コード例 #1
ファイル: WeaponDef.cpp プロジェクト: GHackAnonymous/spring
WeaponDef::WeaponDef(const LuaTable& wdTable, const std::string& name_, int id_)
	: name(name_)

	, ptrailExplosionGeneratorID(CExplosionGeneratorHandler::EXPGEN_ID_INVALID)
	, impactExplosionGeneratorID(CExplosionGeneratorHandler::EXPGEN_ID_STANDARD)
	, bounceExplosionGeneratorID(CExplosionGeneratorHandler::EXPGEN_ID_INVALID)

	, id(id_)
	, collisionFlags(0)
	WeaponDefs.Load(this, wdTable);

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("cylinderTargetting"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) cylinderTargetting is deprecated and will be removed in the next release (use cylinderTargeting).", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("color1") || wdTable.KeyExists("color2"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) color1 & color2 (= hue & sat) are removed. Use rgbColor instead!", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("isShield"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) The \"isShield\" tag has been removed. Use the weaponType=\"Shield\" tag instead!", name.c_str());

	shieldRechargeDelay = int(wdTable.GetFloat("rechargeDelay", 0) * GAME_SPEED);
	shieldArmorType = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(shieldArmorTypeName);
	flighttime = int(wdTable.GetFloat("flighttime", 0.0f) * 32);
	maxFireAngle = math::cos(wdTable.GetFloat("firetolerance", 3640.0f) * TAANG2RAD);
	//FIXME may be smarter to merge the collideXYZ tags with avoidXYZ and removing the collisionFlags tag (and move the code into CWeapon)?
	collisionFlags = 0;
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideEnemy",    true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOENEMIES;    }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFriendly", true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFRIENDLIES; }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFeature",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFEATURES;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideNeutral",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NONEUTRALS;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideGround",   true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOGROUND;     }

	//FIXME defaults depend on other tags
		if (paralyzer)
			cameraShake = wdTable.GetFloat("cameraShake", 0.0f);

		if (selfExplode)
			predictBoost = wdTable.GetFloat("predictBoost", 0.5f);

		if (type == "Melee") {
			targetBorder = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("targetBorder", 1.0f), -1.0f, 1.0f);
			cylinderTargeting = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargeting", wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargetting", 1.0f)), 0.0f, 128.0f);

		if (type == "Flame") {
			//FIXME move to lua (for all other weapons this tag is named `duration` and has a different default)
			duration = wdTable.GetFloat("flameGfxTime", 1.2f);

		if (type == "Cannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 0.8f);
		} else if (type == "BeamLaser" || type == "LightningCannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 1.0f);

		if (type == "LaserCannon") {
			// for lasers we want this to be true by default: it sets
			// projectile ttl values to the minimum required to hit a
			// target which prevents them overshooting (lasers travel
			// many elmos per frame and ttl's are rounded) at maximum
			// range
			selfExplode = wdTable.GetBool("burnblow", true);

	// setup the default damages
		const LuaTable dmgTable = wdTable.SubTable("damage");
		float defDamage = dmgTable.GetFloat("default", 1.0f);

		// avoid division by zeros
		if (defDamage == 0.0f)
			defDamage = 1.0f;


		if (!paralyzer)
			damages.paralyzeDamageTime = 0;

		std::map<string, float> dmgs;
		std::map<string, float>::const_iterator di;


		for (di = dmgs.begin(); di != dmgs.end(); ++di) {
			const int type = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(di->first);
			if (type != 0) {
				float dmg = di->second;
				if (dmg != 0.0f) {
					damages[type] = dmg;
				} else {
					damages[type] = 1.0f;

		const float tempsize = 2.0f + std::min(defDamage * 0.0025f, damageAreaOfEffect * 0.1f);
		const float gd = std::max(30.0f, defDamage / 20.0f);
		const float defExpSpeed = (8.0f + (gd * 2.5f)) / (9.0f + (math::sqrt(gd) * 0.7f)) * 0.5f;

