コード例 #1
ファイル: client.cpp プロジェクト: jdewitt/Server
bool Client::OPCharCreate(char *name, CharCreate_Struct *cc)
	PlayerProfile_Struct pp;
	ExtendedProfile_Struct ext;
	Inventory inv;
	time_t bday = time(nullptr);
	char startzone[50]={0};
	uint32 i;
	struct in_addr	in;

	int stats_sum = cc->STR + cc->STA + cc->AGI + cc->DEX +
		cc->WIS + cc->INT + cc->CHA;

	in.s_addr = GetIP();
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Character creation request from %s LS#%d (%s:%d) : ", GetCLE()->LSName(), GetCLE()->LSID(), inet_ntoa(in), GetPort());
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Name: %s", name);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Race: %d  Class: %d  Gender: %d  Deity: %d  Start zone: %d",
		cc->race, cc->class_, cc->gender, cc->deity, cc->start_zone);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"STR  STA  AGI  DEX  WIS  INT  CHA    Total");
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"%3d  %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d     %3d",
		cc->STR, cc->STA, cc->AGI, cc->DEX, cc->WIS, cc->INT, cc->CHA,
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Face: %d  Eye colors: %d %d", cc->face, cc->eyecolor1, cc->eyecolor2);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Hairstyle: %d  Haircolor: %d", cc->hairstyle, cc->haircolor);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Beard: %d  Beardcolor: %d", cc->beard, cc->beardcolor);

	// Convert incoming cc_s to the new PlayerProfile_Struct
	memset(&pp, 0, sizeof(PlayerProfile_Struct));	// start building the profile


	strn0cpy(pp.name, name, 63);
	// clean the capitalization of the name
#if 0	// on second thought, don't - this will just make the creation fail
// because the name won't match what was already reserved earlier
	for (i = 0; pp.name[i] && i < 63; i++)
			return false;
		pp.name[i] = tolower(pp.name[i]);
	pp.name[0] = toupper(pp.name[0]);

	pp.race				= cc->race;
	pp.class_			= cc->class_;
	pp.gender			= cc->gender;
	pp.deity			= cc->deity;
	pp.STR				= cc->STR;
	pp.STA				= cc->STA;
	pp.AGI				= cc->AGI;
	pp.DEX				= cc->DEX;
	pp.WIS				= cc->WIS;
	pp.INT				= cc->INT;
	pp.CHA				= cc->CHA;
	pp.face				= cc->face;
	pp.eyecolor1		= cc->eyecolor1;
	pp.eyecolor2		= cc->eyecolor2;
	pp.hairstyle		= cc->hairstyle;
	pp.haircolor		= cc->haircolor;
	pp.beard			= cc->beard;
	pp.beardcolor		= cc->beardcolor;
	pp.drakkin_heritage		= cc->drakkin_heritage;
	pp.drakkin_tattoo		= cc->drakkin_tattoo;
	pp.drakkin_details		= cc->drakkin_details;
	pp.birthday		= bday;
	pp.lastlogin	= bday;
	pp.level			= 1;
	pp.points			= 5;
	pp.cur_hp			= 1000; // 1k hp during dev only
	//what was the point of this? zone dosent handle this:
	//pp.expAA			= 0xFFFFFFFF;

	pp.hunger_level = 6000;
	pp.thirst_level = 6000;

	// FIXME: FV roleplay, database goodness...

	// Racial Languages
	SetRacialLanguages( &pp );
	SetRaceStartingSkills( &pp );
	SetClassStartingSkills( &pp );

	for(i = 0; i < MAX_PP_SPELLBOOK; i++)
		pp.spell_book[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	for(i = 0; i < MAX_PP_MEMSPELL; i++)
		pp.mem_spells[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	for(i = 0; i < BUFF_COUNT; i++)
		pp.buffs[i].spellid = 0xFFFF;

	//If server is PVP by default, make all character set to it.
	pp.pvp = database.GetServerType() == 1 ? 1 : 0;

	// if there's a startzone variable put them in there
	if(database.GetVariable("startzone", startzone, 50))
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Found 'startzone' variable setting: %s", startzone);
		pp.zone_id = database.GetZoneID(startzone);
			database.GetSafePoints(pp.zone_id, 0, &pp.x, &pp.y, &pp.z);
			clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"Error getting zone id for '%s'", startzone);
	else	// otherwise use normal starting zone logic
		bool ValidStartZone = false;

		ValidStartZone = database.GetStartZone(&pp, cc);

			return false;

		pp.zone_id = 1;		// qeynos
		pp.x = pp.y = pp.z = -1;

		pp.binds[0].zoneId = pp.zone_id;
		pp.binds[0].x = pp.x;
		pp.binds[0].y = pp.y;
		pp.binds[0].z = pp.z;
		pp.binds[0].heading = pp.heading;

	// set starting city location to the initial bind point
	pp.binds[4] = pp.binds[0];

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Current location: %s  %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f",
		database.GetZoneName(pp.zone_id), pp.x, pp.y, pp.z, pp.heading);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Bind location: %s  %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f",
		database.GetZoneName(pp.binds[0].zoneId), pp.binds[0].x, pp.binds[0].y, pp.binds[0].z);

	// Starting Items inventory
	database.SetStartingItems(&pp, &inv, pp.race, pp.class_, pp.deity, pp.zone_id, pp.name, GetAdmin());

