コード例 #1
PlanetOrbitMenu (void)
	MENU_STATE MenuState;
	InputFrameCallback *oldCallback;

	memset (&MenuState, 0, sizeof MenuState);

	DrawMenuStateStrings (PM_SCAN, SCAN);
	LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
	SetFlashRect (SFR_MENU_3DO);
	UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);

	MenuState.CurState = SCAN;
	oldCallback = SetInputCallback (on_input_frame);

	MenuState.InputFunc = DoPlanetOrbit;
	DoInput (&MenuState, TRUE);

	SetInputCallback (oldCallback);

	LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
	SetFlashRect (NULL);
	UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);
	DrawMenuStateStrings (PM_STARMAP, -NAVIGATION);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CAAUProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: abscura/audiounitjs
OSStatus	CAAUProcessor::PostProcess (AudioBufferList 	*ioData, 
										UInt32 				&ioNumFrames, 
										bool				&outIsSilence,
										bool 				&outDone)
	if (IsOfflineAU() || !IsOfflineContext()) 
		return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext;
	outDone = false;
		// we've got less samples to process than we've been asked to process
	if (mTailSamplesRemaining <= SInt32(ioNumFrames)) {
		outDone = true;
		ioNumFrames = mTailSamplesRemaining > 0 ? mTailSamplesRemaining : 0;
		SetBufferListToNumFrames (*ioData, ioNumFrames);
		if (ioNumFrames == 0)
			return noErr;
	AudioUnitRenderActionFlags renderFlags = 0;
	OSStatus result;
	ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.Render (&renderFlags, &mRenderTimeStamp, 0, ioNumFrames, ioData), home);
	mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime += ioNumFrames;
	mTailSamplesRemaining -= ioNumFrames;
	outIsSilence = (renderFlags & kAudioUnitRenderAction_OutputIsSilence);
	if (outDone) {
		ca_require_noerr (result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, mUserCallback), home);
		mUnit.GlobalReset (); //flush this out, as we're done with this phase
	return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CAAUProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: abscura/audiounitjs
OSStatus		CAAUProcessor::EstablishInputCallback (AURenderCallbackStruct &inInputCallback)
	OSStatus result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, inInputCallback);
	if (!result)
		memcpy (&mUserCallback, &inInputCallback, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct));
		memset (&mUserCallback, 0, sizeof (AURenderCallbackStruct));
	return result;
コード例 #4
static BOOLEAN
DoPlanetOrbit (MENU_STATE *pMS)
	BOOLEAN select = PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_SELECT];
	BOOLEAN handled;

	if ((GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & (CHECK_ABORT | CHECK_LOAD))
			|| GLOBAL_SIS (CrewEnlisted) == (COUNT)~0)
		return FALSE;

	// XXX: pMS actually refers to pSolarSysState->MenuState
	handled = DoMenuChooser (pMS, PM_SCAN);
	if (handled)
		return TRUE;

	if (!select)
		return TRUE;

	LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
	SetFlashRect (NULL);
	UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);

	switch (pMS->CurState)
		case SCAN:
			ScanSystem ();
			if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & START_ENCOUNTER)
			{	// Found Fwiffo on Pluto
				return FALSE;
			select = DevicesMenu ();
			if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & START_ENCOUNTER)
			{	// Invoked Talking Pet, a Caster or Sun Device over Chmmr,
				// or a Caster for Ilwrath
				// Going into conversation
				return FALSE;
		case CARGO:
			CargoMenu ();
		case ROSTER:
			select = RosterMenu ();
		case GAME_MENU:
			if (!GameOptions ())
				return FALSE; // abort or load
		case STARMAP:
			BOOLEAN AutoPilotSet;
			InputFrameCallback *oldCallback;

			// Deactivate planet rotation
			oldCallback = SetInputCallback (NULL);

			LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
			RepairSISBorder ();
			UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);

			AutoPilotSet = StarMap ();
			if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_ABORT)
				return FALSE;

