void IrcClient::OnAuth() { if (!m_bUsernameSent) { SetNick(Nick); Send("USER "+Username+" 8 * : "+RealName); m_bUsernameSent = true; } }
void CNick::Clone(const CNick& SourceNick) { SetNick(SourceNick.GetNick()); SetIdent(SourceNick.GetIdent()); SetHost(SourceNick.GetHost()); m_sChanPerms = SourceNick.m_sChanPerms; m_pNetwork = SourceNick.m_pNetwork; }
HANDLE AddToListByName(const CString& sName, WPARAM flags, LPCTSTR about, bool bInteractive, bool bGroup) { ip addr = INADDR_NONE; CString sShortName( sName ); if ( ! bGroup ) { // Попытка получить IP из имени if ( addr == INADDR_NONE ) addr = ResolveToIP( sShortName ); // Поиск NetBIOS-имени if ( addr == INADDR_NONE ) addr = pluginNetBIOS.FindNameIP( sName ); // Неизвестный контакт if ( addr == INADDR_NONE && bInteractive ) { if ( MessageBox( NULL, TranslateT("Cannot resolve contacts IP-address. Add it anyway?"), modname_t, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION ) != IDYES ) { return NULL; } } } // Поиск существующего контакта HANDLE hContact = GetContact( sShortName ); if ( ! hContact ) { // Добавление контакта hContact = (HANDLE)CallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0 ); if ( hContact ) { CallService( MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)modname ); SetNick( hContact, sShortName ); SetGroup( hContact, bGroup ); db_set_ts( hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", sShortName ); db_set_b( hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1 ); db_set_b( hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1 ); SetContactIP( hContact, addr ); SetElapsed( hContact, "IPTime" ); if ( about ) db_set_ts( hContact, modname, "About", about ); contact_scanner::ScanContact( hContact ); } } if ( hContact && ! ( flags & PALF_TEMPORARY ) && db_get_b( hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1 ) ) { // Оставляем контакт db_unset( hContact, "CList", "NotOnList" ); db_unset( hContact, "CList", "Hidden" ); } return hContact; }
void CIRCNetwork::Clone(const CIRCNetwork& Network) { m_sName = Network.GetName(); SetNick(Network.GetNick()); SetAltNick(Network.GetAltNick()); SetIdent(Network.GetIdent()); SetRealName(Network.GetRealName()); // Servers const vector<CServer*>& vServers = Network.GetServers(); CString sServer; CServer* pCurServ = GetCurrentServer(); if (pCurServ) { sServer = pCurServ->GetName(); } DelServers(); unsigned int a; for (a = 0; a < vServers.size(); a++) { CServer* pServer = vServers[a]; AddServer(pServer->GetName(), pServer->GetPort(), pServer->GetPass(), pServer->IsSSL()); } m_uServerIdx = 0; for (a = 0; a < m_vServers.size(); a++) { if (sServer.Equals(m_vServers[a]->GetName())) { m_uServerIdx = a + 1; break; } } if (m_uServerIdx == 0) { m_uServerIdx = m_vServers.size(); CIRCSock* pSock = GetIRCSock(); if (pSock) { PutStatus("Jumping servers because this server is no longer in the list"); pSock->Quit(); } } // !Servers // Chans const vector<CChan*>& vChans = Network.GetChans(); for (a = 0; a < vChans.size(); a++) { CChan* pNewChan = vChans[a]; CChan* pChan = FindChan(pNewChan->GetName()); if (pChan) { pChan->SetInConfig(pNewChan->InConfig()); } else { AddChan(pNewChan->GetName(), pNewChan->InConfig()); } } for (a = 0; a < m_vChans.size(); a++) { CChan* pChan = m_vChans[a]; CChan* pNewChan = Network.FindChan(pChan->GetName()); if (!pNewChan) { pChan->SetInConfig(false); } else { pChan->Clone(*pNewChan); } } // !Chans // Modules set<CString> ssUnloadMods; CModules& vCurMods = GetModules(); const CModules& vNewMods = Network.GetModules(); for (a = 0; a < vNewMods.size(); a++) { CString sModRet; CModule* pNewMod = vNewMods[a]; CModule* pCurMod = vCurMods.FindModule(pNewMod->GetModName()); if (!pCurMod) { vCurMods.LoadModule(pNewMod->GetModName(), pNewMod->GetArgs(), CModInfo::NetworkModule, m_pUser, this, sModRet); } else if (pNewMod->GetArgs() != pCurMod->GetArgs()) { vCurMods.ReloadModule(pNewMod->GetModName(), pNewMod->GetArgs(), m_pUser, this, sModRet); } } for (a = 0; a < vCurMods.size(); a++) { CModule* pCurMod = vCurMods[a]; CModule* pNewMod = vNewMods.FindModule(pCurMod->GetModName()); if (!pNewMod) { ssUnloadMods.insert(pCurMod->GetModName()); } } for (set<CString>::iterator it = ssUnloadMods.begin(); it != ssUnloadMods.end(); ++it) { vCurMods.UnloadModule(*it); } // !Modules SetIRCConnectEnabled(Network.GetIRCConnectEnabled()); }
