コード例 #1
ファイル: ViewWithGNUplot.cpp プロジェクト: VaysseB/openfluid
void ViewWithGNUplot::run(const std::string& Data,
                          const std::string& DateFormat,
                          const std::string& ColSeparator,
                          const std::string& CommentChar,
                          bool SingleWindow)

  if (DateFormat.find(ColSeparator) != std::string::npos)
    openfluid::guicommon::DialogBoxFactory::showSimpleWarningMessage(_("Unable to plot file with GNUplot:\nColumn separator is present in date format."));


  std::string DataFilename = boost::filesystem::path(openfluid::base::RuntimeEnvironment::getInstance()->getTempDir()+"/gprun.data").string();
  std::string ScriptFilename = boost::filesystem::path(openfluid::base::RuntimeEnvironment::getInstance()->getTempDir()+"/gprun.gp").string();

  std::ofstream DataFile(DataFilename.c_str());
  DataFile << Data;

  std::map<std::string,unsigned int> VarColumns = getPlottableColumns(Data,ColSeparator,CommentChar);

  if (VarColumns.size() <1 )
    openfluid::guicommon::DialogBoxFactory::showSimpleErrorMessage(_("No data found for plotting"));

  std::map<std::string,unsigned int>::iterator bVC = VarColumns.begin();
  std::map<std::string,unsigned int>::iterator eVC = VarColumns.end();
  std::map<std::string,unsigned int>::iterator iVC;

  if (SingleWindow)
    // determine columns and rows
    unsigned int Columns = 1;
    unsigned int Rows = 1;

    if (VarColumns.size() > 1)
      Columns = (unsigned int)(std::ceil(std::sqrt(VarColumns.size())));
      Rows = (unsigned int)(std::ceil(double(VarColumns.size()) / double(Columns)));

    // generate script
    std::ofstream ScriptFile(ScriptFilename.c_str());
    ScriptFile << "set nokey\n";
    ScriptFile << "set xdata time\n";
    ScriptFile << "set timefmt \"" << DateFormat << "\"\n";
    ScriptFile << "set datafile separator \"" << ColSeparator << "\n";
    ScriptFile << "set datafile commentschars \"" << CommentChar << "\n";
    ScriptFile << "set format x \"%Y-%m-%d\\n%H:%M:%S\"\n";
    ScriptFile << "set xtics autofreq font \",7\"\n";
    ScriptFile << "set ytics autofreq font \",7\"\n";

    ScriptFile << "set origin 0,0\n";
    ScriptFile << "set multiplot layout " << Rows << "," << Columns << " rowsfirst scale 1,1\n";

    for (iVC=bVC; iVC!=eVC;++iVC)
      ScriptFile << "set title \"" << (*iVC).first << "\" font \",9\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "plot \""<< DataFilename << "\" using 1:"<< ((*iVC).second+2) <<" with lines\n";

    ScriptFile << "unset multiplot\n";


    if(system(std::string(m_GNUplotProgram + " --persist " + ScriptFilename).c_str()) != 0)
      openfluid::guicommon::DialogBoxFactory::showSimpleErrorMessage(_("GNUplot error"));
    for (iVC=bVC; iVC!=eVC;++iVC)
      // generate script
      std::ofstream ScriptFile(ScriptFilename.c_str());
      ScriptFile << "set nokey\n";
      ScriptFile << "set xdata time\n";
      ScriptFile << "set timefmt \"" << DateFormat << "\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set datafile separator \"" << ColSeparator << "\n";
      ScriptFile << "set datafile commentschars \"" << CommentChar << "\n";
      ScriptFile << "set format x \"%Y-%m-%d\\n%H:%M:%S\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set xtics autofreq font \",7\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set ytics autofreq font \",7\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set title \"" << (*iVC).first << "\" font \",9\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "plot \""<< DataFilename << "\" using 1:"<< ((*iVC).second+2) <<" with lines\n";

      if(system(std::string(m_GNUplotProgram + " --persist " + ScriptFilename).c_str()) != 0)
        openfluid::guicommon::DialogBoxFactory::showSimpleErrorMessage(_("GNUplot error"));

