コード例 #1
VelocityRec RectGridVel_c::GetPatValue(WorldPoint p)
	long rowNum, colNum;
	VelocityRec	velocity;

	LongRect gridLRect, geoRect;
	ScaleRec thisScaleRec;

	SetLRect(&gridLRect, 0, fNumRows, fNumCols, 0);
	SetLRect(&geoRect, fGridBounds.loLong, fGridBounds.loLat, fGridBounds.hiLong, fGridBounds.hiLat);

	GetLScaleAndOffsets(&geoRect, &gridLRect, &thisScaleRec);

	//	gridP = WorldToScreenPoint(p, bounds, CATSgridRect);
	colNum = (long)(p.pLong * thisScaleRec.XScale + thisScaleRec.XOffset);
	rowNum = (long)(p.pLat  * thisScaleRec.YScale + thisScaleRec.YOffset);

	if (!fGridHdl ||
		colNum < 0 || colNum >= fNumCols ||
		rowNum < 0 || rowNum >= fNumRows)
		velocity.u = 0.0;
		velocity.v = 0.0;
		return velocity;
	return INDEXH(fGridHdl, rowNum * fNumCols + colNum);
コード例 #2
ファイル: GridWndMover_c.cpp プロジェクト: liuy0813/PyGnome
long GridWndMover_c::GetVelocityIndex(WorldPoint p) 
	long rowNum, colNum;
	VelocityRec	velocity;
	LongRect gridLRect, geoRect;
	ScaleRec	thisScaleRec;
	TRectGridVel* rectGrid = (TRectGridVel*)fGrid;	// fNumRows, fNumCols members of GridWndMover
	WorldRect bounds = rectGrid->GetBounds();
	SetLRect (&gridLRect, 0, fNumRows, fNumCols, 0);
	SetLRect (&geoRect, bounds.loLong, bounds.loLat, bounds.hiLong, bounds.hiLat);	
	GetLScaleAndOffsets (&geoRect, &gridLRect, &thisScaleRec);
	colNum = p.pLong * thisScaleRec.XScale + thisScaleRec.XOffset;
	rowNum = p.pLat  * thisScaleRec.YScale + thisScaleRec.YOffset;
	if (colNum < 0 || colNum >= fNumCols || rowNum < 0 || rowNum >= fNumRows)
	{ return -1; }
	return rowNum * fNumCols + colNum;
コード例 #3
OSErr SegmentToRgn (SegmentsHdl theSegment, PolyObjectHdl newPoly)
// newPoly must be a polygon without any points added
	Boolean			DrawFromSegFlag;
	long			SegCount, SegIndex, SegIndexPlus;
	LongPoint		MatrixPt;
	PolyObjectHdl	newPolyHdl = nil;
	OSErr			err = noErr;
	LongRect		emptyLRect;

	// set region rect to empty to start with
	SetLRect (&emptyLRect, kWorldRight, kWorldBottom, kWorldLeft, kWorldTop);

	SegCount = _GetHandleSize ((Handle) theSegment) / sizeof (Segment);
	if (SegCount > 0)
		DrawFromSegFlag = true;

		for (SegIndex = 0; SegIndex < SegCount; ++SegIndex)
			if (DrawFromSegFlag)	/* start of new poly */
				/* create a new polygon object */
				CreateNewPtsHdl (newPolyHdl, 0);

				/* mark the newly added polygon */
				SetObjectMarked ((ObjectRecHdl) newPolyHdl, true);

				/* set bounds to empty rect */
				SetObjectLRect ((ObjectRecHdl) newPolyHdl, &emptyLRect);

				if (!err)
					MatrixPt.h = (*theSegment) [SegIndex].fromLong;
					MatrixPt.v = (*theSegment) [SegIndex].fromLat;
					AddPointToPoly (newPolyHdl, &MatrixPt);

					DrawFromSegFlag = false;

			MatrixPt.h = (*theSegment) [SegIndex].toLong;
			MatrixPt.v = (*theSegment) [SegIndex].toLat;
			AddPointToPoly (newPolyHdl, &MatrixPt);

			SegIndexPlus = SegIndex + 1;
			if (SegIndexPlus == SegCount)
				SegIndexPlus = 0;

			/* check for end of current poly */
			if (((*theSegment) [SegIndex].toLat  != (*theSegment) [SegIndexPlus].fromLat ||
				 (*theSegment) [SegIndex].toLong != (*theSegment) [SegIndexPlus].fromLong))
				DrawFromSegFlag = true;

	return err;
コード例 #4
void CalcSetPolyLRect (PolyObjectHdl thePolyHdl)
	LongRect	ObjectLRect;
	long		PointCount, PointIndex;
	LongPoint	MatrixPt;
	LongPoint	**thisPtsHdl = nil;
	if (thePolyHdl != nil)
		thisPtsHdl = GetPolyPointsHdl (thePolyHdl);
		PointCount = GetPolyPointCount (thePolyHdl);
		/* set region rect to empty to start with */
		SetLRect (&ObjectLRect, kWorldRight, kWorldBottom, kWorldLeft, kWorldTop);
		for (PointIndex = 1; PointIndex <= PointCount; ++PointIndex)
			MatrixPt = (*thisPtsHdl) [PointIndex - 1];
			if (MatrixPt.h < ObjectLRect.left)   ObjectLRect.left   = MatrixPt.h;
			if (MatrixPt.v > ObjectLRect.top)    ObjectLRect.top    = MatrixPt.v;
			if (MatrixPt.h > ObjectLRect.right)  ObjectLRect.right  = MatrixPt.h;
			if (MatrixPt.v < ObjectLRect.bottom) ObjectLRect.bottom = MatrixPt.v;
		SetObjectLRect ((ObjectRecHdl) thePolyHdl, &ObjectLRect);
コード例 #5
VelocityRec RectGridVel_c::GetSmoothVelocity(WorldPoint p)
	long rowNum, colNum;
	VelocityRec	velocity, velNew;