bool CUser::Clone(const CUser& User, CString& sErrorRet, bool bCloneChans) { unsigned int a = 0; sErrorRet.clear(); if (!User.IsValid(sErrorRet, true)) { return false; } // user names can only specified for the constructor, changing it later // on breaks too much stuff (e.g. lots of paths depend on the user name) if (GetUserName() != User.GetUserName()) { DEBUG("Ignoring username in CUser::Clone(), old username [" << GetUserName() << "]; New username [" << User.GetUserName() << "]"); } if (!User.GetPass().empty()) { SetPass(User.GetPass(), User.GetPassHashType(), User.GetPassSalt()); } SetNick(User.GetNick(false)); SetAltNick(User.GetAltNick(false)); SetIdent(User.GetIdent(false)); SetRealName(User.GetRealName()); SetStatusPrefix(User.GetStatusPrefix()); SetBindHost(User.GetBindHost()); SetDCCBindHost(User.GetDCCBindHost()); SetQuitMsg(User.GetQuitMsg()); SetSkinName(User.GetSkinName()); SetLanguage(User.GetLanguage()); SetDefaultChanModes(User.GetDefaultChanModes()); SetBufferCount(User.GetBufferCount(), true); SetJoinTries(User.JoinTries()); SetMaxJoins(User.MaxJoins()); // Allowed Hosts m_ssAllowedHosts.clear(); const set<CString>& ssHosts = User.GetAllowedHosts(); for (set<CString>::const_iterator it = ssHosts.begin(); it != ssHosts.end(); ++it) { AddAllowedHost(*it); } for (a = 0; a < m_vClients.size(); a++) { CClient* pSock = m_vClients[a]; if (!IsHostAllowed(pSock->GetRemoteIP())) { pSock->PutStatusNotice("You are being disconnected because your IP is no longer allowed to connect to this user"); pSock->Close(); } } // !Allowed Hosts // Networks const vector<CIRCNetwork*>& vNetworks = User.GetNetworks(); for (a = 0; a < vNetworks.size(); a++) { new CIRCNetwork(this, vNetworks[a], bCloneChans); } // !Networks // CTCP Replies m_mssCTCPReplies.clear(); const MCString& msReplies = User.GetCTCPReplies(); for (MCString::const_iterator it = msReplies.begin(); it != msReplies.end(); ++it) { AddCTCPReply(it->first, it->second); } // !CTCP Replies // Flags SetIRCConnectEnabled(User.GetIRCConnectEnabled()); SetKeepBuffer(User.KeepBuffer()); SetMultiClients(User.MultiClients()); SetDenyLoadMod(User.DenyLoadMod()); SetAdmin(User.IsAdmin()); SetDenySetBindHost(User.DenySetBindHost()); SetTimestampAppend(User.GetTimestampAppend()); SetTimestampPrepend(User.GetTimestampPrepend()); SetTimestampFormat(User.GetTimestampFormat()); SetTimezoneOffset(User.GetTimezoneOffset()); // !Flags // Modules set<CString> ssUnloadMods; CModules& vCurMods = GetModules(); const CModules& vNewMods = User.GetModules(); for (a = 0; a < vNewMods.size(); a++) { CString sModRet; CModule* pNewMod = vNewMods[a]; CModule* pCurMod = vCurMods.FindModule(pNewMod->GetModName()); if (!pCurMod) { vCurMods.LoadModule(pNewMod->GetModName(), pNewMod->GetArgs(), CModInfo::UserModule, this, NULL, sModRet); } else if (pNewMod->GetArgs() != pCurMod->GetArgs()) { vCurMods.ReloadModule(pNewMod->GetModName(), pNewMod->GetArgs(), this, NULL, sModRet); } } for (a = 0; a < vCurMods.size(); a++) { CModule* pCurMod = vCurMods[a]; CModule* pNewMod = vNewMods.FindModule(pCurMod->GetModName()); if (!pNewMod) { ssUnloadMods.insert(pCurMod->GetModName()); } } for (set<CString>::iterator it = ssUnloadMods.begin(); it != ssUnloadMods.end(); ++it) { vCurMods.UnloadModule(*it); } // !Modules return true; }
