static VOID ClearCommandLine(LPTSTR str, INT maxlen, SHORT orgx, SHORT orgy) { INT count; SetCursorXY (orgx, orgy); for (count = 0; count < (INT)_tcslen (str); count++) ConOutChar (_T(' ')); _tcsnset (str, _T('\0'), maxlen); SetCursorXY (orgx, orgy); }
/** * Re-enables user control */ void ControlOn() { if (!TinselV2) { Control(CONTROL_ON); return; } g_bEnableMenu = false; if (g_controlState == CONTROL_OFF) { // Control is on g_controlState = CONTROL_ON; // Restore cursor to where it was if (g_bStartOff == true) g_bStartOff = false; else SetCursorXY(g_controlX, g_controlY); // Re-instate cursor UnHideCursor(); // Turn tags back on if (!InventoryActive()) EnableTags(); } }
INT CommandScreen (LPTSTR param) { SHORT x,y; BOOL bSkipText = FALSE; if (_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2) == 0) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_SCREEN_HELP); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; //get row while(_istspace(*param)) param++; if(!(*param)) { error_req_param_missing (); return 1; } y = _ttoi(param); if (y<0 || y>(maxy-1)) { ConOutResPuts(STRING_SCREEN_ROW); return 1; } //get col if(!(param = _tcschr(param,_T(' ')))) { error_req_param_missing (); return 1; } while(_istspace(*param)) param++; if(!(*param)) { error_req_param_missing (); return 1; } x = _ttoi(param); if (x<0 || x>(maxx-1)) { ConErrResPuts(STRING_SCREEN_COL); return 1; } //get text if(!(param = _tcschr(param,_T(' ')))) { bSkipText = TRUE; } else { while(_istspace(*param)) param++; if(!(*param)) { bSkipText = TRUE; } } bIgnoreEcho = TRUE; if(bSkipText) x=0; SetCursorXY(x,y); if(!(bSkipText)) ConOutPuts(param); return 0; }
/* read in a command line */ BOOL ReadCommand(LPTSTR str, INT maxlen) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; SHORT orgx; /* origin x/y */ SHORT orgy; SHORT curx; /*current x/y cursor position*/ SHORT cury; SHORT tempscreen; INT count; /*used in some for loops*/ INT current = 0; /*the position of the cursor in the string (str)*/ INT charcount = 0;/*chars in the string (str)*/ INPUT_RECORD ir; #ifdef FEATURE_UNIX_FILENAME_COMPLETION WORD wLastKey = 0; #endif TCHAR ch; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bCharInput; #ifdef FEATURE_4NT_FILENAME_COMPLETION TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY //BOOL bContinue=FALSE;/*is TRUE the second case will not be executed*/ TCHAR PreviousChar; #endif if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi)) { /* No console */ HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); DWORD dwRead; CHAR chr; do { if (!ReadFile(hStdin, &chr, 1, &dwRead, NULL) || !dwRead) return FALSE; #ifdef _UNICODE MultiByteToWideChar(InputCodePage, 0, &chr, 1, &str[charcount++], 1); #endif } while (chr != '\n' && charcount < maxlen); str[charcount] = _T('\0'); return TRUE; } /* get screen size */ maxx = csbi.dwSize.X; maxy = csbi.dwSize.Y; curx = orgx = csbi.dwCursorPosition.X; cury = orgy = csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y; memset (str, 0, maxlen * sizeof (TCHAR)); SetCursorType (bInsert, TRUE); do { bReturn = FALSE; ConInKey (&ir); if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED |LEFT_ALT_PRESSED| RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED|LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED) ) { switch (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode) { #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY case 'K': /*add the current command line to the history*/ if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED|RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) { if (str[0]) History(0,str); ClearCommandLine (str, maxlen, orgx, orgy); current = charcount = 0; curx = orgx; cury = orgy; //bContinue=TRUE; break; } case 'D': /*delete current history entry*/ if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED|RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) { ClearCommandLine (str, maxlen, orgx, orgy); History_del_current_entry(str); current = charcount = _tcslen (str); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s"), str); GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); //bContinue=TRUE; break; } #endif /*FEATURE_HISTORY*/ } } bCharInput = FALSE; switch (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode) { case VK_BACK: /* <BACKSPACE> - delete character to left of cursor */ if (current > 0 && charcount > 0) { if (current == charcount) { /* if at end of line */ str[current - 1] = _T('\0'); if (GetCursorX () != 0) { ConOutPrintf (_T("\b \b")); curx--; } else { SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(maxx - 1), (SHORT)(GetCursorY () - 1)); ConOutChar (_T(' ')); SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(maxx - 1), (SHORT)(GetCursorY () - 1)); cury--; curx = maxx - 1; } } else { for (count = current - 1; count < charcount; count++) str[count] = str[count + 1]; if (GetCursorX () != 0) { SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(GetCursorX () - 1), GetCursorY ()); curx--; } else { SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(maxx - 1), (SHORT)(GetCursorY () - 1)); cury--; curx = maxx - 1; } GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s "), &str[current - 1]); SetCursorXY (curx, cury); } charcount--; current--; } break; case VK_INSERT: /* toggle insert/overstrike mode */ bInsert ^= TRUE; SetCursorType (bInsert, TRUE); break; case VK_DELETE: /* delete character under cursor */ if (current != charcount && charcount > 0) { for (count = current; count < charcount; count++) str[count] = str[count + 1]; charcount--; GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s "), &str[current]); SetCursorXY (curx, cury); } break; case VK_HOME: /* goto beginning of string */ if (current != 0) { SetCursorXY (orgx, orgy); curx = orgx; cury = orgy; current = 0; } break; case VK_END: /* goto end of string */ if (current != charcount) { SetCursorXY (orgx, orgy); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s"), str); GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); current = charcount; } break; case VK_TAB: #ifdef FEATURE_UNIX_FILENAME_COMPLETION /* expand current file name */ if ((current == charcount) || (current == charcount - 1 && str[current] == _T('"'))) /* only works at end of line*/ { if (wLastKey != VK_TAB) { /* if first TAB, complete filename*/ tempscreen = charcount; CompleteFilename (str, charcount); charcount = _tcslen (str); current = charcount; SetCursorXY (orgx, orgy); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s"), str); if (tempscreen > charcount) { GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); for (count = tempscreen - charcount; count--; ) ConOutChar (_T(' ')); SetCursorXY (curx, cury); } else { if (((charcount + orgx) / maxx) + orgy > maxy - 1) orgy += maxy - ((charcount + orgx) / maxx + orgy + 1); } /* set cursor position */ SetCursorXY ((orgx + current) % maxx, orgy + (orgx + current) / maxx); GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); } else { /*if second TAB, list matches*/ if (ShowCompletionMatches (str, charcount)) { PrintPrompt(); GetCursorXY(&orgx, &orgy); ConOutPrintf(_T("%s"), str); /* set cursor position */ SetCursorXY((orgx + current) % maxx, orgy + (orgx + current) / maxx); GetCursorXY(&curx, &cury); } } } else { MessageBeep(-1); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_4NT_FILENAME_COMPLETION /* used to later see if we went down to the next line */ tempscreen = charcount; szPath[0]=_T('\0'); /* str is the whole things that is on the current line that is and and out. arg 2 is weather it goes back one file or forward one file */ CompleteFilename(str, !(ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT_PRESSED), szPath, current); /* Attempt to clear the line */ ClearCommandLine (str, maxlen, orgx, orgy); curx = orgx; cury = orgy; current = charcount = 0; /* Everything is deleted, lets add it back in */ _tcscpy(str,szPath); /* Figure out where cusor is going to be after we print it */ charcount = _tcslen(str); current = charcount; SetCursorXY(orgx, orgy); /* Print out what we have now */ ConOutPrintf(_T("%s"), str); /* Move cursor accordingly */ if (tempscreen > charcount) { GetCursorXY(&curx, &cury); for(count = tempscreen - charcount; count--; ) ConOutChar(_T(' ')); SetCursorXY(curx, cury); } else { if (((charcount + orgx) / maxx) + orgy > maxy - 1) orgy += maxy - ((charcount + orgx) / maxx + orgy + 1); } SetCursorXY((short)(((int)orgx + current) % maxx), (short)((int)orgy + ((int)orgx + current) / maxx)); GetCursorXY(&curx, &cury); #endif break; case _T('M'): case _T('C'): /* ^M does the same as return */ bCharInput = TRUE; if (!(ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED|LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED))) { break; } case VK_RETURN: /* end input, return to main */ #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY /* add to the history */ if (str[0]) History (0, str); #endif str[charcount++] = _T('\n'); str[charcount] = _T('\0'); ConOutChar(_T('\n')); bReturn = TRUE; break; case VK_ESCAPE: /* clear str Make this callable! */ ClearCommandLine (str, maxlen, orgx, orgy); curx = orgx; cury = orgy; current = charcount = 0; break; #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY case VK_F3: History_move_to_bottom(); #endif case VK_UP: #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY /* get previous command from buffer */ ClearCommandLine (str, maxlen, orgx, orgy); History (-1, str); current = charcount = _tcslen (str); if (((charcount + orgx) / maxx) + orgy > maxy - 1) orgy += maxy - ((charcount + orgx) / maxx + orgy + 1); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s"), str); GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); #endif break; case VK_DOWN: #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY /* get next command from buffer */ ClearCommandLine (str, maxlen, orgx, orgy); History (1, str); current = charcount = _tcslen (str); if (((charcount + orgx) / maxx) + orgy > maxy - 1) orgy += maxy - ((charcount + orgx) / maxx + orgy + 1); ConOutPrintf (_T("%s"), str); GetCursorXY (&curx, &cury); #endif break; case VK_LEFT: /* move cursor left */ if (current > 0) { current--; if (GetCursorX () == 0) { SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(maxx - 1), (SHORT)(GetCursorY () - 1)); curx = maxx - 1; cury--; } else { SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(GetCursorX () - 1), GetCursorY ()); curx--; } } else { MessageBeep (-1); } break; case VK_RIGHT: /* move cursor right */ if (current != charcount) { current++; if (GetCursorX () == maxx - 1) { SetCursorXY (0, (SHORT)(GetCursorY () + 1)); curx = 0; cury++; } else { SetCursorXY ((SHORT)(GetCursorX () + 1), GetCursorY ()); curx++; } } #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY else { LPCTSTR last = PeekHistory(-1); if (last && charcount < (INT)_tcslen (last)) { PreviousChar = last[current]; ConOutChar(PreviousChar); GetCursorXY(&curx, &cury); str[current++] = PreviousChar; charcount++; } } #endif break; default: /* This input is just a normal char */ bCharInput = TRUE; } #ifdef _UNICODE ch = ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; if (ch >= 32 && (charcount != (maxlen - 2)) && bCharInput) #else ch = ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; if ((UCHAR)ch >= 32 && (charcount != (maxlen - 2)) && bCharInput) #endif /* _UNICODE */ { /* insert character into string... */ if (bInsert && current != charcount) { /* If this character insertion will cause screen scrolling, * adjust the saved origin of the command prompt. */ tempscreen = _tcslen(str + current) + curx; if ((tempscreen % maxx) == (maxx - 1) && (tempscreen / maxx) + cury == (maxy - 1)) { orgy--; cury--; } for (count = charcount; count > current; count--) str[count] = str[count - 1]; str[current++] = ch; if (curx == maxx - 1) curx = 0, cury++; else curx++; ConOutPrintf (_T("%s"), &str[current - 1]); SetCursorXY (curx, cury); charcount++; } else { if (current == charcount) charcount++; str[current++] = ch; if (GetCursorX () == maxx - 1 && GetCursorY () == maxy - 1) orgy--, cury--; if (GetCursorX () == maxx - 1) curx = 0, cury++; else curx++; ConOutChar (ch); } } //wLastKey = ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode; } while (!bReturn); SetCursorType (bInsert, TRUE); #ifdef FEATURE_ALIASES /* expand all aliases */ ExpandAlias (str, maxlen); #endif /* FEATURE_ALIAS */ return TRUE; }