	LongRect gridLRect, geoRect;
	ScaleRec thisScaleRec;

	SetLRect(&gridLRect, 0, fNumRows, fNumCols, 0);
	SetLRect(&geoRect, fGridBounds.loLong, fGridBounds.loLat, fGridBounds.hiLong, fGridBounds.hiLat);

	GetLScaleAndOffsets(&geoRect, &gridLRect, &thisScaleRec);
	colNum = (long)(p.pLong * thisScaleRec.XScale + thisScaleRec.XOffset);
	rowNum = (long)(p.pLat  * thisScaleRec.YScale + thisScaleRec.YOffset);

	velocity = GetPatValue(p);
	if (colNum > 0 && colNum < fNumCols - 1 &&
		rowNum > 0 && rowNum < fNumRows - 1)
		VelocityRec topV, leftV, bottomV, rightV;
		topV    = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum + 1 * fNumCols + colNum);
		bottomV = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum - 1 * fNumCols + colNum);
		leftV   = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum     * fNumCols + colNum - 1);
		rightV  = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum     * fNumCols + colNum + 1);
		velNew.u = .5 * velocity.u + .125 * (topV.u + bottomV.u + leftV.u + rightV.u);
		velNew.v = .5 * velocity.v + .125 * (topV.v + bottomV.v + leftV.v + rightV.v);
		velNew = velocity;
	return velNew;
コード例 #6
void SetObjectLPoint (ObjectRecHdl ObjectHdl, LongPoint *objectLPointPtr)
	OSType	thisObjectType;
	(**ObjectHdl).objectLPoint = *objectLPointPtr;
	GetObjectType (ObjectHdl, &thisObjectType);
	if (thisObjectType == kSymbolType)
		LongRect	thisObjectLRect;
		SetLRect (&thisObjectLRect, objectLPointPtr -> h, objectLPointPtr -> v,
									objectLPointPtr -> h, objectLPointPtr -> v);
		SetObjectLRect (ObjectHdl, &thisObjectLRect);
コード例 #7
OSErr IntersectPoly (PolyObjectHdl MainPolyHdl, LongRect *sectLRect, CMyList *theObjectList)
	SegmentsHdl		SectSegHdl = nil;
	CMyList			*sectPolyList = nil;
	PolyObjectHdl	newPolyHdl = nil;
	OSErr			err = noErr;
	SectSegHdl = MakeSectPoly (sectLRect, MainPolyHdl);
	if (SectSegHdl != nil)
		Boolean		DrawFromSegFlag;
		long		SegCount, SegIndex, SegIndexPlus;
		LongPoint	MatrixPt;
		LongRect	emptyLRect;

		/* set region rect to empty to start with */
		SetLRect (&emptyLRect, kWorldRight, kWorldBottom, kWorldLeft, kWorldTop);

		SegCount = _GetHandleSize ((Handle) SectSegHdl) / sizeof (Segment);
		if (SegCount > 0)
			DrawFromSegFlag = true;

			for (SegIndex = 0; SegIndex < SegCount; ++SegIndex)
				if (DrawFromSegFlag)	/* start of new poly */
					/* create a new polygon object */
					newPolyHdl = MainPolyHdl;
					err = _HandToHand((Handle *) &newPolyHdl);
					if (!err)			/* create new points handle */
						CreateNewPtsHdl (newPolyHdl, 0);

						/* mark the new polygon */
						SetObjectMarked ((ObjectRecHdl) newPolyHdl, true);

						/* set bounds to empty rect */
						SetObjectLRect ((ObjectRecHdl) newPolyHdl, &emptyLRect);

						/* add polygon to objects list */
						theObjectList -> AppendItem ((Ptr) &newPolyHdl);		

					if (!err)
						MatrixPt.h = (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndex].fromLong;
						MatrixPt.v = (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndex].fromLat;
						AddPointToPoly (newPolyHdl, &MatrixPt);
						DrawFromSegFlag = false;

				MatrixPt.h = (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndex].toLong;
				MatrixPt.v = (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndex].toLat;
				AddPointToPoly (newPolyHdl, &MatrixPt);

				SegIndexPlus = SegIndex + 1;
				if (SegIndexPlus == SegCount)
					SegIndexPlus = 0;
				/* check for end of current poly */
				if (((*SectSegHdl) [SegIndex].toLat  != (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndexPlus].fromLat ||
					 (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndex].toLong != (*SectSegHdl) [SegIndexPlus].fromLong))
					DrawFromSegFlag = true;
		err = memFullErr;
	if (err == memFullErr)
		TechError ("IntersectPoly()", "Out of memory while intersecting polgons!", err);
	else if (err)
		TechError ("IntersectPoly()", "Error while intersecting polygons!", err);

	return err;