コード例 #1
// Purpose: 
// Input  : state - 
// This is ONLY used by the node graph to test movement through a door
void CRotDoor::SetToggleState( int state )
	if ( state == TS_AT_TOP )
		SetLocalAngles( m_vecAngle2 );
		SetLocalAngles( m_vecAngle1 );
コード例 #2
ファイル: buttons.cpp プロジェクト: FWGS/XashXT
void CMomentaryRotButton :: UpdateSelf( float value, bool bPlaySound )
	// set our move clock to 0.1 seconds in the future so we stop spinning unless we are
	// used again before then.
	SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1 );

	if( m_direction > 0 && value >= 1.0 )
		// if we hit the end, zero our avelocity and snap to the end angles.
		SetLocalAvelocity( g_vecZero );
		SetLocalAngles( m_end );
		m_iState = STATE_ON;
	else if( m_direction < 0 && value <= 0 )
		// if we returned to the start, zero our avelocity and snap to the start angles.
		SetLocalAvelocity( g_vecZero );
		SetLocalAngles( m_start );
		m_iState = STATE_OFF;

	// i'm "in use" player turn me :-)
	m_iState = STATE_IN_USE;
	if( bPlaySound ) PlaySound();

	SetLocalAvelocity(( m_direction * pev->speed ) * pev->movedir );
	SetMoveDone( &CMomentaryRotButton::UseMoveDone );
コード例 #3
ファイル: doors.cpp プロジェクト: XashDev/XashXT
void CRotDoor :: SetToggleState( int state )
	if( (STATE)state == STATE_ON )
		SetLocalAngles( m_vecAngle2 );
	else SetLocalAngles( m_vecAngle1 );

	RelinkEntity( TRUE );
コード例 #4
ファイル: gib.cpp プロジェクト: BenLubar/SwarmDirector2
// Sticky gib puts blood on the wall and stays put. 
void CGib::StickyGibTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	Vector	vecSpot;
	trace_t tr;
	SetThink ( &CGib::SUB_Remove );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 10 );

	if ( !FClassnameIs( pOther, "worldspawn" ) )
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );

	UTIL_TraceLine ( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + GetAbsVelocity() * 32,  MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr);

	UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &tr, m_bloodColor );

	Vector vecForward = tr.plane.normal * -1;
	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( vecForward, angles );
	SetLocalAngles( angles );
	SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); 
	SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
コード例 #5
ファイル: rope.cpp プロジェクト: BenLubar/SwarmDirector2
void CRopeKeyframe::Init()
	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );

	m_nSegments = clamp( m_nSegments, 2, ROPE_MAX_SEGMENTS );

	UpdateBBox( true );

	m_bStartPointValid = (m_hStartPoint.Get() != NULL);
	m_bEndPointValid = (m_hEndPoint.Get() != NULL);

	// Sanity-check the rope texture scale before it goes over the wire
	if ( m_TextureScale < 0.1f )
		Vector origin = GetAbsOrigin();
		GetEndPointPos( 0, origin );
		DevMsg( "move_rope has TextureScale less than 0.1 at (%2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f)\n",
			origin.x, origin.y, origin.z );
		m_TextureScale = 0.1f;
	else if ( m_TextureScale > 10.0f )
		Vector origin = GetAbsOrigin();
		GetEndPointPos( 0, origin );
		DevMsg( "move_rope has TextureScale greater than 10 at (%2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f)\n",
			origin.x, origin.y, origin.z );
		m_TextureScale = 10.0f;
コード例 #6
void CGEBloodScreenVM::CalcViewModelView( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& eyePosition, const QAngle& eyeAngles )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	SetLocalOrigin( eyePosition );
	SetLocalAngles( eyeAngles );
コード例 #7
ファイル: buttons.cpp プロジェクト: xxauroraxx/Source.Python
// Purpose: MoveDone function for rotating back to the start position.
void CMomentaryRotButton::ReturnMoveDone( void )
	float value = GetPos( GetLocalAngles() );
	if ( value <= 0 )
		// Got back to the start, stop spinning.
		SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle );
		SetLocalAngles( m_start );

		UpdateTarget( 0, NULL );

		SetMoveDoneTime( -1 );
		SetMoveDone( NULL );

		SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK );
		SetThink( NULL );
		SetLocalAngularVelocity( -m_returnSpeed * m_vecMoveAng );
		SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1f );

		SetThink( &CMomentaryRotButton::UpdateThink );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.01f );
コード例 #8
ファイル: buttons.cpp プロジェクト: xxauroraxx/Source.Python
// Purpose: MoveDone function for the SetPosition input handler. Tracks our
//			progress toward a movement goal and updates our outputs.
void CMomentaryRotButton::SetPositionMoveDone(void)
	float flCurPos = GetPos( GetLocalAngles() );

	if ((( flCurPos >= m_IdealYaw ) && ( m_direction == 1 )) ||
		(( flCurPos <= m_IdealYaw ) && ( m_direction == -1 )))
		// We reached or surpassed our movement goal.
		SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle );
		// BUGBUG: Won't this get the player stuck?
		SetLocalAngles( m_start + m_vecMoveAng * ( m_IdealYaw * m_flMoveDistance ) );
		SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK );
		SetMoveDoneTime( -1 );
		UpdateTarget( m_IdealYaw, this );

	// TODO: change this to use a Think function like ReturnThink.
	QAngle vecNewAngles = m_start + m_vecMoveAng * ( m_IdealYaw * m_flMoveDistance );
	float flAngleDelta = fabs( AxisDelta( m_spawnflags, vecNewAngles, GetLocalAngles() ));
	float dt = flAngleDelta / m_flSpeed;
	if ( dt < TICK_INTERVAL )
		float speed = flAngleDelta / TICK_INTERVAL;
		SetLocalAngularVelocity( speed * m_vecMoveAng * m_direction );
	dt = clamp( dt, TICK_INTERVAL, TICK_INTERVAL * 6);

	SetMoveDoneTime( dt );
コード例 #9
void CBaseGrenadeContact::Spawn( void )
	// point sized, solid, bouncing
	SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
	SetModel( "models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl" );	// BUG: wrong model

	UTIL_SetSize(this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin);

	// contact grenades arc lower
	SetGravity( UTIL_ScaleForGravity( 400 ) );	// use a lower gravity for grenades to make them easier to see

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles(GetAbsVelocity(), angles);
	SetLocalAngles( angles );
	// make NPCs afaid of it while in the air
	SetThink( &CBaseGrenadeContact::DangerSoundThink );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
	// Tumble in air
	QAngle vecAngVelocity( random->RandomFloat ( -100, -500 ), 0, 0 );
	SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecAngVelocity );

	// Explode on contact
	SetTouch( &CBaseGrenadeContact::ExplodeTouch );

	m_flDamage = 100; // BOXBOX was  sk_plr_dmg_grenade.GetFloat();

	// Allow player to blow this puppy up in the air
	m_takedamage	= DAMAGE_YES;

	m_iszBounceSound = NULL_STRING;
コード例 #10
ファイル: explode.cpp プロジェクト: AluminumKen/hl2sb-src
void CShower::Spawn( void )
	Vector vecForward;
	AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &vecForward );

	Vector vecNewVelocity;
	vecNewVelocity = random->RandomFloat( 200, 300 ) * vecForward;
	vecNewVelocity.x += random->RandomFloat(-100.f,100.f);
	vecNewVelocity.y += random->RandomFloat(-100.f,100.f);
	if ( vecNewVelocity.z >= 0 )
		vecNewVelocity.z += 200;
		vecNewVelocity.z -= 200;
	SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );

	SetGravity( UTIL_ScaleForGravity( 400 ) ); // fall a bit more slowly than normal
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
	SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
	UTIL_SetSize(this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
	AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
	m_flSpeed = random->RandomFloat( 0.5, 1.5 );

	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );
コード例 #11
ファイル: bmodels.cpp プロジェクト: XashDev/XashXT
void CFuncClock :: Think( void )
	float seconds, ang, pos;

	seconds = gpGlobals->time + m_flCurTime;
	pos = seconds / m_iClockType;
	pos = pos - floor( pos );
	ang = 360 * pos;

	SetLocalAngles( pev->movedir * ang );

	if( m_iClockType == SECODNS_PER_DAY )
		int hours = GetLocalAngles().Length() / 30;
		if( m_iHoursCount != hours )
			// member new hour
			m_iHoursCount = hours;
			if( hours == 0 ) hours = 12;	// merge for 0.00.00

