static INT32 crushermInit() { INT32 nLen; BurnSetRefreshRate(CAVE_REFRESHRATE); // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (crushermLoadRoms()) { return 1; } EEPROMInit(&eeprom_interface_93C46_8bit); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, MAP_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(CaveTileRAM[0], 0x100000, 0x107FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveSpriteRAM, 0x180000, 0x187FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(CavePalSrc, 0x200000, 0x207FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x340000, 0x34FFFF, MAP_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, korokoroReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, korokoroReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, korokoroWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, korokoroWriteByte); SekClose(); } nCaveRowModeOffset = 1; CavePalInit(0x8000); CaveTileInit(); CaveSpriteInit(1, 0x400000); CaveTileInitLayer(0, 0x200000, 4, 0x4400); YMZ280BInit(16934400, &TriggerSoundIRQ, 0x200000); YMZ280BSetRoute(BURN_SND_YMZ280B_YMZ280B_ROUTE_1, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_LEFT); YMZ280BSetRoute(BURN_SND_YMZ280B_YMZ280B_ROUTE_2, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_RIGHT); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = false; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x800000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x103FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, kbashReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, kbashReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, kbashWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, kbashWriteByte); SekClose(); } nSpriteYOffset = 0x0011; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { GenericTilesInit(); AllMem = NULL; MemIndex(); INT32 nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1; memset(AllMem, 0, nLen); MemIndex(); { if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000000, 0, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x080000, 1, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM + 0x000000, 2, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM + 0x000001, 3, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM + 0x100000, 4, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(DrvGfxROM + 0x100001, 5, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(YMZ280BROM + 0x000000, 6, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(YMZ280BROM + 0x080000, 7, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(YMZ280BROM + 0x100000, 8, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(YMZ280BROM + 0x180000, 9, 1)) return 1; DrvGfxDecode(); } SekInit(0, 0x68000); SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x0fffff, MAP_ROM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0x400000, 0x407fff, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0xb00000, 0xb03fff, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0xb04000, 0xb047ff, MAP_ROM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, bishi_write_word); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, bishi_write_byte); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, bishi_read_word); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, bishi_read_byte); SekClose(); K055555Init(); K054338Init(); K056832Init(DrvGfxROM, DrvGfxROMExp, 0x200000, bishi_tile_callback); K056832SetGlobalOffsets(29, 16); K056832SetLayerOffsets(0, -2, 0); K056832SetLayerOffsets(1, 2, 0); K056832SetLayerOffsets(2, 4, 0); K056832SetLayerOffsets(3, 6, 0); K056832SetLayerAssociation(0); YMZ280BInit(16934400, bishi_sound_irq); YMZ280BSetRoute(BURN_SND_YMZ280B_YMZ280B_ROUTE_1, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_LEFT); YMZ280BSetRoute(BURN_SND_YMZ280B_YMZ280B_ROUTE_2, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_RIGHT); DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; BurnSetRefreshRate(CAVE_REFRESHRATE); // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory EEPROMInit(&eeprom_interface_93C46_8bit); // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(CaveTileRAM[0], 0x100000, 0x107FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveSpriteRAM, 0x180000, 0x187FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CavePalSrc, 0x200000, 0x207FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x300000, 0x30FFFF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, korokoroReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, korokoroReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, korokoroWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, korokoroWriteByte); SekClose(); } nCaveRowModeOffset = 1; CavePalInit(0x8000); CaveTileInit(); CaveSpriteInit(1, 0x300000); CaveTileInitLayer(0, 0x200000, 4, 0x4400); YMZ280BInit(16934400, &TriggerSoundIRQ, 3); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
INT32 CpsRunInit() { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 if (CpsMemInit()) { // Memory init return 1; } if (Cps == 2 || PangEEP) { EEPROMInit(&cps2_eeprom_interface); } else { if (Cps1Qs == 1 || CpsBootlegEEPROM) { EEPROMInit(&qsound_eeprom_interface); } } CpsRwInit(); // Registers setup if (CpsPalInit()) { // Palette init return 1; } if (CpsObjInit()) { // Sprite init return 1; } if ((Cps & 1) && Cps1Qs == 0 && Cps1DisablePSnd == 0) { // Sound init (MSM6295 + YM2151) if (PsndInit()) { return 1; } } if (((Cps == 2) && !Cps2DisableQSnd) || Cps1Qs == 1) { // Sound init (QSound) if (QsndInit()) { return 1; } QsndSetRoute(BURN_SND_QSND_OUTPUT_1, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_LEFT); QsndSetRoute(BURN_SND_QSND_OUTPUT_2, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_RIGHT); } if (Cps == 2 || PangEEP || Cps1Qs == 1 || CpsBootlegEEPROM) EEPROMReset(); if (CpsRunInitCallbackFunction) { CpsRunInitCallbackFunction(); } DrvReset(); //Init Draw Function DrawFnInit(); pBurnDrvPalette = CpsPal; if (Cps == 2 || Cps1Qs == 