コード例 #2
    void buildGnuplotImages(const std::string& WorkDir, const std::string& DestDir)
      for (std::list<KmlSerieInfo>::iterator it=m_KmlSeriesInfos.begin();it!=m_KmlSeriesInfos.end();++it)
        for (std::map<openfluid::core::UnitID_t,KmlUnitInfoExtra>::iterator it2=(*it).UnitsInfos.begin();

          if ((*it2).second.IsPlotted)
            std::string ScriptFilename = WorkDir+"/tmpscript.gp";
            std::string DataFilename = buildFilePath(WorkDir,(*it).UnitsClass,
            std::string OutputFilename = buildFilePath(DestDir,(*it).UnitsClass,

            unsigned int Columns = 1;
            unsigned int Rows = 1;

            if ((*it).VarsList.size() > 1)
              Columns = (unsigned int)(std::ceil(std::sqrt((*it).VarsList.size())));
              Rows = (unsigned int)(std::ceil((*it).VarsList.size() / Columns));

            std::ofstream ScriptFile(ScriptFilename.c_str());
            ScriptFile << "set terminal png size 640,480 small\n";
            ScriptFile << "set output \"" << OutputFilename << "\"\n";
            ScriptFile << "set nokey\n";
            ScriptFile << "set xdata time\n";
            ScriptFile << "set timefmt \"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S\"\n";
            ScriptFile << "set datafile separator \";\"\n";
            ScriptFile << "set datafile commentschars \"#\"\n";
            ScriptFile << "set format x \"%Y-%m-%d\\n%H:%M:%S\"\n";
            ScriptFile << "set xtics " << m_PlotXTics << " font \",7\"\n";
            ScriptFile << "set ytics autofreq font \",7\"\n";

            ScriptFile << "set origin 0,0\n";
            ScriptFile << "set multiplot layout " << Rows << "," << Columns << " rowsfirst scale 1,1\n";

            for (unsigned int i=0; i< (*it).VarsList.size();i++)
              ScriptFile << "set title \"" << (*it).VarsList[i] << "\" font \",9\"\n";
              ScriptFile << "plot \""<< DataFilename << "\" using 1:"<< (i+2) <<" with lines\n";

            ScriptFile << "unset multiplot\n";

    //        ScriptFile << "set title \"" << (*it).VarName << "\" font \",9\"\n";
    //        ScriptFile << "plot \""<< DataFilename << "\" using 1:2 with lines\n";

            // execution of the script

            if (m_PlotProgram.isFound())

              QString GNUPlotCommand = QString("\"%1\" \"%2\"").arg(m_PlotProgram.getFullProgramPath())


コード例 #3
ファイル: GNUplotObs.cpp プロジェクト: jylfc0307/openfluid-1
    void onFinalizedRun()

      std::ofstream ScriptFile(std::string(m_OutputDir+"/script.gnuplot").c_str());

      if (!m_Terminal.empty())
        ScriptFile << "set terminal " << m_Terminal << "\n";
        if (!m_Output.empty())
          ScriptFile << "set output \"" << m_OutputDir << "/" << m_Output << "\"\n";

      ScriptFile << "set xtics rotate font \",5\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set ytics font \",7\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set xdata time\n";
      ScriptFile << "set timefmt \"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set datafile separator \" \"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set datafile commentschars \"#\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set format x \"%Y-%m-%d\\n%H:%M:%S\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set datafile missing \"NaN\"\n";
      ScriptFile << "set xlabel \"Time\"\n";

      unsigned int Columns = 1;
      unsigned int Rows = 1;

      if (m_Graphs.size() > 1)
        Columns = (unsigned int)(std::ceil(std::sqrt(m_Graphs.size())));
        Rows = (unsigned int)(std::ceil(m_Graphs.size() / Columns));

        if (Columns*Rows < m_Graphs.size()) Rows++;

      ScriptFile << "set multiplot layout " << Rows << "," << Columns << " rowsfirst scale 1,1\n";

      std::map<std::string,GraphInfo>::iterator Git;
      std::map<std::string,GraphInfo>::iterator Gitb = m_Graphs.begin();
      std::map<std::string,GraphInfo>::iterator Gite = m_Graphs.end();

      for (Git = Gitb; Git != Gite; ++Git)

        ScriptFile << "set title \"" << (*Git).second.Title << "\" font \",10\"\n";
        ScriptFile << "set key " << (*Git).second.Key << "\n";

        if ((*Git).second.YLabel.empty())
          ScriptFile << "unset ylabel\n";
          ScriptFile << "set ylabel \"" << (*Git).second.YLabel << "\"\n";

