コード例 #1
BOOL CRunHistoRange::CallIpp(BOOL bMessage)
   CParmHistoRangeDlg dlg(this);
   UpdateData(&dlg, FALSE);
   if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
      return FALSE;
   return TRUE;
bool AdaptiveHistogramCamshift::ToggleShowHistogram()
  if (!m_showHistogram)
  return m_showHistogram;
void AdaptiveHistogramCamshift::Init(const CvSize& frameSize,
                                     const InitParams& initParams)
  // Get frame size
  m_frameSize = frameSize;

  // Load init params.
  m_histDims = initParams.histDims;
  m_vMin = initParams.vMin;
  m_vMax = initParams.vMax;
  m_sMin = initParams.sMin;
  m_sBox = initParams.sBox;
  m_histRanges[0] = initParams.histRanges[0] * 0.5f;
  m_histRanges[1] = initParams.histRanges[1] * 0.5f;

  // Create histograms
  float* histRanges[2] = { &m_histRanges[0], &m_histRanges[1] };
  m_hist = cvCreateHist(1, &m_histDims, CV_HIST_ARRAY, histRanges, 1);
  m_histSubdiv = cvCreateHist(1, &m_histDims, CV_HIST_ARRAY, histRanges, 1);
  m_histTrackWnd = cvCreateHist(1, &m_histDims, CV_HIST_ARRAY, histRanges, 1);

  // Create images
  m_imgHue = cvCreateImage(m_frameSize, 8, 1);
  m_imgMask = cvCreateImage(m_frameSize, 8, 1);
  m_imgHSV = cvCreateImage(m_frameSize, 8, 3);
  m_imgBackproject = cvCreateImage(m_frameSize, 8, 1);

  // Create histogram image
  m_histImg = cvCreateImage( m_frameSize, 8, 3 );
  cvZero( m_histImg );

  // Show controlsGUI, backproject, histogram
  if (initParams.showControlsGUI)
  if (initParams.showBackproject)
  if (initParams.showHistogram)

  // Set initialized flag
  m_initialized = true;
void AdaptiveHistogramCamshift::AdaptHistogram(IplImage* hue, IplImage* mask, IplImage* out)
  // Prepare to analyze new track window
  const CvRect& updateHistRect = m_trackCompRect;

  // Now subdivide the track window and sum all pixels in each square
  // subdivision of size m_sBox using pixel values given by the
  // current hustogram.  When we are done, we will normalize the sum
  // from each subdivision and then be able to tell roughly how
  // similar each subregion is to the track histogram.

  // Make sure box size is greater than or equal to 2, and protect from
  // changes made in GUI
  const int sBox = std::max(m_sBox, 2);
  if (sBox != m_sBox)
    m_sBox = sBox;
    cvSetTrackbarPos(ControlNames[ControlName_SBox], m_controlsGUIWndName.c_str(), sBox);
  std::vector<float> subdivs;
  int numRows, numCols;
  SubdivideSumTrackWnd(sBox, &numRows, &numCols, &subdivs);

  // Check window is less than sBox in size.
  if (subdivs.empty())

  // Histogram for image subdivisions
  for (int i = 0; i < m_histDims; ++i)
    float *bin = cvGetHistValue_1D(m_histTrackWnd, i);
    *bin = 0;

  // Find the max vlaue of the subdivisions
  float maxVal = *std::max_element(subdivs.begin(), subdivs.end());;

  // DEBUG maxval
  //printf("maxVal: %f\n", maxVal);

  // Step through all subdivisions and weight them into a new histogram
  // if they are greater than minVal.  The weight function is r^2 where
  // r is the ratio of the subdivision value to the max subdivision
  // value.
  if (maxVal > 0)
    float minVal = maxVal * 0.125f;
    float* subdivsCur = &subdivs[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
      for (int j = 0; j < numCols; ++j, ++subdivsCur)
        // Create a box around this area
        CvPoint roiP1 = cvPoint(updateHistRect.x + sBox * j, updateHistRect.y + sBox * i);
        CvPoint roiP2 = cvPoint(roiP1.x + sBox, roiP1.y + sBox);

        if (*subdivsCur < minVal)
          if(*subdivsCur > (minVal * 0.0625))
            // Get ratio to max subdivision
            float ratioMaxSubdiv = *subdivsCur / maxVal;
            // Get color of surrounding box
            CvScalar boxColor = colors[GREEN];
            for (int colorInd = 0; colorInd < 3; ++colorInd)
              boxColor.val[colorInd] *= ratioMaxSubdiv;
            // Draw the box (darker green means less weight)
            if (out)
              cvRectangle(out, roiP1, roiP2, boxColor, 1);
            // Draw a red box around this subdivision since it is not used
            if (out)
              cvRectangle(out, roiP1, roiP2, colors[RED], 1 );
          // Get ratio to max subdivision
          float ratioMaxSubdiv = *subdivsCur / maxVal;
          // Get weight into histogram of track window
          float weightVal = ratioMaxSubdiv * ratioMaxSubdiv;

