コード例 #1
ファイル: propsheet.c プロジェクト: VVillwin/minigui
static void draw_scroll_button (HWND hWnd, HDC hdc, RECT *title_rc, PPROPSHEETDATA propsheet, DWORD style)
    RECT btn_rect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    int l, r, t, b;

    btn_rect.top = ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) ? title_rc->top + 1 : title_rc->top;
    btn_rect.right = GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_SB_WIDTH) - 4;
    btn_rect.bottom = ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) ? title_rc->bottom + 2: title_rc->bottom - 2;
    t = btn_rect.top + 5;
    r = btn_rect.right;
    b = ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) ? btn_rect.bottom - 7 : btn_rect.bottom - 4;

    SelectClipRect (hdc, &btn_rect);
    SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowBkColor (hWnd));
    FillBox (hdc, btn_rect.left, btn_rect.top, btn_rect.right + 3, btn_rect.bottom); 
    SetPenColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hWnd, WEC_3DBOX_DARK));
    for ( ; t <= b; r--, t++, b--) {
        MoveTo (hdc, r, t);
        LineTo (hdc, r, b);
    btn_rect.left = propsheet->head_rc.right - GetMainWinMetrics(MWM_SB_WIDTH);
    //btn_rect.top = ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) ? btn_rect.top - 1 : btn_rect.top;
    l = ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) ? btn_rect.left + 5 : btn_rect.left + 4;
    r = btn_rect.right = propsheet->head_rc.right;
    b = ((style & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) ? btn_rect.bottom - 8 : btn_rect.bottom - 5;
    t = btn_rect.top + 6;
    SelectClipRect (hdc, &btn_rect);
    SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowBkColor (hWnd));
    FillBox (hdc, btn_rect.left, btn_rect.top, btn_rect.right, btn_rect.bottom);
    SetPenColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hWnd, WEC_3DBOX_DARK));
    for ( ; t <= b; l++, t++, b--) {
        MoveTo (hdc, l, t);
        LineTo (hdc, l, b);

コード例 #2
static void this_paint_desktop(void* context, HDC dc_desktop, const RECT* inv_rc)
    PBITMAP bg_bmp = NULL;
	int i = 0;
    DSPITEM* item;

    if(((Context *)context)->bg)
        bg_bmp = ((Context *)context)->bg;

    SelectClipRect (dc_desktop, inv_rc);
    if (bg_bmp) {
        FillBoxWithBitmap (dc_desktop, 0, 0,
                g_rcDesktop.right, g_rcDesktop.bottom, bg_bmp);
    }else {
        SetBrushColor (dc_desktop, PIXEL_blue);
        FillBox(dc_desktop, g_rcDesktop.left, g_rcDesktop.top,
                RECTW(g_rcDesktop), RECTH(g_rcDesktop));
    item = icon_info.app_items;
    for(i = 0; i < icon_info.nr_apps; i++, item++)
        if(i == icon_info.focus)
            SetBrushColor (dc_desktop, PIXEL_darkblue);
            FillBox(dc_desktop, item->hot_spot_rc.left, 
        FillBoxWithBitmap (dc_desktop,
        SetBkMode(dc_desktop, BM_TRANSPARENT);
                item->text_rc.left, item->text_rc.top, item->name);
コード例 #3
ファイル: progressbar.c プロジェクト: VVillwin/minigui
static void pbarOnDraw (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, PROGRESSDATA* pData, BOOL fVertical)
    RECT    rcClient;
    int     x, y, w, h;
    ldiv_t   ndiv_progress;
    unsigned int     nAllPart;
    unsigned int     nNowPart;
    int     whOne, nRem;
    int     ix, iy;
    int     i;
    int     step;
    if (pData->nMax == pData->nMin)
    if ((pData->nMax - pData->nMin) > 5)
        step = 5;
        step = 1;

