コード例 #1
void MyFrame::Test_AbsoluteLayout( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "AbsoluteLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new AbsoluteLayout() );

	Component* c1 = CreateComp( "Hello1" );

	c1->setLocation( 100, 30 );

	Component* c2 = CreateComp( "Hello2" );

	c2->setLocation( 30, 120 );

	Component* c3 = CreateComp( "Hello3" );

	c3->setLocation( 230, 200 );

	parent->add( c1 );
	parent->add( c2 );
	parent->add( c3 );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #2
void MyFrame::Test_GridBagLayout_2( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "GridBagLayout-2" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	GridBagConstraints c;
	c.fill = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	c.weightx = 1.0;
	c.weighty = 1.0;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;

	parent->add( MakeButton( "Hi" ), &c );

	Container* panel = new Container();

	c.weighty = 0.0;
	parent->add( panel, &c );

	panel->setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

	for( int i = 0;i != 5; ++i )

		panel->add( MakeButton( "Button" + IntToStr(i) ) );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #3
ファイル: regexTest.cpp プロジェクト: benpayne/jhcommon
	RegexParseTest( int number ) : 
		TestCase( "RegexParseTest" ), mTestNum( number ) 
		char name[ 32 ];
		snprintf( name, 32, "RegexParseTest%d", number );
		name[ 31 ] = '\0';
		SetTestName( name );	
コード例 #4
void MyFrame::Test_GridBagLayout_1( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "GridBagLayout-1" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	GridBagConstraints c;

	// this code is taken from java.awt.GridBagLayout test-sample    //
	// found in JDK1.1 docs, and adapted for C++ version Serves as a //
	// test for complience with behaviour of actual java classes     //

	c.fill = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	c.weightx = 1.0;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button1" ), &c );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button2" ), &c );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button3" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER; //end row
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button4" ), &c );

	c.weightx = 0.0;                  //reset to the default
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button5" ), &c ); //another row

	// Slight-INCOMPATIBILITY:: actually gridwidth of "Button6" should be 
	// defined as "c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;"
	// THE HACK:: we set gridwidth to 3 instead of REMAINDER
	// FIXME:: the behaviour of AWT is not simulated completely at this point...

	c.gridwidth = 3; //next-to-last in row
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button6" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER; //end row
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button7" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = 1;                //reset to the default
	c.gridheight = 2;
	c.weighty = 1.0;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button8" ), &c );

	c.weighty = 0.0;                  //reset to the default
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER; //end row
	c.gridheight = 1;               //reset to the default
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button9" ), &c );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Button10" ), &c );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #5
	void TestType::Test<4>()
		SetTestName(L"Test 4");

		file_.AddFile(10, _T("ReadMe.txt"));
		file_.AddFile(11, _T("CustomFileImpl.h"));

		const custom_file::FileInfoPtr &file = file_.GetData(10);
		Ensure(file->gid_ == 10, _T("GID"));

		const custom_file::FileInfoPtr &file1 = file_.GetData(11);
		Ensure(file1->gid_ == 11, _T("GID"));
コード例 #6
ファイル: selectorTest.cpp プロジェクト: benpayne/jhcommon
SelectorTest::SelectorTest( Selector *s ) : TestCase( "SelectorTest" ),
	mSelector( s )
	SetTestName( "File Events" );
	int res = pipe( mPipe );
	if ( res != 0 )
		LOG_ERR_FATAL( "failed to create pipe" );

	other = jh_new OtherListenerClass( mPipe[ 0 ], 11, this );
	mSelector->addListener( mPipe[ 0 ], POLLIN, this, 10 );
	mSelector->addListener( mPipe[ 0 ], POLLIN, other, 11 );
コード例 #7
void MyFrame::Test_BoxLayout_horiz( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "BoxLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new BoxLayout( parent, BoxLayout::X_AXIS ) );

	for( int i = 0; i != 5; ++i )

		parent->add( CreateComp( "Item" + IntToStr(i) ) );