        ScriptFile << "plot ";

        std::list<SerieInfo*>::iterator Sit;
        std::list<SerieInfo*>::iterator Sitb = (*Git).second.Series.begin();
        std::list<SerieInfo*>::iterator Site = (*Git).second.Series.end();

        for (Sit = Sitb; Sit != Site; ++Sit)
          std::string SourceDir = m_OutputDir;
          if ((*Sit)->Type == SerieInfo::SERIE_FILE) SourceDir = m_InputDir;

          std::string Label = (*Sit)->Label;
          if (Label.empty())
            if ((*Sit)->Type == SerieInfo::SERIE_FILE) Label = (*Sit)->SourceFile;
              std::string UnitIDStr;
              Label= (*Sit)->VarName + " (" + (*Sit)->UnitsClass + "#" + UnitIDStr + ")";

          if (Sit != Sitb) ScriptFile << ", ";

          ScriptFile << "\"" << SourceDir << "/" << (*Sit)->SourceFile
                     << "\" using 1:2 with " << (*Sit)->Style << " title \"" << Label << "\"";

        ScriptFile << "\n";


      ScriptFile << "unset multiplot\n";


コード例 #4
ファイル: JobListView.cpp プロジェクト: HPCKP/gridengine
void CJobListView::OnSubmitbutton() 
	ASSERT(NULL != m_pDoc->m_pJobList);

	CGeneralPage	GeneralPage;
	CAdvancedPage	AdvancedPage;
	CPropertySheet	PropertySheet("Submit job"); 

	if (IDOK != PropertySheet.DoModal())

	CJob jadd;
	jadd.directive_prefix	= GeneralPage.m_JobPrefix;
	jadd.job_name			= GeneralPage.m_JobName;

	jadd.script_file		= GeneralPage.m_JobScriptFileName;

	ifstream ScriptFile(jadd.script_file, ios::nocreate);
	if (!ScriptFile.is_open()) {
		AfxMessageBox("Invalid script file !");

	static char LineBuf[256];
	while (!ScriptFile.eof()) {
		ScriptFile.getline(LineBuf, sizeof LineBuf, '\n');
		jadd.script_ptr += LineBuf;
		jadd.script_ptr += '\n';

	jadd.script_size = jadd.script_ptr.GetLength();
	int i;
	CString Str = GeneralPage.m_JobArgs;
	if (!Str.IsEmpty()) {
		for (; -1 != (i = Str.Find(",")); Str.Delete(0, i + 1))

	jadd.priority			= GeneralPage.m_JobPriority;
	jadd.submission_time	= GeneralPage.m_JobStartTime;

	Str = GeneralPage.m_JobShell;
	CString SubStr, Host, Path;
	int		j;
	if (!Str.IsEmpty()) {
		for (; -1 != (i = Str.Find(",")); Str.Delete(0, i + 1)) {
			SubStr = Str.Left(i);
			j = SubStr.Find(":");
			Host = SubStr.Left(j);
			Path = SubStr.Mid(j + 1);
			jadd.shell_list.push_back(CPathName(Path, Host));

		j = Str.Find(":");

		Host = Str.Left(j);
		Path = Str.Mid(j + 1);
		jadd.shell_list.push_back(CPathName(Path, Host));

	jadd.merge_stderr = GeneralPage.m_JobMergeOutput;

	Str = GeneralPage.m_JobStdout;
	if (!Str.IsEmpty()) {
		for (; -1 != (i = Str.Find(",")); Str.Delete(0, i + 1)) {
			SubStr = Str.Left(i);
			j = SubStr.Find(":");
			Host = SubStr.Left(j);
			Path = SubStr.Mid(j + 1);
			jadd.stdout_path_list.push_back(CPathName(Path, Host));

		j = Str.Find(":");

		Host = Str.Left(j);
		Path = Str.Mid(j + 1);
		jadd.stdout_path_list.push_back(CPathName(Path, Host));

	Str = GeneralPage.m_JobStderr;
	if (!Str.IsEmpty()) {
		for (; -1 != (i = Str.Find(",")); Str.Delete(0, i + 1)) {
			SubStr = Str.Left(i);
			j = SubStr.Find(":");
			Host = SubStr.Left(j);
			Path = SubStr.Mid(j + 1);
			jadd.stderr_path_list.push_back(CPathName(Path, Host));

		j = Str.Find(":");

		Host = Str.Left(j);
		Path = Str.Mid(j + 1);
		jadd.stderr_path_list.push_back(CPathName(Path, Host));

	jadd.hard_resource_list = CJobResourceList();
	jadd.soft_resource_list = CJobResourceList();*/