			// Reactivate planet rotation
			SetInputCallback (oldCallback);

			if (!AutoPilotSet)
			{	// Redraw the orbital display
				LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
				DrawOrbitalDisplay (DRAW_ORBITAL_FULL);
				UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);
			// Fall through !!!
			return FALSE;

	if (!(GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_ABORT))
		if (select)
		{	// 3DO menu jumps to NAVIGATE after a successful submenu run
			if (optWhichMenu != OPT_PC)
				pMS->CurState = NAVIGATION;
			DrawMenuStateStrings (PM_SCAN, pMS->CurState);
		LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
		SetFlashRect (SFR_MENU_3DO);
		UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);

	return TRUE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CAAUProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: abscura/audiounitjs
OSStatus	CAAUProcessor::Render (AudioBufferList 		*ioData, 
									UInt32 				&ioNumFrames, 
									bool				&outIsSilence,
									bool 				*outOLCompleted, 
									bool 				*outOLRequiresPostProcess)
	if (IsOfflineContext())
		if (!mPreflightDone)
			return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidOfflineRender;
			// YES - this is correct!!! you have to provide both if rendering in an offline Context
		*outOLCompleted = false;
		*outOLRequiresPostProcess = false;

		if (!IsOfflineAU() && !mUnit.Comp().Desc().IsFConv()) 
				// have we processed the input we expect too?
				// in an offline case, we want to create output that matches the input
				// for an OfflineAU type, it manages this internally, so we don't have to do anything
				// for a FormatConverter AU, we don't know and can't tell, so we can't do anything here
				// for any other AU type (effect, instrument) the Prime assumption is that it will 
				// ask for the same number of frames of input as it is asked to output
				// so we can ask what it is doing, and get a sample accurate output (which is input + tail time)
			if (mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime + ioNumFrames >= InputSampleCount()) 
					// if we fall into here, we have just a partial number of input samples left 
					// (less input less than what we've been asked to produce output for.
				*outOLCompleted = true;
					// we require post processing if we've got some tail (or latency) samples to flush through
				*outOLRequiresPostProcess = mTailSamplesToProcess > 0;
				if (InputSampleCount() > mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime) {
					ioNumFrames = (UInt32)(InputSampleCount() - mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime);
				} else {
					ioNumFrames = 0;
				mTailSamplesRemaining = mTailSamplesToProcess;
					// we've got no input samples to process this time.
				SetBufferListToNumFrames (*ioData, ioNumFrames);
				if (ioNumFrames == 0) {
					if (*outOLRequiresPostProcess)
						SetInputCallback (mUnit, sSilentCallback);
						mUnit.GlobalReset (); //flush this out, as we're done with this phase
					return noErr;
		AudioUnitRenderActionFlags renderFlags = IsOfflineAU() ? kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Render : 0;
		OSStatus result = mUnit.Render (&renderFlags, &mRenderTimeStamp, 0, ioNumFrames, ioData);
		if (result) {
			if (mUnit.Comp().Desc().IsFConv()) { 
				// this is the only way we can tell we're done with a FormatConverter AU 
				// - ie. client returns an error from input
				result = noErr;
				*outOLCompleted = true;
				*outOLRequiresPostProcess = mTailSamplesToProcess > 0;
				ioNumFrames = 0;
				SetBufferListToNumFrames (*ioData, ioNumFrames);
			} else
				return result;
		mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime += ioNumFrames;
		outIsSilence = (renderFlags & kAudioUnitRenderAction_OutputIsSilence);
			// if we're an Offline AU type, it will set this flag on completion of its processing
		if (renderFlags & kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Complete) {
			// we now need to calculate how many frames we rendered.
				// as we're dealing with PCM non-interleaved buffers, we can calculate the numFrames simply
			ioNumFrames = ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize / sizeof(Float32);
			*outOLCompleted = true;
			*outOLRequiresPostProcess = false;
			mUnit.GlobalReset (); //flush this out, as we're done with this phase
		} else {
			if (*outOLCompleted) {
				if (*outOLRequiresPostProcess)
					result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, sSilentCallback);
					mUnit.GlobalReset (); //flush this out, as we're done with this phase
		return result;