1) { CheatSearchInitCallbackFunction = CpsQSoundCheatSearchCallback; } return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; // bToaRotateScreen = true; BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; // Find out how much memory is needed AllMem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((AllMem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(AllMem, 0, nLen); MemIndex(); if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000001, 0, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000000, 1, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040001, 2, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040000, 3, 2)) return 1; ToaLoadTiles(BCU2ROM, 4, nBCU2ROMSize); ToaLoadTiles(FCU2ROM, 8, nFCU2ROMSize); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0x0c0000, 0x0c3FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0x104000, 0x1047FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM2, 0x106000, 0x1067FF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, samesameReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, samesameReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, samesameWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, samesameWriteByte); SekClose(); } ToaInitBCU2(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = DrvPalRAM; ToaPalSrc2 = DrvPalRAM2; ToaPalInit(); // BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream, 0); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; // bToaRotateScreen = true; BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x100000; // Find out how much memory is needed AllMem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(AllMem, 0, nLen); MemIndex(); ToaLoadCode(Drv68KROM, 0, 2); ToaLoadTiles(BCU2ROM, 2, nBCU2ROMSize); ToaLoadGP9001Tiles(FCU2ROM, 6, 3, nFCU2ROMSize); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x03FFFF, SM_ROM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0x404000, 0x4047FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM2, 0x406000, 0x4067FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0x480000, 0x487FFF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, vimanaReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, vimanaReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, vimanaWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, vimanaWriteByte); SekClose(); } ToaInitBCU2(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = DrvPalRAM; ToaPalSrc2 = DrvPalRAM2; ToaPalInit(); // BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream, 0); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
int MiaInit() { int nRet=0; int nLen=0; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem=NULL; MiaIndex(); nLen=MemEnd-(unsigned char *)0; Mem=(unsigned char *)malloc(nLen); if (Mem==NULL) return 1; memset(Mem,0,nLen); // blank all memory MiaIndex(); // Index the allocated memory nRet=MiaLoadRoms(); if (nRet!=0) return 1; // Load the roms into memory SekInit(0,0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map in memory: // ----------------- Cpu 1 ------------------------ SekMapMemory( Tmnt68KROM01 ,0x000000,0x03FFFF,SM_ROM); // 68000 Rom SekMapMemory( TmntRam06,0x040000,0x063FFF,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(TmntRam08,0x080000,0x080FFF,SM_ROM); // Write goes through handler SekMapMemory( PriRam,0x0c0000,0x0c00FF,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(TmntRam10,0x100000,0x107FFF,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory( K051960Ram,0x140000,0x1407FF,SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0,TmntReadWord); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0,TmntWriteWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0,TmntReadByte); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0,TmntWriteByte); // ------------------------------------------------ SekReset(); bInt5=0; SekClose(); MiaReset(); GenericTilesInit(); TmntPalInit(); return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { if (bBurnUseASMCPUEmulation) { bUseAsm68KCoreOldValue = bBurnUseASMCPUEmulation; bBurnUseASMCPUEmulation = false; } INT32 nLen; // bToaRotateScreen = true; BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; // Find out how much memory is needed AllMem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(AllMem, 0, nLen); MemIndex(); if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000001, 0, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000000, 1, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM, 2, 1)) return 1; ToaLoadTiles(BCU2ROM, 5, nBCU2ROMSize); ToaLoadTiles(FCU2ROM, 9, nFCU2ROMSize); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x03FFFF, SM_ROM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0x404000, 0x4047FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM2, 0x406000, 0x4067FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0xc00000, 0xc03FFF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, demonwldReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, demonwldReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, demonwldWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, demonwldWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x600000, 0x600FFF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadByteHandler(1, toaplan1ReadByteZ80RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(1, toaplan1ReadWordZ80RAM); SekSetWriteByteHandler(1, toaplan1WriteByteZ80RAM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, toaplan1WriteWordZ80RAM); SekClose(); ZetInit(0); ZetOpen(0); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 0, DrvZ80ROM); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 2, DrvZ80ROM); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0xffff, 0, DrvShareRAM); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0xffff, 1, DrvShareRAM); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0xffff, 