bool CUser::Clone(const CUser& User, CString& sErrorRet, bool bCloneChans) { unsigned int a = 0; sErrorRet.clear(); if (!User.IsValid(sErrorRet, true)) { return false; } // user names can only specified for the constructor, changing it later // on breaks too much stuff (e.g. lots of paths depend on the user name) if (GetUserName() != User.GetUserName()) { DEBUG("Ignoring username in CUser::Clone(), old username [" << GetUserName() << "]; New username [" << User.GetUserName() << "]"); } if (!User.GetPass().empty()) { SetPass(User.GetPass(), User.GetPassHashType(), User.GetPassSalt()); } SetNick(User.GetNick(false)); SetAltNick(User.GetAltNick(false)); SetIdent(User.GetIdent(false)); SetRealName(User.GetRealName()); SetStatusPrefix(User.GetStatusPrefix()); SetBindHost(User.GetBindHost()); SetDCCBindHost(User.GetDCCBindHost()); SetQuitMsg(User.GetQuitMsg()); SetSkinName(User.GetSkinName()); SetDefaultChanModes(User.GetDefaultChanModes()); SetBufferCount(User.GetBufferCount(), true); SetJoinTries(User.JoinTries()); SetMaxJoins(User.MaxJoins()); // Allowed Hosts m_ssAllowedHosts.clear(); const set<CString>& ssHosts = User.GetAllowedHosts(); for (set<CString>::const_iterator it = ssHosts.begin(); it != ssHosts.end(); ++it) { AddAllowedHost(*it); } for (a = 0; a < m_vClients.size(); a++) { CClient* pSock = m_vClients[a]; if (!IsHostAllowed(pSock->GetRemoteIP())) { pSock->PutStatusNotice("You are being disconnected because your IP is no longer allowed to connect to this user"); pSock->Close(); } } // !Allowed Hosts // Servers const vector<CServer*>& vServers = User.GetServers(); CString sServer; CServer* pCurServ = GetCurrentServer(); if (pCurServ) { sServer = pCurServ->GetName(); } DelServers(); for (a = 0; a < vServers.size(); a++) { CServer* pServer = vServers[a]; AddServer(pServer->GetName(), pServer->GetPort(), pServer->GetPass(), pServer->IsSSL()); } m_uServerIdx = 0; for (a = 0; a < m_vServers.size(); a++) { if (sServer.Equals(m_vServers[a]->GetName())) { m_uServerIdx = a + 1; break; } } if (m_uServerIdx == 0) { m_uServerIdx = m_vServers.size(); CIRCSock* pSock = GetIRCSock(); if (pSock) { PutStatus("Jumping servers because this server is no longer in the list"); pSock->Quit(); } } // !Servers // Chans const vector<CChan*>& vChans = User.GetChans(); for (a = 0; a < vChans.size(); a++) { CChan* pNewChan = vChans[a]; CChan* pChan = FindChan(pNewChan->GetName()); if (pChan) { pChan->SetInConfig(pNewChan->InConfig()); } else { AddChan(pNewChan->GetName(), pNewChan->InConfig()); } } for (a = 0; a < m_vChans.size(); a++) { CChan* pChan = m_vChans[a]; CChan* pNewChan = User.FindChan(pChan->GetName()); if (!pNewChan) { pChan->SetInConfig(false); } else { if (bCloneChans) pChan->Clone(*pNewChan); } } // !Chans // CTCP Replies m_mssCTCPReplies.clear(); const MCString& msReplies = User.GetCTCPReplies(); for (MCString::const_iterator it = msReplies.begin(); it != msReplies.end(); ++it) { AddCTCPReply(it->first, it->second); } // !CTCP Replies // Flags SetIRCConnectEnabled(User.GetIRCConnectEnabled()); SetKeepBuffer(User.KeepBuffer()); SetMultiClients(User.MultiClients()); SetBounceDCCs(User.BounceDCCs()); SetUseClientIP(User.UseClientIP()); SetDenyLoadMod(User.DenyLoadMod()); SetAdmin(User.IsAdmin()); SetDenySetBindHost(User.DenySetBindHost()); SetTimestampAppend(User.GetTimestampAppend()); SetTimestampPrepend(User.GetTimestampPrepend()); SetTimestampFormat(User.GetTimestampFormat()); SetTimezoneOffset(User.GetTimezoneOffset()); // !Flags // Modules set<CString> ssUnloadMods; CModules& vCurMods = GetModules(); const CModules& vNewMods = User.GetModules(); for (a = 0; a < vNewMods.size(); a++) { CString sModRet; CModule* pNewMod = vNewMods[a]; CModule* pCurMod = vCurMods.FindModule(pNewMod->GetModName()); if (!pCurMod) { vCurMods.LoadModule(pNewMod->GetModName(), pNewMod->GetArgs(), this, sModRet); } else if (pNewMod->GetArgs() != pCurMod->GetArgs()) { vCurMods.ReloadModule(pNewMod->GetModName(), pNewMod->GetArgs(), this, sModRet); } } for (a = 0; a < vCurMods.size(); a++) { CModule* pCurMod = vCurMods[a]; CModule* pNewMod = vNewMods.FindModule(pCurMod->GetModName()); if (!pNewMod) { ssUnloadMods.insert(pCurMod->GetModName()); } } for (set<CString>::iterator it = ssUnloadMods.begin(); it != ssUnloadMods.end(); ++it) { vCurMods.UnloadModule(*it); } // !Modules return true; }
