コード例 #1
bool CVehicle::ReadSpecialData ( void )
    // Grab the "posX" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posX", m_vecPosition.fX, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posX' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posY" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posY", m_vecPosition.fY, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posY' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posZ" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posZ", m_vecPosition.fZ, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posZ' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "rotX", "rotY" and "rotZ" data
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotX", m_vecRotationDegrees.fX, true );
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotY", m_vecRotationDegrees.fY, true );
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotZ", m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ, true );

    // Wrap them around 360
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fX = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fX, 360.0f );
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fY = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fY, 360.0f );
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ, 360.0f );

    // Set the respawn matrix
    SetRespawnPosition ( m_vecPosition );
    SetRespawnRotationDegrees ( m_vecRotationDegrees );

    // Grab the "model" data
    int iTemp;
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "model", iTemp, true ) )
        // Is it valid?
        if ( CVehicleManager::IsValidModel ( iTemp ) )
            // Remember it and generate a new random color
            m_usModel = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );
            m_Color = RandomizeColor ();
            GetInitialDoorStates ( m_ucDoorStates );

            m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad 'model'(%d) id specified in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", iTemp, m_uiLine );
            return false;
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'model' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "turretX" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "turretX", m_fTurretPositionX, true ) )
        m_fTurretPositionX = ConvertDegreesToRadians ( m_fTurretPositionX );

    // Grab the "turretY" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "turretY", m_fTurretPositionY, true ) )
        m_fTurretPositionY = ConvertDegreesToRadians ( m_fTurretPositionY );

    // Grab the "health" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "health", m_fHealth, true ) )
        if ( m_fHealth < 0.0f )
            m_fHealth = 0.0f;

    // Grab the "Sirens" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "sirens", m_bSirenActive, true ) )
        m_bSirenActive = false;

    // Grab the "landingGearDown" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "landingGearDown", m_bLandingGearDown, true ) )
        m_bLandingGearDown = true;

    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "locked", m_bLocked, true ) )
        m_bLocked = false;

    // Grab the "specialState" data
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "specialState", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usAdjustableProperty = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );
        m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;

    // Grab the "color" data
    char szTemp [ 256 ];
    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "color", szTemp, 256, true ) )
        char* sz1 = strtok ( szTemp, "," );
        char* sz2 = strtok ( NULL, "," );
        char* sz3 = strtok ( NULL, "," );
        char* sz4 = strtok ( NULL, "," );
        if ( sz1 )
            m_Color.SetColor1 ( atoi ( sz1 ) );
        if ( sz2 )
            m_Color.SetColor2 ( atoi ( sz2 ) );
        if ( sz3 )
            m_Color.SetColor3 ( atoi ( sz3 ) );
        if ( sz4 )
            m_Color.SetColor4 ( atoi ( sz4 ) );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "paintjob", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucPaintjob = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "upgrades", szTemp, 256, true ) )
        if ( m_pUpgrades )
            if ( strcmp ( szTemp, "all" ) == 0 )
                m_pUpgrades->AddAllUpgrades ();
                bool bTemp = true;
                while ( char* token = strtok ( ( bTemp ) ? szTemp : NULL, "," ) )
                    bTemp = false;
                    unsigned short usUpgrade = static_cast < unsigned short > ( atoi ( token ) );
                    if ( CVehicleUpgrades::IsValidUpgrade ( usUpgrade ) )
                        m_pUpgrades->AddUpgrade ( usUpgrade );

    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "plate", szTemp, 9, true ) )
        SetRegPlate ( szTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "interior", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucInterior = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "dimension", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usDimension = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CVehicle.cpp プロジェクト: vvc/mtasa-blue
bool CVehicle::ReadSpecialData ( void )
    // Grab the "posX" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posX", m_vecPosition.fX, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posX' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posY" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posY", m_vecPosition.fY, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posY' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posZ" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posZ", m_vecPosition.fZ, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posZ' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "rotX", "rotY" and "rotZ" data
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotX", m_vecRotationDegrees.fX, true );
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotY", m_vecRotationDegrees.fY, true );
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotZ", m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ, true );