2, DrvShareRAM); ZetSetOutHandler(demonwld_sound_write_port); ZetSetInHandler(demonwld_sound_read_port); ZetMemEnd(); ZetClose(); } ToaInitBCU2(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = DrvPalRAM; ToaPalSrc2 = DrvPalRAM2; ToaPalInit(); ToaOpaquePriority = 2; BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream, 0); BurnTimerAttachZetYM3812(28000000 / 8); BurnYM3812SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM3812_ROUTE, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; BurnSetRefreshRate(CAVE_REFRESHRATE); // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory EEPROMInit(1024, 16); // EEPROM has 1024 bits, uses 16-bit words // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x10FFFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveTileRAM[1], 0x200000, 0x207FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveTileRAM[0], 0x300000, 0x307FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveTileRAM[2] + 0x4000, 0x400000, 0x403FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveTileRAM[2] + 0x4000, 0x404000, 0x407FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CaveSpriteRAM, 0x500000, 0x50FFFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(CavePalSrc, 0xA08000, 0xA08FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, donpachiReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, donpachiReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, donpachiWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, donpachiWriteByte); SekClose(); } CavePalInit(); CaveTileInit(); CaveSpriteInit(0, 0x0800000); CaveTileInitLayer(0, 0x200000, 8, 0x4000); CaveTileInitLayer(1, 0x200000, 8, 0x4000); CaveTileInitLayer(2, 0x080000, 8, 0x4000); MSM6295Init(0, 8000, 50.0, 0); MSM6295Init(1, 16000, 50.0, 0); MSM6295SampleData[0][0] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000; MSM6295SampleInfo[0][0] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000 + 0x0000; MSM6295SampleData[0][1] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000; MSM6295SampleInfo[0][1] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000 + 0x0100; MSM6295SampleData[0][2] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000; MSM6295SampleInfo[0][2] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000 + 0x0200; MSM6295SampleData[0][3] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000; MSM6295SampleInfo[0][3] = MSM6295ROM + 0x100000 + 0x0300; bDrawScreen = true; #if defined FBA_DEBUG && defined USE_SPEEDHACKS bprintf(PRINT_IMPORTANT, _T(" * Using speed-hacks (detecting idle loops).\n")); #endif DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 battlegInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x800000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (Bgareggabla) { if (LoadRomsBla()) { return 1; } } else { if (Bgareggabl) { if (LoadRomsBl()) { return 1; } } else { if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } } } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x0FFFFF, MAP_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x10FFFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, MAP_RAM); // Palette RAM SekMapMemory(Ram02, 0x401000, 0x4017FF, MAP_RAM); // Unused SekMapMemory(ExtraTRAM, 0x500000, 0x501FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(ExtraTSelect, 0x502000, 0x502FFF, MAP_RAM); // 0x502000 - Scroll; 0x502200 - RAM SekMapMemory(ExtraTScroll, 0x503000, 0x503FFF, MAP_RAM); // 0x203000 - Offset; 0x503200 - RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, battlegReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, battlegReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, battlegWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, battlegWriteByte); SekClose(); } nSpriteXOffset = 0x0024; nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nExtraTXOffset = 0x2C; ToaExtraTextInit(); if (Bgareggabl) nExtraTXOffset = 0; DrvZ80Init(); // Initialize Z80 BurnYM2151Init(32000000 / 8); BurnYM2151SetAllRoutes(1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); MSM6295Init(0, 32000000 / 16 / 132, 1); MSM6295SetRoute(0, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; // mar 2 1996 & apr 2 1996 ver: 0x0009AC - 0x0009B8 & 0x001F5E - 0x001F64 & 0x003A1C - 0x003A22 // feb 2 1996 ver: 0x0009AC - 0x0009B8 & 0x001F2E - 0x001F34 & 0x0039EC - 0x0039F2 DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x03FFFF, SM_ROM); // 68K ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x080000, 0x083FFF, SM_RAM); // 68K RAM SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x144000, 0x1447FF, SM_RAM); // BCU-2 palette RAM SekMapMemory(RamPal2, 0x146000, 0x1467FF, SM_RAM); // FCU-2 palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, truxtonReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, truxtonReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, truxtonWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, truxtonWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x180000, 0x180FFF, SM_RAM); // Z80 RAM SekSetReadByteHandler(1, toaplan1ReadByteZ80RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(1, toaplan1ReadWordZ80RAM); SekSetWriteByteHandler(1, toaplan1WriteByteZ80RAM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, toaplan1WriteWordZ80RAM); SekClose(); } ToaInitBCU2(); DrvZ80Init(); // Initialize Z80 nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalSrc2 = RamPal2; ToaPalInit(); BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream, 0); BurnTimerAttachZetYM3812(28000000 / 8); BurnYM3812SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM3812_ROUTE, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static int battlegInit() { int nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x800000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x0FFFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x10FFFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekMapMemory(Ram02, 0x401000, 0x4017FF, SM_RAM); // Unused SekMapMemory(ExtraTRAM, 0x500000, 0x501FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(ExtraTSelect, 