コード例 #1
ファイル: CharManager_Generate.cpp プロジェクト: gthgame/gth
void	FX_CCharManager::GenerateMyCharacter ()
	Fx_CHARACTER_t	*pNewChar;
	int		itemTableIdx, itemIdx;

	pNewChar	=	&m_Characters [0];

	if( pNewChar->isTransform ) return;

	SetDefaultCharacter ( 0 );

	pNewChar->equipNumber	=	0;
	for	(	int	i	=	0;	\
				i	<	EQUIP_RING;	\
				i++		)
		if	(	g_cgv.myCharacterInfo ->equipment [i]	==	-1	)		continue;
		if( g_cgv.myCharacterInfo->curWeapon == 0 && i == EQUIP_WEAPON_2 ) continue;
		if( g_cgv.myCharacterInfo->curWeapon == 1 && i == EQUIP_WEAPON_1 ) continue;
		itemIdx = g_cgv.myCharacterInfo->equipment[i];
		if( !GTH_CheckRequire( g_cgv.myCharacterInfo, 0, &g_cgv.myCharacterInfo->item[itemIdx] ) ) continue;

		itemTableIdx	=	g_cgv.myCharacterInfo ->item [g_cgv.myCharacterInfo ->equipment [i]].itemTableIdx;
		pNewChar ->equipment [pNewChar ->equipNumber]	=	itemTableIdx;
		pNewChar ->equipNumber++;

	EquipAllItem (0);

	int tableIdx, mainClass, attackAni = 0;

	tableIdx = pNewChar->tableIdx;

	if ( pNewChar->equipNumber > 0 )
		itemIdx = pNewChar->equipment[0];
		mainClass = g_itemTable[itemIdx].classIdx;
		if ( g_itemClassTable[mainClass].attackAtt )
			attackAni = g_itemTable[itemIdx].attackAni[tableIdx];
	if( attackAni != pNewChar->ani_curItemSetIndex )
		GTH_ChangeAnimation( pNewChar, pNewChar->ani_curSetType,
		pNewChar->ani_curSetID, true, NULL, true );

	CheckAuraExist (0);

	UpdateSysVBInfo ();

	UpdateCharacterState ();

	SetTargetID ();
コード例 #2
ファイル: CharManager_Generate.cpp プロジェクト: gthgame/gth
void	FX_CCharManager::GenerateOtherCharacter	(	int	iCharID	)
	Fx_CHARACTER_t	*pNewChar;

	pNewChar	=	&m_Characters [iCharID];
	SetDefaultCharacter ( iCharID );

	EquipAllItem (iCharID);
	CheckAuraExist (iCharID);

	UpdateSysVBInfo ();

	UpdateCharacterState ();

	SetTargetID ();
コード例 #3
ファイル: AIStrategy.cpp プロジェクト: beorc/flare_star
bool AIStrategy::Parse(TiXmlElement* xml)
	if (xml == 0)
		return false; // file could not be opened

	//const char *str;	

	// parse the file until end reached

	//str = xml->Value();

	int res,val;

	res = xml->QueryIntAttribute("target_id", &val);
	if (TIXML_SUCCESS==res)

	return TIXML_SUCCESS==res;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CharManager_Generate.cpp プロジェクト: gthgame/gth
void	FX_CCharManager::GenerateCharacter	(	syncCharacter_t	*data,
												int				numData		)

	Fx_CHARACTER_t	*pNewChar;
	int				backupIdx;
	float			distance;
	int				index,	subindex,	k;
	int				aniSetIndex = 0;

	bool	flagBackupChecked [MAX_CHAR_A_SCENE];
	memset ( flagBackupChecked, 0, sizeof(bool) * MAX_CHAR_A_SCENE );

	memcpy( m_CharactersBackup, m_Characters, sizeof(Fx_CHARACTER_t) * m_iNumCharacters	);
	m_iNumBackupCharacters	=	m_iNumCharacters;	
	memset	(	m_Characters, 0, sizeof (Fx_CHARACTER_t) * MAX_CHAR_A_SCENE	);

	m_iNumCharacters	=	numData;

	for	(	index	=	0;	\
			index	<	numData;	\
			++index,	++data	)
		pNewChar		=	&m_Characters[ index ];
		pNewChar->ID	=	index;

		for	(	subindex	=	0;	\
				subindex	<	m_iNumBackupCharacters;	\
				++subindex	)
			if	(	m_CharactersBackup[ subindex ].idxOnServer	==	data->idxOnServer	&&
					m_CharactersBackup[ subindex ].entityType	==	data->entityType	)
				flagBackupChecked[ subindex ]	=	true;

		if	(	subindex	>=	m_iNumBackupCharacters	) 
			backupIdx	=	-1;
			backupIdx	=	subindex;

		if	(	backupIdx	==	-1	)		 
			SetInitialDataForNewChar( pNewChar, data );
			if	(	pNewChar->entityType	==	ENTITY_PC	)
				pNewChar->isTransform			=	data->isTransform;
				pNewChar->transformEntityIdx	=	data->transformEntityIdx;
				pNewChar->transformType			=	data->transformType;

				if	(	! data->isTransform	)
					SetPCSpecificDataNormal( pNewChar, data );
					SetPCSpecificDataTransform( pNewChar, data );

				pNewChar->chaosPoint		=	data->chaosPoint;		
				pNewChar->pvpMode			=	data->pvpMode;			
				pNewChar->generalSpeed		=	data->generalSpeed;
			else if	(	pNewChar->entityType	==	ENTITY_MONSTER	||
						pNewChar->entityType	==	ENTITY_NPC	)
				SetNonPCSpecificData( pNewChar, data );

			pNewChar->stat_height	=	GetInitialHeight( pNewChar, pNewChar->ani_curIdx ) * pNewChar->stat_scale;
			pNewChar->attr_tall		=	GetInitialTall	( pNewChar, pNewChar->ani_curIdx ) * pNewChar->stat_scale;
			pNewChar->stat_radius	=	GetInitialRadius( pNewChar, pNewChar->ani_curIdx ) * pNewChar->stat_scale;