    // Wrap them around 360
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fX = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fX, 360.0f );
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fY = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fY, 360.0f );
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ, 360.0f );

    // Set the respawn matrix
    SetRespawnPosition ( m_vecPosition );
    SetRespawnRotationDegrees ( m_vecRotationDegrees );

    // Grab the "model" data
    int iTemp;
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "model", iTemp, true ) )
        // Is it valid?
        if ( CVehicleManager::IsValidModel ( iTemp ) )
            // Remember it and generate a new random color
            SetModel ( static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp ) );

            m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad 'model'(%d) id specified in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", iTemp, m_uiLine );
            return false;
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'model' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the variant data
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "variant1", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucVariant = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "variant2", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucVariant2 = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );
    if ( m_ucVariant == 254 && m_ucVariant2 == 254 )
        CVehicleManager::GetRandomVariation ( m_usModel, m_ucVariant, m_ucVariant2 );

    // Grab the "turretX" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "turretX", m_fTurretPositionX, true ) )
        m_fTurretPositionX = ConvertDegreesToRadians ( m_fTurretPositionX );

    // Grab the "turretY" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "turretY", m_fTurretPositionY, true ) )
        m_fTurretPositionY = ConvertDegreesToRadians ( m_fTurretPositionY );

    // Grab the "health" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "health", m_fHealth, true ) )
        if ( m_fHealth < 0.0f )
            m_fHealth = 0.0f;

    // Grab the "Sirens" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "sirens", m_bSirenActive, true ) )
        m_bSirenActive = false;

    // Grab the "landingGearDown" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "landingGearDown", m_bLandingGearDown, true ) )
        m_bLandingGearDown = true;

    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "locked", m_bLocked, true ) )
        m_bLocked = false;

    // Grab the "specialState" data
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "specialState", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usAdjustableProperty = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );
        m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;

    // Grab the "color" data
    char szTemp [ 256 ];
    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "color", szTemp, 256, true ) )
        uchar ucValues[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        char* sz1 = strtok ( szTemp, ", " );
        if ( sz1 )
            ucValues[0] = atoi ( sz1 );

        int i;
        for ( i = 1 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
            char* szn =  strtok ( NULL, ", " );
            if ( !szn )
            ucValues[i] = atoi ( szn );

        if ( i == 3 || i == 6 || i == 9 || i == 12 )
            m_Color.SetRGBColors (  SColorRGBA ( ucValues[0], ucValues[1], ucValues[2], 0 ),
                                    SColorRGBA ( ucValues[3], ucValues[4], ucValues[5], 0 ),
                                    SColorRGBA ( ucValues[6], ucValues[7], ucValues[8], 0 ),
                                    SColorRGBA ( ucValues[9], ucValues[10], ucValues[11], 0 ) );
            m_Color.SetPaletteColors ( ucValues[0], ucValues[1], ucValues[2], ucValues[3] );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "paintjob", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucPaintjob = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "upgrades", szTemp, 256, true ) )
        if ( m_pUpgrades )
            if ( strcmp ( szTemp, "all" ) == 0 )
                m_pUpgrades->AddAllUpgrades ();
                bool bTemp = true;
                while ( char* token = strtok ( ( bTemp ) ? szTemp : NULL, ", " ) )
                    bTemp = false;
                    unsigned short usUpgrade = static_cast < unsigned short > ( atoi ( token ) );
                    if ( CVehicleUpgrades::IsValidUpgrade ( usUpgrade ) )
                        m_pUpgrades->AddUpgrade ( usUpgrade );

    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "plate", szTemp, 9, true ) )
        SetRegPlate ( szTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "interior", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucInterior = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "dimension", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usDimension = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );

    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "collisions", m_bCollisionsEnabled, true ) )
        m_bCollisionsEnabled = true;

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "alpha", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucAlpha = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    bool bFrozen;
    if ( GetCustomDataBool ( "frozen", bFrozen, true ) )
        m_bIsFrozen = bFrozen;

    return true;