コード例 #1
ファイル: projectile.cpp プロジェクト: eoi/Epiar
/**\brief Constructor
Projectile::Projectile(float damageBooster, float angleToFire, Coordinate worldPosition, Coordinate firedMomentum, Weapon* _weapon)
	// All Projectiles get these
	ownerID = 0;
	targetID = 0;
	start = Timer::GetTicks();
	SetRadarColor (Color(0x55,0x55,0x55));

	// These are based off of the Ship firing this projectile
	SetWorldPosition( worldPosition );

	// These are based off of the Weapon
	weapon = _weapon;
	secondsOfLife = weapon->GetLifetime();

	Trig *trig = Trig::Instance();
	Coordinate momentum = GetMomentum();
	float angle = static_cast<float>(trig->DegToRad( angleToFire ));

	momentum = firedMomentum +
	           Coordinate( trig->GetCos( angle ) * weapon->GetVelocity(),
	                      -trig->GetSin( angle ) * weapon->GetVelocity() );
	SetMomentum( momentum );
コード例 #2
ファイル: projectile.cpp プロジェクト: eoi/Epiar
/**\brief Update the Projectile
 * Projectiles do all the normal Sprite things like moving.
 * Projectiles check for collisions with nearby Ships, and if they collide,
 * they deal damage to that ship. Note that since each projectile knows which ship fired it and will never collide with them.
 * Projectiles have a life time limit (in milli-seconds).  Each tick they need
 * to check if they've lived to long and need to disappear.
 * Projectiles have the ability to track down a specific target.  This only
 * means that they will turn slightly to head towards their target.
void Projectile::Update( void ) {
	Sprite::Update(); // update momentum and other generic sprite attributes
	SpriteManager *sprites = SpriteManager::Instance();

	// Check for projectile collisions
	Sprite* impact = sprites->GetNearestSprite( (Sprite*)this, 100,DRAW_ORDER_SHIP|DRAW_ORDER_PLAYER );
	if( (impact != NULL) && (impact->GetID() != ownerID) && ((this->GetWorldPosition() - impact->GetWorldPosition()).GetMagnitude() < impact->GetRadarSize() )) {
		((Ship*)impact)->Damage( (weapon->GetPayload())*damageBoost );
		sprites->Delete( (Sprite*)this );
		// Create a fire burst where this projectile hit the ship's shields.
		// TODO: This shows how much we need to improve our collision detection.
		Effect* hit = new Effect(this->GetWorldPosition(), "Resources/Animations/shield.ani", 0);
		hit->SetAngle( -this->GetAngle() );
		hit->SetMomentum( impact->GetMomentum() );
		sprites->Add( hit );

	// Expire the projectile after a time period
	if (( Timer::GetTicks() > secondsOfLife + start )) {
		sprites->Delete( (Sprite*)this );

	// Track the target
	Sprite* target = sprites->GetSpriteByID( targetID );
	float tracking = weapon->GetTracking();
	if( target != NULL && tracking > 0.00000001f ) {
		float angleTowards = normalizeAngle( ( target->GetWorldPosition() - this->GetWorldPosition() ).GetAngle() - GetAngle() );
		SetMomentum( GetMomentum().RotateBy( angleTowards*tracking ) );
		SetAngle( GetMomentum().GetAngle() );
コード例 #3
RigidBody::RigidBody(Rect rect)
	float width = (rect.right - rect.left);
	float height = (rect.bottom - rect.top);

	// Create a Rectangle shape - origin middle
	mShape = new Shape();
	mShape->setOrigin(Vector(rect.left + width/2, rect.top + height/2, 0));
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(-width/2, -height/2, 0));	// top - left
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(-width/2, height/2, 0));	// bottom - left
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(width/2, height/2, 0));   // bottom - right
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(width/2, -height/2, 0));	// top - right

	mAlive = true;
	mTexture = NULL;

	SetVelocity(0, 0);
	SetForce(Vector(0, 0, 0));
	SetTorque(Vector(0, 0, 0));
	SetMomentum(Vector(0, 0, 0));
コード例 #4
ファイル: player.cpp プロジェクト: DuMuT6p/Epiar
/**\brief set name of last planet visited
void Player::Land( lua_State *L, Planet* planet ){
	assert( planet );

	if( planet->GetLandable() == false
	 || planet->GetForbidden() == true ) {

	LogMsg(INFO, "Landed on %s", planet->GetName().c_str() );

	Lua::Call( "landingDialog", "i", planet->GetID() );

	// Stay on the Planet
	SetMomentum( Coordinate(0,0) );

	// Run Land function for each Mission
	bool missionOver;
	list<Mission*>::iterator i = missions.begin();
	while( i != missions.end() )
		missionOver = (*i)->Land();
		if( missionOver ) {
			LogMsg(INFO, "Completed the Mission '%s'", (*i)->GetName().c_str() );
			// Remove this completed mission from the list
			i = missions.erase( i );
		} else {

	lastPlanet = planet->GetName();
	Save( Simulation_Lua::GetSimulation(L)->GetName() );
コード例 #5
ファイル: ship.cpp プロジェクト: markettwp/Epiar
/**\brief Adds damage to hull.
void Ship::Damage(short int damage) {
	if(status.shieldDamage >=   ((float)shipStats.GetShieldStrength()) * shieldBooster)
		status.hullDamage += damage;
		status.shieldDamage += damage;

	if( GetHullIntegrityPct() < .15 ) {
		status.isDisabled = true;
		SetMomentum( GetMomentum() * .75 );
コード例 #6
RigidBody::RigidBody(float x, float y, int width, int height)
	// Create a Rectangle shape - origin middle
	mShape = new Shape();
	mShape->setOrigin(Vector(x, y, 0));
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(-width/2, -height/2, 0));	// top - left
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(-width/2, height/2, 0));	// bottom - left
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(width/2, height/2, 0));   // bottom - right
	mShape->addPoint(Vector(width/2, -height/2, 0));	// top - right

	mAlive = true;

	SetVelocity(0, 0);
	SetForce(Vector(0, 0, 0));
	SetTorque(Vector(0, 0, 0));
	SetMomentum(Vector(0, 0, 0));
コード例 #7
ファイル: ship.cpp プロジェクト: markettwp/Epiar
/**\brief Accelerates the ship.
 * \sa Model::GetAcceleration
void Ship::Accelerate( void ) {
	Trig *trig = Trig::Instance();
	Coordinate momentum = GetMomentum();
	float angle = static_cast<float>(trig->DegToRad( GetAngle() ));
	float speed = shipStats.GetMaxSpeed()*engineBooster;

	float acceleration = (shipStats.GetForceOutput() *engineBooster ) / shipStats.GetMass();

	momentum += Coordinate( trig->GetCos( angle ) * acceleration * Timer::GetDelta(),
	                -1 * trig->GetSin( angle ) * acceleration * Timer::GetDelta() );

	SetMomentum( momentum );
	status.isAccelerating = true;
	// Play engine sound
	float engvol = OPTION(float,"options/sound/engines");
	Coordinate offset = GetWorldPosition() - Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate();
	if ( this->GetDrawOrder() == DRAW_ORDER_SHIP )
		engvol = engvol * NON_PLAYER_SOUND_RATIO ;
	this->engine->GetSound()->SetVolume( engvol );
	this->engine->GetSound()->PlayNoRestart( offset );