コード例 #1
ファイル: Dissolve.cpp プロジェクト: jxfengzi/AirPhoto
// SetupFilterRecordForProxy
// Called by the UI routine to set up the gFilterRecord with the proxy view
// information. CalcProxyScaleFactor sizes the proxy rectangle and calculates the
// scale factor. Then set up gFilterRecord and call advanceState() to init the
// inData with the pixel data for the display.
// Global Inputs and Outputs:
//		FilterRecord *gFilterRecord		inRect, inRowBytes, maskRect, etc. has all
//										the information needed to call 
//										advanceState so inData points to the proxy
//										pixel data and maskRect points to the 
//										selection data
void SetupFilterRecordForProxy(void)

	SetInRect(GetFilterRect()); // gFilterRecord->inRect = gFilterRecord->filterRect;
	VRect tempRect = GetInRect();
	ScaleRect(tempRect, 1, (int16)gData->scaleFactor);

	SetMaskRect(GetInRect()); // gFilterRecord->maskRect = gFilterRecord->inRect;

	// Fixed numbers are 16.16 values 
	// the first 16 bits represent the whole number
	// the last 16 bits represent the fraction
	gFilterRecord->inputRate = (int32)gData->scaleFactor << 16;
	gFilterRecord->maskRate = (int32)gData->scaleFactor << 16;
	gFilterRecord->inputPadding = 255;
	gFilterRecord->maskPadding = gFilterRecord->inputPadding;
	gData->proxyWidth = gData->proxyRect.right - gData->proxyRect.left;
	gData->proxyHeight = gData->proxyRect.bottom - gData->proxyRect.top;
	gData->proxyPlaneSize = gData->proxyWidth * gData->proxyHeight;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Dissolve.cpp プロジェクト: jxfengzi/AirPhoto
// DoContinue
// If we get here we probably did something wrong. This selector was needed
// before advanceState() was in the FilterRecord*. Now that we use advanceState()
// there is nothing for us to do but set all the rectangles to 0 and return.
void DoContinue(void)
	VRect zeroRect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

コード例 #3
ファイル: Photoshop.cpp プロジェクト: fireattack/plugins
static int16 RunPlugin(const int16 iSelector)
	string sError;
		if(gFilterRecord->bigDocumentData != NULL)
			gFilterRecord->bigDocumentData->PluginUsing32BitCoordinates = true;

		case filterSelectorParameters:	break;
		case filterSelectorPrepare:	break;
		case filterSelectorStart:
			printf("UI shutdown\n");
		case filterSelectorContinue:
			VRect zeroRect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

			SetInRect(gFilterRecord, zeroRect);
			SetOutRect(gFilterRecord, zeroRect);
			SetMaskRect(gFilterRecord, zeroRect);
		case filterSelectorFinish:
	} catch(const std::bad_alloc &) {
		return memFullErr;
	} catch(const PhotoshopErrorException &e) {
		return e.m_iErr;
	} catch(const exception &e) {
		/* Don't let any exceptions propagate back into Photoshop. */
		sError = e.what();
	} catch(...) {
		sError = "Unknown exception";

		return noErr;

	PlatformData *pPlatform = (PlatformData *) gFilterRecord->platformData;
	HWND hWnd = (HWND) pPlatform->hwnd;
	MessageBox(hWnd, sError.c_str(), plugInName, MB_OK);

	/* Is it OK to return userCanceledErr for a non-cancellation error?  The only
	 * difference seems to be that this doesn't display a "couldn't be completed because
	 * of a program error" dialog, which is what we want since we already displayed
	 * the error. */
	return userCanceledErr;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Dissolve.cpp プロジェクト: jxfengzi/AirPhoto
// DoFilter
// Randomly change the pixel values based on the parameters the user gave us from
// our dialog box or scripting. We do this a tile at a time making sure the rect.
// we ask for is in the bounds of the filterRect.
void DoFilter(void)
	// make the random number generated trully random

	int32 tileHeight = gFilterRecord->outTileHeight;
	int32 tileWidth = gFilterRecord->outTileWidth;

	if (tileWidth == 0 || tileHeight == 0)
		*gResult = filterBadParameters;

	VRect filterRect = GetFilterRect();
	int32 rectWidth = filterRect.right - filterRect.left;
	int32 rectHeight = filterRect.bottom - filterRect.top;

	CreateDissolveBuffer(tileWidth, tileHeight);

	// round up to the nearest horizontal and vertical tile count
	int32 tilesVert = (tileHeight - 1 + rectHeight) / tileHeight;
	int32 tilesHoriz = (tileWidth - 1 + rectWidth) / tileWidth;

	// Fixed numbers are 16.16 values 
	// the first 16 bits represent the whole number
	// the last 16 bits represent the fraction
	gFilterRecord->inputRate = (int32)1 << 16;
	gFilterRecord->maskRate = (int32)1 << 16;
	// variables for the progress bar, our plug in is so fast
	// we probably don't need these
	int32 progressTotal = tilesVert * tilesHoriz;
	int32 progressDone = 0;

	// loop through each tile makeing sure we don't go over the bounds
	// of the rectHeight or rectWidth
	for (int32 vertTile = 0; vertTile < tilesVert; vertTile++)
		for (int32 horizTile = 0; horizTile < tilesHoriz; horizTile++)
			UpdateDissolveBuffer(tileWidth, tileHeight);

			VRect filterRect = GetFilterRect();
			VRect inRect = GetInRect();

			inRect.top = vertTile * tileHeight + filterRect.top;
			inRect.left = horizTile * tileWidth + filterRect.left;
			inRect.bottom = inRect.top + tileHeight;
			inRect.right = inRect.left + tileWidth;

			if (inRect.bottom > rectHeight)
				inRect.bottom = rectHeight;
			if (inRect.right > rectWidth)
				inRect.right = rectWidth;


			// duplicate what's in the inData with the outData
			// get the maskRect if the user has given us a selection
			if (gFilterRecord->haveMask)

			for (int16 plane = 0; plane < gFilterRecord->planes; plane++)
				// we want one plane at a time, small memory foot print is good
				gFilterRecord->outLoPlane = gFilterRecord->inLoPlane = plane;
				gFilterRecord->outHiPlane = gFilterRecord->inHiPlane = plane;
				// update the gFilterRecord with our latest request
				*gResult = gFilterRecord->advanceState();
				if (*gResult != noErr) return;

				// muck with the pixels in the outData buffer
				uint8 color = 255;
				int16 expectedPlanes = CSPlanesFromMode(gFilterRecord->imageMode,

				if (plane < expectedPlanes)
					color = gData->color[plane];


			// uh, update the progress bar
			gFilterRecord->progressProc(++progressDone, progressTotal);
			// see if the user is impatient or didn't mean to do that
			if (gFilterRecord->abortProc())
				*gResult = userCanceledErr;