			// send hours info
			UTIL_FireTargets( pev->netname, this, this, USE_SET, hours );
			UTIL_FireTargets( pev->netname, this, this, USE_ON );

	RelinkEntity( FALSE );

	// set clock resolution
	SetNextThink( 1.0f );
コード例 #12
ファイル: doors.cpp プロジェクト: XashDev/XashXT
void CRotDoor :: OnChangeParent( void )
	matrix4x4 iparent = GetParentToWorldTransform().Invert();
	matrix4x4 angle1 = iparent.ConcatTransforms( matrix4x4( g_vecZero, m_vecAngle1 ));

	angle1.GetAngles( m_vecAngle1 );

	// just recalc angle2 without transforms
	m_vecAngle2 = m_vecAngle1 + pev->movedir * m_flMoveDistance;

	// update angles if needed
	if( GetState() == STATE_ON )
		SetLocalAngles( m_vecAngle2 );
	else if( GetState() == STATE_OFF )
		SetLocalAngles( m_vecAngle1 );
コード例 #13
ファイル: ai_motor.cpp プロジェクト: Au-heppa/swarm-sdk
// Purpose: Turns a npc towards its ideal yaw.
// Input  : yawSpeed - Yaw speed in degrees per 1/10th of a second.
//			flInterval - Time interval to turn, -1 uses time since last think.
// Output : Returns the number of degrees turned.
void CAI_Motor::UpdateYaw( int yawSpeed )
	// Don't do this if our yaw is locked
	if ( IsYawLocked() )


	float ideal, current, newYaw;
	if ( yawSpeed == -1 )
		yawSpeed = GetYawSpeed();

	// NOTE: GetIdealYaw() will never exactly be reached because UTIL_AngleMod
	// also truncates the angle to 16 bits of resolution. So lets truncate it here.
	current = UTIL_AngleMod( GetLocalAngles().y );
	ideal = UTIL_AngleMod( GetIdealYaw() );

	// FIXME: this needs a proper interval
	float dt = MIN( 0.2, gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink() );
	newYaw = AI_ClampYaw( (float)yawSpeed * 10.0, current, ideal, dt );
	if (newYaw != current)
		QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();
		angles.y = newYaw;
		SetLocalAngles( angles );
コード例 #14
ファイル: doors.cpp プロジェクト: XashDev/XashXT
void CBaseTrainDoor :: Spawn( void )

	pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH;
	pev->solid = SOLID_BSP;

	SET_MODEL( edict(), GetModel( ));

	// is mapper forget set angles?
	if( pev->movedir == g_vecZero )
		pev->movedir = Vector( 1, 0, 0 );
		SetLocalAngles( g_vecZero );

	// save initial angles
	m_vecOldAngles = GetLocalAngles();	// ???
	m_vecPosition1 = GetLocalOrigin();	// member the initial position

	if( !pev->speed )
		pev->speed = 100;

	m_pUserData = WorldPhysic->CreateKinematicBodyFromEntity( this );
	door_state = TD_CLOSED;
	SetTouch( NULL );

	SetThink( &CBaseTrainDoor :: FindTrain );
	SetNextThink( 0.1 );
コード例 #15
// Purpose: Try and turn towards the target point
void CGrenadeRocket::FollowThink( void )
	if ( m_hLockTarget == NULL )

	// Weave slightly drunkenly to target
	Vector vecTarget = m_hLockTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin();
	VectorNormalize( vecTarget );

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( vecTarget, angles );
	SetLocalAngles( angles );
	Vector vecVelocity = GetAbsVelocity();
	float flSpeed = vecVelocity.Length();
	vecVelocity = vecVelocity * 0.2 + vecTarget * flSpeed * 1.2;
	// Clip to maxspeed
	if ( vecVelocity.Length() > ROCKET_VELOCITY )
		VectorNormalize( vecVelocity );
		vecVelocity *= ROCKET_VELOCITY;
	SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
コード例 #16
// Purpose: Attaches the flame to an entity and moves with it
// Input  : pTarget - target entity to attach to
void CEntityDissolve::AttachToEntity( CBaseEntity *pTarget )
	// So our dissolver follows the entity around on the server.
	SetParent( pTarget );
	SetLocalOrigin( vec3_origin );
	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );
コード例 #17
// Purpose: Hack to zero out player's pitch, use value from poseparameter instead
// Input  : flags - 
// Output : int
int C_BaseHLPlayer::DrawModel( int flags )
	// Not pitch for player
	QAngle saveAngles = GetLocalAngles();