void CIRCSock::ReadLine(const CString& sData) { CString sLine = sData; sLine.TrimRight("\n\r"); DEBUG("(" << m_pUser->GetUserName() << ") IRC -> ZNC [" << sLine << "]"); MODULECALL(OnRaw(sLine), m_pUser, NULL, return); if (sLine.Equals("PING ", false, 5)) { // Generate a reply and don't forward this to any user, // we don't want any PING forwarded PutIRC("PONG " + sLine.substr(5)); return; } else if (sLine.Token(1).Equals("PONG")) { // Block PONGs, we already responded to the pings return; } else if (sLine.Equals("ERROR ", false, 6)) { //ERROR :Closing Link: nick[] (Excess Flood) CString sError(sLine.substr(6)); if (sError.Left(1) == ":") { sError.LeftChomp(); } m_pUser->PutStatus("Error from Server [" + sError + "]"); return; } CString sCmd = sLine.Token(1); if ((sCmd.length() == 3) && (isdigit(sCmd[0])) && (isdigit(sCmd[1])) && (isdigit(sCmd[2]))) { CString sServer = sLine.Token(0); sServer.LeftChomp(); unsigned int uRaw = sCmd.ToUInt(); CString sNick = sLine.Token(2); CString sRest = sLine.Token(3, true); switch (uRaw) { case 1: { // :irc.server.com 001 nick :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nick if (m_bAuthed && sServer == "irc.znc.in") { // m_bAuthed == true => we already received another 001 => we might be in a traffic loop m_pUser->PutStatus("ZNC seems to be connected to itself, disconnecting..."); Quit(); return; } m_pUser->SetIRCServer(sServer); SetTimeout(240, TMO_READ); // Now that we are connected, let nature take its course PutIRC("WHO " + sNick); m_bAuthed = true; m_pUser->PutStatus("Connected!"); vector<CClient*>& vClients = m_pUser->GetClients(); for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vClients.size(); a++) { CClient* pClient = vClients[a]; CString sClientNick = pClient->GetNick(false); if (!sClientNick.Equals(sNick)) { // If they connected with a nick that doesn't match the one we got on irc, then we need to update them pClient->PutClient(":" + sClientNick + "!" + m_Nick.GetIdent() + "@" + m_Nick.GetHost() + " NICK :" + sNick); } } SetNick(sNick); MODULECALL(OnIRCConnected(), m_pUser, NULL, ); m_pUser->ClearRawBuffer(); m_pUser->AddRawBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); CZNC::Get().ReleaseISpoof(); m_bISpoofReleased = true; break; } case 5: ParseISupport(sRest); m_pUser->UpdateExactRawBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 250: // highest connection count case 251: // user count case 252: // oper count case 254: // channel count case 255: // client count case 265: // local users case 266: // global users m_pUser->UpdateRawBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; case 305: m_pUser->SetIRCAway(false); break; case 306: m_pUser->SetIRCAway(true); break; case 324: { // MODE sRest.Trim(); CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (pChan) { pChan->SetModes(sRest.Token(1, true)); } } break; case 329: { sRest.Trim(); CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (pChan) { unsigned long ulDate = sLine.Token(4).ToULong(); pChan->SetCreationDate(ulDate); } } break; case 331: { // :irc.server.com 331 yournick #chan :No topic is set. CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sLine.Token(3)); if (pChan) { pChan->SetTopic(""); } break; } case 332: { // :irc.server.com 332 yournick #chan :This is a topic CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sLine.Token(3)); if (pChan) { CString sTopic = sLine.Token(4, true); sTopic.LeftChomp(); pChan->SetTopic(sTopic); } break; } case 333: { // :irc.server.com 333 yournick #chan setternick 1112320796 CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sLine.Token(3)); if (pChan) { sNick = sLine.Token(4); unsigned long ulDate = sLine.Token(5).ToULong(); pChan->SetTopicOwner(sNick); pChan->SetTopicDate(ulDate); } break; } case 352: { // :irc.yourserver.com 352 yournick #chan ident theirhost.com irc.theirserver.com theirnick H :0 Real Name sServer = sLine.Token(0); sNick = sLine.Token(7); CString sIdent = sLine.Token(4); CString sHost = sLine.Token(5); sServer.LeftChomp(); if (sNick.Equals(GetNick())) { m_Nick.SetIdent(sIdent); m_Nick.SetHost(sHost); } m_pUser->SetIRCNick(m_Nick); m_pUser->SetIRCServer(sServer); const vector<CChan*>& vChans = m_pUser->GetChans(); for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vChans.size(); a++) { vChans[a]->OnWho(sNick, sIdent, sHost); } break; } case 353: { // NAMES sRest.Trim(); // Todo: allow for non @+= server msgs CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sRest.Token(1)); // If we don't know that channel, some client might have // requested a /names for it and we really should forward this. if (pChan) { CString sNicks = sRest.Token(2, true); if (sNicks.Left(1) == ":") { sNicks.LeftChomp(); } pChan->AddNicks(sNicks); } ForwardRaw353(sLine); // We forwarded it already, so return return; } case 366: { // end of names list m_pUser->PutUser(sLine); // First send them the raw // :irc.server.com 366 nick #chan :End of /NAMES list. CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (pChan) { if (pChan->IsOn()) { // If we are the only one in the chan, set our default modes if (pChan->GetNickCount() == 1) { CString sModes = pChan->GetDefaultModes(); if (sModes.empty()) { sModes = m_pUser->GetDefaultChanModes(); } if (!sModes.empty()) { PutIRC("MODE " + pChan->GetName() + " " + sModes); } } } } return; // return so we don't send them the raw twice } case 375: // begin motd case 422: // MOTD File is missing m_pUser->ClearMotdBuffer(); case 372: // motd case 376: // end motd m_pUser->AddMotdBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; case 437: // :irc.server.net 437 * badnick :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable // :irc.server.net 437 mynick badnick :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable // :irc.server.net 437 mynick badnick :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel if (m_pUser->IsChan(sRest.Token(0)) || sNick != "*") break; case 432: // :irc.server.com 432 * nick :Erroneous Nickname: Illegal characters case 433: { CString sBadNick = sRest.Token(0); if (!m_bAuthed) { SendAltNick(sBadNick); return; } break; } case 451: // :irc.server.com 451 CAP :You have not registered // Servers that dont support CAP will give us this error, dont send it to the client if (sNick.Equals("CAP")) return; case 470: { // :irc.unreal.net 470 mynick [Link] #chan1 has become full, so you are automatically being transferred to the linked channel #chan2 // :mccaffrey.freenode.net 470 mynick #electronics ##electronics :Forwarding to another channel // freenode style numeric CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (!pChan) { // unreal style numeric pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sRest.Token(1)); } if (pChan) { pChan->Disable(); m_pUser->PutStatus("Channel [" + pChan->GetName() + "] is linked to " "another channel and was thus disabled."); } break; } } } else {
void CIRCSock::ReadLine(const CString& sData) { CString sLine = sData; sLine.TrimRight("\n\r"); DEBUG("(" << m_pNetwork->GetUser()->GetUserName() << "/" << m_pNetwork->GetName() << ") IRC -> ZNC [" << sLine << "]"); NETWORKMODULECALL(OnRaw(sLine), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, return); if (sLine.Equals("PING ", false, 5)) { // Generate a reply and don't forward this to any user, // we don't want any PING forwarded PutIRC("PONG " + sLine.substr(5)); return; } else if (sLine.Token(1).Equals("PONG")) { // Block PONGs, we already responded to the pings return; } else if (sLine.Equals("ERROR ", false, 6)) { //ERROR :Closing Link: nick[] (Excess Flood) CString sError(sLine.substr(6)); sError.TrimPrefix(); m_pNetwork->PutStatus("Error from Server [" + sError + "]"); return; } CString sCmd = sLine.Token(1); if ((sCmd.length() == 3) && (isdigit(sCmd[0])) && (isdigit(sCmd[1])) && (isdigit(sCmd[2]))) { CString sServer = sLine.Token(0).LeftChomp_n(); unsigned int uRaw = sCmd.ToUInt(); CString sNick = sLine.Token(2); CString sRest = sLine.Token(3, true); switch (uRaw) { case 1: { // :irc.server.com 001 nick :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nick if (m_bAuthed && sServer == "irc.znc.in") { // m_bAuthed == true => we already received another 001 => we might be in a traffic loop m_pNetwork->PutStatus("ZNC seems to be connected to itself, disconnecting..."); Quit(); return; } m_pNetwork->SetIRCServer(sServer); SetTimeout(540, TMO_READ); // Now that we are connected, let nature take its course PutIRC("WHO " + sNick); m_bAuthed = true; m_pNetwork->PutStatus("Connected!"); vector<CClient*>& vClients = m_pNetwork->GetClients(); for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vClients.size(); a++) { CClient* pClient = vClients[a]; CString sClientNick = pClient->GetNick(false); if (!sClientNick.Equals(sNick)) { // If they connected with a nick that doesn't match the one we got on irc, then we need to update them pClient->PutClient(":" + sClientNick + "!" + m_Nick.GetIdent() + "@" + m_Nick.GetHost() + " NICK :" + sNick); } } SetNick(sNick); NETWORKMODULECALL(OnIRCConnected(), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, NOTHING); m_pNetwork->ClearRawBuffer(); m_pNetwork->AddRawBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; } case 5: ParseISupport(sRest); m_pNetwork->UpdateExactRawBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; case 10: { // :irc.server.com 010 nick <hostname> <port> :<info> CString sHost = sRest.Token(0); CString sPort = sRest.Token(1); CString sInfo = sRest.Token(2, true).TrimPrefix_n(); m_pNetwork->PutStatus("Server [" + m_pNetwork->GetCurrentServer()->GetString(false) + "] redirects us to [" + sHost + ":" + sPort + "] with reason [" + sInfo + "]"); m_pNetwork->PutStatus("Perhaps you want to add it as a new server."); // Don't send server redirects to the client return; } case 2: case 3: case 4: case 250: // highest connection count case 251: // user count case 252: // oper count case 254: // channel count case 255: // client count case 265: // local users case 266: // global users m_pNetwork->UpdateRawBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; case 305: m_pNetwork->SetIRCAway(false); break; case 306: m_pNetwork->SetIRCAway(true); break; case 324: { // MODE sRest.Trim(); CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (pChan) { pChan->SetModes(sRest.Token(1, true)); // We don't SetModeKnown(true) here, // because a 329 will follow if (!pChan->IsModeKnown()) { // When we JOIN, we send a MODE // request. This makes sure the // reply isn't forwarded. return; } } } break; case 329: { sRest.Trim(); CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (pChan) { unsigned long ulDate = sLine.Token(4).ToULong(); pChan->SetCreationDate(ulDate); if (!pChan->IsModeKnown()) { pChan->SetModeKnown(true); // When we JOIN, we send a MODE // request. This makes sure the // reply isn't forwarded. return; } } } break; case 331: { // :irc.server.com 331 yournick #chan :No topic is set. CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sLine.Token(3)); if (pChan) { pChan->SetTopic(""); } break; } case 332: { // :irc.server.com 332 yournick #chan :This is a topic CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sLine.Token(3)); if (pChan) { CString sTopic = sLine.Token(4, true); sTopic.LeftChomp(); pChan->SetTopic(sTopic); } break; } case 333: { // :irc.server.com 333 yournick #chan setternick 1112320796 CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sLine.Token(3)); if (pChan) { sNick = sLine.Token(4); unsigned long ulDate = sLine.Token(5).ToULong(); pChan->SetTopicOwner(sNick); pChan->SetTopicDate(ulDate); } break; } case 352: { // :irc.yourserver.com 352 yournick #chan ident theirhost.com irc.theirserver.com theirnick H :0 Real Name sServer = sLine.Token(0); sNick = sLine.Token(7); CString sIdent = sLine.Token(4); CString sHost = sLine.Token(5); sServer.LeftChomp(); if (sNick.Equals(GetNick())) { m_Nick.SetIdent(sIdent); m_Nick.SetHost(sHost); } m_pNetwork->SetIRCNick(m_Nick); m_pNetwork->SetIRCServer(sServer); const vector<CChan*>& vChans = m_pNetwork->GetChans(); for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vChans.size(); a++) { vChans[a]->OnWho(sNick, sIdent, sHost); } break; } case 353: { // NAMES sRest.Trim(); // Todo: allow for non @+= server msgs CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sRest.Token(1)); // If we don't know that channel, some client might have // requested a /names for it and we really should forward this. if (pChan) { CString sNicks = sRest.Token(2, true).TrimPrefix_n(); pChan->AddNicks(sNicks); } ForwardRaw353(sLine); // We forwarded it already, so return return; } case 366: { // end of names