0x502000, 0x502FFF, SM_RAM); // 0x502000 - Scroll; 0x502200 - RAM SekMapMemory(ExtraTScroll, 0x503000, 0x503FFF, SM_RAM); // 0x203000 - Offset; 0x503200 - RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, battlegReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, battlegReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, battlegWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, battlegWriteByte); SekClose(); } nSpriteXOffset = 0x0024; nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nExtraTXOffset = 0x2C; ToaExtraTextInit(); DrvZ80Init(); // Initialize Z80 BurnYM2151Init(32000000 / 8, 50.0); MSM6295Init(0, 32000000 / 16 / 132, 50.0, 1); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; // mar 2 1996 & apr 2 1996 ver: 0x0009AC - 0x0009B8 & 0x001F5E - 0x001F64 & 0x003A1C - 0x003A22 // feb 2 1996 ver: 0x0009AC - 0x0009B8 & 0x001F2E - 0x001F34 & 0x0039EC - 0x0039F2 nSpeedHackOffset = 0; if (strcmp(BurnDrvGetTextA(DRV_NAME), "bgaregga") == 0) { nSpeedHackOffset = 0x30; } #if defined FBA_DEBUG && defined USE_SPEEDHACKS bprintf(PRINT_IMPORTANT, _T(" * Using speed-hacks (detecting idle loops).\n")); #endif DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x400000; nGP9001ROMSize[1] = 0x200000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x10FFFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, batsugunReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, batsugunReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, batsugunWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, batsugunWriteByte); SekClose(); VezInit(0, V25_TYPE, 16000000 /*before divider*/); VezOpen(0); for (int i = 0x80000; i < 0x100000; i += 0x8000) { VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 0, ShareRAM); VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 1, ShareRAM); VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 2, ShareRAM); } VezSetReadHandler(batsugun_v25_read); VezSetWriteHandler(batsugun_v25_write); VezSetReadPort(batsugun_v25_read_port); VezClose(); } BurnYM2151Init(3375000, 50.0); MSM6295Init(0, 4000000 / 132, 50.0, 1); nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(3); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; #if defined FBA_DEBUG && defined USE_SPEEDHACKS bprintf(PRINT_IMPORTANT, _T(" * Using speed-hacks (detecting idle loops).\n")); #endif DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
int twinhawkInit() { int nRet=0; int nLen=0; //--------------Allocate Memory----------------- Mem=NULL; MemIndex(); nLen=MemEnd-(unsigned char *)0; Mem=(unsigned char *)malloc(nLen); if (Mem==NULL) return 1; memset(Mem,0,nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory //--------------- Load Roms ------------------- nRet=LoadRoms(); if (nRet!=0) return 1; // Load the roms into memory // Map in memory: // ----------------- Cpu 1 68k ------------------------ SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 1 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory( Rom ,0x000000,0x3ffff,SM_ROM); // 68000 Rom SekMapMemory(twinhawk_src_pal,0xb00000,0xb00FFF,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(sysbvidattr,0xd00000,0xd00fff,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(sysbvidram,0xe00000,0xe03fff,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(twinhawk_ram,0xf00000,0xf03fff,SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, twinhawkReadWord); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, twinhawkWriteWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, twinhawkReadByte); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, twinhawkWriteByte); SekClose(); // ------------------------------------------------ // ----------------- Cpu 2 Z80 ------------------------ ZetInit(1); ZetOpen(0); ZetSetReadHandler(twinhawkZ80Read); ZetSetWriteHandler(twinhawkZ80Write); ZetMapArea (0x0000,0x3FFF,0,z80_rom); ZetMapArea (0x0000,0x3FFF,2,z80_rom); // ZetMapArea (0x4000,0x7FFF,0,z80_rom+0x4000); // ZetMapArea (0x4000,0x7FFF,2,z80_rom+0x4000); ZetMapArea (0xc000,0xdfff,0,z80_ram); ZetMapArea (0xc000,0xdfff,2,z80_ram); ZetMapArea (0xc000,0xdfff,1,z80_ram); ZetMemEnd(); ZetMemCallback(0xe000, 0xFFFF, 0); // Read ZetMemCallback(0xe000, 0xFFFF, 1); // Write ZetReset(); ZetClose(); //------------------------------------------------- //-------- sound stuff ---------------------------- //---------- YM2151 Setup ---------------------- BurnYM2151Init(4000000, 50.0); BurnYM2151SetIrqHandler(&twinhawkYM2151IRQHandler); nCurrentBank=-1; //-------------------------------------------------- // ------- GFX Init ------------------- taito_pal=twinhawk_pal; SysXInit(0); drvDoReset(); return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x200000; nGP9001ROMSize[1] = 0x400000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x103FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, dogyuunReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, dogyuunReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, dogyuunWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, dogyuunWriteByte); SekClose(); VezInit(0, V25_TYPE, 12500000 /*before divider*/); VezOpen(0); for (int i = 0x80000; i < 0x100000; i += 0x8000) { VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 0, ShareRAM); VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 1, ShareRAM); VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 2, ShareRAM); } VezSetReadHandler(dogyuun_v25_read); VezSetWriteHandler(dogyuun_v25_write); VezSetReadPort(dogyuun_v25_read_port); VezSetDecode(nitro_decryption_table); VezClose(); } BurnYM2151Init(3375000, 50.0); MSM6295Init(0, 1041667 / 132, 50.0, 1); nSpriteXOffset = 0x0024; nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(2); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static int drvInit() { int nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x01000000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char*)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char*)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // Zero memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x1FFFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram02, 0x208000, 0x20FFFF, SM_RAM); Map68KTextROM(true); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, batriderReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, batriderReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, batriderWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, batriderWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x400000, 0x400400, SM_RAM); // GP9001 addresses SekSetReadWordHandler(1, batriderReadWordGP9001); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, batriderWriteWordGP9001); SekMapHandler(2, 0x300000, 0x37FFFF, SM_ROM); // Z80 ROM SekSetReadByteHandler(2, batriderReadByteZ80ROM); SekSetReadWordHandler(2, batriderReadWordZ80ROM); SekClose(); } nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nExtraTXOffset = 0x2C; ToaExtraTextInit(); drvZInit(); // Initialize Z80 BurnYM2151Init(32000000 / 8, 50.0); MSM6295Init(0, 32000000 / 10 / 132, 50.0, 1); MSM6295Init(1, 32000000 / 10 / 165, 50.0, 1); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); nTextROMStatus = -1; bDrawScreen = true; #if defined FBA_DEBUG && defined USE_SPEEDHACKS bprintf(PRINT_IMPORTANT, _T(" * Using speed-hacks (detecting idle loops).\n")); #endif drvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = false; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x800000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, MAP_ROM); SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x103FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamSnd, 0x104000, 0x1040FF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, MAP_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, kbash2ReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, kbash2ReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, kbash2WriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, kbash2WriteByte); SekClose(); } MSM6295Init(0, 1000000 / 132, 1); MSM6295Init(1, 1000000 / 132, 1); MSM6295SetRoute(0, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); MSM6295SetRoute(1, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); nSpriteYOffset = 0x0011; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
int rastanInit() { int nRet=0; int nLen=0; //--------------Allocate Memory----------------- Mem=NULL; MemIndex(); nLen=MemEnd-(unsigned char *)0; Mem=(unsigned char *)malloc(nLen); if (Mem==NULL) return 1; memset(Mem,0,nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory //--------------- Load Roms ------------------- nRet=LoadRoms(); if (nRet!=0) return 1; // Load the roms into memory taito_pal=rastan_pal; init_taito_gfx(); // Map in memory: // ----------------- Cpu 1 ------------------------ SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 1 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory( Rom ,0x000000,0x05ffff,SM_ROM); // 68000 Rom SekMapMemory(rastan_ram,0x10c000,0x10ffff,SM_RAM); //0x4000 SekMapMemory(rastan_src_pal,0x200000,0x200fff,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(rastan_ram+0x4000,0x350008,0x350010,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(PC090OJ_spritectrl,0x380000,0x380003,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(rastan_ram+0x4012,0x3c0000,0x3c0003,SM_WRITE); SekMapMemory(PC080SN_word_0,0xc00000,0xc0ffff,SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(PC080SN_ctrl_word_0,0xc50000,0xc50003,SM_WRITE); SekMapMemory(PC090OJ_word_0,0xd00000,0xd03fff,SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, rastanReadWord); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, rastanWriteWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, rastanReadByte); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, rastanWriteByte); // ------------------------------------------------ SekClose(); ZetInit(1); ZetOpen(0); ZetSetReadHandler(RastanZ80Read); ZetSetWriteHandler(RastanZ80Write); ZetMapArea (0x0000,0x3FFF,0,z80_rom); ZetMapArea (0x0000,0x3FFF,2,z80_rom); ZetMapArea (0x4000,0x7FFF,0,z80_rom+0x4000); ZetMapArea (0x4000,0x7FFF,2,z80_rom+0x4000); ZetMapArea (0x8000,0x8FFF,0,z80_ram); ZetMapArea (0x8000,0x8FFF,1,z80_ram); ZetMemEnd(); ZetMemCallback(0x9000, 0xa001, 0); // Read ZetMemCallback(0x9000, 0xa001, 1); // Write ZetReset(); ZetClose(); //------------------------------------------------- BurnYM2151Init(4000000, 50.0); BurnYM2151SetIrqHandler(&RastanYM2151IRQHandler); BurnYM2151SetPortHandler(&rastanBankSwitch); nCurrentBank=0; // bank number 0 or 1 MSM5205Init(0,8000, 60,1); drvDoReset(); return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nRet; Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); int nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) return 1; memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); nRet = BurnLoadRom(Rom68K + 0x000000, 0, 2); if (nRet != 0) return 1; nRet = BurnLoadRom(Rom68K + 0x000001, 1, 2); if (nRet != 0) return 1; BurnLoadRom(RomSpr + 0, 2, 2); BurnLoadRom(RomSpr + 1, 3, 2); // decode sprites unsigned char * tmp = RomSpr; for (int i=0; i<(0x400000/4); i++) { unsigned char c = tmp[2]; tmp[2] = tmp[1]; tmp[1] = c; tmp += 4; } BurnLoadRom(RomBg, 4, 1); BurnLoadRom(MSM6295ROM + 0x00000, 5, 1); BurnLoadRom(MSM6295ROM + 0x80000, 6, 1); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom68K, 0x000000, 0x0FFFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram68K, 0x100000, 0x10FFFF, SM_RAM); // CPU 0 RAM SekMapMemory((unsigned char *)RamPal, 0x200000, 0x200FFF, SM_ROM); // palette SekMapMemory((unsigned char *)RamSpr0, 0x240000, 0x240FFF, SM_RAM); // sprites 0 SekMapMemory((unsigned char *)RamSpr1, 0x280000, 0x280FFF, SM_RAM); // sprites 1 SekMapMemory((unsigned char *)RamBg, 0x2C0000, 0x2C0FFF, SM_RAM); // back ground SekMapMemory(Ram68K+0x10000,0x8C0000, 0x8CFFFF, SM_RAM); // not used? SekMapHandler(1, 0x200000, 