		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", tempsize);
		explosionSpeed = wdTable.GetFloat("explosionSpeed", defExpSpeed);

		// backwards compatibility: non-burst beamlasers play one
		// sample per shot, not for each individual beam making up the shot
		const bool singleSampleShot = (type == "BeamLaser" && !beamburst);
		const bool singleShotWeapon = (type == "Melee" || type == "Rifle");

		soundTrigger = wdTable.GetBool("soundTrigger", singleSampleShot || singleShotWeapon);

	// get some weapon specific defaults
	int defInterceptType = 0;

	if (type == "Cannon") {
		// CExplosiveProjectile
		defInterceptType = 1;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
		intensity = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity", 0.2f);
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		// no projectile or intercept type
		defInterceptType = 128;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		// no projectile or intercept type
		defInterceptType = 256;
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		// CFlameProjectile
		defInterceptType = 16;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.2f);
		collisionSize     = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "MissileLauncher") {
		// CMissileProjectile
		defInterceptType = 4;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "LaserCannon") {
		// CLaserProjectile
		defInterceptType = 2;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "BeamLaser") {
		defInterceptType = 2;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		defInterceptType = 64;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "EmgCannon") {
		// CEmgProjectile
		projectileType = WEAPON_EMG_PROJECTILE;
		defInterceptType = 1;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", 3.0f);
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		// WeaponLoader will create either BombDropper with dropTorpedoes = true
		// (owner->unitDef->canfly && !weaponDef->submissile) or TorpedoLauncher
		// (both types of weapons will spawn TorpedoProjectile's)
		defInterceptType = 32;

		waterweapon = true;
	} else if (type == "DGun") {
		// CFireBallProjectile

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 10.0f);
	} else if (type == "StarburstLauncher") {
		// CStarburstProjectile
		defInterceptType = 4;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "AircraftBomb") {
		// WeaponLoader will create BombDropper with dropTorpedoes = false
		// BombDropper with dropTorpedoes=false spawns ExplosiveProjectile's
		defInterceptType = 8;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.0f);

	interceptedByShieldType = wdTable.GetInt("interceptedByShieldType", defInterceptType);

	const std::string& colormap = wdTable.GetString("colormap", "");

	if (!colormap.empty()) {
		visuals.colorMap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colormap);
	} else {
		visuals.colorMap = NULL;


	// custom parameters table

	// internal only
	isShield = (type == "Shield");
	noAutoTarget = (manualfire || interceptor || isShield);
	onlyForward = !turret && (type != "StarburstLauncher");
コード例 #2
ファイル: WeaponDef.cpp プロジェクト: Anarchid/spring
WeaponDef::WeaponDef(const LuaTable& wdTable, const std::string& name_, int id_)
	: name(name_)
	, id(id_)
	, isShield(false)
	, collisionFlags(0)
	, explosionGenerator(NULL)
	, bounceExplosionGenerator(NULL)
	WeaponDefs.Load(this, wdTable);

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("cylinderTargetting"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) cylinderTargetting is deprecated and will be removed in the next release (use cylinderTargeting).", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("color1") || wdTable.KeyExists("color2"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) color1 & color2 (= hue & sat) are removed. Use rgbColor instead!", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("isShield"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) isShield is removed. Use weaponType=\"Shield\" instead!", name.c_str());

	shieldRechargeDelay = int(wdTable.GetFloat("rechargeDelay", 0) * GAME_SPEED);
	flighttime = int(wdTable.GetFloat("flighttime", 0.0f) * 32);

	//FIXME may be smarter to merge the collideXYZ tags with avoidXYZ and removing the collisionFlags tag (and move the code into CWeapon)?
	collisionFlags = 0;
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideEnemy",    true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOENEMIES;    }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFriendly", true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFRIENDLIES; }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFeature",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFEATURES;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideNeutral",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NONEUTRALS;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideGround",   true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOGROUND;     }