    GetClientRect (hwnd, &rcClient);

    x = rcClient.left + WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER;
    y = rcClient.top + WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER;
    w = RECTW (rcClient) - (WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER << 1);
    h = RECTH (rcClient) - (WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER << 1);

    ndiv_progress = ldiv (pData->nMax - pData->nMin, step);
    nAllPart = ndiv_progress.quot;
    ndiv_progress = ldiv (pData->nPos - pData->nMin, step);
    nNowPart = ndiv_progress.quot;
    if (fVertical)
        ndiv_progress = ldiv (h, nAllPart);
        ndiv_progress = ldiv (w, nAllPart);
    whOne = ndiv_progress.quot;
    nRem = ndiv_progress.rem;

    SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_HILIGHT_NORMAL));
    if (whOne >= 4) {
        if (fVertical) {
            for (i = 0, iy = y + h - 1; i < nNowPart; ++i) {
                if ((iy - whOne) < y) 
                    whOne = iy - y;

                FillBox (hdc, x + 1, iy - whOne, w - 2, whOne - 1);
                iy -= whOne;
                if(nRem > 0) {
                    iy --;
                    nRem --;
        else {
            for (i = 0, ix = x + 1; i < nNowPart; ++i) {
                if ((ix + whOne) > (x + w)) 
                    whOne = x + w - ix;

                FillBox (hdc, ix, y + 1, whOne - 1, h - 2);
                ix += whOne;
                if(nRem > 0) {
                    ix ++;
                    nRem --;
    else {
        // no vertical support
        double d = (nNowPart*1.0)/nAllPart;

        if (fVertical) {
            int prog = (int)(h*d);

            FillBox (hdc, x + 1, rcClient.bottom - WIDTH_PBAR_BORDER - prog, 
                    w - 2, prog);
        else {
            char szText[8];
            SIZE text_ext;
            RECT rc_clip = rcClient;
            int prog = (int)(w*d);

            FillBox (hdc, x, y + 1, (int)(w*d), h - 2);

            SetBkMode (hdc, BM_TRANSPARENT);
            sprintf (szText, "%.0f%%", (d*100));
            GetTextExtent (hdc, szText, -1, &text_ext);
            x += ((w - text_ext.cx) >> 1);
            y += ((h - text_ext.cy) >> 1);

            rc_clip.right = prog;
            SelectClipRect (hdc, &rc_clip);
            SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_HILIGHT_NORMAL));
            SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_HILIGHT_NORMAL));
            TextOut (hdc, x, y, szText);

            rc_clip.right = rcClient.right;
            rc_clip.left = prog;
            SelectClipRect (hdc, &rc_clip);
            SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_NORMAL));
            SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowBkColor (hwnd));
            TextOut (hdc, x, y, szText);
コード例 #4
ファイル: propsheet.c プロジェクト: VVillwin/minigui
/* re-draw */
static void draw_propsheet (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, PCONTROL ctrl, PPROPSHEETDATA propsheet, PPROPPAGE page)
    int x, ty, by, text_extent;
    RECT title_rc = {0, 0, 1, 0};
    title_rc.bottom = propsheet->head_rc.bottom;
    if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
        title_rc.top = propsheet->head_rc.top;
/* Draw the content window */
    if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
        DrawFlatControlFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, 
                                ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top - (propsheet->head_rc.bottom - propsheet->head_rc.top) + 1 ,
                                1, DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0);
    } else {
        DrawFlatControlFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2,
                            propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top, 1, 
                            DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0);
    if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
        Draw3DThickFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, 
                            ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top - (propsheet->head_rc.bottom - propsheet->head_rc.top) + 2 ,
                            DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0);
    } else {
        Draw3DThickFrameEx (hdc, hwnd, 0, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2, 
                            propsheet->head_rc.right, ctrl->bottom - ctrl->top,
                            DF_3DBOX_NORMAL | DF_3DBOX_NOTFILL, 0);
    SetBrushColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_CONTROL_DEF));
    if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
        FillBox (hdc, 0, propsheet->head_rc.top + 1, propsheet->head_rc.right, propsheet->head_rc.bottom );
    }else {
        FillBox (hdc, 0, 0, propsheet->head_rc.right, propsheet->head_rc.bottom - 2);
    /* Just for PSS_SCROLLABLE style 
       if title is overload (too many titles for the propsheet) 
       we should move-right the leftmot title some pixel 
       and we should draw a small icon (left arrow) for the sheet */
    if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0x0fL) == PSS_SCROLLABLE) {
        title_rc.right = (propsheet->overload == TRUE) ? 
          title_rc.right + GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_SB_WIDTH) : title_rc.right;
    while (page) {
        SIZE size;
        int eff_chars, eff_len;