	// now we give the pp and the inv we made to StoreCharacter
	// to see if we can store it
	if (!database.StoreCharacter(GetAccountID(), &pp, &inv, &ext))
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"Character creation failed: %s", pp.name);
		return false;
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Character creation successful: %s", pp.name);
		return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: client.cpp プロジェクト: bwilliams1/Server
bool Client::OPCharCreate(char *name, CharCreate_Struct *cc)
	PlayerProfile_Struct pp;
	ExtendedProfile_Struct ext;
	Inventory inv;
	time_t bday = time(nullptr);
	char startzone[50]={0};
	uint32 i;
	struct in_addr in;

	int stats_sum = cc->STR + cc->STA + cc->AGI + cc->DEX + cc->WIS + cc->INT + cc->CHA;

	in.s_addr = GetIP();

	if(cc->face == 0 && cc->oldface > 0)
		cc->face = cc->oldface;

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Character creation request from %s LS#%d (%s:%d) : ", GetCLE()->LSName(), GetCLE()->LSID(), inet_ntoa(in), GetPort());
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Name: %s", name);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Race: %d  Class: %d  Gender: %d  Deity: %d  Start zone: %d",
		cc->race, cc->class_, cc->gender, cc->deity, cc->start_zone);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "STR  STA  AGI  DEX  WIS  INT  CHA    Total");
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "%3d  %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d  %3d     %3d",
		cc->STR, cc->STA, cc->AGI, cc->DEX, cc->WIS, cc->INT, cc->CHA,
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Face: %d  Eye colors: %d %d", cc->face, cc->eyecolor1, cc->eyecolor2);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Hairstyle: %d  Haircolor: %d", cc->hairstyle, cc->haircolor);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Beard: %d  Beardcolor: %d", cc->beard, cc->beardcolor);

	/* Validate the char creation struct */
		if(!CheckCharCreateInfo(cc)) {
			clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"CheckCharCreateInfo did not validate the request (bad race/class/stats)");
			return false;
	/* Convert incoming cc_s to the new PlayerProfile_Struct */
	memset(&pp, 0, sizeof(PlayerProfile_Struct));	// start building the profile

	strn0cpy(pp.name, name, 63);

	pp.race				= cc->race;
	pp.class_			= cc->class_;
	pp.gender			= cc->gender;
	pp.deity			= cc->deity;
	pp.STR				= cc->STR;
	pp.STA				= cc->STA;
	pp.AGI				= cc->AGI;
	pp.DEX				= cc->DEX;
	pp.WIS				= cc->WIS;
	pp.INT				= cc->INT;
	pp.CHA				= cc->CHA;
	pp.face				= cc->face;
	pp.eyecolor1		= cc->eyecolor1;
	pp.eyecolor2		= cc->eyecolor2;
	pp.hairstyle		= cc->hairstyle;
	pp.haircolor		= cc->haircolor;
	pp.beard			= cc->beard;
	pp.beardcolor		= cc->beardcolor;
	pp.birthday		= bday;
	pp.lastlogin	= bday;
	pp.level			= 1;
	pp.points			= 5;
	pp.cur_hp			= 1000; // 1k hp during dev only
	pp.hunger_level = 6000;
	pp.thirst_level = 6000;

	/* Set Racial and Class specific language and skills */

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_PP_REF_SPELLBOOK; i++)
		pp.spell_book[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	for(i = 0; i < MAX_PP_REF_MEMSPELL; i++)
		pp.mem_spells[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	for(i = 0; i < BUFF_COUNT; i++)
		pp.buffs[i].spellid = 0xFFFF;

	/* If server is PVP by default, make all character set to it. */
	pp.pvp = database.GetServerType() == 1 ? 1 : 0;

	// if there's a startzone variable put them in there
	if(database.GetVariable("startzone", startzone, 50))
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Found 'startzone' variable setting: %s", startzone);
		pp.zone_id = database.GetZoneID(startzone);
			database.GetSafePoints(pp.zone_id, 0, &pp.x, &pp.y, &pp.z);
			clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"Error getting zone id for '%s'", startzone);
	else	// otherwise use normal starting zone logic
		bool ValidStartZone = false;

		ValidStartZone = database.GetStartZone(&pp, cc);

			return false;

	/* just in case  */
	if (!pp.zone_id) {
		pp.zone_id = qeynos;
		pp.x = pp.y = pp.z = -1;

	if (!pp.binds[0].zoneId)
		pp.binds[0].zoneId = pp.zone_id;
		pp.binds[0].x = pp.x;
		pp.binds[0].y = pp.y;
		pp.binds[0].z = pp.z;
		pp.binds[0].heading = pp.heading;

	// set starting city location to the initial bind point
	pp.binds[4] = pp.binds[0];

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Current location: %s  %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f",
		database.GetZoneName(pp.zone_id), pp.x, pp.y, pp.z, pp.heading);
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Bind location: %s  %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f",
		database.GetZoneName(pp.binds[0].zoneId), pp.binds[0].x, pp.binds[0].y, pp.binds[0].z);

	/* Starting Items inventory */
	database.SetStartingItems(&pp, &inv, pp.race, pp.class_, pp.deity, pp.zone_id, pp.name, GetAdmin());

	// now we give the pp and the inv we made to StoreCharacter
	// to see if we can store it
	if (!database.StoreCharacter(GetAccountID(), &pp, &inv)) {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"Character creation failed: %s", pp.name);
		return false;
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Character creation successful: %s", pp.name);
	return true;