	//FIXME defaults depend on other tags
		if (paralyzer)
			cameraShake = wdTable.GetFloat("cameraShake", 0.0f);

		if (selfExplode)
			predictBoost = wdTable.GetFloat("predictBoost", 0.5f);

		if (type == "Melee") {
			targetBorder = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("targetBorder", 1.0f), -1.0f, 1.0f);
			cylinderTargeting = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargeting", wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargetting", 1.0f)), 0.0f, 128.0f);

		if (type == "Flame") {
			//FIXME move to lua (for all other weapons this tag is named `duration` and has a different default)
			duration = wdTable.GetFloat("flameGfxTime", 1.2f);

		if (type == "Cannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 0.8f);
		} else if (type == "BeamLaser" || type == "LightningCannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 1.0f);

	// setup the default damages
		const LuaTable dmgTable = wdTable.SubTable("damage");
		float defDamage = dmgTable.GetFloat("default", 1.0f);
		if (defDamage == 0.0f) {
			defDamage = 1.0f; //avoid division by zeros

		if (!paralyzer)
			damages.paralyzeDamageTime = 0;

		std::map<string, float> dmgs;

		std::map<string, float>::const_iterator di;
		for (di = dmgs.begin(); di != dmgs.end(); ++di) {
			const int type = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(di->first);
			if (type != 0) {
				float dmg = di->second;
				if (dmg != 0.0f) {
					damages[type] = dmg;
				} else {
					damages[type] = 1.0f;

		const float tempsize = 2.0f + std::min(defDamage * 0.0025f, damageAreaOfEffect * 0.1f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", tempsize);

		const float gd = std::max(30.0f, defDamage / 20.0f);
		const float defExpSpeed = (8.0f + (gd * 2.5f)) / (9.0f + (math::sqrt(gd) * 0.7f)) * 0.5f;
		explosionSpeed = wdTable.GetFloat("explosionSpeed", defExpSpeed);

		// backwards compatibility: non-burst beamlasers play one
		// sample per shot, not for each individual beam making up the shot
		const bool singleSampleShot = (type == "BeamLaser" && !beamburst);
		const bool singleShotWeapon = (type == "Melee" || type == "Rifle");

		soundTrigger = wdTable.GetBool("soundTrigger", singleSampleShot || singleShotWeapon);

	// get some weapon specific defaults
	int defInterceptType = 0;
	if ((type == "Cannon") || (type == "EmgCannon")) {
		defInterceptType = 1;
	} else if ((type == "LaserCannon") || (type == "BeamLaser")) {
		defInterceptType = 2;
	} else if ((type == "StarburstLauncher") || (type == "MissileLauncher")) {
		defInterceptType = 4;
	} else if (type == "AircraftBomb") {
		defInterceptType = 8;
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		defInterceptType = 16;
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		defInterceptType = 32;
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		defInterceptType = 64;
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		defInterceptType = 128;
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		defInterceptType = 256;
	interceptedByShieldType = wdTable.GetInt("interceptedByShieldType", defInterceptType);

	if (type == "Cannon") {
		// CExplosiveProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
		intensity = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity", 0.2f);
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		// ...
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		// CFlameProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.2f);
		collisionSize     = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "MissileLauncher") {
		// CMissileProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "LaserCannon") {
		// CLaserProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "BeamLaser") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "EmgCannon") {
		// CEmgProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", 3.0f);
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		waterweapon = true;
	} else if (type == "DGun") {
		// CFireBallProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 10.0f);
	} else if (type == "StarburstLauncher") {
		// CStarburstProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.0f);

	const std::string& colormap = wdTable.GetString("colormap", "");
	visuals.colorMap = NULL;
	if (!colormap.empty()) {
		visuals.colorMap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colormap);


	// custom parameters table

	// internal only
	isShield = (type == "Shield");
	noAutoTarget = (manualfire || interceptor || isShield);
	onlyForward = !turret && (type != "StarburstLauncher");