	QAngle useAngles = saveAngles;
	useAngles[ PITCH ] = 0.0f;

	SetLocalAngles( useAngles );

	int iret = BaseClass::DrawModel( flags );

	SetLocalAngles( saveAngles );

	return iret;
コード例 #18
ファイル: c_MSS_player.cpp プロジェクト: BoXorz/MSS
void C_MSS_Player::PreThink( void )
	QAngle vTempAngles = GetLocalAngles();

	if ( GetLocalPlayer() == this )
		vTempAngles[PITCH] = EyeAngles()[PITCH];
		vTempAngles[PITCH] = m_angEyeAngles[PITCH];

	if ( vTempAngles[YAW] < 0.0f )
		vTempAngles[YAW] += 360.0f;

	SetLocalAngles( vTempAngles );



	if ( m_HL2Local.m_flSuitPower <= 0.0f )
		if( IsSprinting() )
コード例 #19
ファイル: bmodels.cpp プロジェクト: AluminumKen/hl2sb-src
void CFuncIllusionary::Spawn( void )
	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );  
	SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
	SetModel( STRING( GetModelName() ) );
コード例 #20
ファイル: buttons.cpp プロジェクト: FWGS/XashXT
void CMomentaryRotButton :: ReturnMoveDone( void )
	float value = GetPos( GetLocalAngles() );

	SetUse( &CMomentaryRotButton::ButtonUse );

	if( value <= 0 )
		// Got back to the start, stop spinning.
		SetLocalAvelocity( g_vecZero );
		SetLocalAngles( m_start );

		m_iState = STATE_OFF;

		UpdateTarget( 0 );

		SetMoveDoneTime( -1 );
		SetMoveDone( NULL );

		SetNextThink( -1 );
		SetThink( NULL );
		m_iState = STATE_TURN_OFF;

		SetLocalAvelocity( -m_returnSpeed * pev->movedir );
		SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1f );

		SetThink( &CMomentaryRotButton::UpdateThink );
		SetNextThink( 0.01f );
コード例 #21
ファイル: bmodels.cpp プロジェクト: AluminumKen/hl2sb-src
// Purpose: Think function. Called while rotating at a constant angular velocity.
void CFuncRotating::RotateMove( void )
	SetMoveDoneTime( 10 );

	if ( m_bStopAtStartPos )
		SetMoveDoneTime( GetNextMoveInterval() );
		int checkAxis = 2;

		// See if we got close to the starting orientation
		if ( m_vecMoveAng[0] != 0 )
			checkAxis = 0;
		else if ( m_vecMoveAng[1] != 0 )
			checkAxis = 1;

		float angDelta = anglemod( GetLocalAngles()[ checkAxis ] - m_angStart[ checkAxis ] );
		if ( angDelta > 180.0f )
			angDelta -= 360.0f;

		QAngle avel = GetLocalAngularVelocity();
		// Delta per tick
		QAngle avelpertick = avel * TICK_INTERVAL;

		if ( fabs( angDelta ) < fabs( avelpertick[ checkAxis ] ) )
			SetTargetSpeed( 0 );
			SetLocalAngles( m_angStart );
			m_bStopAtStartPos = false;
コード例 #22
void CInfoIntermission::Spawn( void )
	SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
	AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 2 );// let targets spawn !
コード例 #23
// Step iteratively toward a destination position
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveGroundStep( const Vector &newPos, CBaseEntity *pMoveTarget, float yaw, bool bAsFarAsCan, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	// By definition, this will produce different results than GroundMoveLimit() 
	// because there's no guarantee that it will step exactly one step 

