void SWFOutput_writeGlyphShape(SWFOutput out, SWFShape shape) { unsigned char c; int styleDone = 0; int i; c = 1<<4; SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, c); shape->nFills = 1; shape->nLines = 0; for ( i=0; i<shape->nRecords; ++i ) { if(!styleDone && shape->records[i].type == SHAPERECORD_STATECHANGE) { shape->records[i].record.stateChange->flags |= SWF_SHAPE_FILLSTYLE0FLAG; shape->records[i].record.stateChange->leftFill = 1; styleDone = 1; } if ( i < shape->nRecords-1 || shape->records[i].type != SHAPERECORD_STATECHANGE ) { SWFShape_writeShapeRecord(shape, shape->records[i], out); } } SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 0, 6); /* end tag */ SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); }
SWFOutput outputswfSWF_SHAPE (SWF_SHAPE * shape) { SWFOutput out; int i; out=newSWFOutput(); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shape->NumFillBits,4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shape->NumLineBits,4); for (i = 0; i < shape->NumShapeRecords; i++) { outputswfSWF_SHAPERECORD (&(shape->ShapeRecords[i]), out,shape->NumFillBits,shape->NumLineBits); } SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); return out; }
void outputTrailer (struct Movie *m) { SWFOutput out; out=newSizedSWFOutput(30); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out,'F'); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out,'W'); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out,'S'); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out,4); SWFOutput_writeUInt32(out,SWFOutput_getLength(swfout)+23 /*size of header*/); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,15,5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,m->frame.xMin,15); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,m->frame.xMax,15); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,m->frame.yMin,15); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,m->frame.yMax,15); SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out,m->rate); SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out,m->nFrames); /* Add the SWF_END tag */ SWFOutput_writeUInt16(swfout,0); SWFOutput_writeToMethod(out,fileOutputMethod,stdout); SWFOutput_writeToMethod(swfout,fileOutputMethod,stdout); destroySWFOutput(swfout); destroySWFOutput(out); }
void outputswfSWF_RECT (SWFOutput out,SWF_RECT * rect) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,rect->Nbits,5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,rect->Xmin,rect->Nbits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,rect->Xmax,rect->Nbits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,rect->Ymin,rect->Nbits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,rect->Ymax,rect->Nbits); }
void SWFShape_end(SWFShape shape) { int i; byte* buffer; if ( shape->isEnded ) return; shape->isEnded = TRUE; buffer = SWFOutput_getBuffer(shape->out); if (shape->isUsingNewStyles == FALSE) { buffer[0] = (SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nFills2) << 4) + SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nLines2); } for ( i=0; i<shape->nRecords; ++i ) { if ( i < shape->nRecords-1 || shape->records[i].type != SHAPERECORD_STATECHANGE ) { SWFShape_writeShapeRecord(shape, shape->records[i]); } free(shape->records[i].record.stateChange); /* all in union are pointers */ } SWFOutput_writeBits(shape->out, 0, 6); /* end tag */ SWFOutput_byteAlign(shape->out); /* addStyleHeader creates a new output and adds the existing one after itself- so even though it's called afterwards it's written before, as it should be */ if ( BLOCK(shape)->type > 0 ) /* i.e., shape with style */ SWFShape_addStyleHeader(shape); free(shape->records); shape->records = NULL; shape->nRecords = 0; shape->lines = &shape->lines2; shape->fills = &shape->fills2; shape->nLines = &shape->nLines2; shape->nFills = &shape->nFills2; }
void SWFOutput_writeRect(SWFOutput out, SWFRect rect) { int nBits = max(max(SWFOutput_numSBits(rect->minX), SWFOutput_numSBits(rect->maxX)), max(SWFOutput_numSBits(rect->minY), SWFOutput_numSBits(rect->maxY))); if(nBits>=32) SWF_error("SWFRect too large for file format"); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, rect->minX, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, rect->maxX, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, rect->minY, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, rect->maxY, nBits); }