0x200FFF, SM_WRITE); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, k1945iiiReadWord); // SekSetReadByteHandler(0, k1945iiiReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, k1945iiiWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, k1945iiiWriteByte); // SekSetWriteByteHandler(1, k1945iiiWriteBytePalette); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, k1945iiiWriteWordPalette); SekClose(); } MSM6295Init(0, 7500, 80, 1); MSM6295Init(1, 7500, 80, 1); DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = false; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x800000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, MAP_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x103FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, MAP_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, kbashReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, kbashReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, kbashWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, kbashWriteByte); SekClose(); VezInit(0, V25_TYPE, 16000000 /*before divider*/); VezOpen(0); VezMapArea(0x00000, 0x007ff, 0, ShareRAM); VezMapArea(0x00000, 0x007ff, 1, ShareRAM); VezMapArea(0x00000, 0x007ff, 2, ShareRAM); for (INT32 i = 0x80000; i < 0x100000; i += 0x8000) { VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 0, Rom02); VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 1, Rom02); VezMapArea(i, i + 0x7fff, 2, Rom02); } VezSetReadHandler(kbash_v25_read); VezSetWriteHandler(kbash_v25_write); VezSetReadPort(kbash_v25_read_port); VezSetDecode(nitro_decryption_table); VezClose(); } BurnYM2151Init(3375000); BurnYM2151SetAllRoutes(0.50, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); MSM6295Init(0, 1000000 / 132, 1); MSM6295SetRoute(0, 0.50, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); nSpriteYOffset = 0x0011; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = false; #endif BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x200000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x03FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x080000, 0x082FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x0c0000, 0x0c0FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, pipibibsReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, pipibibsReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, pipibibsWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, pipibibsWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x190000, 0x190FFF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadByteHandler(1, toaplan1ReadByteZ80RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(1, toaplan1ReadWordZ80RAM); SekSetWriteByteHandler(1, toaplan1WriteByteZ80RAM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, toaplan1WriteWordZ80RAM); SekClose(); ZetInit(0); ZetOpen(0); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 0, RomZ80); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 2, RomZ80); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0x87ff, 0, RamZ80); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0x87ff, 1, RamZ80); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0x87ff, 2, RamZ80); ZetSetWriteHandler(pipibibs_sound_write); ZetSetReadHandler(pipibibs_sound_read); ZetMemEnd(); ZetClose(); } nToa1Cycles68KSync = 0; BurnYM3812Init(3375000, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, pipibibsSynchroniseStream, 0); BurnTimerAttachZetYM3812(3375000); BurnYM3812SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM3812_ROUTE, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = false; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x800000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x03FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x080000, 0x082FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x0c0000, 0x0c0FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, tekipakiReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, tekipakiReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, tekipakiWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, tekipakiWriteByte); SekClose(); } nSpriteYOffset = 0x0011; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); BurnSampleInit(0); BurnSampleSetAllRoutesAllSamples(1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
int SupermanInit() { int nRet= 0; int nLen = 0; //--------------Allocate Memory----------------- Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen); if (Mem == NULL) return 1; memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory //--------------- Load Roms ------------------- nRet = LoadRoms(); if (nRet != 0) return 1; // Load the roms into memory // Map in memory: // ----------------- Cpu 1 68k ------------------------ SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 1 68000 SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Rom , 0x000000, 0x07ffff ,SM_ROM); SekMapMemory(Superman_src_pal, 0xb00000, 0xb00fff, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(sysbvidattr , 0xd00000, 0xd00fff, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(sysbvidram , 0xe00000, 0xe03fff, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(Superman_ram , 0xf00000, 0xf03fff ,SM_RAM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, SupermanWriteWord); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, SupermanReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, SupermanReadByte); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, SupermanWriteByte); SekClose(); // ----------------- Cpu 2 Z80 ------------------------ ZetInit(1); ZetSetReadHandler(SupermanZ80Read); ZetSetWriteHandler(SupermanZ80Write); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x3fff, 0, z80_rom); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x3fff, 2, z80_rom); ZetMapArea(0xc000, 0xdfff, 0, z80_ram); ZetMapArea(0xc000, 0xdfff, 2, z80_ram); ZetMapArea(0xc000, 0xdfff, 1, z80_ram); ZetMemCallback(0xe000, 0xffff, 0); ZetMemCallback(0xe000, 0xffff, 1); ZetMemEnd(); ZetClose(); //------------------------------------------------- //-------- sound stuff ---------------------------- nCurrentBank = -1; int SupermanYM2610RomSize = 0x80000; BurnYM2610Init(8000000, SupermanYM2610Rom, &SupermanYM2610RomSize, SupermanYM2610Rom, &SupermanYM2610RomSize, &SupermanFMIRQHandler, SupermanSynchroniseStream, SupermanGetTime); BurnTimerAttachZet(4000000); // ------- GFX Init ------------------- taito_pal=Superman_pal; SysXInit(1); SupermanDoReset(); return 0; }