	DoPack( parent );
コード例 #8
	void TestType::Test<3>()
		SetTestName(L"Test 3");

		file_.AddFile(10, _T("ReadMe.txt"));
		file_.AddFile(11, _T("CustomFileImpl.h"));
		file_.AddFile(12, _T("CustonFileFormat.vcproj"));

		file_.ModifyFile(10, _T("stdafx.cpp"));
		Ensure(file_.GetFilesInfo().find(10) != file_.GetFilesInfo().end());

		file_.ModifyFile(11, _T("ReadMe.txt"));
		Ensure(file_.GetFilesInfo().find(11) != file_.GetFilesInfo().end());
コード例 #9
ファイル: selectorTest.cpp プロジェクト: benpayne/jhcommon
EventTest::EventTest( Selector *s, int number ) : TestCase( "EventTest" ), 
	mTestNum( number ), mSelector( s )
	switch( number )
		case 1:
			SetTestName( "Async Event" );
		case 2:
			SetTestName( "Sync Event" );
		case 3:
			SetTestName( "Sync Event with return" );

	mEvent1Handler = jh_new EventMethod<EventTest,Event1>(
		this, &EventTest::ProcessFunc1, mSelector );
	mEvent2Handler = jh_new EventMethod<EventTest,Event2>(
		this, &EventTest::ProcessFunc2, mSelector );
	mEvent3Handler = jh_new EventMethod<EventTest,Event3>(
		this, &EventTest::ProcessFunc3, mSelector );

コード例 #10
void MyFrame::Test_FlowLayout( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "FlowLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout::CENTER, mCfg.mHgap, mCfg.mVgap ) );

	for( int i = 0; i != 5; ++i )

		parent->add( CreateComp( "Item" + IntToStr(i) ) );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #11
void MyFrame::Test_BoxLayout_vert( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "BoxLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new BoxLayout( parent, BoxLayout::Y_AXIS ) );

	for( int i = 0; i != 5; ++i )

		parent->add( CreateComp( "Item" + IntToStr(i) ) );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #12
void MyFrame::Test_CardLayout( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "CardLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new CardLayout() );

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Card1" ), (Object*)new String("1") );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Card2" ), (Object*)new String("2") );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Card3" ), (Object*)new String("3") );
	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #13
	void TestType::Test<2>()
		SetTestName(L"Test 2");

		file_.AddFile(10, _T("ReadMe.txt"));
		file_.AddFile(11, _T("CustomFileImpl.h"));
		file_.AddFile(12, _T("CustonFileFormat.vcproj"));

		EnsureLessEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 2, L"删除掉一个");

		EnsureLessEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 1, L"删除掉两个");

		EnsureLessEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 0, L"删除掉三个");
コード例 #14
void MyFrame::Test_GridLayout( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "GridLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new GridLayout( mCfg.mRowCount, mCfg.mColCount,
									   mCfg.mHgap, mCfg.mVgap ) );

	for( int i = 0; i != mCfg.mRowCount * mCfg.mColCount - 1; ++i )

		parent->add( CreateComp( "Item" + IntToStr(i) ) );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #15
	void TestType::Test<1>()
		SetTestName(L"Test 1");

		file_.AddFile(10, _T("ReadMe.txt"));
		EnsureEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 1, L"ReadMe.txt");

		file_.AddFile(11, _T("CustomFileImpl.h"));
		EnsureEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 2, L"CustomFileImpl.h");

		file_.AddFile(12, _T("CustonFileFormat.vcproj"));
		EnsureEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 3, L"CustonFileFormat.vcproj");

		file_.AddFile(14, _T("CustonFileFormat.cpp"));
		EnsureEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 4, L"CustonFileFormat.cpp");

		file_.AddFile(13, _T("CustomFileSerialize.h"));	
		EnsureEqual(file_.GetIndex().size(), 5, L"CustomFileSerialize.h");
コード例 #16
void MyFrame::Test_BorderLayout( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "BorderLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new BorderLayout( mCfg.mHgap, mCfg.mVgap ) );

	Component* north  = CreateComp( "North"  );
	Component* south  = CreateComp( "South"  );
	Component* west   = CreateComp( "West"   );
	Component* east   = CreateComp( "East"   );
	Component* center = CreateComp( "Center" );

	parent->add( north,  BorderLayout::NORTH  );
	parent->add( south,  BorderLayout::SOUTH  );
	parent->add( west,   BorderLayout::WEST   );
	parent->add( east,   BorderLayout::EAST   );
	parent->add( center, BorderLayout::CENTER );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #17
void MyFrame::Test_All_1( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "Test_All_1" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	GridBagConstraints c;
	c.weightx   = 1.0;
	c.weighty   = 1.0;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;

	Container* sortPanel = MakeStaticBox( "Filtering options: (in GridBagLayout)" );

	Container* btnPanel = new Container();

	parent->add( sortPanel, &c );

	c.weighty   = 0.0;
	parent->add( btnPanel,  &c );

	btnPanel->setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
	btnPanel->setInsets( Insets( 10,10, 10,10 ) );

	btnPanel->add( MakeLabel( "Buttons:" ) );
	btnPanel->add( MakeButton( "&Apply" ) );
	btnPanel->add( MakeButton( "&Cancel" ) );
	btnPanel->add( MakeButton( "&Help" ) );
	btnPanel->add( MakeLabel( "in a FlowLayout" ) );