void SWFText_resolveCodes(SWFText text) { SWFTextRecord textRecord, oldRecord; SWFOutput out = text->out; int nGlyphBits = 0; int len, i; int curX = 0, curY = 0, curH = 0; textRecord = text->initialRecord; while ( textRecord != NULL ) { SWFTextRecord_computeAdvances(textRecord); text->nAdvanceBits = max(text->nAdvanceBits, textRecord->nAdvanceBits); if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_FONT ) { int fontGlyphs = SWFFontCharacter_getNGlyphs(textRecord->font.fontchar); nGlyphBits = max(nGlyphBits, SWFOutput_numBits(fontGlyphs-1)); } textRecord = textRecord->next; } textRecord = text->initialRecord; while ( textRecord != NULL ) { SWFFontCharacter fontchar = NULL; SWFFont font = NULL; oldRecord = textRecord; if ( textRecord->string == NULL || textRecord->strlen == 0 ) { textRecord = textRecord->next; destroySWFTextRecord(oldRecord); continue; } SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); /* Raff says the spec lies- there's always a change record, even if it's empty, and the string record length is the full 8 bits. */ SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->flags | SWF_TEXT_STATE_CHANGE); if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_FONT ) SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, CHARACTERID(textRecord->font.fontchar)); if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_COLOR ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->r); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->g); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->b); if ( BLOCK(text)->type == SWF_DEFINETEXT2 ) SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->a); } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_X ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, textRecord->x); curX = textRecord->x; } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_Y ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, textRecord->y); curY = textRecord->y; } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_FONT ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, textRecord->height); curH = textRecord->height; } /* record type 0: string data */ len = textRecord->strlen; if ( len >= 256 ) SWF_error("Found text record >= 256 characters!"); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, len); fontchar = textRecord->font.fontchar; font = SWFFontCharacter_getFont(fontchar); if ( font == NULL ) SWF_error("Couldn't find font"); for ( i=0; i<len; ++i ) { SWFRect glyphBounds; int minX, maxX, minY, maxY; unsigned short font_glyphcode = SWFFont_findGlyphCode(font, textRecord->string[i]); glyphBounds = SWFFont_getGlyphBounds(font,font_glyphcode); SWFRect_getBounds(glyphBounds, &minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY); int fontchar_glyphcode = SWFFontCharacter_findGlyphCode(fontchar, textRecord->string[i]); if (fontchar_glyphcode < 0) { SWF_error("SWFText_resolveCodes: no suitable glyph available (in dumped font)"); } SWFOutput_writeBits(out, (unsigned short) fontchar_glyphcode, nGlyphBits); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, textRecord->advance[i], text->nAdvanceBits); if ( CHARACTER(text)->bounds ) { SWFRect_includePoint(CHARACTER(text)->bounds, curX + minX * curH / 1024, curY + minY * curH / 1024, 0); SWFRect_includePoint(CHARACTER(text)->bounds, curX + maxX * curH / 1024, curY + maxY * curH / 1024, 0); } else { CHARACTER(text)->bounds = newSWFRect(curX + minX * curH /1024, curX + maxX * curH /1024, curY + minY * curH /1024, curY + maxY * curH /1024); } if ( textRecord->advance != NULL ) curX += textRecord->advance[i]; } textRecord = textRecord->next; destroySWFTextRecord(oldRecord); } SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, 0); /* end text records */ text->nGlyphBits = nGlyphBits; text->initialRecord = NULL; text->currentRecord = NULL; }
void SWFShape_writeShapeRecord(SWFShape shape, ShapeRecord record, SWFOutput out) { switch(record.type) { case SHAPERECORD_STATECHANGE: { int flags = record.record.stateChange->flags; if(flags == 0) return; SWFOutput_writeBits(out, flags, 6); if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_MOVETOFLAG) { int x = record.record.stateChange->moveToX; int y = record.record.stateChange->moveToY; int nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(x), SWFOutput_numSBits(y)); SWF_assert(nBits<32); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, x, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, y, nBits); } if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_FILLSTYLE0FLAG) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, record.record.stateChange->leftFill, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nFills)); } if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_FILLSTYLE1FLAG) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, record.record.stateChange->rightFill, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nFills)); } if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_LINESTYLEFLAG) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, record.record.stateChange->line, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nLines)); } /* newstyle's