciHostdevs); virObjectUnlock(driver->inactivePciHostdevs); virObjectUnref(cfg); }
static int testStorageLookup(const void *args) { const struct testLookupData *data = args; int ret = 0; virStorageSourcePtr result; const char *actualParent; unsigned int idx; if (virStorageFileParseChainIndex(data->target, data->name, &idx) < 0 && data->expIndex) { fprintf(stderr, "call should not have failed\n"); ret = -1; } if (idx != data->expIndex) { fprintf(stderr, "index: expected %u, got %u\n", data->expIndex, idx); ret = -1; } /* Test twice to ensure optional parameter doesn't cause NULL deref. */ result = virStorageFileChainLookup(data->chain, NULL, idx ? NULL : data->name, idx, NULL); if (!data->expResult) { if (!virGetLastError()) { fprintf(stderr, "call should have failed\n"); ret = -1; } virResetLastError(); } else { if (virGetLastError()) { fprintf(stderr, "call should not have warned\n"); ret = -1; } } if (!result) { if (data->expResult) { fprintf(stderr, "result 1: expected %s, got NULL\n", data->expResult); ret = -1; } } else if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->expResult, result->path)) { fprintf(stderr, "result 1: expected %s, got %s\n", NULLSTR(data->expResult), NULLSTR(result->path)); ret = -1; } result = virStorageFileChainLookup(data->chain, data->chain, data->name, idx, &actualParent); if (!data->expResult) virResetLastError(); if (!result) { if (data->expResult) { fprintf(stderr, "result 2: expected %s, got NULL\n", data->expResult); ret = -1; } } else if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->expResult, result->path)) { fprintf(stderr, "result 2: expected %s, got %s\n", NULLSTR(data->expResult), NULLSTR(result->path)); ret = -1; } if (data->expMeta != result) { fprintf(stderr, "meta: expected %p, got %p\n", data->expMeta, result); ret = -1; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->expParent, actualParent)) { fprintf(stderr, "parent: expected %s, got %s\n", NULLSTR(data->expParent), NULLSTR(actualParent)); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static int testFirewallRemoveRule(const void *opaque) { virBuffer cmdbuf = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER; virFirewallPtr fw = NULL; int ret = -1; const char *actual = NULL; const char *expected = IPTABLES_PATH " -A INPUT --source-host --jump ACCEPT\n" IPTABLES_PATH " -A INPUT --source-host '!' --jump REJECT\n"; const struct testFirewallData *data = opaque; virFirewallRulePtr fwrule; fwDisabled = data->fwDisabled; if (virFirewallSetBackend(data->tryBackend) < 0) goto cleanup; if (data->expectBackend == VIR_FIREWALL_BACKEND_DIRECT) virCommandSetDryRun(&cmdbuf, NULL, NULL); else fwBuf = &cmdbuf; fw = virFirewallNew(); virFirewallStartTransaction(fw, 0); virFirewallAddRule(fw, VIR_FIREWALL_LAYER_IPV4, "-A", "INPUT", "--source-host", "", "--jump", "ACCEPT", NULL); fwrule = virFirewallAddRule(fw, VIR_FIREWALL_LAYER_IPV4, "-A", "INPUT", NULL); virFirewallRuleAddArg(fw, fwrule, "--source-host"); virFirewallRemoveRule(fw, fwrule); fwrule = virFirewallAddRule(fw, VIR_FIREWALL_LAYER_IPV4, "-A", "INPUT", NULL); virFirewallRuleAddArg(fw, fwrule, "--source-host"); virFirewallRuleAddArgFormat(fw, fwrule, "%s", "!"); virFirewallRuleAddArgList(fw, fwrule, "--jump", "REJECT", NULL); if (virFirewallApply(fw) < 0) goto cleanup; if (virBufferError(&cmdbuf)) goto cleanup; actual = virBufferCurrentContent(&cmdbuf); if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(expected, actual)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexected command execution\n"); virTestDifference(stderr, expected, actual); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virBufferFreeAndReset(&cmdbuf); fwBuf = NULL; virCommandSetDryRun(NULL, NULL, NULL); virFirewallFree(fw); return ret; }