コード例 #1
ファイル: Commands_Menu.cpp プロジェクト: 679565/SkyrimOnline
static bool Cmd_GetTileChildren_Execute(COMMAND_ARGS)
	if (!ExpressionEvaluator::Active())
		ShowRuntimeError(scriptObj, "GetTileChildren must be called within an OBSE expression.");
		return true;

	char buf[kMaxMessageLength] = { 0 };
	UInt32 arrID = g_ArrayMap.Create(kDataType_Numeric, true, scriptObj->GetModIndex());
	*result = arrID;

	Tile* tile = ExtractMenuComponent(PASS_COMMAND_ARGS, buf);
	if (tile)
		UInt32 idx = 0;
		for (Tile::RefList::Node* node = tile->childList.start; node && node->data; node = node->next)
			g_ArrayMap.SetElementString(arrID, idx, node->data->name.m_data);

	return true;
コード例 #2
static bool Cmd_GetEquippedItems_Execute(COMMAND_ARGS)
	if (!ExpressionEvaluator::Active())
		ShowRuntimeError(scriptObj, "GetEquippedItems must be called within the context of an OBSE expression");
		return false;

	// create temp array to hold the items
	UInt32 arrID = g_ArrayMap.Create(kDataType_Numeric, true, scriptObj->GetModIndex());
	*result = arrID;

	// get the items
	Actor* actor = OBLIVION_CAST(thisObj, TESObjectREFR, Actor);
	if (!actor)
		return true;

	EquippedItemsList eqItems = actor->GetEquippedItems();

	// store items in array
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < eqItems.size(); i++)
		g_ArrayMap.SetElementFormID(arrID, i, eqItems[i] ? eqItems[i]->refID : 0);

	return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Commands_Menu.cpp プロジェクト: 679565/SkyrimOnline
static bool Cmd_GetTileTraits_Execute(COMMAND_ARGS)
	if (!ExpressionEvaluator::Active())
		ShowRuntimeError(scriptObj, "GetTileTraits must be called within an OBSE expression.");
		return true;

	char buf[kMaxMessageLength] = { 0 };
	UInt32 arrID = g_ArrayMap.Create(kDataType_String, false, scriptObj->GetModIndex());
	*result = arrID;

	Tile* tile = ExtractMenuComponent(PASS_COMMAND_ARGS, buf);
	if (tile)
		for (Tile::ValueList::Node* node = tile->valueList.start; node && node->data; node = node->next)
			const char* traitName = Tile::StrIDToStr(node->data->id);
			if (node->data->bIsNum)
				g_ArrayMap.SetElementNumber(arrID, traitName, node->data->num);
				g_ArrayMap.SetElementString(arrID, traitName, node->data->str.m_data);

	return true;
コード例 #4
static bool Cmd_GetUsedPowers_Execute(COMMAND_ARGS)
	// returns an array of arrays:
	// Powers[n]["power"] := spellitem
	// Powers[n]["timer"] := seconds until power is usable again

	*result = 0;
	if (!ExpressionEvaluator::Active())
		ShowRuntimeError(scriptObj, "GetUsedPowers must be called within an OBSE expression.");
		return true;

	ArrayID arr = g_ArrayMap.Create(kDataType_Numeric, true, scriptObj->GetModIndex());
	*result = arr;

	Actor* actor = OBLIVION_CAST(thisObj, TESObjectREFR, Actor);
	if (!actor)
		return true;

	// populate the array
	UInt32 idx = 0;
	for (Actor::PowerListEntry* entry = &actor->greaterPowerList; entry && entry->data; entry = entry->next)
		ArrayID inner = g_ArrayMap.Create(kDataType_String, false, scriptObj->GetModIndex());
		g_ArrayMap.SetElementFormID(inner, "power", entry->data->power ? entry->data->power->refID : 0);
		g_ArrayMap.SetElementNumber(inner, "timer", entry->data->timer);
		g_ArrayMap.SetElementArray(arr, idx, inner);

	return true;