int TmntInit() { int nRet=0; int nLen=0; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem=NULL; MemIndex(); nLen=MemEnd-(unsigned char *)0; Mem=(unsigned char *)malloc(nLen); if (Mem==NULL) return 1; memset(Mem,0,nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory TmntZ80Rom=(unsigned char *)malloc(0x08000); if (TmntZ80Rom==NULL) return 1; memset(TmntZ80Rom,0x11,0x08000); TmntZ80Ram=(unsigned char *)malloc(0x0800); if (TmntZ80Ram==NULL) return 1; memset(TmntZ80Ram,0x00,0x0800); nRet=LoadRoms(); if (nRet!=0) return 1; // Load the roms into memory SekInit(0,0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map in memory: // ----------------- Cpu 1 ------------------------ SekMapMemory(Tmnt68KROM01, 0x000000,0x05FFFF, SM_ROM); // 68000 Rom SekMapMemory(TmntRam06, 0x060000,0x063FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(TmntRam08, 0x080000,0x080FFF, SM_ROM); // Write goes through handler SekMapMemory(PriRam, 0x0c0000,0x0c00FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(TmntRam10, 0x100000,0x107FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(K051960Ram, 0x140400,0x1407FF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0,TmntReadWord); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0,TmntWriteWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0,TmntReadByte); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0,TmntWriteByte); // ------------------------------------------------ // SekReset(); SekClose(); // Setup the Z80 emulation ZetInit(1); ZetOpen(0); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 0, TmntZ80Rom); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 2, TmntZ80Rom); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0x87FF, 0, TmntZ80Ram); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0x87FF,1, TmntZ80Ram); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0x87FF, 2, TmntZ80Ram); ZetMemEnd(); ZetSetInHandler(tmntZ80In); ZetSetOutHandler(tmntZ80Out); ZetSetReadHandler(tmntZ80Read); ZetSetWriteHandler(tmntZ80Write); // ZetReset(); ZetClose(); // sound stuff // ym2151 BurnYM2151Init(3579545, 50.0); BurnYM2151SetIrqHandler(&tmntYM2151IRQHandler); // BurnYM2151Reset(); UPD7759Init(UPD7759_STANDARD_CLOCK, TmntSampleROM02); bInt5=0; GenericTilesInit(); TmntPalInit(); TmntReset(); return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; // bToaRotateScreen = true; BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; // Find out how much memory is needed AllMem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(AllMem, 0, nLen); MemIndex(); if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000001, 0, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000000, 1, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040001, 2, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040000, 3, 2)) return 1; ToaLoadTiles(BCU2ROM, 4, nBCU2ROMSize); ToaLoadTiles(FCU2ROM, 8, nFCU2ROMSize); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, MAP_ROM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0x0c0000, 0x0c3FFF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0x104000, 0x1047FF, MAP_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM2, 0x106000, 0x1067FF, MAP_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, samesameReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, samesameReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, samesameWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, samesameWriteByte); SekClose(); } ToaInitBCU2(); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = DrvPalRAM; ToaPalSrc2 = DrvPalRAM2; ToaPalInit(); // BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream, 0); // BurnYM3812SetRoute(BURN_SND_YM3812_ROUTE, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); #ifdef TOAPLAN_SOUND_SAMPLES_HACK BurnUpdateProgress(0.0, _T("Loading samples..."), 0); BurnSampleInit(0); BurnSampleSetAllRoutesAllSamples(0.60, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); #endif bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
static INT32 DrvInit() { INT32 nLen; Rallybik = 1; // bToaRotateScreen = true; BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; // Find out how much memory is needed AllMem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8 *)0; if ((AllMem = (UINT8 *)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(AllMem, 0, nLen); MemIndex(); if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000001, 0, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x000000, 1, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040001, 2, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(Drv68KROM + 0x040000, 3, 2)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(DrvZ80ROM, 4, 1)) return 1; ToaLoadTiles(BCU2ROM, 5, nBCU2ROMSize); // ToaLoadTiles(FCU2ROM, 9, nFCU2ROMSize); if (BurnLoadRom(FCU2ROM + 0x000000, 9, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(FCU2ROM + 0x010000, 10, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(FCU2ROM + 0x020000, 11, 1)) return 1; if (BurnLoadRom(FCU2ROM + 0x030000, 12, 1)) return 1; DrvSpriteDecode(); { SekInit(0, 0x68000); SekOpen(0); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM, 0x000000, 0x00FFFF, SM_ROM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KROM + 0x40000, 0x040000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); SekMapMemory(Drv68KRAM, 0x080000, 0x083FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvSprRAM, 0x0c0000, 