        /* draw some box for title */
        if (title_rc.right == 1)
            title_rc.left = title_rc.right - 1;
            title_rc.left = title_rc.right;
        title_rc.right = title_rc.left + page->width;
        SelectClipRect (hdc, &title_rc);
        x = title_rc.left + _ICON_OFFSET;
        ty = title_rc.top;
        if (page != propsheet->active) {
            /* bottom tab or top tab */
            if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
                ty -= 2;
                by = title_rc.bottom - 2;
            } else {
                ty += 2;
                by = title_rc.bottom;

        } else {
            by = title_rc.bottom ;
            FillBox (hdc, title_rc.left+1, ty, title_rc.right - title_rc.left, by);

        /* draw the title's edge */
        /* pc3d style & flat & grap */
        SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_INNER));
        if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
            MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left, ty);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left, by - 1);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right, by - 1);
        } else {
            MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left, by - 1);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left, ty);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right, ty);

        SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_RIGHT_OUTER));
        if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
            if (page != propsheet->active) {
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty + 3);
            } else {
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty - 2);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by - 2);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by - 2);
        } else {
            if (page != propsheet->active) {
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by - 2);
            } else {
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, by);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.left + 1, ty + 1);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty + 1);
        SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_INNER));
        if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0xf0L) == PSS_BOTTOM) {
            MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by -1);
            LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty);
        }else {
            if (!page->next && (title_rc.right == propsheet->head_rc.right)) {
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 2, ty );
                LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 2, by - 1);
                SetPenColor(hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, WEC_3DFRAME_LEFT_OUTER));
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right -1, ty );
                LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right -1, by - 1);
            else {
                MoveTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, ty );
                LineTo (hdc, title_rc.right - 1, by - 1);
        /* draw the ICON */
        ty += _ICON_OFFSET + 2;
        text_extent = RECTW (title_rc) - _ICON_OFFSET * 2;
        if (page->icon) {
            DrawIcon (hdc, x, ty, GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX),
                      GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONY), page->icon);
            x += GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX);
            x += _GAP_ICON_TEXT;
            text_extent -= GetMainWinMetrics (MWM_ICONX) + _GAP_ICON_TEXT;
        /* draw the TEXT */
/* #if defined(_FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE) && !defined(_GRAY_SCREEN) */
#ifdef _FLAT_WINDOW_STYLE                    
        if (page != propsheet->active) {
            SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_DISABLED));
        } else {
            SetTextColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, FGC_CONTROL_NORMAL));
        SetBkColor (hdc, GetWindowElementColorEx (hwnd, BKC_CONTROL_DEF));
        text_extent -= 4;
        eff_len = GetTextExtentPoint (hdc, page->title, strlen(page->title), 
                      text_extent, &eff_chars, NULL, NULL, &size);
        TextOutLen (hdc, x + 2, ty, page->title, eff_len);
        page = page->next;
    /* draw scroll button , just for PSS_SCROLLABLE style */
    if ((ctrl->dwStyle & 0x0fL) == PSS_SCROLLABLE && propsheet->overload == TRUE) {
        draw_scroll_button (hwnd, hdc, &title_rc, propsheet, ctrl->dwStyle);