never used. But this is what it looks like: if ( flags & SWF_SHAPE_NEWSTYLEFLAG ) { SWFOutput_writeFillStyles(shape->out, shape->fills, shape->nFills, BLOCK(shape)->type); SWFOutput_writeLineStyles(shape->out, shape->lines, shape->nLines, BLOCK(shape)->type); SWFOutput_writeBits(shape->out, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nFills), 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(shape->out, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nLines), 4); } */ break; } case SHAPERECORD_LINETO: { int nBits; int dx = record.record.lineTo->dx; int dy = record.record.lineTo->dy; SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 3, 2); /* straight edge */ if(dx==0) { nBits = SWFOutput_numSBits(dy); SWF_assert(nBits<18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 1, 2); /* vertical line */ SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dy, nBits); } else if(dy==0) { nBits = SWFOutput_numSBits(dx); SWF_assert(nBits<18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 0, 2); /* horizontal line */ SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dx, nBits); } else { nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(dx), SWFOutput_numSBits(dy)); SWF_assert(nBits<18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 1, 1); /* general line */ SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dx, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dy, nBits); } break; } case SHAPERECORD_CURVETO: { int controlx = record.record.curveTo->controlx; int controly = record.record.curveTo->controly; int anchorx = record.record.curveTo->anchorx; int anchory = record.record.curveTo->anchory; int nBits = max(max(SWFOutput_numSBits(controlx), SWFOutput_numSBits(controly)), max(SWFOutput_numSBits(anchorx), SWFOutput_numSBits(anchory))); if ( nBits < 2 ) nBits = 2; SWF_assert(nBits < 18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 2, 2); /* curved edge */ SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, controlx, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, controly, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, anchorx, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, anchory, nBits); break; } default: SWF_error("Unknown shapeRecordType"); } }
void SWFShape_writeShapeRecord(SWFShape shape, ShapeRecord record) { SWFOutput out = shape->out; switch(record.type) { case SHAPERECORD_STATECHANGE: { int flags = record.record.stateChange->flags; if(flags == 0) return; SWFOutput_writeBits(out, flags, 6); if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_MOVETOFLAG) { int x = record.record.stateChange->moveToX; int y = record.record.stateChange->moveToY; int nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(x), SWFOutput_numSBits(y)); SWF_assert(nBits<32); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, x, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, y, nBits); } if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_FILLSTYLE0FLAG) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, record.record.stateChange->leftFill, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nFills2)); } if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_FILLSTYLE1FLAG) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, record.record.stateChange->rightFill, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nFills2)); } if(flags & SWF_SHAPE_LINESTYLEFLAG) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, record.record.stateChange->line, SWFOutput_numBits(shape->nLines2)); } /* newstyle's never used. But this is what it looks like: */ if ( flags & SWF_SHAPE_NEWSTYLEFLAG ) { int i; shape->lines = &record.record.stateChange->lines; shape->fills = &record.record.stateChange->fills; shape->nLines = &record.record.stateChange->nLines; shape->nFills = &record.record.stateChange->nFills; shape->nFills2 = *shape->nFills; shape->nLines2 = *shape->nLines; SWFOutput_writeFillStyles(shape->out, *shape->fills, *shape->nFills, BLOCK(shape)->type); SWFOutput_writeLineStyles(shape->out, *shape->lines, *shape->nLines, BLOCK(shape)->type); SWFOutput_writeBits(shape->out, SWFOutput_numBits(*shape->nFills), 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(shape->out, SWFOutput_numBits(*shape->nLines), 4); for ( i=0; i<*shape->nFills; ++i ) { SWFMatrix matrix = SWFFillStyle_getMatrix((*shape->fills)[i]); if ( matrix != NULL ) destroySWFMatrix(matrix); /* gradients and bitmaps are destroyed separately */ free((*shape->fills)[i]); } if ( *shape->fills != NULL ) free(*shape->fills); for ( i=0; i<*shape->nLines; ++i ) free((*shape->lines)[i]); if ( *shape->lines != NULL ) free(*shape->lines); } break; } case SHAPERECORD_LINETO: { int nBits; int dx = record.record.lineTo->dx; int dy = record.record.lineTo->dy; SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 3, 2); /* straight edge */ if(dx==0 && dy!