// rendering in a RT context:
	AudioUnitRenderActionFlags renderFlags = 0;
	OSStatus result = mUnit.Render (&renderFlags, &mRenderTimeStamp, 0, ioNumFrames, ioData);
	if (!result) {
		mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime += ioNumFrames;
		outIsSilence = (renderFlags & kAudioUnitRenderAction_OutputIsSilence);
	return result;	
コード例 #6
ファイル: CAAUProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: abscura/audiounitjs
OSStatus	CAAUProcessor::Preflight (bool inProcessPreceedingTail)
		//we're preflighting again, so reset ourselves
	if (mPreflightDone) {
		mPreflightDone = false;
		// the time stamp we use with the AU Render - only sample count is valid
		memset (&mRenderTimeStamp, 0, sizeof(mRenderTimeStamp));
		mRenderTimeStamp.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid;

	Float64 sampleRate;
	OSStatus result = mUnit.GetSampleRate (kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, sampleRate);
	CalculateRemainderSamples (sampleRate);

	UInt32 numFrames = MaxFramesPerRender();
	if (numFrames == 0)
		return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty;
	if (!IsOfflineAU()) 
		if ((IsOfflineContext() == false && inProcessPreceedingTail) || IsOfflineContext())
			// re-establish the user's input callback
			ca_require_noerr (result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, mUserCallback), home);

			// Consume the number of input samples indicated by the AU's latency or tail
			// based on whether the AU is being used in an offline context or not.
			UInt32 latSamps = IsOfflineContext() ? mLatencySamples : mTailSamples;	
			while (latSamps > 0)
				if (latSamps < numFrames)
					numFrames = latSamps;
					// process the samples (the unit's input callback will read the samples
					// from the file and convert them to float for processing
				AudioUnitRenderActionFlags renderFlags = 0;
				ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.Render (&renderFlags, &mRenderTimeStamp, 0, numFrames, mPreflightABL->ABL()), home);
				mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime += numFrames;
				latSamps -= numFrames;
			if (IsOfflineContext())
				mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime = mLatencySamples;
			// processing real-time but not processing preceeding tail, so we should preroll the AU
			ca_require_noerr (result = Preroll(mUnit, numFrames), home);
			// re-establish the user's input callback
			ca_require_noerr (result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, mUserCallback), home);
			mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime = 0;
			// re-establish the user's input callback
		ca_require_noerr (result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, mUserCallback), home);
		UInt32 preflightRequirements;
		UInt32 size; size = sizeof(preflightRequirements);
		ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.GetProperty (kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_PreflightRequirements,
												kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
												&preflightRequirements, &size), home);
			// 0 indicates none, otherwise optional or required -> we do it for either
		if (preflightRequirements) 
			for (;;) {
				// here we need to do the preflight loop - we don't expect any data back, but have to 
				// give the offline unit all of its input data to allow it to prepare its processing
				AudioUnitRenderActionFlags renderFlags = kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Preflight;
				ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.Render (&renderFlags, &mRenderTimeStamp, 0, numFrames, mPreflightABL->ABL()), home);
				mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime += numFrames;
				if (renderFlags & kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Complete)
		// the time stamp we use with the AU Render - only sample count is valid
		mRenderTimeStamp.mSampleTime = 0;

	if (result == noErr) {
		mPreflightDone = true;
	return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CAAUProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: abscura/audiounitjs
OSStatus		CAAUProcessor::DoInitialisation (const CAStreamBasicDescription 	&inInputFormat,
												const CAStreamBasicDescription 		&inOutputFormat,
												UInt64								inNumInputSamples,
												UInt32 								inMaxFrames)
	OSStatus result;
	if (inNumInputSamples == 0 && IsOfflineAU())
		return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidOfflineRender;
	mNumInputSamples = inNumInputSamples;
		// first check that we can do this number of channels
	if (mUnit.CanDo (inInputFormat.NumberChannels(), inOutputFormat.NumberChannels()) == false)
		ca_require_noerr (result = kAudioUnitErr_FailedInitialization, home);
	// just uninitialise the AU as a matter of course
	ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.Uninitialize(), home);

	ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.SetFormat (kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, inInputFormat), home); 
	ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.SetFormat (kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, inOutputFormat), home); 
	ca_require_noerr (result = SetMaxFramesPerRender (inMaxFrames), home);
		// if we're any AU but an offline AU, we should tell it that we've processing offline
	if (!IsOfflineAU()) {
		UInt32 isOffline = (IsOfflineContext() ? 1 : 0);
			// don't care whether this succeeds of fails as many AU's don't care about this
			// but the ones that do its important that they are told their render context
		mUnit.SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_OfflineRender, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &isOffline, sizeof(isOffline));
	} else {
			// tell the offline unit how many input samples we wish to process...
		mUnit.SetProperty (kAudioUnitOfflineProperty_InputSize,
												kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
												&mNumInputSamples, sizeof(mNumInputSamples));
	ca_require_noerr (result = mUnit.Initialize(), home);

	ca_require_noerr (result = SetInputCallback (mUnit, mUserCallback), home);
	// finally reset our time stamp
	// the time stamp we use with the AU Render - only sample count is valid
	memset (&mRenderTimeStamp, 0, sizeof(mRenderTimeStamp));
	mRenderTimeStamp.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid;

	// now, if we're NOT an offline AU, preflighting is not required
	// if we are an offline AU, we should preflight.. an offline AU will tell us when its preflighting is done
	mPreflightDone = false;

	if (mPreflightABL) {
		delete mPreflightABL;
		mPreflightABL = NULL;
	mPreflightABL = new AUOutputBL (inOutputFormat);

	mLastPercentReported = 0;
	return result;
コード例 #8
ファイル: confirm.c プロジェクト: jurchik/project6014
DoPopupWindow (const char *msg)
	stringbank *bank = StringBank_Create ();
	const char *lines[30];
	CONTEXT oldContext;
	RECT oldRect;
	RECT windowRect;
	InputFrameCallback *oldCallback;

	if (!bank)
		log_add (log_Fatal, "FATAL: Memory exhaustion when preparing popup window");
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	label.tag = WIDGET_TYPE_LABEL;
	label.parent = NULL;
 	label.handleEvent = Widget_HandleEventIgnoreAll;
	label.receiveFocus = Widget_ReceiveFocusRefuseFocus;
	label.draw = Widget_DrawLabel;
	label.height = Widget_HeightLabel;
	label.width = Widget_WidthFullScreen;
	label.line_count = SplitString (msg, '\n', 30, lines, bank);
	label.lines = lines;

	LockMutex (GraphicsLock);

	oldContext = SetContext (ScreenContext);
	GetContextClipRect (&oldRect);
	SetContextClipRect (NULL);

	// TODO: Maybe DrawLabelAsWindow() should return a saved STAMP?
	//   We do not know the dimensions here, and so save the whole context
	s = SaveContextFrame (NULL);

	Widget_SetFont (StarConFont);
	DrawLabelAsWindow (&label, &windowRect);
	SetSystemRect (&windowRect);

	GetMenuSounds (&s0, &s1);
	oldCallback = SetInputCallback (NULL);

	state.InputFunc = DoPopup;
	DoInput (&state, TRUE);

	SetInputCallback (oldCallback);
	ClearSystemRect ();
	DrawStamp (&s);
	DestroyDrawable (ReleaseDrawable (s.frame));
	SetContextClipRect (&oldRect);
	SetContext (oldContext);
	UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);
	SetMenuSounds (s0, s1);
	StringBank_Free (bank);