	SetCurrentContainer( sortPanel );

	sortPanel->setInsets( GetInsetsForStaticBox( sortPanel ) );

	// creating "Resolution" panel

	sortPanel->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	char* resValues[] = { "FIXED", "INVALID", "WONTFIX", "LATER", "REMIND", 
					      	"DUPLICATE", "WORKSFORME" };
	char* pltfValues[] = { "All", "DEC", "HP", "Macintosh", "PC", "SGI", "Sun", "Other" };

	char* opSysValues[] = { "All", "Windows 3.1", "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows NT", 
						    "Mac Sys7", "Mac Sys7.5", "Mac Sys7.6.1", "Mac Sys8.0",
						    "Mac Sys7", "Mac Sys8.5", "Mac Sys8.6",
						    "Aix", "BSD", "IRIX", "Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "OSF/1", "SOLARIS",
						    "SunOS", "Neutrino", "OS/2", "OpenVMS", "other" };

	char* compValues[] = { "Not applied", "wxGrid", "wxHTML", "wxMedia",
						   "wxLayout", "wxDialupManager", "wxFrameLayout" };

	char* severValues[] = { "Blocker", "Critical", "Major", "Minor",
						    "Trivial", "Enhancement", "Showstopper" };

	char* priValues[]   = { "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5" };

	int resCnt   = sizeof( resValues )   / sizeof(char*);
	int pltfCnt  = sizeof( pltfValues )  / sizeof(char*);
	int opSysCnt = sizeof( opSysValues ) / sizeof(char*);
	int compCnt  = sizeof( compValues  ) / sizeof(char*);
	int svrCnt   = sizeof( severValues ) / sizeof(char*);
	int priCnt   = sizeof( priValues   ) / sizeof(char*);

	c.weightx   = 1.0;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;

	c = GridBagConstraints(); // reset defauls
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	int rel = GridBagConstraints::RELATIVE;
	c.weightx = 1.0;
	c.insets.left = 2; c.insets.right = 2;

	c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 1;
	sortPanel->add( MakeListBox ( resValues, resCnt ),   &c ); c.gridx = 2; c.gridwidth = 2;
	sortPanel->add( MakeListBox ( severValues, svrCnt ), &c ); c.gridx = 4; c.gridwidth = 1;
	sortPanel->add( MakeListBox ( priValues, priCnt ),   &c );

	c.gridy = 3; c.gridx = 1; c.weighty = 1.0; c.gridwidth = 2;
	sortPanel->add( MakeListBox ( compValues, compCnt ), &c ); c.gridx = 3;
	sortPanel->add( MakeListBox ( pltfValues, pltfCnt ), &c ); c.gridwidth = 1;

	c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 1; c.weighty = 1.0; c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;
	sortPanel->add( MakeListBox ( opSysValues, opSysCnt ), &c );

	c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; c.gridheight = 1; c.weighty = 0.0;
	sortPanel->add( MakeCheckBox( "OpSys" ),      &c ); c.gridx = 1;
	sortPanel->add( MakeCheckBox( "Resolution" ), &c ); c.gridx = 2; c.gridwidth = 2;
	sortPanel->add( MakeCheckBox( "Severity" ),   &c ); c.gridx = 4; c.gridwidth = 0;
	sortPanel->add( MakeCheckBox( "Priority" ),   &c );

	c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 2; c.gridwidth = 2;
	sortPanel->add( MakeCheckBox( "Component" ), &c ); c.gridx = 3;
	sortPanel->add( MakeCheckBox( "Platform" ),  &c ); c.gridwidth = 0;

	Container* keywordsPanel = MakeStaticBox( "Contain Keywords: (in another grid-bag)" );
	keywordsPanel->setInsets( GetInsetsForStaticBox( keywordsPanel ) );

	c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 4; c.insets.top = 5;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER; c.weighty = 0.0;
	sortPanel->add( keywordsPanel, &c );

	keywordsPanel->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	SetCurrentContainer( keywordsPanel );

	c = GridBagConstraints(); // reset defauls
	c.anchor = GridBagConstraints::NORTHWEST;

	c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0;
	keywordsPanel->add( MakeRadioButton( "Up", TRUE ), &c );
	c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 1;
	keywordsPanel->add( MakeRadioButton( "Down" ), &c );

	c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 2;
	keywordsPanel->add( MakeRadioButton( "Start" ), &c );

	c.fill   = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 0; c.weightx = 1.0; c.weighty = 1.0; c.gridheight = 3; 
	keywordsPanel->add( MakeTextField( "p1, fixed, bcc" ), &c );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();
コード例 #18
void MyFrame::Test_All_2( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "Test_All_2" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	GridBagConstraints c;
	c.weightx   = 1.0;
	c.weighty   = 1.0;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;
	c.insets    = Insets( 5,10,2,10 );