=0) { nBits = SWFOutput_numSBits(dy); SWF_assert(nBits<18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 1, 2); /* vertical line */ SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dy, nBits); } else if(dy==0 && dx!=0) { nBits = SWFOutput_numSBits(dx); SWF_assert(nBits<18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 0, 2); /* horizontal line */ SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dx, nBits); } else { nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(dx), SWFOutput_numSBits(dy)); nBits = max(nBits, 2); SWF_assert(nBits<18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 1, 1); /* general line */ SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dx, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, dy, nBits); } break; } case SHAPERECORD_CURVETO: { int controlx = record.record.curveTo->controlx; int controly = record.record.curveTo->controly; int anchorx = record.record.curveTo->anchorx; int anchory = record.record.curveTo->anchory; int nBits = max(max(SWFOutput_numSBits(controlx), SWFOutput_numSBits(controly)), max(SWFOutput_numSBits(anchorx), SWFOutput_numSBits(anchory))); if ( nBits < 2 ) nBits = 2; SWF_assert(nBits < 18); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 2, 2); /* curved edge */ SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits-2, 4); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, controlx, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, controly, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, anchorx, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, anchory, nBits); break; } default: SWF_error("Unknown shapeRecordType"); } }
SWFOutput outputSWF_DEFINEFONT2 (SWF_Parserstruct * pblock) { SWFOutput hdr0,hdr1,offsettbl,*glyphdata; int i,size, glyphbase; OUT_BEGIN (SWF_DEFINEFONT2); glyphdata = calloc(sblock->NumGlyphs,sizeof(SWFOutput *)); size=0; for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { glyphdata[i] = outputswfSWF_SHAPE (&(sblock->GlyphShapeTable[i])); size+= SWFOutput_getLength(glyphdata[i]); } if( size > 0xffff ) sblock->FontFlagsWideOffsets=1; if (sblock->FontFlagsWideOffsets) { glyphbase=(sblock->NumGlyphs*4)+4; sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI32=glyphbase; sblock->OffsetTable.UI32[0]=glyphbase; } else { glyphbase=(sblock->NumGlyphs*2)+2; sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI16=glyphbase; sblock->OffsetTable.UI16[0]=glyphbase; } for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { if (sblock->FontFlagsWideOffsets) { sblock->OffsetTable.UI32[i]=sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI32; sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI32=sblock->OffsetTable.UI32[i]+SWFOutput_getLength(glyphdata[i]); } else { sblock->OffsetTable.UI16[i]=sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI16; sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI16=sblock->OffsetTable.UI16[i]+SWFOutput_getLength(glyphdata[i]); } } offsettbl=newSWFOutput(); for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { if (sblock->FontFlagsWideOffsets) { SWFOutput_writeUInt32(offsettbl,sblock->OffsetTable.UI32[i]); } else { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(offsettbl,sblock->OffsetTable.UI16[i]); } } /* Now that we have the glyph data, and it's offset, we can start assembling this block */ size= 5 /* Initial header through FontNameLen */ +(sblock->FontNameLen) /* FontName */ +2; /* NumGlyphs */ hdr1=newSizedSWFOutput(size); SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontID); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsHasLayout,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsShiftJis,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsSmallText,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsFlagANSI,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsWideOffsets,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsWideCodes,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsFlagsItalics,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(hdr1,sblock->FontFlagsFlagsBold,1); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(hdr1,sblock->LanguageCode); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(hdr1,sblock->FontNameLen); SWFOutput_writeBuffer(hdr1,(unsigned