list m_pNetwork->PutUser(sLine); // First send them the raw // :irc.server.com 366 nick #chan :End of /NAMES list. CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (pChan) { if (pChan->IsOn()) { // If we are the only one in the chan, set our default modes if (pChan->GetNickCount() == 1) { CString sModes = pChan->GetDefaultModes(); if (sModes.empty()) { sModes = m_pNetwork->GetUser()->GetDefaultChanModes(); } if (!sModes.empty()) { PutIRC("MODE " + pChan->GetName() + " " + sModes); } } } } return; // return so we don't send them the raw twice } case 375: // begin motd case 422: // MOTD File is missing m_pNetwork->ClearMotdBuffer(); case 372: // motd case 376: // end motd m_pNetwork->AddMotdBuffer(":" + sServer + " " + sCmd + " ", " " + sRest); break; case 437: // :irc.server.net 437 * badnick :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable // :irc.server.net 437 mynick badnick :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable // :irc.server.net 437 mynick badnick :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel if (m_pNetwork->IsChan(sRest.Token(0)) || sNick != "*") break; case 432: // :irc.server.com 432 * nick :Erroneous Nickname: Illegal characters case 433: { CString sBadNick = sRest.Token(0); if (!m_bAuthed) { SendAltNick(sBadNick); return; } break; } case 451: // :irc.server.com 451 CAP :You have not registered // Servers that dont support CAP will give us this error, dont send it to the client if (sNick.Equals("CAP")) return; case 470: { // :irc.unreal.net 470 mynick [Link] #chan1 has become full, so you are automatically being transferred to the linked channel #chan2 // :mccaffrey.freenode.net 470 mynick #electronics ##electronics :Forwarding to another channel // freenode style numeric CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sRest.Token(0)); if (!pChan) { // unreal style numeric pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sRest.Token(1)); } if (pChan) { pChan->Disable(); m_pNetwork->PutStatus("Channel [" + pChan->GetName() + "] is linked to " "another channel and was thus disabled."); } break; } } } else { CNick Nick(sLine.Token(0).TrimPrefix_n()); sCmd = sLine.Token(1); CString sRest = sLine.Token(2, true); if (sCmd.Equals("NICK")) { CString sNewNick = sRest.TrimPrefix_n(); bool bIsVisible = false; vector<CChan*> vFoundChans; const vector<CChan*>& vChans = m_pNetwork->GetChans(); for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vChans.size(); a++) { CChan* pChan = vChans[a]; if (pChan->ChangeNick(Nick.GetNick(), sNewNick)) { vFoundChans.push_back(pChan); if (!pChan->IsDetached()) { bIsVisible = true; } } } // Todo: use nick compare function here if (Nick.GetNick().Equals(GetNick())) { // We are changing our own nick, the clients always must see this! bIsVisible = true; SetNick(sNewNick); } NETWORKMODULECALL(OnNick(Nick, sNewNick, vFoundChans), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, NOTHING); if (!bIsVisible) { return; } } else if (sCmd.Equals("QUIT")) { CString sMessage = sRest.TrimPrefix_n(); bool bIsVisible = false; // :[email protected] QUIT :message if (Nick.GetNick().Equals(GetNick())) { m_pNetwork->PutStatus("You quit [" + sMessage + "]"); // We don't call module hooks and we don't // forward this quit to clients (Some clients // disconnect if they receive such a QUIT) return; } vector<CChan*> vFoundChans; const vector<CChan*>& vChans = m_pNetwork->GetChans(); for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vChans.size(); a++) { CChan* pChan = vChans[a]; if (pChan->RemNick(Nick.GetNick())) { vFoundChans.push_back(pChan); if (!pChan->IsDetached()) { bIsVisible = true; } } } NETWORKMODULECALL(OnQuit(Nick, sMessage, vFoundChans), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, NOTHING); if (!bIsVisible) { return; } } else if (sCmd.Equals("JOIN")) { CString sChan = sRest.Token(0).TrimPrefix_n(); CChan* pChan; // Todo: use nick compare function if (Nick.GetNick().Equals(GetNick())) { m_pNetwork->AddChan(sChan, false); pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sChan); if (pChan) { pChan->ResetJoinTries(); pChan->Enable(); pChan->SetIsOn(true); PutIRC("MODE " + sChan); } } else { pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sChan); } if (pChan) { pChan->AddNick(Nick.GetNickMask()); NETWORKMODULECALL(OnJoin(Nick.GetNickMask(), *pChan), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, NOTHING); if (pChan->IsDetached()) { return; } } } else if (sCmd.Equals("PART")) { CString sChan = sRest.Token(0).TrimPrefix_n(); CString sMsg = sRest.Token(1, true).TrimPrefix_n(); CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sChan); bool bDetached = false; if (pChan) { pChan->RemNick(Nick.GetNick()); NETWORKMODULECALL(OnPart(Nick.GetNickMask(), *pChan, sMsg), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, NOTHING); if (pChan->IsDetached()) bDetached = true; } // Todo: use nick compare function if (Nick.GetNick().Equals(GetNick())) { m_pNetwork->DelChan(sChan); } /* * We use this boolean because * m_pNetwork->DelChan() will delete this channel * and thus we would dereference an * already-freed pointer! */ if (bDetached) { return; } } else if (sCmd.Equals("MODE")) { CString sTarget = sRest.Token(0); CString sModes = sRest.Token(1, true); if (sModes.Left(1) == ":") sModes = sModes.substr(1); CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sTarget); if (pChan) { pChan->ModeChange(sModes, &Nick); if (pChan->IsDetached()) { return; } } else if (sTarget == m_Nick.GetNick()) { CString sModeArg = sModes.Token(0); bool bAdd = true; /* no module call defined (yet?) MODULECALL(OnRawUserMode(*pOpNick, *this, sModeArg, sArgs), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), NULL, ); */ for (unsigned int a = 0; a < sModeArg.size(); a++) { const unsigned char& uMode = sModeArg[a]; if (uMode == '+') { bAdd = true; } else if (uMode == '-') { bAdd = false; } else { if (bAdd) { m_scUserModes.insert(uMode); } else { m_scUserModes.erase(uMode); } } } } } else if (sCmd.Equals("KICK")) { // :[email protected] KICK #chan nick :msg CString sChan = sRest.Token(0); CString sKickedNick = sRest.Token(1); CString sMsg = sRest.Token(2, true); sMsg.LeftChomp(); CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sChan); if (pChan) { NETWORKMODULECALL(OnKick(Nick, sKickedNick, *pChan, sMsg), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, NOTHING); // do not remove the nick till after the OnKick call, so modules // can do Chan.FindNick or something to get more info. pChan->RemNick(sKickedNick); } if (GetNick().Equals(sKickedNick) && pChan) { pChan->SetIsOn(false); // Don't try to rejoin! pChan->Disable(); } if ((pChan) && (pChan->IsDetached())) { return; } } else if (sCmd.Equals("NOTICE")) { // :[email protected] NOTICE #chan :Message CString sTarget = sRest.Token(0); CString sMsg = sRest.Token(1, true); sMsg.LeftChomp(); if (sMsg.WildCmp("\001*\001")) { sMsg.LeftChomp(); sMsg.RightChomp(); if (sTarget.Equals(GetNick())) { if (OnCTCPReply(Nick, sMsg)) { return; } } m_pNetwork->PutUser(":" + Nick.GetNickMask() + " NOTICE " + sTarget + " :\001" + sMsg + "\001"); return; } else { if (sTarget.Equals(GetNick())) { if (OnPrivNotice(Nick, sMsg)) { return; } } else { if (OnChanNotice(Nick, sTarget, sMsg)) { return; } } } if (Nick.GetNick().Equals(m_pNetwork->GetIRCServer())) { m_pNetwork->PutUser(":" + Nick.GetNick() + " NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMsg); } else { m_pNetwork->PutUser(":" + Nick.GetNickMask() + " NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMsg); } return; } else if (sCmd.Equals("TOPIC")) { // :[email protected] TOPIC #chan :This is a topic CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sLine.Token(2)); if (pChan) { CString sTopic = sLine.Token(3, true); sTopic.LeftChomp(); NETWORKMODULECALL(OnTopic(Nick, *pChan, sTopic), m_pNetwork->GetUser(), m_pNetwork, NULL, return); pChan->SetTopicOwner(Nick.GetNick()); pChan->SetTopicDate((unsigned long) time(NULL)); pChan->SetTopic(sTopic); if (pChan->IsDetached()) { return; // Don't forward this } sLine = ":" + Nick.GetNickMask() + " TOPIC " + pChan->GetName() + " :" + sTopic; } } else if (sCmd.Equals("PRIVMSG")) {
void Socket::OnNick() { SetNick(); }