コード例 #1
void WorldSession::LoadAccountDataProc(QueryResult * result)
	size_t len;
	const char * data;
	char * d;

		CharacterDatabase.Execute("INSERT INTO account_data VALUES(%u, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')", _accountId);

	for(uint32 i = 0; i < 7; i++)
		data = result->Fetch()[1+i].GetString();
		len = data ? strlen(data) : 0;
		if(len > 1)
			d = new char[len+1];
			memcpy(d, data, len+1);
			SetAccountData(i, d, true, (uint32)len);
コード例 #2
bool CAccountManager::LoadXML ( CXMLNode* pParent )
    CLogger::LogPrint ( "Converting Accounts.xml into internal.db\n" );

    //##Keep for backwards compatability with accounts.xml##

    std::string strBuffer, strName, strPassword, strIP, strDataKey, strDataValue;

    if ( pParent )
        CXMLNode* pAccountNode = NULL;
        unsigned int uiAccountNodesCount = pParent->GetSubNodeCount ();
        for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < uiAccountNodesCount ; i++ )
            pAccountNode = pParent->GetSubNode ( i );
            if ( pAccountNode == NULL )

            strBuffer = pAccountNode->GetTagName ();
            if ( strBuffer.compare ( "account" ) == 0 )
                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pAccountNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "name" );
                if ( pAttribute )
                    strName = pAttribute->GetValue ();

                    pAttribute = pAccountNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "password" );
                    if ( pAttribute )
                        strPassword = pAttribute->GetValue ();
                        if ( !strName.empty () && !strPassword.empty () )
                            pAttribute = pAccountNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "ip" );
                            if ( pAttribute )
                                strIP = pAttribute->GetValue ();
                                CAccount* pAccount = NULL;
                                pAttribute = pAccountNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "serial" );
                                if ( pAttribute )
                                    //Insert the entry into the accounts database
                                    m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts (name, ip, serial, password) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", SQLITE_TEXT, strName.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, strIP.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, pAttribute->GetValue ().c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, strPassword.c_str() );
                                    pAccount = new CAccount ( this, true, strName, strPassword, strIP, m_iAccounts++, pAttribute->GetValue () );

                                    //Insert the entry into the accounts database
                                    m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts (name, ip, password) VALUES(?,?,?)", SQLITE_TEXT, strName.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, strIP.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, strPassword.c_str() );
                                    pAccount = new CAccount ( this, true, strName, strPassword, strIP, m_iAccounts++ );

                                // Grab the data on this account
                                CXMLNode* pDataNode = NULL;
                                int iType = LUA_TNIL;
                                unsigned int uiDataNodesCount = pAccountNode->GetSubNodeCount ();
                                for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < uiDataNodesCount ; j++ )
                                    pDataNode = pAccountNode->GetSubNode ( j );
                                    if ( pDataNode == NULL )
                                    strBuffer = pDataNode->GetTagName ();
                                    if ( strBuffer == "nil_data" )
                                        iType = LUA_TNIL;
                                    else if ( strBuffer == "boolean_data" )
                                        iType = LUA_TBOOLEAN;
                                    else if ( strBuffer == "string_data" )
                                        iType = LUA_TSTRING;
                                    else if ( strBuffer == "number_data" )
                                        iType = LUA_TNUMBER;

                                    CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &(pDataNode->GetAttributes ());
                                    CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = NULL;
                                    unsigned int uiDataValuesCount = pAttributes->Count ();
                                    for ( unsigned int a = 0 ; a < uiDataValuesCount ; a++ )
                                        pAttribute = pAttributes->Get ( a );
                                        strDataKey = pAttribute->GetName ();
                                        strDataValue = pAttribute->GetValue ();
                                        char szKey[128];
                                        STRNCPY( szKey, strDataKey.c_str(), 128 );
                                        SetAccountData( pAccount, szKey, strDataValue, iType );
                                CAccount* pAccount = NULL;
                                pAttribute = pAccountNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "serial" );
                                if ( pAttribute )
                                    //Insert the entry into the accounts database
                                    m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts (name, password, serial) VALUES(?,?,?)", SQLITE_TEXT, strName.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, strPassword.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, pAttribute->GetValue().c_str() );
                                    pAccount = new CAccount ( this, true, strName, strPassword, "", m_iAccounts++, pAttribute->GetValue () );
                                    //Insert the entry into the accounts database
                                    m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts (name, password) VALUES(?,?)", SQLITE_TEXT, strName.c_str(), SQLITE_TEXT, strPassword.c_str() );
                                    pAccount = new CAccount ( this, true, strName, strPassword, "", m_iAccounts++, "" );
                            if ( strName == CONSOLE_ACCOUNT_NAME )
                                //Add Console to the SQL Database (You don't need to create an account since the server takes care of that
                                m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts (name, password) VALUES(?,?)", SQLITE_TEXT, "Console", SQLITE_TEXT, "" );
                //Load the settings from XML
                LoadSetting ( pAccountNode );
        //Save the settings to SQL
        CLogger::LogPrint ( "Conversion Complete.\n" );
        m_bChangedSinceSaved = false;
        return true;

    return false;