char *)sblock->FontName,sblock->FontNameLen); SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->NumGlyphs); /* Now, copy these parts into the hdr buffer */ SWFOutput_writeToMethod(offsettbl,SWFOutputMethod,hdr1); destroySWFOutput(offsettbl); if (sblock->FontFlagsWideOffsets) { SWFOutput_writeUInt32(hdr1,sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI32); } else { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->CodeTableOffset.UI16); } for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { SWFOutput_writeToMethod(glyphdata[i],SWFOutputMethod,hdr1); destroySWFOutput(glyphdata[i]); } free(glyphdata); /* Now, resume the normal linear processing this tag */ for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { if( sblock->FontFlagsWideCodes ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->CodeTable[i]); } else { SWFOutput_writeUInt8(hdr1,sblock->CodeTable[i]); } } if( sblock->FontFlagsHasLayout ) { SWFOutput_writeSInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontAscent); SWFOutput_writeSInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontDecent); SWFOutput_writeSInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontLeading); for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { SWFOutput_writeSInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontAdvanceTable[i]); } for (i = 0; i < sblock->NumGlyphs; i++) { outputswfSWF_RECT (hdr1,&(sblock->FontBoundsTable[i])); SWFOutput_byteAlign(hdr1); } SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->KerningCount); for (i = 0; i < sblock->KerningCount; i++) { if( sblock->FontFlagsWideCodes ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontKerningTable[i].FontKerningCode1); SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontKerningTable[i].FontKerningCode2); SWFOutput_writeSInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontKerningTable[i].FontKerningAdjustment); } else { SWFOutput_writeUInt8(hdr1,sblock->FontKerningTable[i].FontKerningCode1); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(hdr1,sblock->FontKerningTable[i].FontKerningCode2); SWFOutput_writeSInt16(hdr1,sblock->FontKerningTable[i].FontKerningAdjustment); } } } /* This code really belongs in outputTAGHeader() */ hdr0=newSizedSWFOutput(6); if(SWFOutput_getLength(hdr1) <= 62 ) { fprintf(stderr,"TAG %x\n",(SWF_DEFINEFONT2<<6)|SWFOutput_getLength(hdr1)); SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr0,(SWF_DEFINEFONT2<<6)|SWFOutput_getLength(hdr1)); } else { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(hdr0,(SWF_DEFINEFONT2<<6)|0x3f); SWFOutput_writeUInt32(hdr0,SWFOutput_getLength(hdr1)); } SWFOutput_writeToMethod(hdr1,SWFOutputMethod,hdr0); destroySWFOutput(hdr1); return hdr0; }
void outputswfSWF_SHAPERECORD (SWF_SHAPERECORD * shaperec, SWFOutput out, int fillBits, int lineBits) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->EndShape.TypeFlag,1); if (shaperec->EndShape.TypeFlag) { /* An Edge Record */ SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.StraightEdge,1); if (shaperec->StraightEdge.StraightEdge == 1) { /* A Straight Edge Record */ SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.NumBits,4); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.GeneralLineFlag,1); if( shaperec->StraightEdge.GeneralLineFlag ) { SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.DeltaX,shaperec->StraightEdge.NumBits+2); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.DeltaY,shaperec->StraightEdge.NumBits+2); } else { SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.VertLineFlag,1); if( shaperec->StraightEdge.VertLineFlag ) { SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.VLDeltaY,shaperec->StraightEdge.NumBits+2); } else { SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StraightEdge.VLDeltaX,shaperec->StraightEdge.NumBits+2); } } } else { /* A Curved Edge Record */ SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->CurvedEdge.NumBits,4); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->CurvedEdge.ControlDeltaX,shaperec->CurvedEdge.NumBits+2); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->CurvedEdge.ControlDeltaY,shaperec->CurvedEdge.NumBits+2); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->CurvedEdge.AnchorDeltaX,shaperec->CurvedEdge.NumBits+2); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->CurvedEdge.AnchorDeltaY,shaperec->CurvedEdge.NumBits+2); } } else { /* A Non-Edge Record */ if (shaperec->EndShape.EndOfShape == 0) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->EndShape.EndOfShape,5); return; } SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.StateNewStyles,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.StateLineStyle,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.StateFillStyle1,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.StateFillStyle0,1); SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.StateMoveTo,1); if (shaperec->StyleChange.StateMoveTo) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.MoveBits,5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.MoveDeltaX,shaperec->StyleChange.MoveBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.MoveDeltaY,shaperec->StyleChange.MoveBits); } if (shaperec->StyleChange.StateFillStyle0) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.FillStyle0,fillBits); } if (shaperec->StyleChange.StateFillStyle1) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.FillStyle1,fillBits); } if (shaperec->StyleChange.StateLineStyle) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out,shaperec->StyleChange.LineStyle,lineBits); } } }
void SWFOutput_writeMatrix(SWFOutput out, SWFMatrix matrix) { int nBits; SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); if ( (matrix->scaleX == 0 && matrix->scaleY == 0) || (matrix->scaleX == 1.0 && matrix->scaleY == 1.0) ) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 0, 1); } else { int xScale = (int)floor(matrix->scaleX * (1<<FIXEDBITS)); int yScale = (int)floor(matrix->scaleY * (1<<FIXEDBITS)); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 1, 1); nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(xScale), SWFOutput_numSBits(yScale)); if(nBits >= 32) SWF_error("SWFMatrix_scale: number is to big. " " Requested %i bits\n", nBits); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, xScale, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, yScale, nBits); } if ( matrix->rotate0 == 0 && matrix->rotate1 == 0 ) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 0, 1); } else { int rot0 = (int)floor(matrix->rotate0 * (1<<FIXEDBITS)); int rot1 = (int)floor(matrix->rotate1 * (1<<FIXEDBITS)); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, 1, 1); nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(rot0), SWFOutput_numSBits(rot1)); if(nBits >= 32) SWF_error("SWFMatrix_rotate: number is to big. " " Requested %i bits\n", nBits); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, rot0, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, rot1, nBits); } if ( matrix->translateX != 0 || matrix->translateY != 0 ) { nBits = max(SWFOutput_numSBits(matrix->translateX), SWFOutput_numSBits(matrix->translateY)); if(nBits >= 32) SWF_error("SWFMatrix_translate: number is to big. " " Requested %i bits\n", nBits); } else nBits = 0; SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 5); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, matrix->translateX, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, matrix->translateY, nBits); }
void SWFOutput_writeCXform(SWFOutput out, SWFCXform cXform, SWFBlocktype type) { int nBits = 0; int hasAdd, hasMult; SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); hasAdd = ( cXform->rAdd != 0 || cXform->gAdd != 0 || cXform->bAdd != 0 || cXform->aAdd != 0 ); hasMult = ( cXform->rMult != 256 || cXform->gMult != 256 || cXform->bMult != 256 || cXform->aMult != 256 ); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, hasAdd ? 1 : 0, 1); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, hasMult ? 1 : 0, 1); if ( hasAdd ) { nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->rAdd)); nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->gAdd)); nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->bAdd)); if ( type == SWF_PLACEOBJECT2 ) nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->aAdd)); } if ( hasMult ) { nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->rMult)); nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->gMult)); nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->bMult)); if ( type == SWF_PLACEOBJECT2 ) nBits = max(nBits, SWFOutput_numSBits(cXform->aMult)); } if ( nBits>=16 ) SWF_error("color transform data out of scale"); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, nBits, 4); if ( hasMult ) { SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->rMult, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->gMult, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->bMult, nBits); if ( type == SWF_PLACEOBJECT2 ) SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->aMult, nBits); } if ( hasAdd ) { SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->rAdd, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->gAdd, nBits); SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->bAdd, nBits); if ( type == SWF_PLACEOBJECT2 ) SWFOutput_writeSBits(out, cXform->aAdd, nBits); } }