	Container* imagePanel = new Container();

	parent->add( imagePanel, &c );

	imagePanel->setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

	for( int i = 0; i != 15; ++i )
		Component* pComp = MakeButton( "< " + IntToStr( i + 1 ) + " >" );
		pComp->setMinimumSize( Dimension( 60,60 ) );

		imagePanel->add( pComp );

	c.weighty   = 0.0;
	c.fill = GridBagConstraints::VERTICAL; c.insets.top = 2; 
	parent->add( MakeLabel( "---- Purchase A Fine Image Today -----" ), &c );

	c.insets.top = 5;
	c.fill = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;

	Container* infoPanel = MakeStaticBox( "" );
	Container* btnPanel  = new Container();

	parent->add( infoPanel, &c );
	parent->add( btnPanel,  &c );

	btnPanel->setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

	btnPanel->add( MakeButton( "&Purchase" ) );
	btnPanel->add( MakeButton( "&Cancel" ) );

	infoPanel->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	infoPanel->setInsets( GetInsetsForStaticBox( infoPanel ) );

	SetCurrentContainer( infoPanel );

	int rmd = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;

	c.insets = Insets( 5,5, 0,0 );
	c.fill = GridBagConstraints::HORIZONTAL;

	c.weightx = 0.0; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0;
	infoPanel->add( MakeLabel( "Name:" ), &c ); c.gridwidth = rmd; c.weightx = 1.0; c.gridwidth = 3;
	infoPanel->add( MakeTextField( "" ), &c );  c.gridwidth = 0;

	c.weightx = 0.0; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 1;
	infoPanel->add( MakeLabel( "Address:" ), &c ); c.gridwidth = rmd; c.weightx = 1.0; c.gridwidth = 3;
	infoPanel->add( MakeTextField( "" ), &c );  c.gridwidth = 0;

	c.weightx = 0.0; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 2;
	infoPanel->add( MakeLabel( "City:" ), &c ); c.weightx = 1.0;
	infoPanel->add( MakeTextField( "" ), &c );  c.weightx = 0.0;
	infoPanel->add( MakeLabel( "State:" ), &c ); 
	infoPanel->add( MakeTextField( "" ), &c );

	char* methods[] = { "Visa", "MasterCard", "Check" };

	c.weightx = 0.0; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 3;
	infoPanel->add( MakeLabel( "Payment:" ), &c ); c.weightx = 0.0;

	c.fill   = GridBagConstraints::NONE;
	c.anchor = GridBagConstraints::WEST;
	infoPanel->add( MakeComboBox( methods, sizeof(methods)/sizeof(char*) ), &c );
	// no auto-packing for this panel... 
	// (so many images in flow-layout may cause default width to be too big)

コード例 #19
void MyFrame::Test_GridBagLayout( wxCommandEvent& event )
	RemoveAll(); SetTestName( "GridBagLayout" );

	parent = new Container( this );
	SetCurrentContainer( parent );

	parent->setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );

	GridBagConstraints c;

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item1" ), &c );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item1-1" ), &c );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item1-2" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item2" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = 4;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item3" ), &c );

	//c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item1" ), &c );
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item1-2" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item2" ), &c );

	c.gridwidth = 1;

	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item3" ), &c );

	c.gridx = 0;
	c.gridy = 2;
	c.gridwidth = 4;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::NONE;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item4" ), &c );
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::NONE;

	c.gridx = 1;
	c.gridy = 1;
	c.gridwidth = 1;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item5" ), &c );
	c.gridwidth = 0;

	c.gridx = 0;
	c.gridy = 3;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item6" ), &c );

	c.gridx = 3;
	c.gridy = 1;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item7" ), &c );

	c.gridx = 5;
	c.gridy = 4;
	c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints::REMAINDER;
	c.fill      = GridBagConstraints::BOTH;
	parent->add( CreateComp( "Item8" ), &c );

	if ( mCfg.mAutoPack ) parent->pack();
				     else parent->doLayout();