コード例 #1
ファイル: Condition.cpp プロジェクト: Qarterd/Honeycomb
bool Condition::wait(UniqueLock<honey::Mutex>& external, honey::MonoClock::TimePoint time)
    auto _ = ScopeGuard(lock::lockGuard(external));


    //Wait for both the semaphore and the high resolution timeout
    HANDLE handles[2] = { _sema };
    int handleCount = 1;
    if (time != honey::MonoClock::TimePoint::max())
        //Convert to windows 100 nanosecond period, negative time means relative
        LARGE_INTEGER sleepTime;
        sleepTime.QuadPart = (-Alge::max(time - honey::MonoClock::now(), honey::MonoClock::Duration::zero()) / 100).count();
        verify(SetWaitableTimer(_timer, &sleepTime, 0, NULL, NULL, 0));
        handles[handleCount++] = _timer;

    //Unfair but safe race condition: external unlock and wait should be atomic
    DWORD res = WaitForMultipleObjects(handleCount, handles, FALSE, INFINITE);

    bool lastWait = _broadcast && _waitCount == 0;

    //Unfair but safe race condition: wait done signal and external relock should be atomic
    if (lastWait)
    return res == WAIT_OBJECT_0;
} //external.lock()
コード例 #2
 ScopeGuard newScope(bool insideLoop) {
     return ScopeGuard(*this, insideLoop);