          // DEBUG weights
          //printf("w %d: %f\t", j, weightVal);

          // Get color of surrounding box
          CvScalar boxColor = colors[GREEN];
          for (int colorInd = 0; colorInd < 3; ++colorInd)
            boxColor.val[colorInd] *= ratioMaxSubdiv;
          // Draw the box (darker green means less weight)
          if (out)
            cvRectangle(out, roiP1, roiP2, boxColor, 1);

          // Weight this subdivision into the histogram for the track window
          CvRect thisSubdivRect = cvRect(roiP1.x, roiP1.y, sBox, sBox);
          cvSetImageROI(hue, thisSubdivRect);
          cvSetImageROI(mask, thisSubdivRect);
          cvCalcHist(&hue, m_histSubdiv, 0, mask);

          // Weight this into the track window histogram
          for (int binNum = 0; binNum < m_histDims; ++binNum)
            float* thisBin = cvGetHistValue_1D(m_histTrackWnd, binNum);
            *thisBin *= (1.0f - weightVal);
            *thisBin += static_cast<float>(cvGetReal1D(m_histSubdiv->bins, binNum)) * weightVal;
      // DEBUG weights
    // DEBUG weights

  // DEBUG histograms
  //printf("Wnd BEFORE WT\n");
  //for( int i = 0; i < m_histDims; i++ ) {
  //  float *bin = cvGetHistValue_1D( m_histTrackWnd, i );
  //  printf("%2d: %3.1f  ", i, *bin);
  //  if( 0 == (i+1) % 8 ) {
  //    printf("\n");
  //  }

  // Now scale track window histogram to tracking histogram scale
  float trackWndHistMaxVal;
  cvGetMinMaxHistValue(m_histTrackWnd, 0, &trackWndHistMaxVal, 0, 0);
  cvConvertScale(m_histTrackWnd->bins, m_histTrackWnd->bins,
                 trackWndHistMaxVal ? HIST_SCALE / trackWndHistMaxVal : 0., 0);

  // Use aging to weight track window histogram into tracking histogram
  float averageBin = 0;
  for (int binNum = 0; binNum < m_histDims; ++binNum)
    float* thisBin = cvGetHistValue_1D(m_hist, binNum);
    *thisBin *= (1.0f - (m_ageRatio / 100.0f));
    *thisBin += static_cast<float>(cvGetReal1D(m_histTrackWnd->bins, binNum)) *
                (m_ageRatio / 100.0f);
    averageBin += *thisBin;
  averageBin /= m_histDims;

  // DEBUG average bin
  //printf("Avg bin: %f.\n", averageBin);

  // See if this histogram is dying
  //if( averageBin < SMALLEST_AVG_HIST_BIN ) {
  //    cvConvertScale( m_hist->bins, m_hist->bins, SMALLEST_AVG_HIST_BIN / averageBin, 0 );

  // DEBUG averageBin
  //printf("Hist saved for average bin: %f\n", averageBin);

  // DEBUG track hist
  //for( int i = 0; i < m_histDims; i++ ) {
  //    float *bin = cvGetHistValue_1D( m_hist, i );
  //    printf("%2d: %3.1f  ", i, *bin);
  //    if( 0 == (i+1) % 8 ) {
  //        printf("\n");
  //    }

  // Now compute histogram image
  for (int i = 0; i < m_histDims; ++i)
    const double raw = cvGetReal1D(m_hist->bins, i) * (m_histImg->height / HIST_SCALE);
    const int val = cvRound(raw);
    CvScalar color = hsv2rgb((i * m_histRanges[1]) / m_histDims);
                cvPoint(i * m_binWidth, m_histImg->height),
                cvPoint((i + 1) * m_binWidth, m_histImg->height - val),
                color, -1, 8, 0);

  // Show histogram
  if (m_showHistogram)