	// See how far toward the new position we can step...
	// But don't actually test for ground geometric validity;
	// if it isn't valid, there's not much we can do about it
	AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace;
	GetMoveProbe()->TestGroundMove( GetLocalOrigin(), newPos, MASK_NPCSOLID, AITGM_IGNORE_FLOOR, &moveTrace );
	if ( pTraceResult )
		*pTraceResult = moveTrace;

	bool bHitTarget = (moveTrace.pObstruction && (pMoveTarget == moveTrace.pObstruction ));

	// Move forward either if there was no obstruction or if we're told to
	// move as far as we can, regardless
	bool bIsBlocked = IsMoveBlocked(moveTrace.fStatus);
	if ( !bIsBlocked || bAsFarAsCan || bHitTarget )
		// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
		// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
		UTIL_SetOrigin(GetOuter(), moveTrace.vEndPosition, true);
		// skip tiny steps, but notify the shadow object of any large steps
		if ( moveTrace.flStepUpDistance > 0.1f )
			float height = clamp( moveTrace.flStepUpDistance, 0, StepHeight() );
			IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = GetOuter()->VPhysicsGetObject();
			if ( pPhysicsObject )
				IPhysicsShadowController *pShadow = pPhysicsObject->GetShadowController();
				if ( pShadow )
					pShadow->StepUp( height );
		if ( yaw != -1 )
			QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();
			angles.y = yaw;
			SetLocalAngles( angles );
		if ( bHitTarget )
		if ( !bIsBlocked )
			return AIM_SUCCESS;
		if ( moveTrace.fStatus == AIMR_BLOCKED_NPC )

	return AIM_FAILED;
コード例 #24
void CHL2MP_Player::PostThink( void )
	if ( GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING )


	// Store the eye angles pitch so the client can compute its animation state correctly.
	m_angEyeAngles = EyeAngles();

	QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();
	angles[PITCH] = 0;
	SetLocalAngles( angles );

	if (!IsDead())
		if (m_afButtonReleased & IN_KICK && m_flNextKickAttack < gpGlobals->curtime /* && m_flNextKickAttack < gpGlobals->curtime  && !m_bIsKicking*/)
			m_bIsKicking = true;

	CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = this->GetActiveWeapon();
	if (pWeapon != NULL)
		if (m_afButtonPressed & IN_IRONSIGHT)
		else if (m_afButtonReleased & IN_IRONSIGHT)

	if (!IsDead())
		if (m_flNextKickAttack < gpGlobals->curtime)
			m_bIsKicking = false;
			CBaseViewModel *vm = GetViewModel(1);

			if (vm)
				int	idealSequence = vm->SelectWeightedSequence(ACT_VM_IDLE);

				if (idealSequence >= 0)
コード例 #25
ファイル: bmodels.cpp プロジェクト: XashDev/XashXT
void CPendulum :: Stop( void )
	SetLocalAngles( m_start );
	pev->speed = 0; // dead stop
	SetThink( NULL );
	SetLocalAvelocity( g_vecZero );
	m_iState = STATE_OFF;
コード例 #26
void CBaseViewModel::CalcViewModelView( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& eyePosition, const QAngle& eyeAngles )
	// UNDONE: Calc this on the server?  Disabled for now as it seems unnecessary to have this info on the server
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	QAngle vmangoriginal = eyeAngles;
	QAngle vmangles = eyeAngles;
	Vector vmorigin = eyePosition;

	Vector vecRight;
	Vector vecUp;
	Vector vecForward;
	AngleVectors( vmangoriginal, &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp );
	//Vector vecOffset = Vector( viewmodel_offset_x.GetFloat(), viewmodel_offset_y.GetFloat(), viewmodel_offset_z.GetFloat() ); 
	vmorigin += (vecForward * viewmodel_offset_y.GetFloat()) + (vecUp * viewmodel_offset_z.GetFloat()) + (vecRight * viewmodel_offset_x.GetFloat());

	// TrackIR
	if ( IsHeadTrackingEnabled() )
		vmorigin = owner->EyePosition();
		VectorAngles( owner->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_5DEGREES ), vmangoriginal );
		vmangles = vmangoriginal;
	// TrackIR

	CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = m_hWeapon.Get();
	//Allow weapon lagging
	if ( pWeapon != NULL )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
			// add weapon-specific bob 
			pWeapon->AddViewmodelBob( this, vmorigin, vmangles );
	// Add model-specific bob even if no weapon associated (for head bob for off hand models)
	AddViewModelBob( owner, vmorigin, vmangles );
	// Add lag
	CalcViewModelLag( vmorigin, vmangles, vmangoriginal );

#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
		// Let the viewmodel shake at about 10% of the amplitude of the player's view
		GetViewEffects()->ApplyShake( vmorigin, vmangles, 0.1 );	

	CalcIronsights( vmorigin, vmangles );
	SetLocalOrigin( vmorigin );
	SetLocalAngles( vmangles );

コード例 #27
// Purpose: Breaks the breakable if it can be broken.
// Input  : pBreaker - The entity that caused us to break, either via an input,
//				by shooting us, or by touching us.
void CBreakable::Break( CBaseEntity *pBreaker )
	if ( IsBreakable() )
		QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();
		angles.y = m_angle;
		SetLocalAngles( angles );
		m_hBreaker = pBreaker;
コード例 #28
// Purpose: 
void CBreakable::Spawn( void )
	// Initialize damage modifiers. Must be done before baseclass spawn.
	m_flDmgModBullet = func_breakdmg_bullet.GetFloat();
	m_flDmgModClub = func_breakdmg_club.GetFloat();
	m_flDmgModExplosive = func_breakdmg_explosive.GetFloat();


    Precache( );    

	if ( !m_iHealth || FBitSet( m_spawnflags, SF_BREAK_TRIGGER_ONLY ) )
		// This allows people to shoot at the glass (since it's penetrable)
		if ( m_Material == matGlass )
			m_iHealth = 1;

		m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
		m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;

	m_iMaxHealth = ( m_iHealth > 0 ) ? m_iHealth : 1;
	SetSolid( SOLID_BSP );
    SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH );
	// this is a hack to shoot the gibs in a specific yaw/direction
	m_angle = GetLocalAngles().y;
	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );
	SetModel( STRING( GetModelName() ) );//set size and link into world.

	SetTouch( &CBreakable::BreakTouch );
	if ( FBitSet( m_spawnflags, SF_BREAK_TRIGGER_ONLY ) )		// Only break on trigger
		SetTouch( NULL );

	// Flag unbreakable glass as "worldbrush" so it will block ALL tracelines
	if ( !IsBreakable() && m_nRenderMode != kRenderNormal )

	if ( m_impactEnergyScale == 0 )
		m_impactEnergyScale = 1.0;

コード例 #29
void CASW_Parasite::InfestColonist(CASW_Colonist* pColonist)
	if (m_bDefanged || !pColonist)	// no infesting if we've been defanged

	if (!IsOnFire())	// don't actually infest if we're on fire, since we'll die very shortly

	// attach
	int attachment = pColonist->LookupAttachment( "chest" );
	if ( attachment )
		//SetAbsAngles( GetOwnerEntity()->GetAbsAngles() );
		SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
		SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
		QAngle current(0,0,0);

		Vector diff = pColonist->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
		float angle = UTIL_VecToYaw(diff);
		angle -= pColonist->GetAbsAngles()[YAW];	// get the diff between our angle from the marine and the marine's facing;
		current = GetAbsAngles();
		SetParent( pColonist, attachment );
				Vector vecPosition;
		float fRaise = random->RandomFloat(0,20);
		SetLocalOrigin( Vector( -fRaise * 0.2f, 0, fRaise ) );
		SetLocalAngles( QAngle( 0, angle + asw_infest_angle.GetFloat(), 0 ) );
		// play our infesting anim
		if ( asw_parasite_inside.GetBool() )
			int iInfestAttack = LookupSequence("Infest_attack");
			if (GetSequence() != iInfestAttack)
		// don't do anymore thinking - need to think still to animate?
		AddFlag( FL_NOTARGET );
		SetThink( &CASW_Parasite::InfestThink );
		SetTouch( NULL );
		m_bInfesting = true;		
コード例 #30
ファイル: bmodels.cpp プロジェクト: AluminumKen/hl2sb-src
void CFuncWall::Spawn( void )
	SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH );  // so it doesn't get pushed by anything
	SetModel( STRING( GetModelName() ) );
	// If it can't move/go away, it's really part of the world

	// set manual mode