ClRcT _clCpmComponentListAll(ClInt32T argc, ClCharT **retStr) { ClCntNodeHandleT hNode = 0; ClCpmComponentT *comp = NULL; ClUint32T rc = CL_OK, count; ClCpmEOListNodeT *eoList = NULL; ClCharT state[10] = "\0"; ClCharT status[10] = "\0"; ClCharT tempStr[256]; ClCharT *tmpStr = NULL; ClBufferHandleT message; ClCharT cpmCompName[CL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = {0}; rc = clBufferCreate(&message); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Unable to create message %x\n", rc), rc); if (argc != ONE_ARGUMENT) { rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, (ClUint8T *) STR_AND_SIZE("Usage: compList")); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Unable to write message %x\n", rc), rc); rc = CL_CPM_RC(CL_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; } count = gpClCpm->noOfComponent; snprintf(cpmCompName, CL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH-1, "%s_%s", CL_CPM_COMPONENT_NAME, gpClCpm->pCpmLocalInfo->nodeName); rc = clCntFirstNodeGet(gpClCpm->compTable, &hNode); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to Get First component \n"), rc); rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, (ClUint8T *) STR_AND_SIZE("################### List Of Components ########################\n")); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); rc = clCntNodeUserDataGet(gpClCpm->compTable, hNode,(ClCntDataHandleT *) &comp); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to Get Node Data \n"), rc); rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, STR_AND_SIZE(" CompName | compId | eoPort | PID | RestartCount | PresenceState\n")); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, STR_AND_SIZE("\t\t ID | Port | Name | Health |Recv Threads \n")); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, STR_AND_SIZE("========================================================================================\n")); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); while (count) { if (strcmp(comp->compConfig->compName, cpmCompName)!=0) /* Skip if it is the CPM component */ { eoList = comp->eoHandle; int len = sprintf(tempStr, "%30s| 0x%x | 0x%x |%8d |%14d |%15s\n", comp->compConfig->compName, comp->compId, comp->eoPort, comp->processId, comp->compRestartCount, _cpmPresenceStateNameGet(comp->compPresenceState)); if (comp->compConfig->compProperty != CL_AMS_COMP_PROPERTY_SA_AWARE) { if(!eoList || !eoList->eoptr) { len += snprintf(tempStr + len, sizeof(tempStr) - len, "\t\t 0x%x | 0x%x |%10s |%10s |%04d \n", 0, 0, "-", "-", 0); } } rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, (ClUint8T *) tempStr,len); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); while (eoList != NULL && eoList->eoptr != NULL) { compMgrStateStatusGet(eoList->status, eoList->eoptr->state, status, sizeof(status), state, sizeof(state)); int noOfThreads = (eoList->eoptr->appType == CL_EO_USE_THREAD_FOR_RECV) ? eoList->eoptr->noOfThreads + 1: eoList->eoptr->noOfThreads; int len = sprintf(tempStr, "\t\t 0x%llx | 0x%x |%10s |%10s |%04d \n", eoList->eoptr->eoID, eoList->eoptr->eoPort, eoList->eoptr->name, status, noOfThreads); rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, (ClUint8T *) tempStr, len); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); eoList = eoList->pNext; } rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, STR_AND_SIZE("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); } count--; if (count) { rc = clCntNextNodeGet(gpClCpm->compTable, hNode, &hNode); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Unable to Get Node Data %x\n", rc), rc); rc = clCntNodeUserDataGet(gpClCpm->compTable, hNode, (ClCntDataHandleT *) &comp); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Unable to Get Node user Data %x\n", rc), rc); } } /* * Bug 4986 : * Moved the code to NULL terminate the string * below the done: label, so that the usage string * written to the buffer is also NULL terminated. */ done: /* * NULL terminate the string */ rc = clBufferNBytesWrite(message, (ClUint8T *) "\0", 1); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n Unable to write message \n"), rc); rc = clBufferFlatten(message, (ClUint8T **) &tmpStr); CL_CPM_CHECK(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Unable to flatten the message \n"), rc); *retStr = tmpStr; clBufferDelete(&message); return rc; failure: clBufferDelete(&message); return rc; }
if (sb.st_size != 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* This struct defines the leading part of a valid URL name */ typedef struct url_t { const char *u_s; /* the leading part of the URL */ int u_len; /* its length */ } url_t; /* A table of valid leading strings for URLs */ static const url_t urls[] = { #define STR_AND_SIZE(str) { str, sizeof(str) - 1 } STR_AND_SIZE("file://"), STR_AND_SIZE("ftp://"), STR_AND_SIZE("http://"), STR_AND_SIZE("https://"), #undef STR_AND_SIZE {NULL, 0} }; /* * Returns length of leading part of any URL from urls table, or -1 */ int URLlength(const char *fname) { const url_t *up; int i;