			CheckNewAddedEffect( pNewChar, data );

			pNewChar->ren_generalSpeed	=	100.0f;
			SetCharacterSpeed( pNewChar, (float)data->generalSpeed );

			CheckNewCreature( pNewChar, data );
			data->position[ 2 ]	=	g_move->GetHeight( data->position );

			memcpy( pNewChar, &m_CharactersBackup[ backupIdx ], sizeof(Fx_CHARACTER_t) );
			pNewChar->ID	=	index;

			SetInitialDataForExistChar( pNewChar, data );

			if (pNewChar->entityType == ENTITY_PC)
				if( data->isTransform != pNewChar->isTransform )
					pNewChar->isTransform			=	data->isTransform;
					pNewChar->transformEntityIdx	=	data->transformEntityIdx;
					pNewChar->transformType			=	data->transformType;

					if	(	! data->isTransform		)
						pNewChar->attr_skelID	=	m_pCharLookupMng->GetBoneIDFromTable( ENTITY_PC, pNewChar->tableIdx );

						SetPCSpecificDataNormal( pNewChar, data );
						SetPCSpecificDataTransform( pNewChar, data );

					pNewChar->stat_height	=	GetInitialHeight	( pNewChar,	pNewChar->ani_curIdx ) * pNewChar->stat_scale;
					pNewChar->attr_tall		=	GetInitialTall		( pNewChar,	pNewChar->ani_curIdx ) * pNewChar->stat_scale;
					pNewChar->stat_radius	=	GetInitialRadius	( pNewChar,	pNewChar->ani_curIdx ) * pNewChar->stat_scale;
					if	(	! data->isTransform	)
						pNewChar->equipNumber	=	data->equipNumber;
						for	(	k	=	0;	\
								k	<	pNewChar->equipNumber;	\
								++k		)
							pNewChar->equipment[ k ]	=	data->equipment[ k ];



						SetDefaultCharacter( index );
						EquipAllItem( index );
				pNewChar->chaosPoint		=	data->chaosPoint;		
				pNewChar->pvpMode			=	data->pvpMode;			
				pNewChar->generalSpeed		=	data->generalSpeed;

			pNewChar -> useInterpolation	=	false;
			if	(	pNewChar->idxOnServer	==	g_cgv.myPCIdxOnServer	&&
					pNewChar->entityType	==	ENTITY_PC	)
				VectorCopy( pNewChar->syncPosition, data->position );
				distance	=	GTH_GetDistance2D( data->position, pNewChar->position );
				if	(	distance	>	100		)
					VectorCopy( pNewChar->position, data->position	);
					VectorCopy( pNewChar->syncPosition, data->position	);
					VectorCopy( pNewChar->syncPosition, data->position );
					pNewChar->useInterpolation	=	true;

				pNewChar->event	=	data->event;
				VectorCopy( pNewChar->angles,	data->angles	);
				pNewChar->mouseAngle = data->angles[YAW];

			pNewChar->boothState = data->boothState;
			if( data->boothState == 2 )
				strcpy( pNewChar->boothName, data->boothName );

			GenerateCharacterAffect( pNewChar, data->numStaticEffects, data->staticEffectIndex );
			SetCharacterSpeed ( pNewChar, (float)data ->generalSpeed );

			pNewChar->bHide = false;
			for( int p = 0; p < data->numStaticEffects; p++ )
				if( data->staticEffectIndex[p] == 44 )
					pNewChar->bHide = true;

		if (pNewChar->entityType == ENTITY_PC)
			pNewChar->skinPart[0] = data->skinPart[0]; 
			pNewChar->skinPart[1] = data->skinPart[1]; 

			pNewChar->m_bWaitingRoom = data->waitingRoom;
			pNewChar->m_JoinNum = data->joinNum;
			pNewChar->m_NameColorIdx = data->nameColorIdx;

		if	(	pNewChar->curRA	>	0	)
			pNewChar->isAlive	=	true;
			pNewChar->isAlive	=	false;

		CheckAuraExist( index );
		pNewChar->SetupVectors ();

	for	(	index	=	0;	\
			index	<	m_iNumBackupCharacters;	\
			++index		)
		if	(	flagBackupChecked [index]	)	continue;

		Fx_CHARACTER_t	*backup;
		backup	=	&m_CharactersBackup [index];

		for	(	int	subindex	=	0;	\
					subindex	<	backup ->ren_numStaticEffects;	\
					++subindex	)
			int	effectEntityIndex	=	backup ->ren_staticEffectEntityIndex [subindex];
			if	(	effectEntityIndex	>=	0	)
				g_effectMng ->Delete ( effectEntityIndex );

	UpdateSysVBInfo ();
	UpdateCharacterState ();
	FixCharacterPosition ();

	SetTargetID ();