0x0C0FFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM, 0x144000, 0x1447FF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(DrvPalRAM2, 0x146000, 0x1467FF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, rallybikReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, rallybikReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, rallybikWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, rallybikWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x180000, 0x180FFF, SM_RAM); SekSetReadByteHandler(1, toaplan1ReadByteZ80RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(1, toaplan1ReadWordZ80RAM); SekSetWriteByteHandler(1, toaplan1WriteByteZ80RAM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, toaplan1WriteWordZ80RAM); SekClose(); ZetInit(0); ZetOpen(0); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 0, DrvZ80ROM); ZetMapArea(0x0000, 0x7fff, 2, DrvZ80ROM); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0xffff, 0, DrvShareRAM); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0xffff, 1, DrvShareRAM); ZetMapArea(0x8000, 0xffff, 2, DrvShareRAM); ZetSetOutHandler(rallybik_sound_write_port); ZetSetInHandler(rallybik_sound_read_port); ZetMemEnd(); ZetClose(); } nLayer0XOffset = 0x0d + 6; nLayer1XOffset = 0x0d + 4; nLayer2XOffset = 0x0d + 2; nLayer3XOffset = 0x0d + 0; nLayer0YOffset = nLayer1YOffset = nLayer2YOffset = nLayer3YOffset = 0x111; ToaInitBCU2(); ToaOpaquePriority = 0; nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = DrvPalRAM; ToaPalSrc2 = DrvPalRAM2; ToaPalInit(); BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream, 0); BurnTimerAttachZetYM3812(28000000 / 8); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x400000; nGP9001ROMSize[1] = 0x200000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x07FFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x100000, 0x10FFFF, SM_RAM); SekMapMemory(Ram02, 0x210000, 0x21EFFF, SM_RAM); // SekMapMemory(Ram03, 0x21FC00, 0x21FFFF, SM_RAM); // SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x400000, 0x400FFF, SM_RAM); // Palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, batsugunReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, batsugunReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, batsugunWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, batsugunWriteByte); SekClose(); } nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(3); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); bDrawScreen = true; #if defined FBA_DEBUG && defined USE_SPEEDHACKS bprintf(PRINT_IMPORTANT, _T(" * Using speed-hacks (detecting idle loops).\n")); #endif DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static INT32 drvInit() { INT32 nLen; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif nGP9001ROMSize[0] = 0x01000000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (UINT8*)0; if ((Mem = (UINT8*)BurnMalloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // Zero memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x1FFFFF, SM_ROM); // CPU 0 ROM SekMapMemory(Ram02, 0x208000, 0x20FFFF, SM_RAM); Map68KTextROM(true); SekSetReadWordHandler(0, batriderReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, batriderReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, batriderWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, batriderWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x400000, 0x400400, SM_RAM); // GP9001 addresses SekSetReadWordHandler(1, batriderReadWordGP9001); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, batriderWriteWordGP9001); SekMapHandler(2, 0x300000, 0x37FFFF, SM_ROM); // Z80 ROM SekSetReadByteHandler(2, batriderReadByteZ80ROM); SekSetReadWordHandler(2, batriderReadWordZ80ROM); SekClose(); } nSpriteYOffset = 0x0001; nLayer0XOffset = -0x01D6; nLayer1XOffset = -0x01D8; nLayer2XOffset = -0x01DA; ToaInitGP9001(); nExtraTXOffset = 0x2C; ToaExtraTextInit(); drvZInit(); // Initialize Z80 BurnYM2151Init(32000000 / 8); BurnYM2151SetAllRoutes(1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); MSM6295Init(0, 32000000 / 10 / 132, 1); MSM6295Init(1, 32000000 / 10 / 165, 1); MSM6295SetRoute(0, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); MSM6295SetRoute(1, 1.00, BURN_SND_ROUTE_BOTH); nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalInit(); nTextROMStatus = -1; bDrawScreen = true; drvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }
static int DrvInit() { int nLen; Hellfire = 1; #ifdef DRIVER_ROTATION bToaRotateScreen = true; #endif BurnSetRefreshRate(REFRESHRATE); nBCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; nFCU2ROMSize = 0x080000; // Find out how much memory is needed Mem = NULL; MemIndex(); nLen = MemEnd - (unsigned char *)0; if ((Mem = (unsigned char *)malloc(nLen)) == NULL) { return 1; } memset(Mem, 0, nLen); // blank all memory MemIndex(); // Index the allocated memory // Load the roms into memory if (LoadRoms()) { return 1; } { SekInit(0, 0x68000); // Allocate 68000 SekOpen(0); // Map 68000 memory: SekMapMemory(Rom01, 0x000000, 0x03FFFF, SM_ROM); // 68K ROM SekMapMemory(Ram01, 0x040000, 0x047FFF, SM_RAM); // 68K RAM SekMapMemory(RamPal, 0x084000, 0x0847FF, SM_RAM); // BCU-2 palette RAM SekMapMemory(RamPal2, 0x086000, 0x0867FF, SM_RAM); // FCU-2 palette RAM SekSetReadWordHandler(0, hellfireReadWord); SekSetReadByteHandler(0, hellfireReadByte); SekSetWriteWordHandler(0, hellfireWriteWord); SekSetWriteByteHandler(0, hellfireWriteByte); SekMapHandler(1, 0x0c0000, 0x0c0FFF, SM_RAM); // Z80 RAM SekSetReadByteHandler(1, toaplan1ReadByteZ80RAM); SekSetReadWordHandler(1, toaplan1ReadWordZ80RAM); SekSetWriteByteHandler(1, toaplan1WriteByteZ80RAM); SekSetWriteWordHandler(1, toaplan1WriteWordZ80RAM); SekClose(); } ToaInitBCU2(); DrvZ80Init(); // Initialize Z80 nToaPalLen = nColCount; ToaPalSrc = RamPal; ToaPalSrc2 = RamPal2; ToaPalInit(); BurnYM3812Init(28000000 / 8, &toaplan1FMIRQHandler, &toaplan1SynchroniseStream); BurnTimerAttachZet(28000000 / 8); bDrawScreen = true; DrvDoReset(); // Reset machine return 0; }