void SWFText_resolveCodes(SWFText text) { SWFTextRecord textRecord, oldRecord; SWFOutput out = text->out; int nGlyphBits = 0; int len, i; int curX = 0, curY = 0, curH = 0; textRecord = text->initialRecord; while ( textRecord != NULL ) { SWFTextRecord_computeAdvances(textRecord); text->nAdvanceBits = max(text->nAdvanceBits, textRecord->nAdvanceBits); if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_FONT ) { if ( textRecord->isBrowserFont ) { /* XXX - assume browser fonts have 8bit glyph table? */ nGlyphBits = max(nGlyphBits, 8); } else { int fontGlyphs = SWFFontCharacter_getNGlyphs(textRecord->font.fontchar); nGlyphBits = max(nGlyphBits, SWFOutput_numBits(fontGlyphs-1)); } } textRecord = textRecord->next; } textRecord = text->initialRecord; while ( textRecord != NULL ) { oldRecord = textRecord; if ( textRecord->string == NULL || textRecord->strlen == 0 ) { textRecord = textRecord->next; destroySWFTextRecord(oldRecord); continue; } SWFOutput_byteAlign(out); /* Raff says the spec lies- there's always a change record, even if it's empty, and the string record length is the full 8 bits. */ SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->flags | SWF_TEXT_STATE_CHANGE); if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_FONT ) { if ( textRecord->isBrowserFont ) SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, CHARACTERID(textRecord->font.browserFont)); else SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, CHARACTERID(textRecord->font.fontchar)); } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_COLOR ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->r); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->g); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->b); if ( BLOCK(text)->type == SWF_DEFINETEXT2 ) SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, textRecord->a); } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_X ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, textRecord->x); curX = textRecord->x; } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_Y ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, textRecord->y); curY = textRecord->y; } if ( textRecord->flags & SWF_TEXT_HAS_FONT ) { SWFOutput_writeUInt16(out, textRecord->height); curH = textRecord->height; } /* record type 0: string data */ len = textRecord->strlen; if ( len >= 256 ) SWF_error("Found text record >= 256 characters!"); SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, len); /* XXX - er, browser fonts in text objects crash the player.. Maybe because there's no definefontinfo block? */ if ( textRecord->isBrowserFont ) { for ( i=0; i<len; ++i ) { SWFOutput_writeBits(out, textRecord->string[i], nGlyphBits); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, textRecord->advance[i], text->nAdvanceBits); /* XXX - fudging the text character bounds since we don't have font metrics */ if ( CHARACTER(text)->bounds ) { SWFRect_includePoint(CHARACTER(text)->bounds, curX, curY, 0); SWFRect_includePoint(CHARACTER(text)->bounds, curX + curH, curY + curH, 0); } else { CHARACTER(text)->bounds = newSWFRect(curX, curX + curH, curY, curY + curH); } curX += curH; } } else { SWFFontCharacter fontchar = textRecord->font.fontchar; SWFFont font = SWFFontCharacter_getFont(fontchar); if ( font == NULL ) SWF_error("Couldn't find font"); for ( i=0; i<len; ++i ) { SWFRect glyphBounds; int minX, maxX, minY, maxY; unsigned short code = SWFFontCharacter_getGlyphCode(fontchar, textRecord->string[i]); glyphBounds = SWFFont_getGlyphBounds(font, code); SWFRect_getBounds(glyphBounds, &minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, textRecord->string[i], nGlyphBits); SWFOutput_writeBits(out, textRecord->advance[i], text->nAdvanceBits); if ( CHARACTER(text)->bounds ) { SWFRect_includePoint(CHARACTER(text)->bounds, curX + minX * curH / 1024, curY + minY * curH / 1024, 0); SWFRect_includePoint(CHARACTER(text)->bounds, curX + maxX * curH / 1024, curY + maxY * curH / 1024, 0); } else { CHARACTER(text)->bounds = newSWFRect(curX + minX * curH /1024, curX + maxX * curH /1024, curY + minY * curH /1024, curY + maxY * curH /1024); } if ( textRecord->advance != NULL ) curX += textRecord->advance[i]; } } textRecord = textRecord->next; destroySWFTextRecord(oldRecord); } SWFOutput_writeUInt8(out, 0); /* end text records */ text->nGlyphBits = nGlyphBits; text->initialRecord = NULL; text->currentRecord = NULL; }